
Liberum Mundi

2800 years have passed since the Liberation Era, the missing millennia of humanity expanding into the world. 2200 years or so have passed since the end of the World Invasion, a world-scale attack launch by those despicable Owlians and their heretical science. 2100 or so years have passed since the Maryan Colonization, the imperial ambition of Maryan Remis' open rebellion led his army away to "modernised" the new world beyond the black line, the depths of Grinla, the frontiers of Hyuran, the skies beyond Aologi's space and many more which has not been named. 1900 years or so Maryan's colonisation brought upon a perfect stage for the 2 superpowers of the ancient to clash ideology in a war of guns before glory. To determine the path the world will take between Magic and science. 1700 years or so... ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ And soon, the time is now, not even a month has passed since the Aologi Empire's Civil War and subsequent destruction it brings to the ones before them. An enigma to even the Goddess and the unknown appeared late into the stage... "I wonder how will he fare in this world?" A certain lady peers deep into the shredded tome of knowledge.

Beltways · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
225 Chs

Seas, Sands, and Seasons. (Part 2)

Active streets, and busy citizens. People performing on the streets with instruments I never saw. Folk dancing with wonderful dresses and props. Smiles and joy are seen as far as the eyes can see and beyond till the walls over the tall buildings and some rounded roofs.

(It's so hard to believe that just moments ago, I was fighting for dear life).

With Saya who I'm still carrying on my back and Elizabeth whose guiding us to the stores to have a bit size free meals and tells us about the Turtle Sector while accompanying us to the guild.

Such as how the turtle family is actually quite young compared to the ancients. But not as young as the jaguars since they are created during Rucina's reign to guard his treasured tomes and scrolls so people could enjoy it. But, during the warring state after his death, many prince and princess stole and destroyed much of those tomes and scrolls to fill their ambitions and crush others. So the turtle family started to keep their knowledge secret and share it among their trusted aids to prevent any more leaks and losses.

"I never knew, each sector would have its own history... It's like each sector is its own country."

Elizabeth nods saying:

"Well, in all honesty, they are. Before Emperor Rucina united the whole frontier, they were all still tribes, independent states, cities, and kingdoms. That's why each sector has a different form of government. Such as how the Central Dragon is a monarchy while the turtles are a republic."


"You're actually listening pretty well. With this much noise. Oh right, you have good hearing."


"Good hearing... So just like me huh? Say how far can you hear?"

"Sure, let me see..."

Elizabeth asked me out of curiosity, so I try to focus and find Lin who goes the direct opposite of our direction. I soon realized I could discern the voices and realize Lin is far away inside some bazaar where she's buying meat.

"I could hear Lin's voice on the far east where she's buying grounded meat from some old lady."

"What!? Wait, keep listening and tell me what she orders next."

Elizabeth takes out a cube in her hand and taps it. The cube soon shines and I hear Lin changing orders to buy chest meat too.

"She's now ordering chest meat too."

"You gotta be kidding me! We're kilometres apart! And you can hear her voice in this mess!?"

I nod saying:


(Not only that, I think my hearing improves tremendously after I change. Back then, I could barely hear anything from few hundred meters now, I could hear kilometres apart).

"Scary isn't she? I don't think anyone can talk behind her back."

Saya comments next as she rests her head on my shoulder. Elizabeth sighs and waves her hand saying:

"Yeah, she's amazing. It's like she has the hearing that certain monster. I dare say just polish her hunting skills and we would never get ambushed. And a commoner to noble huh? Your story would really inspire the kids. So how did you do it?"

"Please, I'm not that great. Among all the ones I fought, I'm still weak and still lost a lot."

She pats my shoulder saying:

"Don't be so humble. You got looks and strength. And you're alive!"

"I don't know how that works but thanks I guess."

Elizabeth looks at the resting Saya saying:

"Haha! So... Saya, glad you got a proper work this time. Lin would miss you you know."

"Don't worry, if vacation comes. I'll come to visit sometimes. Like now."

"Oh yeah, you did say both of you just finished your mission. If you came much earlier and told me, we could celebrate on your new job."

Saya waves her hands saying:

"No point crying over spilt milk."

Elizabeth nods saying:

"True, hey, we're almost there. Look, you can see the building from here."

Elizabeth travels pass the crowds and points at the giant building ahead of us.


Though it may not be like the mountain citadel back at the border. This building is still grand nonetheless. They call the place a guild but it looks more like a dome fortress with twin huge towers, accompanied by projectile weapons and cannons on the walls and roof. Some hanging tower and hunters walking on the open terrace.

(This place is amazing!)

Elizabeth lead me by hand when the crowd gets thinner and thinner. We soon reach a giant tunnel, where hunters and normal citizens enter and leave. The tunnel's so big even three-story houses could fit in but there seems to be a giant steel cage above to block the tunnel. When I look lower I could see Gate Guards guarding the place and some are resting. Playing inside the small house near the gate as some watch outside and take turns. When we got close for the guards to notice us, Elizabeth just waves her hand at them and they wave back. We reach the entrance of the tunnel and the guard that wave back approach us saying:

"Welcome, Elizabeth! What brings you here?"

She pats Saya whose on my back saying:

"Oh, just guiding some friends."

The guards look at me saying:


He gets close to Elizabeth saying:


He looks at her with seriousness in his eyes before saying:

"PLEASE, introduce me to her."

He claps his hands and begs on his knees and continue shouting:

"Please! I'll eat at your stall for a decade straight if you do!"

Elizabeth shakes her head saying:

"Sheesh, aren't you desperate? Don't bother. She's out of your league, Qin."

He looks down with a face of someone who lost everything saying:

"I guess I'll be spending time alone this year as well."

Another guard approaches him and helps him up saying:

"Hey, you still got us, bro."

"It's not the same dammit! I want to do lovey-dovey things with girls!"

"The more desperate you are the less it will happen, c'mon don't block the way. I heard my friend's holding a mixer, maybe you can go there. Sorry, Elizabeth. Please enter."

The guard apologizes and brings the sobbing guard inside the small house. Elizabeth pushes us forward saying:

"C'mon, let's go."

I feel my heart rising as we approach the guild.

(Hunters guild. Last time I came there, it was not that great of an experience).

People pass us and I could see all kinds of hunters. From low till high, wearing simple to complicated and armour made from the parts and bits of monsters which seems pretty cool.

There are four wooden gates to enter and leave. As we enter one, Elizabeth hangs the door open for us and when we're in, she lets go and the door close by itself...

(So convenient! Can I have that for my room I wonder?)

Unlike the guild at Central, this place looks so much down to earth and pretty normal. No fancy chandelier, or decorations. No bullying and scary hunters. Just tables, chairs, boards filled with paper where people gather to drink and discuss. Reception desk where there are many people wearing the same clothes similar to Angie. There are many floors leading up while I could see someone looking down at us from the second floor.

"What's with your eyes? Is this the first time you've been in a guild?"

"No, I've been to Central's guild but I never really see it from the outside. So this is the first time I saw a guild from this view and something that doesn't look so expensive and fancy."

"Pff, hahaha! True! So you've been to the Central Guild huh? Hey, Sarah, how long are you gonna rest there?"

Sarah pats my shoulder saying:

"Okay fine. You can let me go now."

I kneel down and let Saya stand. She walks to Elizabeth saying:

"Alright, I guess I'll be meeting him for a while. Elizabeth, you don't mind if I leave Sova with for a while right?"

Elizabeth nods with a smile saying:

"Sure, just make sure you return quickly. I'm gonna find my hubby all the while."

I look at Elizabeth saying:

"Really!? Can you guide me to this place?"

She nods saying:

"Sure. But when it's come to guiding I know little, Sova."

Saya nods and walks to the reception leaving me and Elizabeth behind. I look at her waiting for her move. Elizabeth soon looks at me asking:

"So, what do you want to know first?"


I look around and see a place where hunters seem to be gathering and the guild staff bringing food and drinks to them. I point there asking:

"What about that place? Can you show me there?"

Elizabeth nods and holds her chin saying:

"Ah! Well, that's a weird place to start but why not. I'm sure hubby's there too."

We walk there alongside Elizabeth when one of the guild stuff saw her. She gets close and starts whispering:

"Eli-Jie, Shanwei is eating here. Don't worry, he's too occupied to notice you coming from here."

Elizabeth nods with a pleased smile and slips a single coin inside oh her breast pocket saying:

"Thank you."

She nods with a smile and runs ahead. I tilt my head asking:

"Um... What just happen?"

She pats my head saying:

"Don't worry! Hmm, your hair is pretty soft and smooth..."

She rubs my hair a little longer before walking deeper and we enter another tunnel with many rooms and another opening at the end saying:

"Well, let's tell you about this place yeah? If you look from the outside, this place pretty much looks like a fortress no?"

I nod at her explanation as I realize there are a lot of people stealing glances at us while we pass them. Elizabeth looks at me saying:

"Don't worry, it's just your looks are eye-catching. So continuing on, in actuality, this guild house is actually a final line of defence for the northern fortress."

"Huh? Final line of defence?"

Elizabeth nods saying:

"Well do you remember when I told you that the turtles seal the knowledge and all that?"

I nod and she continues to explain'

"Well, the entire Turtle Sector was rework and rebuilt to become a giant fortress to repel the invading armies. The entire district and roads were arm and defended to the teeth where it leaves no openings at all. And..."

Elizabeth looked up as she tries to remember something before saying:

"To be honest all the records after that disappeared. Probably someone stole it or is kept hidden. Anyways, let's just say that, if you head north from here, you could see the second line of defence which is the shores."

"Oh, so this sector has a port?"

"Yea! The turtles are one of the few sectors to get a port. I mean didn't you see all those diners and shores? That's why the business and tourist are abundant here."


We stepped out on the other side of the tunnel to be greeted with the same layout but different people around. Elizabeth soon begins to look around the tables before her eyes went wide and a smile appears on her face.

"C'mon Sova. Follow me. Since I quit this place for more than a decade ago, I think my hubby will help you better with exploring the inner guild. To be honest, I don't know much about this place anymore other than the key aspects, like the request board and reception table."

"I see... Then if you would please."

Elizabeth walks to one of the groups on the edge of the place with foods when I could see a group of hunters cheering and drinking to their heart's content.

"Alright, people drink up! Today's for the festival!"


The group cheered on as they toast their mugs together and begins to eat. Elizabeth's steps become quieter as she erases her presence, getting closer to them.

"Man, we caught a big monster this time. Drink up, it's my treat!"

One of the hunters encourages them to eat and have fun. When one of the female hunters in the group raises her cane saying:

"Hehe, you should've seen me when I cast that high ranking magic! Thunders fell down on the beast when it falls to our trap! It. Was. Awesome!"

Before chugging down another mug. Someone who seems to be the leader as he wears a much better armour and has a powerful qi surrounding him gesture them to calm down saying:

"Alright, alright, settle down. You all did great there. Just eat before it gets cold."

One of the younger Hunter looks at him asking:

"Leader Kang, can I bring some back to my family?"

The leader pats him on the back replying:

"Heh, rather than that, since this is a rare occasion, I'll order you some more. Share it with your family, in fact, you all better bring it home and share it with someone, my treat!"

" "Yeah!" "

" "Thank you so much, Leader Kang!" "

The leader soon nudge at Shanwei saying:

"Say, Shan bro, are sure you can hang with us here? Don't you have a wife operating a stall? It's a festival day now, so you should hurry back-"

"I don't care!"

Elizabeth point at him saying:

"That's him alright."

Shanwei is a man his late thirties who seems to be the strongest of the bunch. With the hunter outfit that looks like it came from a terrifying monster with how his left shoulder guard is literally a skull of a horned beast. His qi whose stronger than the leader burst forth with rage as he seats beside the leader figure and slams his mug to the table shouting:

"Wife!? That thing isn't a wife, she's a demon! I would rather sleep with a Champion Class Monster than deal with her!"

He holds the leader at his shoulders and points at the other people on the table saying:

"You youngster better be careful of who you marry! Man, Kang bro! You're lucky to have a gentle wife..."

The leader figure pats his back saying:

"Hey, don't get drunk yet. How about this, if not for your wife what about your daughter? She must be worked to the bone with you missing."

"Lil Linlin huh? Well, I guess that's true. Maybe I should buy her some gifts when I get back?"

"Here, have some water instead-"

Elizabeth and I stop behind him as the other members quiet down and the leader shuts up and shake Shanwei saying:

"Shan bro, look behind you."

"Why? More importantly, what's wrong everyone? You novices should eat and grow strong? So eat!"

"Hey, Shit Shan."

Shanwei turns around in anger shouting:

"Huh!? Who calls me that-"

His words stop as his mouth stays wide open. His eyes become clouded with fear as terror approaches.

"I came to pick you up since Lin told me you're working. So why are you here for again?"

A malicious smile appears as she speaks. Her eyes darken as it is clouded by rage and two dots appear where her pupils should be.

"W-wait, my sweet bun. I was just-"


Elizabeth appears beside him and wraps her arms around his neck saying:

"Anyway, you and I are going to have a long talk back at home."


Shanwei now looks like a husk without a soul as Elizabeth drag him away by holding his head.


Elizabeth whose smaller than him drags him away as I bow and leave the group. We stop near the tunnel to the other side before she lets him go and Shanwei begs on his knees as he hugs Elizabeth's leg saying:

"My sweet bun! Please, forgive me! I'm returning back to the shop now!"

Elizabeth shakes her head saying:

"No, you dummy, I need you for something else."


"Help me with this and I might just lighten your sentence."

(Sentence? Is this what will happen if I get married? It's scary...)

I can only watch the duo bicker when Elizabeth points at me saying:

"This kid here is interested in how the guild operates here. Why not show her around?"


Shanwei looks at me with tears in his eyes. His eyes brighten up when he smiles saying:

"Y-Yes, sweet bun! I'll show her around. You can count on me!"

"You better treat her nice okay? She's a precious friend of Sarah. And a noble."

He looks at me again asking:

"Noble? But she's wearing a servant's attire."

The darkness that covers her eyes light up as she replies saying:

"Don't ask too many questions and help her already. Don't worry, I'll follow along."

"Y-Yes! My sweet bun! Leave it to me!"

He stands on his feet and dust off his armour saying:

"Mhm, sorry that you have to see that sorry sight. My name's Shanwei. I'm a High Ranking Hunter in this job."

I clasp my hand and bow saying:

"My name's Sova Anmao. Please to meet you."

"Ah, a polite one isn't she? Alright then, follow me. If you want to know about the hunters let's start with the basics at the food court."

He walks ahead and I follow suit.

"Oh, and dum dum."

Shanwei looks back with a forced smile replying:

"Yes, sweet bun?"

"She's a pretty powerful Martial Artist and has better senses than me so you better not get any funny ideas."

He stops his steps and nods slowly saying:

"Of course, sweet bun. Please follow me to the reception desk."

I nod saying:


We tour the place from the reception where everything starts. He told me how most new hunters usually register at the desk where they would then be tested.

(So it's so different than that time).

But like what Angie told me before where we hunt a giant chicken or something, new hunters are given simple tasks like foraging for herbs and items, hunt the weak and small monsters to get used to the hunter life. Only when they did all that are they given a real task to hunt real monsters. There, the novice hunters would make a party and be accompanied by an expert or veterans to keep an eye on them so if they fail, they could be saved and retrieved immediately. And thanks to the new policy applied by the treasurer of this confederation. They would supply each novice taking this mission with an escape crystal. And best of all to tie the knot is how they gave you insurance to your family if you have one just in case.

"Woah! That's actually a lot safer than I thought."

I can't help but express my thought and Elizabeth nods at my comment saying:

"Yeah, times have sure changed. That's why hubby is still taking a job as Hunter since he's not that good with housework. Back then, both of us didn't even have any experts to accompany nor are we allowed to form any parties when we took that exam."

Shanwei nods saying:

"That's right. I mean no one would want to take a risky job that bets on their life. Thanks to that, we got droves upon droves of people joining the hunters guild a lot for a quick buck, especially young ones who yearn for adventure and exciting life. We're now more flexible in deploying and suppressing the monster emergence thanks to our massive numbers compared to back then. Now, where was I? Right."

If they manage to complete it, then they would be given the title of low rank. And you climb the ladder from there, there are many formal ranks within that but we just simplified it to 4 ranks.

Shanwei points at the people with simple gear and is gathering in groups.

Low rank - noobs and promising newbies are usually here. These makeup like most of the hunters guild and are the usual people sent to deal with monsters the most. Deal numbers with numbers they say.

Then he points at the strong people similar to the leading figure in the previous group accompanying the low ranks.

Mid rank - once you show your worth and prove yourself, you get to be them. They are the experts and veterans I told you about. They are usually the one that helps newbies and lead them, along with subjugating high-level monsters. That may sound confusing but you'll understand easily when you actually see the monsters. They make up like some of the entire hunter association. In fact, I heard they set a new rule that makes Mid rank even harder to attain than before.

Then he points at the people whose staring down from the second floor. They all wear sophisticated and powerful armour similar to Shanwei.

High Rank - they are the heroes that have their names brag around locally or sector-wide as they achieve something only people can dream off. Killing giant beast the size of skyscrapers either alone or with a team. You could say that one of them alone could change the tide of a losing battle to a winning one during a monster tide or invasion. They make up only 5% or less of the entire hunters. So they are very scarce. But you can easily found them in big guilds like this.

I look down saying:

"High ranks huh? I think I mistook a lot of mid-rank that they're high rank."

"Well if you look at their armours alone sure but you can distinctively tell from the magic or qi they possess."

(I can tell how strong Shanwei with his qi but I can't sense their magic since I'm an Owlian. So Elizabeth must have high magic huh?)

"But hey, don't think too highly or lowly of the numbers. I mean we're talking 5% worldwide. So it's 5% of more than 61 billion people."

Shanwei explains to calm me down but Elizabeth holds his shoulder saying:

"Wait, isn't it 53 billion?"

Shanwei looks back saying:

"Ah well, I heard the World Hunters found a new frontier like 4 months ago. And it's pretty rich in resources so I think the number would probably keep going up."

"Ah... I guess the more the merrier. But don't you think the numbers are being skewered?"

"Probably. But who cares, they're like the Moonday trivia. Still, a new frontier just means a new monster to learn and kill. *sigh*"

While their both discussing something, I soon realize something too. I look at them with respect saying:

"I see... So both of you are heroes... Wow! You two are amazing!"

Shanwei and Elizabeth look away replying:

"Ah, if a pretty lady like you should hold her compliments."

"Oh please, I'm already retired. You don't need to Praise me anymore."

I begin to wonder about something, and ask:

"Since you're heroes, do you have any title or something?"

Shanwei nods saying:

"Sure do. But we don't really say it much since it's embarrassing."

"Oh, I wanna know! I wanna know!"


Shanwei coughs a little before saying:

"Well, if a pretty lady like you asked. Mine's the Ghost blade of Sannan."

"Ghost blade?"

He nods saying:

"Yup! My speciality is to destroy or pierce any defence or exoskeleton a monster has. So no monster could defend against my attacks. I gain it after killing this bad boy here."

He points at the skull of the beast that's acting as his shoulder guard. Since he's much taller and bigger than me the skull looks small. But on closer inspection and comparison, the skull is actually bigger than my torso.

"This thing is once called the Phantom of Sannan. It destroyed many frontier villages, slaughtered countless cattle, killed numerous citizens and civilians along with many mid-rank and countless ambitious low-rank back in my hometown. This thing is a tough nut to crack since not only can it turn its real body phantasmal, it's shell is practically impossible to break with normal enchanted weapons. And that's a problem since its whole body is covered by that shell."

"Wha! Then how did you kill it!?"

"Well, you see, I-"


Elizabeth smacks the back of his head before he could continue explaining.

"Stop bragging and continue explaining. She doesn't have forever you know."

"Ah fine... Sorry, let me continue. Next is the last rank you can be, it's called."

Special Rank - they are practically living legends and the myths, individuals that are recognized by the world. Their numbers are less than 1% of the entire Hunter Guild. Safe to say, they are the cream of the crop and you can bet you won't find them even if you tried, maybe in this city but not somewhere else. If there's one example who're the poster boys of the hunters, it's definitely the number one group in the world. The World Hunters themselves and leading them is none other than the one who holds the title of World's strongest. They are the one's task to deal with mother nature's wrath like the F.A.B.L.E.D, Apocalypse Class Monsters, Abyssal Entity, Awakened Ancients, and etc. We mid-high-rank hunters are nothing compared to them.

(Sis is that amazing huh? I wonder what she's doing now? I hope she's okay. Then there's that old man Rana fought when she was helping me escape, isn't he a Special Rank?)

Elizabeth looks at Shanwei saying:

"Say, isn't there a new Special Rank Hunter being announced this week? He's been a hot topic on the news and magazines a lot."

"Ah, that handsome lad? Yeah, they said he became one after defeating a Viscount Class Monster King Vessel alone at the cursed plains of Yuli. I think his name is... Gisa? Yeah, it's Gisa."

"Hoh, a monster king vessel? That's quite a feat. I doubt both of us combined could defeat a baron class."

"Yeah. Anyway, that's all the ranks you need to know. So next, after you join to get a rank and accepted as true hunters, you go there at the request board."

Shanwei point at the board filled with papers and push me there. I can't help but asks them:

"Say, what's a monster king? And class?"

Shanwei and Elizabeth walk beside me.

"The Monster King huh? How do we even begin to explain?"

Shanwei ponders as he tries to think up an explanation. Elizabeth holds my shoulder saying:

"To oversimplify the term would be... The Monster king is what would happen if the Dark Gods of nature's wrath made manifest. And the higher the rank the more dangerous they become. That's all we could say."

"I see..."

(Then what about the monsters I fought back when the palace was under siege? They do look alien...)

As we arrive some of the hunters move away and Shanwei looks at them saying:

"Thanks! Now let me explain!"

The request board is where usually people can write a request and pin it up right here for hunters to take. But in all honesty, the one who takes the request here are low-ranks. Peak Mid rank until special ranks take mostly commissioned quest. Especially High and Special Rank, 9/10 times I guarantee you they're all commissioned. I mean take it from my experience. As for the levels of each quest, they are many categories and each has its difficulty but we hunters here just group them as...

Novice Seekers - these are the ones I told you would be the jobs related to the ones who just joined. And it is all found in the board here. They are usually H - F rank missions. Their so easy normal Owlians without technology could do it.

Hunters pact - these missions are when you start becoming real hunters and start the real monster hunt. Its difficulty can range from E - B rank. Those are usually the difficulties of most mission and most are also found in the board here. There is some pact mission that is commissioned but you rarely found that. This mission range from destroying nests, killing rampaging monsters, to hunt and camp for months. Low and mid-rank hunters usually take these missions, while novices take these ones to become proper hunters.

Shanwei look upstairs saying:

"Next in that place, you usually get commissions upstairs. Where you will speak with the clients in the room they prepared and last I heard all Central Guild missions are actually commissions, so much so they just hand it to you on the reception when you show them your idebtification and only the most specific missions would need you to meet in person. Sorry, I can't show you up there but before I tell you what they do..."

Vows - now we're getting to the hot topics. These "Vows" are usually commissions and emergency missions. They are usually recently dangerous news and tidings. This is the missions everyone must accept if they can since this is what they vow to do as Hunters. The mission usually ranges from D - X rank missions. And is usually accompanied by a huge number of people doing it. To be honest with how strong and dutiful the guild is now, we rarely need to do any vows anymore which is usually a plus.

"Wow... So there are emergency missions like that huh? So it's like a surprise event where everyone must join, but it's usually super dangerous."

(What is an X-rank? Is that like the lowest? Bit following his grouping wouldn't that make it the highest?)

Elizabeth nods at my comment saying:

"Yup, that sums it up."

"Mhm, and next would be..."

Monster Hunts - okay, this may sound normal but to be honest with how safe the world is from monsters, saying monsters don't scare people anymore, so much so people are calling them animals and beast at worst. That's why, when the guild calls them "Monster" you better bet they are dangerous. And these missions are the one we High - Rank Hunters take. So the difficulty is always B - X Rank. They are usually the abnormal, unknown or a new species. And hunting them could take years and even decades, for example, the beast in my shoulder is A rank and it took me 2 whole years to kill.

I have to start with finding its environment, what it calls home, what it eats, what's its strength and weaknesses are, what its special trait and abilities, what weapons is best to deal with it, what is the usual route they take while also stopping it from harming civilians, so that means I have to learn what lures it in and what scares it and so many more before I could finally put my blade on its neck. Simply put, a true scenario between the Hunter and the prey. And usually, Mid - rank hunters who completed these missions are immediately promoted to High - Rank Hunters.

"Woah... I suddenly had a whole new level of respect for you two. You're both really are amazing! No, you're more than amazing!"

(I mean not even Sis Rubeca teaches me that stuff and they can actually do so much more than I can! I wonder if Sis can do that too? Now I want to see Sis in work).

Elizabeth gestures me away saying:

"Aw, tone it down Sova. You're making me blush!"

Shanwei rubs his nose with his thumb as his cheeks reddened saying:

"Oh please, we received too many praises already. That's normal for High Rank Hunters like us."

Elizabeth composes herself and nods saying:

"So at least this hasn't change huh? But I guess the trial to become higher rank is even harder."

"True, since most of the money came from low ranks they probably want to scare the novices away from dying a dog's death."

Shanwei reply when I soon realize another hunter is walking towards us. Her long fluffy ears wiggle with her long glossy black hair which causes my hands to twitch. She wears a heavy suit of armour that's a mix of scale and plating that makes her look like a thin moving fortress. She has a gigantic tower shield the same size as her on her back as her weapon yet her steps don't seem to be loud, she's pretty silent in fact. When she gets close to us, she leans to block the board saying:

"Shanwei and Elizabeth? What are you 2 doing~?"

Her voice was ever so cheerful and joyful while Shanwei and Elizabeth look surprised saying:

" "Juyeva!" "


I ask them when Shanwei looks at me saying:

"Ah, let me introduce you. She's a High Ranking Hunter like me. Juyeva, the Anchor."

I tilt my head saying:


(I mean, what's an anchor?)

"That's right, that's right~! Juyeva, the Anchor is at your presence!"

She salutes to me as she replies with cheerfulness crank to the max. I clasp my hand and bow saying:

"My name's Sova Anmao, nice to meet you."

"Anmao?" Juyeva tilts her head in confusion.

"That's the name given by his sister."


Juyeva hits her palm when Elizabeth answer her.

"So, what's wrong Juyeva? Do you need me for something? Is it a hunt? Or a pact?"

Shanwei asks her with worry when she stands straight shaking her head and seeing her long ears wiggle I suppress my hand again...

(Her ears are dangerous... Why did I get so much urge like this?)

"No, not at all~! I was just curious why are the famous couple touring with this adorable servant! Could she be a promising rookie!?"

Everyone soon has their gaze on us when Elizabeth shakes her head saying:

"Oh, no nothing like that. She's just a friend of someone close. Since she's told to wait here, I thought I might show her around. And as far Shanwei accompanying..."

"Sweet Bun! Dum dum is doing his best you know! Can't you see how much I'm explaining!"

"Yes, yes. I'll let you sleep on the same bed at least."


"Pfufufu! You're always adorable to watch."

"Do you enjoy seeing me suffer Juyeva?"

"No, but I'm having fun seeing the misery you brought upon yourself."

"Now that's even harsh!"

"Then get reforming! No alcohol tonight."



Juyeva laughs at their bickering before she stares at me. She jumps close as her face is now close enough to see the reflection on her green eyes. I try to look away but she follows where my face goes.

Elizabeth pulls me away saying:

"Alright, since we're done explaining. Let's get out of the way first. We shouldn't block the low ranks on their duty."

"Ah right! Sorry!"

Shanwei apologizes and we walk to the closest table where we could sit and chat.

"Say, didn't you tell me you went to the Central Guild, Sova?"

Elizabeth asks me while we're taking a seat. I nod at her saying:

"Uhm, yea. Why?"

Juyeva gets close and sits beside me as I see her ears wiggle and she moves them back and forth. I look away, suppressing my hands.

"So did you ever taken the test there? If you do, what rank did you get? Usually, rank testers in Central are crazy talented, so please tell me."

Juyeva asks me as she stares at me with a smile full of curiosity. Shanwei who sits beside Elizabeth rests his head on his hand saying:

"I'm surprised you could tell she's a Martial Artist, Juyeva."

Juyeva nods energetically replying:

"That's because she's using the same footwork as me~!"


" "What!?" "

Shanwei and Elizabeth shout in surprise. I look at her asking:

"So you practised the Void Rabbit technique too?"

"Mhm! I'm surprised you know my Village secret technique, Sova~!"


(Sis, I wonder how precious the technique you teach me really are?)

My heart beats in fear as I have a bad feeling but Juyeva fans her hand saying:

"It's fine~ I'm not going to kill you for learning it or anything since I'm not part of them anymore. So, did you take the test or not!?"

She asks me with excitement as she holds my hands and hops a little. Her small nose wiggles causing her whiskers to move too. I look away saying:

"I did, but I kinda forgot what my rank is. I think she told me something along the line of Special Rank Novice?"

The 3 of them twitch and froze when I remember back more clearly and nod saying:

"Yea, it's Special Ranking Novices."

" " "Special Ranking Novices!?" " "

All three of them shouts out loud causing all the people to look at me in surprise. Even the High Ranking Hunters above looks down as they lean their body to the fence while the guild staff halt their tracks to look here...

(Um... Did I say anything bad?)

"Um... Is that bad?"

"Bad? Fuck no!"

Shanwei shouts aloud in shock.

"Special Ranking Novices Wow~!"

Juyeva holds my hand tighter as she begins to daydream shaking left and right. Elizabeth holds my shoulder saying:

"Listen, Sova, among novice ranks there also special rank inside of them. And to attain the rank you get, you first need the recommendation of a High Ranking Hunters. But in actuality, only Special Rank Hunters can do it, since a lot of influencers and sponsors don't like people looping the rules other than them. And not only that, you have to pass the test given to you by Central which is usually the level of peak High-Rank Hunters.

Simply put, not only is the rank almost impossible to get unless you have a very influential and someone "Special" among the Special Rank Hunters. But once you become a Special Rank Novice, your next step is to become a Special Rank Hunter! And they're given privilege almost the same as Special Ranks too!"

"Like free canteen uses!"

Juyeva intervenes and I can't help but let out an,


Still confused by their reaction, I let their words sink in a little deeper.


I gasp out loud when I realize what she means. I'm practically a High Ranker the same if not higher than them and not only that, I have a legendary figure backing me up. I tried to diffuse the situation saying:

"Well, that's what Angie told me anyway."

"Angie!? You don't mean Angeline the Bronze Valkyrie right!?"

(Bronze Valkyrie? That does sound pretty cool).

"I don't know, but I guess she did say she's a High - Rank hunter when she's still a receptionist in Central."

" "It is the Bronze Valkyrie!" "

"If it's her checking you then..."

They all comment but I shake my head saying:

"But wait, I'm not a hunter since I didn't even receive a card yet! Or more like I didn't get to, thanks to circumstance!"

When everyone starts to continue what they're doing, Juyeva hugs me and pats my head saying:

"Oh~ no matter! Not only are you strong but you're also very pretty and cute as a doll! You're so lucky~! And not only can you hide your qi completely, but I could also feel some hidden muscles inside of you too. Very sneaky~ monsters would meet their doom when their instinct fails them."

(Well it does feel good being hug, but getting touch by steel gauntlets doesn't feel so nice).

"Say, how's she doing now?"

Elizabeth sits beside me as she asks and I try to remember saying:

"From the conversation I heard, she said she's tired of being force to do the paperwork of a tall lady with long green hair."

I try to keep the fact that Sis Rubeca is my sister while speaking. The three of them nodded at my answer saying:


"Yeah, that's her alright."

"Aw~ Poor Angie. Always a slave to the Tyrant's rule. I wonder if she has gotten into another trouble already?"

Shanwei raises his hand saying:

"Staff, bring me a special juice!"

Elizabeth glares at him when he laughs it off saying:

"Aha ha, c'mon it's for her!"

"You know our treasure is shared right? But that's fine. I mean, for a potential Special Rank sure."


"Really? For me? Thank you!"

I try to bow but then soon realize Juyeva still has me under her tight grip.

"Nah, it's fine. Just drink it. Think of a gift to a pretty lady."


Elizabeth looks at Shanwei when he looks away forcefully whistling.

"Say, can we spar? I wanna see your rabbit steps!"

Juyeva asks me but I shake my head saying:

"Sorry but no, I'm only here until my friend finishes her things. And after that, I still have to travel to meet someone. In fact, we're already pretty late."

"Well, aren't you busy? Well, good luck then! A rabbit foot to you~!"

Juyeva continues to hug me when one of the staff brings the drink saying:


I lean forward and grab the giant mug saying:

"Thank you-"


Juyeva backs away from me suddenly while she makes a weird scream.

"Um, what's wrong?"

"Yeah, is there something wrong?"

Shanwei and Elizabeth ask her. She points at the pocket of my apron saying:

"There's something that absorbs my magic inside that cute apron!"

(Oh, right! Wait, I can't let them know I'm carrying something illegal! I just realize I entered this place without any inspection either so no one was suspicious of me! Oh, what should I do...)

"Wait, I think you misunderstand something, right Sova?"

Elizabeth asks me as she tries to calm her down. I nod at her question saying:

"Yea, I think you misunderstand, Miss Juyeva."

She brings her face close that our nose almost touches saying:

"Then take it out. Show me what's inside!"

(I knew this would... Wait! Maybe... Maybe this could work. I kinda feel like some smuggler in the stories I read).

Before I drink the special juice Shanwei ordered me. I bring the mug up saying:

"Everyone, let's drink."

As I felt the sweet and bubbly blue water wash my throat, I sigh saying:

"*sigh* Very well, I was trying my best to not show this. But promise me, one thing."

"What is it?"

Juyeva replied while the other listens.

"That you won't freak out or treat me differently!"

She looks at me annoyed saying:

"Promise is a bit too much..."

"Then, a deal?"


"Very well..."

They all look at me with curiosity and anticipation. When I place my hands inside, they look at me more seriously than before, tension is so high I could hear their heart beating...


I place the phoenix medallion at the table and they all look at it closely. At first, they gather around confused. Analyzing it as they wonder what it is. When they manage to discern that it's a phoenix, and what the shield medallion is. All three of them hangs their mouth wide open in shock as their soul seems to come out of it. The three of them stayed in silent like that for a while. Feeling worried, I try to break their silence by raising the medallion and smile cheerfully whispering:

"Um, let me introduce my self once more. I'm Sova Anmao, Supreme Officer under the direct command of the Phoenix Empress... Very pleased to meet heroes like you. Please keep this a secret okay?"

I bow a little while they're still shocked. Elizabeth finally moves and gives me the sweetest smile I ever saw without saying anything as fear and terror fills her eyes.

"Hey, Sova! I'm done. Let's get out of here!"

Saya shouts from the distance and I look at her replying:


I drink the juice finished and stand. I bow down at them saying:

"Thank you so much for your hospitality. I'll be leaving first. May the spirit blesses your journey. I hope we can meet again."

Saya runs close and gives Elizabeth a hard slap on her back saying:

"Good job, Elizabeth! Thanks! Now then, we'll be leaving take care!"

Saya leaves them as they are and I quickly follow suit hoping only for the best...

"Hehe, you must show them the medal huh? I'll consider all debt and crime you did to me repaid!"

"I don't remember owing you anything."

"Don't sweat the small stuff!"

Saya shouts to me as we exit the building. When I walk further away, I could hear Juyeva's voice, among the masses whispering:

"I... I touch and feel her all over like that. My life's forfeited huh?"

(I'm sorry! I just can't let them find out I'm carrying something illegal!)

I scream from inside my heart as we pass the tunnel out of here.


With the loud sound of passing cars, people gather around as they hand out papers to strangers. I look around the busy street asking:

"We're now heading to Rana's diner, right?"

She nods saying:

"Yes, don't worry it's pretty close to the guild actually. Just beside her diner and we'll arrive at her school."

"Wait' they're neighbours!? Ah, so that's why Sis was there."

As we get close, I could see a lot of kids my age wearing the same or similar clothes, where boys wear jeans and girls wears skirts.

(I wonder if they are the students of that academy?)

"Yes, they are."

"Oh? I see."

Saya points at a group at girls with a much more detailed and black uniform saying:

"You see those girls there. They are actually from the same school but they are from the all-girls school section just next to the main Turtle Academy."

"All girls school?"

Saya nods saying:

"That's right. A school where only girls can attend. And there's also an all-boys school too. And all of them is owned by the same person. That's why many of them wear almost the same uniform."

"Really!? But why?"

"Many reasons I'm not going to tell you. Now get ready since we're going to arrive soon."


I look at the broken weapon inside my apron and look ahead once again. As I travel the familiar streets, I realize how this is the same place where I get inside Moriz' limo with Sis Yuwei. When I look up I notice the sign I didn't get to read.

[Sands and Seasons]

"Wonder what that means."

"Who knows, now go."

Saya tells me when I realize there's a giant line of people waiting ahead. There I saw a familiar horned mannequin among the many that's jotting down something as the people speak while she let some in and some don't...

(I just realize but I don't know her name...)

"Well, what are you waiting for? Go talk to her!"

"What about you?"

"Just like you, I'll wait out here to shop or something. Don't worry, I'm going to buy you Fei's gift too and just going to check around. Don't forget to order me something to eat okay?"

"Really!? Thank you, so much!"

I take a deep breath saying:

"Alright, here goes!"

I run past the line beside them when I realize how the people are glaring at me. When I arrive near them, one of them looks at me saying:

"Sorry, but please wait in the line."

"I'm sorry but can you please let me talk to that horned mannequin? Please?"

The mannequin looks at me for a while before she sighs and turns around tugging the horned mannequin. The horned mannequin looks at me and the lines made of light in her face blows all around causing the other mannequin and the people who saw it to become shocked. The horned mannequin still with her face ruined gives the board she's writing to the others and pulls me inside through the back door.

I could hear the people outside protesting but when we entered, her face slowly reconstructs and smile soon appear as she tilts her head saying:

"So... Va?"

I nod saying:

"Yup! I'm surprised you could recognize me. Sorry for appearing suddenly."

She bows down saying:

"No, it's a pleasure to see you! But to think you changed so much in just a while it surprises me! They say a man change every 3 months but isn't this too much for just a week?"

"Well, they did say this is what happens when you become a true martial artist... And my hair will keep growing no matter how many time I cut it apparently."

The horned mannequin nods saying:

"No, I fully understand. It's just that, what boggles me is how your voice, body proportion, and even your outer DNA structure seems to change too."


She shakes her head saying:

"Never mind, as long as you have her magic and carry that I'll always recognize you. Please follow me. Let's talk in a more suitable place. As per the Grand Master's order, I shall be the one to assist you in your needs."

"I see... Say, mind telling me your name? Calling you horned mannequin will be quite a challenge in the long run."

She turns around saying:

"Ah! Well, in that case. You can call me La. As in pull or as in people singing lalala."

I smile at her saying:

"La? Very well. Thank you, La."

"You're very welcome. Now, follow me."

La leads me deeper inside the diner as I could hear the smell of sizzling meat and butter hovering around the air. While the murmuring and chatting of people from afar. Sounds of crashing wave enter my ears as we pass a familiar bridge where I could see the blue ocean and rocky shores down below as the warm sea breeze grazes me.

"Now please enter here."

La opens the door and gestures me to enter a certain room. I went inside and see a certain dining room where Rana invited me back then. La walks pass me and prepare some drinks with the kettle and cups in the room. She walks to one of the chairs saying:

"Please sit over here. The drinks will soon be ready."

"T-Thank you."

I take on her offer as I feel a bit awkward. With the sound of the heating kettle and burning tea, La takes out some treats from inside of her and place them on the plates. She brings me a plate of treats and a cup of tea saying:

"Please enjoy. Forgive me for the lack of hospitality."

I shake my head saying:

"No, it's my fault for showing up so suddenly. To be honest, I think I would have a hard time if I didn't meet you at the entrance. Maybe I should have told you about it first."

She shakes her head and takes a seat across the table with her back turns against the window replying:

"No, that's not really possible since Grand Master told me that she didn't give you her contact. She predicted you wouldn't return and would always need to bring you here forcefully. But I guess she's wrong. Usually, we would be ready for any of our agents. But, anyway, what business do you wish to speak about? Or don't tell me you only wish to have a friendly visit and chat? If that's so it's totally okay. Since I want to know the secret to your looks so I can make Grand Master more charming!"

I shake my head and pull out the broken Owlian steel weapon saying:

"I'm sorry but I wonder if you can fix this. You gave it to me but I broke it the moment I first use it for battle. I'm sorry..."

The horned mannequin looks at me surprised. She takes the weapon saying:

"I'm impressed but what did you face to actually broke this thing? Owlian steel alone may not be hard but this thing is fused with Aromite too you know. You need at least an attack power of a Continental monster class to bend this thing like this."

"Aromite? And Continental?"

"Ah, I keep forgetting you know little of the outside world. Let's just say it's one of the hardest metal in the whole known world and can only exclusively be obtained in the Argalulu Frontier."

I bow my head down saying:

"It was that important? I-I'm really sorry!"

(No wonder Sis said she can't fix it. So it's because the materials can only be found outside our frontier).

"Raise your head, Sova. It's fine. Just tell me what did you face?"

I look at her saying:

"It was a Monster King Vessel."

"What!? Could it be!?"

La jumps from her seat and lands on the table. With haste, she holds my shoulder and her face shines a bright light on me. I felt her light seeing through all of me as my cheeks reddened.

"No way... Hahaha! I see... Well... But... That would explain... And it's..."

La backs away talking cryptically to her self. When she looks at me saying:

"I will tell this to Grand Master immediately. As for your weapon, we'll fix it for free and we can talk about the procurements on a later date."

I stand up asking:


She nods saying:

"Of course! Though I have to commend you on actually sneaking this thing inside your pocket! Say, are you interested in doing some more business with us?"

I shake my head saying:

"Sorry but no. Oh! But if you wouldn't mind..."

"What is it, Sova? Did you change your mind? I'll promise you it's very lucrative and guaranteed to be safe. But, Allpersonalornotserviceswillbeprovidebyyourselfthough."

"No, it's just that. Can I have some of the food we eat back when Rana brings me here? A serving for three, please. Saya really wants to eat that. Ah, but no worries, I can pay it if you want..."

I felt an invisible brick hit my head as I was reminded by something.

(Ah right! My card is still with her! And I doubt the money I got from Elizabeth would cover it).

Before I could say more, La sighs as I could see her face drawing some blowing wind. She walks close to the door saying:

"Don't worry. You're part of our group. So we'll provide you with the dishes for free, especially when you're also our VIP."

"I don't know what a VIP is, but thank you so much!"

La runs back in and gives me a hug saying:

"Dammit, you've become more adorable now! But my loyalty to charms is still with Rana! So, Just sit tight, eat some snacks and if you want a refill, just take it from that table okay?"

I nod saying:


La lets me go and walks away saying:

"And it seems it also enlarge your brain too. I guess that's a plus."

She walks to the door and bows down saying:

"Please wait while we prepare-"



La stops on her tracks as I ask:

"Um... Just asking, but where's Rana? She's doing fine right?"

La smiles at me saying:

"Oh, don't worry. She's doing much better since she brings you here. As for her location, she's now in Central. Try coming next time, she might just be here to welcome you."

I nod saying:

"I see. Sorry for holding you back."

La shakes her head saying:

"It's okay. I'll be leaving now."


Okay, that's all... To be honest I like calming and just relaxing chapters without any action going on at all.

Anyway, Thank you so much for reading so far! I really do!

Beltwayscreators' thoughts