
Liberum Mundi

2800 years have passed since the Liberation Era, the missing millennia of humanity expanding into the world. 2200 years or so have passed since the end of the World Invasion, a world-scale attack launch by those despicable Owlians and their heretical science. 2100 or so years have passed since the Maryan Colonization, the imperial ambition of Maryan Remis' open rebellion led his army away to "modernised" the new world beyond the black line, the depths of Grinla, the frontiers of Hyuran, the skies beyond Aologi's space and many more which has not been named. 1900 years or so Maryan's colonisation brought upon a perfect stage for the 2 superpowers of the ancient to clash ideology in a war of guns before glory. To determine the path the world will take between Magic and science. 1700 years or so... ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ And soon, the time is now, not even a month has passed since the Aologi Empire's Civil War and subsequent destruction it brings to the ones before them. An enigma to even the Goddess and the unknown appeared late into the stage... "I wonder how will he fare in this world?" A certain lady peers deep into the shredded tome of knowledge.

Beltways · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
225 Chs

Rising Threat and Vulnerability. (Prologue)

With the sweet smell of foreign spice and ingredients, Yoo-Ah knead the dough with skill I couldn't believe coming from someone who's not a cook.


Since Juha isn't around, I tried not to leave and wonder if she's still hurt. So the first step she's going to teach me is the diet we would eat.

"See Sova? What I'm gonna teach you is something for beginners! This dish is simply called, Pulpaeg. Though I suppose it has another name in the common tongue but I don't know what that is- Anyways! This is a perfect dish for adventurers or people who travels a lot!

Cause it contain all the necessary nutrients to prevent you from getting sick in the wilds. After all, when you're in a unknown foreign land, you can't really just put everything in your mouth since even though your body may be immune to a thousand poison you can still get sea sick. And what makes it even more valuable is that it can last for years! Albeit as long as you can keep it dry."

Yoo-Ah finished kneading the dough with flower petals on it before she starts making biscuit shapes from them as I realize it looks like a cookie but with flower petals and other colorful spices in it which is pretty to look at.

"Another benefit would be it's cheap to make! Plus the ingredients is easy to get as well and is a staple everywhere the adventurers guild is around."

Yoo-Ah explains as she finish shaping the remaining dough and starts placing it on an advanced magic oven which I didn't know could be so convenient. She pats the oven and continue explaining:

"This dish will be the main body but it's also preferable to bring in another item alongside it. Hah!"

Yoo-Ah takes in an empty glass before filling it up with normal water from the sink saying:

"And that's water! Well anything liquid would work, like wine, oil or milk and etc. And you could eat it raw but I'll tell you from experience that this thing..."


Wondering why the oven makes such sounds, Juha opens it and pull out the tray as I'm amazed by how quick it is.

(Woah, magic oven sure are a cheat...)

"Crystalized when exposed to heat for reasons I don't know. Even the flowers and spices do the same so that's why they're allowed to be put together. Here it's better to show you!"

Yoo-Ah grabs two of those biscuits and hit them with each other.

*Tac* *Tac* *crack"

Yoo-Ah then smack through the food which leaves a crack and bits of it falls before saying:

"Your teeth ain't chewing through this!"

I nod in agreement as I wonder how all those soft ingredients becomes such a lethal weapon. She than puts the two in the bowl where she prepares one of the ingredients and grabs the glass saying:

"But if you pour water..."

Yoo-Ah chugs in the water to the bowl and the hard block immediately dissolve as it touches the water, turning it into soup as Yoo-Ah mix it with a single chopstick. A gooey slimy icky hot soup with flower petals and colorful spices floating on top which makes it looks pretty delicious.

"It dissolves immediately and turns to good ol cereal!"

"Woah! That's... Quite magical..."

"It is! Usually I can cast water spells but since you're an Owlian you gotta bring your own water supplies!"

"I see... Can I try some."

"Of course! Eat! It is your breakfast after all! I'm quite confident in my skills in making these too!"

I quickly grab a spoon and scoop a mouthful to eat...


(Sweet! It's not so powerful but so refreshing and natural! Chewy, soft and easy to swallow!)

"Its so good!"

I shout as I continue to stuff my mouth full.

"Of course it is! And since you already saw me prepare it now it's your turn to try! It's easy and don't worry, I'll be there to instruct you!"

I finish up the bowl quickly replying:

"O-Okay, I'll give it my best!"

I wonder what time is it that Juha isn't here... Wonder if I should visit her? I mean I can't really go around without her- wait, why can't I go around without her watching me? Hmmm... But still, I suppose I should try visit her and thank her along for helping me.

(I wonder if I can cook something for her?)

As I think that, I start laying down the extra ingredients we gather.

"Let's see here, as long as we have this flour and water we can still make it right?"

"That's right! Though people don't make it with just that when there's other ingredients as well!"

"I see, the other optional one is the seasonal flowers and some of these spices you said (which I forgot the name)."

"Right! It'll give a natural sweet flavour to it!"

"I see, I wonder where did you learn this?"

(I mean even when I'm training with Sis, I never even heard of this. So does the Hunter's have their own staple rations as well?)

"Oh? Well, I learned it from the baker I told you about. (Along with my brother...)"

(So the hunters eat the same?)

Yoo-Ah whispers solemnly and I try to change the subject by start cooking and saying:

"Okay, let's start making it! First is, pour the water in the flour and sprinkle all the ingredients as well and start mixing them."

"Hum! Hum! That's right! You want the dough to just come together! The dryer the better! So pour as little water as possible!"

As it starts to form into a lump I pick it out of the bowl and,

"And next you knead it..."

"Hum! Hum! But don't over knead them cause it'll cause cracks when you put it in the oven."


(Phew, even though I don't cook a lot I can still follow instructions since I sometime helped out in the diner's kitchen).

"Hum! Hum! You're learning fast, that's good!"


"Hmm? I'm surprised you can knead pretty well, where did you learn it?"

"Me? Well, usually I helped by kneading noodles in a diner and recently I suppose helping out making bread in an orphanage."

"Eh? I didn't think you're the type to help in orphanages. But Hum! Hum! Yes, an adventurer gotta helped those in need as well!"

As I start to shape it Yoo-Ah walks beside me saying:

"You know since we're gonna be in the city for a while you can try making whatever shape you want with the dough."

"Really? Then..."

I start making shapes like she suggest. I start to make whatever shape comes to mind, from weapons, rectangles and other fun stuff-

"Um, what the hell is that?"

Yoo-Ah points at a specific one as she asks and I grab it replying:

"Can't you tell? It's a phoenix!"

"Phoenix? Don't know what that is but I have a good feeling it doesn't looks like that abomination. I mean that thing has like two heads and three wings!"

"Hey! I'm trying my best!"

"If so, you need more training! Oh! I know, maybe we could find some time to visit his bakery!"

"Um, I think I'm fine with what I have-"

"Nonsense! I won't let you turn down a chance to improve yourself! This would be a good chance to surprise that old coot with my baking skills! Come to think of it, when will you take the promotion request!?"

"Sigh... Hmm I wonder?"

(I mean, I don't really have any purpose to take it other than becoming a proper adventurer? Which I still don't know what's the benefit since being a wanderer already get you this much service).

I decided to make the other half to normal pan shapes like Yoo-Ah before putting it in the oven set with her instruction. As I watch inside the oven, I look at Yoo-Ah asking:

"Say, do you know where the barracks is?"

"Huh? What's wrong? Why do you wanna go there?"

"Well, I want to visit Juha and gave her some of these biscuits as thanks."

"Juha? Oh! You mean the one that helped you cook my dinner right? Hehe! Then sure! Though I wonder if giving these biscuits as a gift is appropriate? But I'm sure she'll be happy as long as it's delicious!"

(Right she never actually exchange names with her... This would be awkward).

"I see, hmm, can I eat more that you made?"

"Sure! Help yourself! Like I said, it's our breakfast after all!"

I grab two more biscuits and place them on the empty bowl I used when Yoo-Ah takes takes an empty glass and fill it with milk.

"Hmm? Milk huh? If only water makes it quite nice, I wanna taste it too!"

We both take a sit on the kitchen table we reserve and I wonder if its okay to eat here even though this place is practically empty.


As we had our breakfast, the oven rings and I decided to take out my own creation to see it take shape.

"Woah! This is neat..."

(This might be the first time I actually make some biscuits...)

The steam rising up from the biscuits I bake and the floral scent that lingers so close to my nose ease my mind.

"Hum! Hum! Let me try!"

Yoo-Ah appears beside me and swipe a piece to plop it in her glass. As it melts, she takes a chug and nods subtly saying:

"Hmm, you put a bit too much of the Sul spice. It makes it taste a bit... Cold."


I take a piece which burns my finger a bit but I take a quick bite before realizing,

(Wait, isn't this thing hard? I just easily bite through it...)

"Um, Sova?"

I hear Yoo-Ah asking me worried but I take another bite,


Which easily snaps easily again and I could taste the food I make. It's like eating cold sweet dry cookies. Like she said, even though the biscuit is steaming, it tastes...

"Cold, and I though you said this is hard?"

"Give me that!"

Yoo-Ah swipes another biscuit and takes a bite,


"Ow! How strong is your jaws and teeth!"

Yoo-Ah drops the biscuits which I grab in time to eat it replying:

"I don't know... I never knew my teeth are this strong. I wonder if I can eat bones now? Maybe its because I brush my teeth everyday like My Sis did tell me that-"

"Don't lie! I brush my teeth too okay! Owie... I need some light healing spell if there's one..."

Yoo-Ah rubs her cheeks probably where the teeth's hurt. I quickly finish my meals and pack up the rest before washing the dishes. Seeing Yoo-Ah hurt she wants to help but I take away her chances saying:

"It's okay, let me handle this. And here have some salt and ice. I don't know how people here deal with toothache but my Sis said this would help back when I had one."

Yoo-Ah stares at me for a while before jumping to hug me shouting:

"Oh you're such an angel! Please marry me~!"

"What are you saying? I'm almost done so we can treat that teeth soon."

"Ah right! She must be back by now! I guess this would be a good chance to employ your imprtant second advice. The infirmary!"

"This place really does have everything."

(I'm even more surprise there's an infirmary, then I realize this place have many dangerous objects as well so it's probably a necessary).

"But, if I remember correctly, shouldn't there be special doctors for teeth?"

"Hum! Hum! That's true for Owlians but nor for Zerians! We only need one healer mage who specialize in healing spells!"

As I wrap the biscuits for gifts with simple cloths, I could see the boy in expensive armour and the target having their meal without the girl mage.

(Hmm... I really can't fathom any circumstance that would lead me to actually fight him naturally or having her go follow me... Or hoe lucky I am to meet the target just after I've been given the mission. I wonder if Abe knew?

Still, just coming to him and demanding a duel with a reward is a bit...)

As they realize I've been staring at them, they look back at me and I hastily look away when Yoo-Ah looks at them rubbing her cheeks with ice saying:

"Hmph! Don't worry, you'll definitely defeat them! Now, let's go! Follow me!"

Yoo-Ah leads the way as we descend and they keep looking at me and heightened my hearing senses to hear their conversation:

"I wonder what's with her?"

"She's probably enamoured by your gear."

"I see, I guess everyone's been looking at me ever since I enter the border, still isn't she an owlian? I'm surprised there's still one in the city. I couldn't even find one back in the northern border."

"She must be someone special then. Though if I have to be honest, I think she's pretty set in her promotion with a personal staff guiding her, what about you?"

"Cut me some slack, adventuring is but a hobby I enjoy after all. As someone chosen by a Goddess I have a more important duty to do."

"Duty huh...? Yes... Hahaha... Then I hope you're ready for a threat far beyond you'll ever face, San-Min Oppa. For the next adversity will wipe victory from your dictionary, no it'll wipe the whole peninsula of the planet, so please... Don't be afraid to run."

"What a weird way of saying I can't win. But heh, this is the first time you of all people can't calculate your chances to win but... Trust in me, like you always do. Since at least it doesn't mean we can't survive."

"What a way with words."

"By the way, hand me that ketchup."

"Carefree as always, oh and I'll be taking your dessert-"

(It seems there's nothing that I know of or much important. I guess they wouldn't be talking anything important in such a public place).


We descend the second floor for the infirmary is located in the first floor deep in the building. Greeting the few we know we soon reach a corner of this huge building with a unfamiliar symbol. A mix of needles and ribcages that is hard to describe.

(Oh is that what the medicine symbol here look like? Back home, it was the rising phoenix).

Yoo-Ah just straight up open the door saying:

"Ji-Hyun unnie~ help me~!"

Yoo-Ah wobble inside as I follow suit. Awaiting us inside is a lady in her thirties, with a white coat and robe underneath, one thing that caught my attention is how she keeps closing her eyes as she stand and walk to us. She toggle her glasses as she look? at us. Unlike back at home, this place looks so much advanced with magic and all those magical stuff. Floating orbs, shelves filled with lines of crystals, and other furniture. She crashes down to the bed while the doctor wears an annoyed look saying:

"Sigh, what did you do? It's rare for you to get hurt, Yoo-Ah. Sit down and let me check. So which part hurts?"

"My teeth!"

Yoo-Ah sits down properly as the doctor drags her wheel chair closer with a small crystal before sitting down saying:

"Teeth? What did you eat? Anyways, open wide. Aaa~"


"Wow, it really cracked."

"And I can taste the blood! Ow! Don't touch it!"

I stand in the corner as I wait, seeing the doctor light up inside her mouth and send in the crsytal, it wasn't long before her mouth shine and sparkle as the crystal fades.

"There, sheesh what did you bite to crack your tooth like that?"

"Pulpaeg, and thanks Ji-Hyun Unnie!"

"Sigh, try to get better care of yourself. Here I thought you would break the record of not coming here for a year."

"How could I!? You would be lonely without me after all~"

The doctor drives away back to her long table when she looks at me asking:

"I have people visiting without getting sick just so you know. Oh? And who could she be?"

"Ah! Right! Let me introduce you!"

Yoo-Ah rush over to me and pats me back shouting:

"She's Sova Anmao! Our promising new rookie!"

I bow my head down saying:

"Nice to meet you."

"Hoh~? Sova Anmao you say? So she's the star child that even captures the attention of Jin-Yeon?"

"That's right! Plus she's super strong for an Owlian!"


The doctor walks to me with a curious look. And as she gets closer I realize she's taller than me probably on account of her heels, she bend over to talk to me face to face saying:

"I'm Bronze Bone, Yeoneo Ji-Hyun. I'm the doctor in this branch guild, don't be afraid to visit me when you're hurt."

"O-Okay! I will!"

"Fufu, good. Say, mind if I give you a fast checkup since you're here? I don't know if she tell you yet but it's mandatory for everyone here to be checked before actually joining the guild to see if they have any deviation."

"They do? I thought we just need to register? I mean the register even filled what my sickness are."

"Oh, that's only for what you know. This is a detailed analysis that not even the body know. And is what he says true, Yoo-Ah!?"

Ji-Hyun glares at her and she hides behind me replying:

"I'm sorry! Besides, you're not here on account for treating all those wounded Adventurers and Hunters a few days back!"

"Sigh, anyways, take a seat Sova, it'll just be a quick check up. And don't worry, I have multiple degree on how to treat Owlians too."

Ji-Hyun lead me to chair and I take a sit saying:

"O-Okay! Thank you so much!"

Ji-Hyun grabs some tools and shake her head replying:

"No problem, now open your mouth, aaa~"


Following her instruction I open my mouth wide and my eyes close from reflex. I feel a stick poking at the back of my tongue when she pats my head saying:

"Good it seems you're pretty healthy. Now on to next one..."

She checks me one by one from my temperature, flexibility, weight, and et cetera.

"Wow, you have quite a physique. I'm surprise you're not a martial artist with high cultivation with this kind of body."

"Um, I actually train in martial arts."

"Ah, that would explain your developed inner muscles. Now we're half way done, place your arm on the table."

"Eh? Um, okay..."

Following her instruction, I lay my arm on the empty space when she wraps it in some weird device. She starts pressing some buttons as I feel the thing wrapping around my arms tighten.

"W-What is this!?"

"It's okay, it's to measure your heartbeat. Its one of a tool specifically for Owlians' use."

"I-I see.."

(I never seen this before in my local clinic).

As it starts to feel a bit tingly and more pressure is exerted I wonder how long it will take when Ji-Hyun looks at the machine concerned saying:

"Um, Sova can you try opening your shirt?"

"Uh, sure?"

As she release my arm, I rub it for a bit before following her words. She grabs one of those tools that I remembered for when I had a stomach ache as she soon then press it on my chest.

"Hmm? Weird, Yoo-Ah come here and remove your shirt as well."

"Eh? It's not gonna hurt or anything right!?"

Yoo-Ah back away in fear but Ji-Hyun shakes her head replying:

"No, not from this one."

"O-Okay, if you lie, you have to treat me to breakfast!"

"Sure so put your arm up as well."

"Wait! When did I become your test subject!?"

"Don't worry, it's harmless. Besides this is a new experience to try something unusual."

"Ugh fine... Hyeek! Cold!"

(It is?)

Hearing her yelp, I got a bit curious to look why when she tries to remove it saying:

"Ahhh! Ow ow ow! Why do Owlian tools cause so much pain!"

A couple moments of intense patience that feels like forever, I finally hear,

"Hmm... You can button up your shirt now."

Ji-Hyun looks at me again before shaking her head-

"Heh, fufufu... Fuhahaha!"

Ji-Hyun laughs maniacally which cause Yoo-Ah to back away scared as I can tell she never seen her like this. As if the person in front of us change entirely even I could tell she seems weird. With a satisfactory smile she turns her leg to an armrest and lay her head upon it and look at Yoo-Ah saying:

"Well this is a bit troublesome. Yoo-Ah, would you kindly grab this from the storage?"

"Eh!? And what's with that creepy way of speaking?"

Ji-Hyun hands her a piece of paper and continue saying:

"Don't mind such details, it's for your precious Sova. It seems he-er body has some special properties, so I need a proper tool for it."

"Well... Okay! Leave it to me! This better not be something fishy!"

Yoo-Ah swipes the paper and ran outside as I waited and wonder what just happened. Seeing the door opened wide, Ji-Hyun swipe her finger and shuts the door and with a single click I can only wonder what happened to it. Worried and very cautious I ready myself to look back at her seeing the inside of her white coat and robe, a black silk emerge to cover weaving to her skin forming those familiar black tight suit Sis, May and Gruncle wears with a open U on her neck.

(Not only Jin-Yeon but her? I wonder if it's a trend or something?)

"Well, just between you and me, why not tell this busy lady why you're here? Is it your precious Sis perhaps?"

She leans forward opening her eyes to reveal a complete darkness that seems to creep outside as black cracks spread it.

Worried, scared, confused and wondering what to say, I can only fumble to pull out a word.

"Huh? Well..."

(Wait how did she know!? And is it Abe?)

I ponder what to answer when she stretch her legs to her table and cross them as she rest leaning on the bendable chair replying:

"Sigh, I suppose you probably don't know either huh? I was a bit surprised when our branch suddenly receive orders and precautions from Jordan himself and Jin-Yeon suddenly wanting false health documents for a quick registry."

(Jordan? Wait, Gruncle? He's with this Taiga person?)

"Um, I think I didn't get to say this to Jin-Yeon Unnie but I think you might mistaken me for somebody else! I mean I don't even know who this Taiga person!"

"Pfffufufu! Oh you! Well, I see... I think I understand why she would use a different name. Either way, just know this Sova boy. If you need anything just come find us, or those you know are part of us. We're on your side after all and it would be such a waste not to help each other. And keep this conversation a secret mkay~?"

(What did I just got myself into!? And wait, did she say boy? She knows!)

I nod fiercely as she finally close her eyes and the cracks seemingly vanish before she turns her chair around as I see her back turn and all the tools she brought out levitate to their places.

"By the way, since you're an adventurer, now I can explain some few important important safety regulation that I doubt she would explain when she didn't even get close to here. Mhm, one..."

She points at the ceiling and look up,

"You should always visit the infirmary after adventuring to an unknown land or a dangerous place cause we don't want any disease or anything dangerous to spread. Though it's okay to be safe and visit here every time you finish any quest. And two..."

Another finger comes out and then I realize she's just counting with her finger.

"There's actually a back door and special gate for adventurers that just came back from the unknown, the guards would know what to do in those cases so you don't need to worry about procedures. Since you'll be registered everytime you took on a quest that involves going somewhere dangerous or unknown. That's where you get checked and send straight to here for examination. But don't worry, just for you, I'll be personally checking so you can keep that secret of yours. "Miss" Sova Anmao."


Feeling like my heart has been cut open, she turns her head back and winks at me as it confirms yes, she does knew me.

"Um... Thank you for the advice?"

"No problem~ I don't know how long you would stay but I do feel kinda bad if you would just abandoned that sweet summer sunshine after she done so much for you. I don't know how you swoon her to use all her favour like that but at least you gotta make sure her choice isn't in vain okay?"

(What in the world is she talking about? But...)

"Don't worry, I'll make her proud."

"Good answer. I don't know what voodoo, sorcery, curse, or splicing she did to make an Owlian like you but if she let's you go free I'm sure you're pretty safe... Now we just gotta wait for our little sunshine to come back."


(Somebody please let me out of this scary development!? Still, if what she says is true Yoo-Ah probably pulled a lot of strings to get me here so... Maybe I should do the favour and follow what she wants as well since she helps me provide this much. It seems I need to balance things out between mission and personal).

Um, thank you so much for reading so far! I suppose have a double release.

P.S Do any of you like FPS survival like Metro? Or Resident EVII_?

Beltwayscreators' thoughts