
Liberum Mundi

2800 years have passed since the Liberation Era, the missing millennia of humanity expanding into the world. 2200 years or so have passed since the end of the World Invasion, a world-scale attack launch by those despicable Owlians and their heretical science. 2100 or so years have passed since the Maryan Colonization, the imperial ambition of Maryan Remis' open rebellion led his army away to "modernised" the new world beyond the black line, the depths of Grinla, the frontiers of Hyuran, the skies beyond Aologi's space and many more which has not been named. 1900 years or so Maryan's colonisation brought upon a perfect stage for the 2 superpowers of the ancient to clash ideology in a war of guns before glory. To determine the path the world will take between Magic and science. 1700 years or so... ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ And soon, the time is now, not even a month has passed since the Aologi Empire's Civil War and subsequent destruction it brings to the ones before them. An enigma to even the Goddess and the unknown appeared late into the stage... "I wonder how will he fare in this world?" A certain lady peers deep into the shredded tome of knowledge.

Beltways · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
225 Chs

Passing Through Jaguar Territory. (Part 1)

It is now, it is time

I'm going to be late!

Still isn't this pretty early?

Oh my eyes so sleepy...

*thump* *clink* *thump*

Thick plate armour lace with lamellar and mountain scale design bounce up and down a little as I walk past the unending halls. Surrounded by the towering pillars while hanging purple flames flicker and wane as I pass through them. Rumbles of my quivering coat of arms echoes in the dim and empty halls.

"So, you got all your stuff ready Sova?"


Looking at my side, Sis Fei is there in her school uniform. With a smile on her face and a bag on her back, she walks beside me with full of morning vigour.

"S-Sis Fei!? Where did you come from? More like, isn't this still too early for you to go to school?"

"Hehe~ Don't mind that, I have business per say."

She brush her long tied up hair up in the air revealing her slim nape and sweet smell fills the air.

"I hope you remember our promise last night. I prepared something special for you at my school Sova."

I nod replying:

"Of course! I'll make sure to go to your school today! With the extra money I think I can get you a souvenir too."

"Great! I wonder..."

My step comes to a halt when her arms wrap around my neck. Like a bird capturing it's prey, she draws me close to her and gives me a giant hug.

"When did you become so reliable!"

Sis Fei shouts sounding excited as she rubs her cheeks on mine.

"I'm going to help Sis Yuwei and coupled with Nanny Yunyun's strict policy, of course I have to be reliable. And please let me go, I'm going to be late."

"Okay, okay."

She lets me go and I continue walking forward.

"See you at school..."

She doesn't follow me no more, she wave her hand and bid farewell with solemn eyes.

I nod and wave back...

(Sis Fei... Why does she look so lonely?)

I stop at my tracks and return, just like her I return a favor.

"Wah! S-Sova?"

"Please don't look like that."

I embrace her from behind as to comfort her. Even if I can't feel the warm in my arms, I still have my head leaning on her nape.

(Yes I remember now, she doesn't have any friends at her new school. Maybe I should try my best to finish my given mission as soon as possible. That way, I can probably spend more time with her. Perfect! Hehe~ I can't believe I'm calable of making scheduled decisions now~)

"I'll finish quickly so I can spend more time with you. So please don't look so sad."

"Haaah, I'm really slow aren't I?"

Sis Fei breath out a huge sigh and making a cheerful smile.



Before delivering a quick nogging to my noddle.

"You should just focus on your job if you can worry about me, Sova. Besides, only I get to do surprise hugs you got me!?"

"Y-yes, Sis!"

"Good, now let me go."

"O-oh right..."

With my release, she walks away further while looking at her empty hands. I turn around and continue on to the throne room.

Confirming if I have the items I need.

(My new retractable fangtian ji with a similar design that I use to fight Rana but instead of dragons, it's the phoenix... Check. My bag of snacks and salves... Check- and my bag of sweets... Check! And- wait! My money card... Whew, check. The broken piece of equipment I'm going to give Rana back... Check. And finally, the armour I'm wearing... Feeling the armour tickling my backbone which kinda makes me feel uncomfortable. I thought to wear my helmet and the armour protrude a part of it from my nape and encase my whole head from the top of my head till below my chin like a ladder. My whole head covered and my vision gone).

But still, I smile ecstatically from the sheer awesomeness of this armour.

"No matter how many time I tried it, it's still so cool! I can't thank her enough for giving me something so amazing!"

Weird engraving in the Runician language appears in quick succession. Darkness fade and colour return to my eyes.

"Perfect. Nothing's wrong."

Going up the ladder with half of the ladder not visible thanks to the ceiling. I ascend till I see the glorious phoenix gate, station there is one young female soldier the same age as me wiping her helmet with her sleeves.

(Weird, last time I was here nobody is guarding it. Is it because today's special or something? Last I check, the SverSveta festival was still weeks away).


The guard panics the moment she saw me. With haste she wears her helmet and knocks the phoenix gate with the ring knob shouting:

"A new guest has arrived! Opening the gates!"

The guard speaks in a Runician language.

(Ah right! Almost forgot about it...)

The phoenix gates open and the similar purple light enters my vision that doesn't blind me like last time... Probably thanks to the helmet.

The entire throne room is huge, filled with towering pillars and grand chandelier up above when I realize Mike is sitting on one of the chandeliers waving at me...

(Does no one see him?)

Ignoring him and continuing forward until I reach below the tiered throne. Seeing all of the people resting their feet below her and on the side of the throne room, their gaze all fall onto me...

(This is really making me nervous. Why did Sis ask me to come here? I mean I'm just supposed to have a tour trip to study and reunite my family! But either way...)

Resting on top the phoenix throne is Sis Yuwei who's now wearing a much heavier, fancier, and opulent dress which makes her look like someone else entirely, especially her phoenix crown that also covers her face with dangling chains embedded with colourful gems. Her face is semi-visible but I can still see she's wearing makeup now...

(That's rare, she actually wears makeup. But if I have to be honest, she looks like she's already on her early thirties now).

A malicious smile form on her face as if she just read my mind. I look down avoiding her eyes and try to remember the lessons I learned from the harsh instruction Nanny Yunyun give to me. Doing the one knee kneel. I opened my helmet by thought and clasp my hands before looking back at Sis Yuwei shouting:

"Greetings Sis Yuwei, I, Suowa Anmao am at your service!"

I speak in Runician for once in a while. Nanny said I should speak in Runician than the common tongue for this occasion and later.

(This is getting too weird...)

Come to think of it, when Kanami speaks in her accent, didn't she speaks in Eclish? I'm lucky I learn the quote and quote, "Simple multiple languages" with May. I'm starting to be more grateful for all the things she taught me.

"Sis!?" "Did she just say, Sis!?" "What!?" "Is she serious!?" "Wait, I thought Mistress Fei was her only Sister?" "Anmao? What family is that?" "She's Adwowable~!" "Why is someone like that a soldier?"

*murmur* *murmur*

(Oh, they're all speaking Runician too... Am I not supposed to call her that? I mean Sis and Nanny said I should. I feel lost...)

*cling* *clang* *cling*

Their shouts and cries, halted by Sis Yuwei raising her hand and ringing the bells on her sleeves.

"Greetings and salutations, noble Suowa. I, Empress Yuwei am pleased that you would oblige your services to me. Please, kindly stand for heaven wills it."

Sis Yuwei speaks her mother tongue as scarce as a hen's teeth with me. So everytime I hear her, her voice shows how thick her accent is compared to her speaking the common tongue.

"Yes, ma'am!" I reply to her and stand straight.

*cling* *clang* *clang*

Sis Yuwei stands up slowly as her bell ornaments daggle. She raises her right-hand just above her chest speaking:

"I halted all of you for a while is for this. We have finally acquired a Silencer for our cause."

"Truly!?" "A silencer!? Her?" "So we finally have one." "Wait, I thought the reports say its a man?" "But why can't she just show her through distance coms?" "That spassy?" "Ah~ Wonder what division will she be? I hope she's in mine."

*murmur* *murmur*


Sis rings the bells to silence them and continue saying:

"The reason I can't show you this boy's picture is simple. I just drafted him and finish his procedures with Mike just yesterday and the fact that he's an Owlian, no magic shall capture with our regular crystals. And as you know, those exotic cameras are only own by a certain individuals."

"Wha!!!" "!!!" "Wait-" "impressive-" "that's-" "impossible-"

(Why do I feel like some of them are shocked not because I'm an Owlian.)

*cling* *clang*

Sis raises her hand before anyone can say what they want and continue saying:

"I know this is sudden but I hope you can burn his image while he's here and cooperate when you are tasked to. I can assure all of you, he will join each one of you in the coming future. That is all, top-ranking military officers, chancellors and diplomats, stay."

Most of them clasp their hands shouting:

"Yes, ma'am! May the spirits bless you!" Phasing out of existence with their goodbyes.

The one left are two people sitting in the rows of empty pillows, three people wearing black steel helmet that encase their head and have long ears who's sitting below Sis Yuwei... (Wait, long ears?), Mike still sitting in the chandelier and a group of battle-hardened looking champions that straight up came from fairy tales with their legendary armour and the aura they exude along with the scars they have.

(Heck, one of them had a scar that looks like it slices his head in two, another has a helm filled with demonic faces facing all sides, and another one has a demonic horn and a moving trident tail- oh wait, maybe he's a beast-kin like Saya).

*cling* *clang*

While I was occupied in my thought, Sis Yuwei sits down gracefully on her throne and smile saying:

"Now, sir Libing, if you followed what I told you to bring. Please do take him to the old capital office for his briefing. After that, you can come back to meet us again."

A middle-aged man stands up, his long smooth black hair and beard that's highlighted by dark blue makes him look like someone very similar...

He clasp his hands saying:

"Yes ma'am, I obey!"

He pats the shoulder of a boy sitting beside him saying:

"Well than chap, time for you to shine. Hope you can catch up."

"I-I'll do my best shifu!"

The young boy filled with determination nods and clasp his hands. The man stroke his beard nods with a pleased smile. He leaves him alone to approach me. While the military officers and Sis Yuwei started their conversation, the man arrives in front of me. He clasps his hand saying:

"Greetings, Sir? Suowa. I am Libing, head of foreign and internal diplomacy affairs of the Phoenix Sector."

With a smile, he greets and introduces himself, like a man who regularly does it till it's his natural thing. I clasp my hand in return saying:

"Greetings to you too, Sir Libing. My name is Suowa Anmao, Silencer of the Phoenix Royal Family under the direct command of Her Majesty or I guess you for now."

He nods and relax, wrapping his hand on my shoulder and pulling me out of the throne room saying:

"Haha, good~ Now that we introduce ourselves no need to act so polite no more spassy. Come, you may look young but let us have a toast as I brief your tasks."

I look at him responding:

"Wait, I don't think my Sis would let me drink something not my age."

He sighs and continues saying:

"Well if her majesty says so. Guess it can't be helped. So I guess I'll prepare some juice for you instead... Or do you wish for milk or tea?"

(Milk? That's rare).

"I-I guess milk will do."

I quickly respond to him and he nods while opening the gates and the guard outside clasp her hands saying:

"H-have a nice day!"

"Yes, yes, you too."

Linbing raises his hands to reply.

"You have a nice day too."

I reply to her and we continue walking. He point at me with his finger like a gun saying:

"Good choice spassy, with you here smoothening diplomatic relations will be much easier~ though, I'm more curious to why she employs you. An owlian to a job that truly requires magic and relation. Unless it's for diplomatic and secret missions with the states which is still a long way."

(Uh... I don't think Nanny nor Sis ever teach me what to say when someone asks that. And if he's right, why did she give me this job? Wait...)

"Um... I may not look like it, but I can sometimes use magic. But, I think Sis said that I also have Libera's light or something?"

He stops and grasps my shoulder, halting our steps he shouts:

"An Owlian with her light? What kind of sick joke is that!? And the fact you can use magic too. Hmmm."

He furrows his brows and lets me go, taking out a long pipe with a yellow gem at the end. He presents it to me saying:

"Touch the gem. I want to confirm something."

Following what he says, I place a finger on the small gem and it shatters into oblivion, not even dust remains.

(Oh no!)

"I-I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean to-"


Libing broke into laughter and calm himself down by clutching his stomach saying:

"Sometimes a joke can really be taken too far."

"W-what's going on?"

I ask him in worry. Yet, he just casually place another yellow gem and put the pipe in his mouth saying:

"You see kid, the Theocracy sometimes use this gem to indicate who's a what. If you're an Owlian, the colour in the gem will be sapped away kinda like Owlian Steel. And..."

He sucks the pipe and the gem shines bright, turning his blue eyes green before saying:

"And if you're a Zerian, it combines the colour in your eyes so... Congratulations kid, you're neither Owlian nor Zerian. You're a monster."

My heart sunk from his words.

(What does he mean? Sis, what am I really? You never really answered that yet do you?)

"Just kidding~! Zerians only make the gems shines, the brighter the more magic you have. But, I'm impressed she's able to hide someone like you for so long..."

He takes back his words with joy and continues walking forward as nothing happened, I hold his shoulder, stopping him on his tracks saying:

"Wait, can you please explain!?"

He grins and brushes off my hand saying:

"Heh. You better learn manners spassy, you shouldn't hold the shoulder of someone older than you."

(Oh no! Nanny's going to get mad if she realizes this).

"I-I'm sorry."


He speaks softly.

"Huh? Can you repeat that?"

Confused, I ask him to repeat.

"Call me shifu. Then I'll forgive and answer you."

"Um... Shifu?"

"Hehe, good it sounds better when I have this beard. It was worth it to grow this beard. Mhm, well... Let's just say, just like me, you're very special spassy. Come, let us grab some drinks to cheer that face up and then we'll start the briefing."



Empty, that's how I would describe the room I'm now at. Dust and webs piles on the edges, rising sunlight pierce through the stained windows, and a square table sitting idly in the middle of the room. Linbing carries a long pen that's tied to a huge board and our refreshments floating behind him. He throws the board up and as it was about to land, the board levitates and stay afloat above the table.

"Alright, you must be wondering why aren't the maids preparing our refreshments?"

"Uh, no, why?"

(But I am curious to where did Yuria have to go this morning though- oh wait! I'm supose to be more sharp or whatever they say!)

"I-I mean that's because of course I already know why!"

Staring into my eyes with a pleased smile, cold sweat slides down my nape. He shakes his head and prepares the drinks.

"Oh, never mind then. Then let me start explaining stuff to get you in touch with current events. Or maybe you can tell me what you know first about what she tells you or something about the Jaguar Sector. Don't worry, just be honest."

He syas with a lax tone and places the glass of milk on the edge of the board. I feel like I'm swallowing my stomach, fearing if the glass will fall.

(Aaah! He definitely know I'm lying! Um... No focus!)


(Let's see... I don't think May ever teach me about our neighbouring Sectors before except Central. Maybe I should just be honest).

"To be honest, I don't know anything about them other than that they are our neighbouring Sector. In fact, I don't think I know they existed until Sis told me we're in the Jaguar Sector when we're passing them."

Linbing suddenly slaps his knee and burst into laughter.

"Hahaha! Now that's a good one! You really know how to ease up tension and crack a joke. That's good, it seems you'll learn quickly from me. But seriously though, don't speak like that when you're meeting other diplomats for the first time."

He moves the pen around and draws three very thick crooked lines and thinner crooked lines. Colouring one side with multiple colours with amethyst and gold being the dominant and the other side with the others. He continues to draw squares of different shapes and small rectangles on all sides and finally he draws emblems, a jaguar in the middle, a mantis on the top, a dragon to the west and the phoenix to the south. Before long, the drawings rise up looking like statues of cities, mountains, hills, lakes, rivers, small and big walls and a group of soldiers raising their spears that is different from one line to other. What caught my attention was the weird area that is sandwiched between by the other three but...

I grab the side of the box and look at it closer shouting:

"Wa-Wah- What!? That's amazing! How'd you do that!"

(I wonder if I can get one of this so May can teach me when I reunite them back. Or is this a magic tool? And this must be expensive too... That's a shame...)

"Really? I mean this is one of the latest techs from the states when I... mhm, I'll tell you when the time's right. As you can see, the purple south represents our side, the one being sandwiched is the Jaguars, the golden west is the dragons and the north is the mantis."

Libing raises one of his eyebwors in surprise for just a moment before reverting back. I raise my hand asking:

"Is this really our map or something?"

"Oh, is this the first time you actually ever seen your own country's map?"

I nod saying:


"I see... I guess that's fine. It's okay that you don't know about it for now. But I'm just going to briefly explain some things."

He points the long pen at the line between our border and the jaguar saying:

"As you can see, since we're declaring isolation except for the one district in this Sector and the fact we made a secret dealing with the Lords of the Jaguars and Dragons Sect. Most of the Jaguar's soldier in the west and south is pulled to the borders of the now aggressive expending mantis Sector just in case they try to pull anything funny. Thanks to that, they are having a shortage of troops near our border and the people are getting restless about what will happen next with their backs exposed to our menacing sector."

(Wait, why am I even listening to this? I thought I was supposed to have a tour trip... Should I ask? Maybe I should ask something related to sound professional or something. Like Nanny always said, sounding and looking like a professional is always a good way to be one).

"Um... Why us? Aren't they afraid of the west?"

"A feather to you spassy. Yes as you know, Central is the home of the Dragon Family. And being in the centre means being surrounded by everyone, so I'm going to skip the diplomatic lessons and just say it's good to have good relation and trust with everyone when you're surrounded by you know, EVERYONE."

I nod just to pretend I kinda undertsand saying:

"I see, so what do I have to do here?"

He smiles and pulls out a brown thin folder out of his robe. Dropping it on the table and spilling its contents. Pictures of old nobles, a group picture, some shady people sharing somethings, a lady in revealing swimwear, a monkey punching a dude with gloves causing the picture to crack like a window as his face press against it...

(Wait, what the fudge!?)

I rub my eyes to look at it closer but Libing pushes another picture to cover it. A picture of two girls in gold and jade robe playing with the paper fold ball.

"Glad you ask. With most of our problem done. We can finally declare ourselves out of isolation. And you, my boy? As a sign of good faith, you shall be the first one to smoothen the relationship with our neighbours. And your job involves this two."

(Still, I'm surprised she got a bright idea of sending an Owlian as a Silencer is just like her).

Libing whispers at the end, prompting me to ask:

"Wait what?"

My heart beats fast with what he says.

(Sis I know I said I'm going to help you but don't you think this is too much? But then again this is like those spy brifieng thingy May's friednd read to me).

He pats my shoulder saying:

"Don't worry spassy, you'll only walk around and you know, tour the Sector and all that jazz, no biggie it's more of an indirect method."

I breathe out relieved.

"Phew... Good, cause if it's anything else, I don't think I can handle it."

"Say won't you tell me why did her Majesty even put you as a Silencer? Don't worry spassy, just be honest."

I take a drink from the milk and look at him saying:

"To be honest, I don't know. She just told me that if I want to help her so that she can help me. She told me to be this Silencer thingy. And I immediately said yes when she said I can wear this armour, without really listening to what a Silencer really is. And I'm afraid to ask her again."

He holds his mouth and suddenly burst into laughter once more.

"Pfff, hahaha! Damn you got balls of steel spassy... (You do right?) Okay, I'll tell you the short summary. There are many types of Silencers, but most of the one you find are all like super rare or almost mythical battle mages who hides their stupendous amount of magic. They kinda do many things since they vary but most of them are used to keep peace and security and is usually part of the army but you kiddo shall be a keeper of peace and relationships... Between countries or sectors of course."

I hang my head in confusion asking:

"Say, why must they keep their magic hidden?"

"Let's just say if they don't seal or control their magic, it will be very dangerous if not handled properly. People with magic will collapse left and right from the sheer weight of their might. Kinda like knocking them out without touching them. And in some cases, some people would just drop dead if their magic is much much weaker. Hence the name Silencer, Reaper, or Knocker, depending on where you're from.

"That's horrifying!"

(Wait... Didn't something similar happen once? When that man from the Black Tiger Triad make Sis, Moriz, Saya and that other guy collapse? Is that a real Silencer?)

"Hmm, what's wrong spassy? Don't tell me you met one before."

"I think I did. Back when Sis was escorting me home, I met a person from the Black Tiger Triad who could make Sis and the others fall on their knees with magic since I can't sense it at all."

Libing smashes his hands to the table shouting:

"What did you say!? A Silencer that powerful belonged to the Triad! Oh no... This is bad... Wait, I guess we have the Owlian auxiliary and you so it will be fine. Damn, the planning department is really quick to make a solution for everything. Anyway..."

He sits on the table saying:

"Continuing on, as you've heard your job shall be to stroll and tour the Sector but don't worry. I also heard from her majesty you'll travel till the Turquoise Turtle Sector so your instruction is simple. Tour a certain border districts of the Jaguars, head to their capital district and keep order, and then take the private train belonging to the Jaguar and set off to the Turquoise Turtle Sector. And I also heard somebody else will be assigned to you and that person will brief you with the rest."

"A train?"

(I think it's that's what May told me she discover when I wake up in Central... Hold on).

"It's free right?"

I ask him just to make sure. He burst out laughing again saying:

"Bwahahaha! What's with that question!? Of course, it is! It's a private train after all. You're asking like some stingy citizen."

"Well, I am just a citizen."

"You are? I thought she called you noble? Say... Are you born from the Aologi Empire? If so... Did you perhaps take some of those occult tonics to gain magic?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. It is true I'm born in the Aologi Empire or the United States of Aologi I think it's called now? But I left there since I was just eight years old."

"Weird, you've become more interesting by the minute spassy... But I better just leave it alone, I now realize why she keeps quiet about you. Sorry I ask and try not to talk about your circumstances to anyone Suowa, just to only people you really trust."

I nod hesitantly saying:

"Okay....( What about him then?) Say, who's going to accompany me?"

He brushes his beard and shakes his head saying:

"Don't ya worry spassy. The one who'll accompany you, sadly I don't know who it will be."

"Wait, shouldn't we worry since we don't know who it is."

He hides his hands inside his sleeves saying:

"Calm down, I may not know who but I know that someone under the direct order of her majesty will accompany you. It's weird she's keeping a lot of secrets now but I trust her. So if you want to know who, why not ask her? I mean she's your sister and all."

I look at him saying:

"Sure... So let me repeat what I need to do. Oh, wait."

I finish the glass of milk and he gestures me to continue saying:

"Okay, go on."

I nod saying:

"All I need to do is tour a certain border districts of the Jaguar Sector, head to their capital and then take the private train to head to the Turquoise Turtle Territory?"

"Yes, easy isn't it?- oh, wait!"

Surprised by his rising voice. I tense up asking:


"Before I leave..."

He rummages inside his sleeves and pulls out a phoenix medallion. Placing it on the board saying:

"Take it and attach it to your left shoulder, it's proof you're one of us now."

My hand reach to the medallion and as I try to wear it, the medallion quickly pulls itself and latch on to my left shoulder. The phoenix inside shines bright in purple light.

"Uh is that suppose to happen?"

He stands up and clasps his hand, bowing down saying:

"Yes. Welcome to the foreign affairs division Suowa. May the spirits bless you on your journey forward."

I quickly clasp my hand and bow down saying:

"Thank you, may the spirits bless you too."

He stands straight and walks away taking the board saying:

"I suggest you wait at the imperial gates for dispatch. See you when you finish your mission, Suowa."

Waving his hand to say goodbye, he grabs his drink and left me alone in the room.

"Wait, I never actually left this place since I got here... Where's the way out again? Should I return to the throne room? But she's busy..."

I hold my chin to think of a way but all I can think off is:

"I'm fudged. Hold on! There's still a chance! I can go the the gate of the throne room and ask that guard girl."



I stand on my feet, facing where the sound came from.

"Calm down there spassy, its just me."

Libing returns as he peeks his head inside. My heart brightens in joy and a smile form unintentionally.

(Oh thank goodness. I can ask him).

He snarks saying:

"Suowa, I know its worth for a good laugh but you better wipe that spirit's kiss."


He speaks before I can say anything significant and leaves.


I chase after him with all I have. The halls, empty and Libing is nowhere to be found...

"Donut! Why did this happen all the time!"

I wipe my mouth with the gaps in my armour and see the milk stain on my clothes.

"Well I guess, there's only one thing to do... Guts don't fail me now!"


With a half-filled bottle of milk in my hands, I open the bottle to take a gulp before closing it and look around the endless halls wondering...

(Hmmm, I'm pretty sure this leads to the throne room...)

I fall on all four and shout:

"I'm lost again, aren't I? How did they memorize this place!?"



Sounds of laughing children echoed in these halls, faint footsteps ring subtly close yet so far. A smile form on my face as hope rises from my heart.

"Seems hope not so far, maybe I can ask them. Still... I didn't know there were kids here. Maybe they're spirits like the one I met in the bathroom. Time to get myself motivated."

I stand on my feet and feeling my backbone tickled, I wear my helmet again and hearing the protruding steel and that weird *nggg* sound.

"Hehe~ I'll never get bored of that. If only this thing can map or something."

A small circle and rectangle appear at the edge of my view where there wasn't before. It shows scrambling cubes and a wave emits around me. The circle change to show something similar to a map, the area is thin with lots of branching ways, a compass that shows the twelve roads of spirits, and a weird red dot that points up. While the rectangle shows a green bar and my name on it...

(Wow! It wasn't there before).

"Oh! Well then..."

I close my eyes and kneel down, placing my hand on the ground to heighten my senses...

(Just like how I learn to hunt with Sis. This world is like a part of you, use your hearing not just as your eyes, but as your skin too).


My hearing picked up something and I dash with all my might. I jump on the wall to turn left like I'm circling around without leaving any dent or tracks.

(I've spent my time training every morning and after lessons. I've at least have better control of my dashes and feet now!)

The map shows the red dot moving...

(So that's me?)

My sight was lock on two kids. I slowed down a few meters away and continue to walk from where I land.

Mirror twins sisters with short dark blue hair. And looks very cute as they play with sticks and glass marbles. Smiling and laughing, bringing joy and laughter in this quite and empty halls. Weirdly enough they don't wear the maid outfits but expensive-looking robes instead.

(Glass marbles huh? Are they playing hit and run? It's been a while since I see that. Last time I did was with May and Nicole before I accidentally shoot mine into the sewers while Nicole lost his by making holes in the neighbourhood).

I walk closer to them and it seems one of them looks at me, the other one whispers loudly saying:

"Don't look! Iwill ignore us too!"

And continue playing again.

(Weird didn't the spirit before usually freak out?)

As I appear close. They still continue playing with a frightened face while pretending I don't even exist...

"Excuse me?"

I try to gain their attention but they shiver and jump in shock instead.

"Eeep! It's after us!"

"Noooo! Waan!"

They shout aloud and tried to run but one of them trips.

(Trip? Can spirits trip? Wait, do spirits even make any footsteps?)

Worried, I walk to the one who trips and the other one look back shouting:

"Sister!" And return to help.

As she tries to help her get up, the girl who falls holds her sister's arm saying:

"I-I can't move my wegs, wiw Sis! I'm s-scared-waaahhh!!!"

"No... Don't cry or I... I will- waahhh!"

The other falls on her knees started crying too. Hugging each other shouting:

"I *sniff* I always wov you! I never *sniff* hated you! I'm sowy for lunning away fom wanny Litan! I'm swowy fo making you sad!"

"Don't sway that now! We *sniff* we *sniff* we will wiv!"

They tried their best to hold their tears but they're still shaking on their feet.

(I guess they're not spirits. What should I do? Ah right!)

I remove my helmet and kneel down. Giving them a helping hand saying:

"I'm sorry if I scare you, please don't cry."

They look at me with a face of surprise and halt their cries. I close my eyes thinking:

(At least they stopped crying. Hmmm, what to do now?)

I feel my hand and face being touch and I open my eyes. I see both of them holding me with their tiny hands whispering:

"She's *sniff* so pwetty!"

"Her swin's so smooth *sniff* too!"

"Umm... Are you okay now?"

They both gather infront of me and wipe their tears and snot shouting:

"*sniff* Of course!"

"Yes! *sniff*"

(If only I have a napkin or a paper towel...)

One of them bow down and the other followed her and bow down before saying:

"Sorry for cwying, big Sis."

"Um... Say, big Sis, who war you?"

(Hmm, big Sis? Maybe I should introduce myself).

"My name is Suowa Anmao. I guess I'm kinda like a helping hand for Sis Yuwei?"

"Sis Yuwei? You're Yu-cie' sibling? I thought she only has Fei-cie left."

"Yea! Who war you? Hmmm..."

With puffed up cheeks they look at me with suspicious eyes which is adorable. I try to think up a short explanation saying:

"I guess I'm like her sworn brother who finally return after she finished her business?"

(Now that I think about it, I sound very untrustful. Uncle Lixue is very right about what he says about me being very suspicious. I mean I haven't seen Sis Yuwei for nearly half a decade. I could be anybody if Sis Yuwei didn't admit it was me...)

"Bwother? You're a lady! You can't be a bwother! You wire!"

"Yea! Lin-cie she's supa sus fishes!"

They start to furrow their brows and looks at me more suspiciously. Which is even more adorable.

(Oh~ I can't answer seriously if they look at me and speak like that! What can I do to explain... Maybe being honest? Honesty is always the right policy except when your reputation is on the line is what Nanny always say.)

"I haven't seen Sis Yuwei for nearly five years so you're right for being wary. I know it may be surprising but please know that I'm here to help. As proof, here."

I showed them my medallion and hand them my bottle of milk saying:

"You must be thirsty after crying, here's something to drink."

They look and back away saying:

"I-I don't act sweep things from stwanges! And I hate milk!."

"M-me too, hmph!"

They reject the drink I give with all they have, I look confused asking:

"I understand, but why hate Milk? They taste nice, it's very rare to find one this thick with cream."

"You sound like Nanny Litan..."

"Yea! Dooble sus fishes."

(You found someone like your Nanny suspicious!?)

When they turn their backs to me, I realize they actually have different tattoos on their nape.

(Wait, maybe...)

"T-they come in different flavours too."

One of them peeks her head a little asking:

"D-Dwer is!? W-what flavour?"

The other holds the other shoulders saying:



(I better act quick... Last time I check aunt's friend store, there was...)

"There's, (sweet and sour) Rebry."


"Bleh! Who in there wight mind eat Rebwy! You're right Lan-cie, let's leave."

They show their clear disgust of that flavour with their bitter face.

(I think I can differentiate them now. The one with the sword-like bird tattoo is Lan and the one with the spear-like bird tattoo is Lin).

As they are about to walk away, I think up another saying:

"Wait, how about (my personal favourite of delicate sweet) turnva-"

Lan turns back and grabs my hand shouting:

"Turnva! I want that!"

"Nanny Litan never said there's turnva milk!"

They both smile adorably and all the suspicion in their eyes fades as they pull both my arms.

(Wow, I'm surprised they trust me over some food... Then again, I think I was no different back then too).

"Take us! Take us! Then we'll bewiv you!"

"Yea, take us to find Turnva milk! Qind big Sis!"

They beg with both voice and force.

(I really should clear it up).

"Um... I really am a man, so call me big brother."

"Eh~? Stop wying and find turnva already!"

"Wire, wire, tongue will become shorter~"

"Um, no I'm not."



"Won't you please listen?"

They ignore my cries as they pull me forward.

(Why won't people believe me...)





We all stopped and slowly look back at where the sound comes from. Standing there is a girl in her teens. Her skin, white as pure milk. Her hair pink, long and curly like cotton candy. And her bright coloured maid robe and white frilly apron fit well with her colourful looks. Cheerful and cute is the perfect word to describe her. The twins with no warning each hug my leg shaking in their feet.

"Lin~, Lan~ do you know your mistake?"

Her voice and smile, innocent with a hint of frustration while she presses her puffed-up cheeks to express it. The twins look down with regret saying:

"Swowy for running away nanny Litan."

"We'll never do it again."

She nods vigorously and walks closer to us saying:

"Mhm~, mhm~ since you're honest. I'll forgive you two. Now let go of kind big brother's leg."

(She recognized me!? That's rare!)

They look at nanny Litan with a surprise face and looks back at me.

"Big bwother?"

"You mean big Swiss, nanny Litan?"

She shakes her head and let her breath out saying:

"Hah~ He's a man no doubt about it. Nanny can tell from miles away. Don't get trick just because he's very pretty and smell very nice too."


"That's... Big bwo you wire!"

They both let go of me and Lin folds her arms while puffing her cheeks again. I clench the bottle of milk saying:

"Me lier? I already said I'm a man but you call me a lier too."

Lin shakes her head saying:

"Nuh-uh! Big bwo a bwig wire, sissy wire ble~h!"

She sticks her tongue out and runs to nanny Litan. I clench the bottle even harder...

(Why that little!? Wait, who's the one that said liers will get their tongue shorter again?)

Lan hesitantly bows saying:

"S-see you later." And run to Nanny Litan.

Nanny Litan pets them both in the head with looks of relief and silent joy. She looks at me and bows down energetically saying:

"You must be the Honoured Guest or should I say, Daylight Agent. Thank you so much for taking care of these little precious! I'll send my gratitude to her majesty right away. Till we meet again, Agent Suowa... And please kindly wipe that Spirit's kiss, off your face~!"

She waves her hand and they sunk into the floor, disappearing from the face of the earth with a swoop... As I stand alone wiping the milk off my face.

"I forgot to ask for directions. But I realize another thing. If I really wish to fit here, then I better give it my all so people won't suspect me. Don't worry Sis, I'll make sure to help you and not cause trouble."

(I'm starting to feel like I'm becoming part of something grander that I'm not supposed to...)


{Extra Bite}

Time, time never stops and if it did so will everything. Like gears that shall never stop moving or the machine will break, like a heart that keeps pumping so the person shall not die, like Ingaru I am bound to move forever until reality conclude.

"How long have I been wandering in these halls?"

A second here feels like an eternity. Even with the tiny map telling me which way I already went, I don't know which is which and each room I find are always empty...

"Unlike before, I didn't meet any person nor even any spirits! I got the chance just now and I blew it!"

(What should I do?)

I look around in the clean, expensive, opulent yet empty halls. Before long, my eyes fall at my hand. An empty milk bottle with a tint of milk inside, so little and painful to look at for even a drop would not fall to my dry tongue even if you tilt it upside down.

(I'm afraid to eat my snacks for it will make me thirstier but... Oh, what should I do?)

"I make a big mistake of not bringing any water..."

I continue to walk ahead of the unmarked roads in hopes for some kind of chance. At the end of the way, only one road remains... Left. I hold the edge of the turn and look left. A giant gate presents itself to me at the end of the journey. It looks ominous, demonic in fact.

(I got the sense that there are a lot of things that are demonic-looking... But then again, what makes something demonic? Is it the things that are set in stones? Darkness that the church deems evil? The things that are not "holy" which is not free? Who decide such facts and determine such conclusion- okay! I'm starting to question things that's too much for me...)

"Maybe being thirsty is a part of it."

My leg has taken me to stand so close, just an arms reach and I can touch it but knowing things by now. If I do something it will end badly. I look at the map and see that there are still roads and ways beyond the gate yet I took the liberty to just sit down and rest for a while. Removing my armour with thought and my body was ejected slowly. Doing this not because of fatigue or tiredness but just for simple peace of mind.

"I wonder if anyone will find me?"

I mumble loosely and quietly so it will only seep to my ears as I sit beside my armour.

"I said I want to help, I said I'm going to change, I said I'm going to be better and question more but I can't even do most of it. I'm pathetic..."

My determination dwindles as I speak my thought, my heart's desire. But it is all for nought.

*clank* *clang* *clank* *cling*

Footsteps and bells echoes in the halls. Attracting me to where it is. A shadow looms ahead and there. Standing before me is a woman who stands taller than me, her heavy and luxurious robe makes her huge and dominating, coupled with her thick, long and luscious hair like a flowing river. It's none other than Sis Yuwei.

(Ah I heard about this, they say when you're hungry, thirsty or just lack something. You start seeing things. Just like how Nicole explain to me why he started to hug me a lot back then because he was too sleepy to realize, before getting embarrassed about it).

"At least let me have a hug too..."

My arms wrap around Sis Yuwei's waist and my head dives between her chest. With an oomph, I felt her warmth and I receive a kind pet in the head in return...

(This feel comforting).

"It seems one maid is not enough for you. You know, Saya's been waiting an hour for you in the castle entrance."

"Wait... You're real?"

I look up to her while being sandwiched by her chest. Her caring eyes look upon me like someone seeing a lost child. She caresses my head saying:

"Come, let me take you out and give you something to drink."

"Thank you so much, Sis!"


My grip tightens with joy and delight. Her warmth and softness spread across me twice fold and drowsiness strikes me as I felt my eyes becoming heavy. Feeling my cheeks being grabbed, she pulls me to look up and her eyes locked on mind saying:

"Say, Sova, I said I'll be open and more honest with you. Do you recall when we're in Moriz' car? I was lying with most of what I say, like not accepting radical ideas and et cetera... But I was true when I told you I won't involve you in the Civil War!"


She brushes my bangs aside so light shines more on my eyes.

"Fufufu, focus Sova. You're lucky to even receive nanny Litan's gratitude," her words calm and demeaning, but sounds to me as caring.

"I'll try."

I tried to respond and she makes a pleased smile behind the chains on her hat.

"I have learnt of something very disturbing when you're asleep. But don't worry, I'll try my best to help you stay away from it."

She caresses my head with one hand and smiles caringly for me.

"We're walking on cracking thin ice. If we don't tread carefully, we'll fall and if we don't move we'll also fall. So I ask you to please just believe in me okay? I'll guide you to your destination."

I look down and weakening my grip.

"Sis, I always trust in you. Even after that stunt... T-The real question is, do you b-believe in me?"

My voice quivering and scared but she hugs me close inside her arms.

"If I don't, I wouldn't give you this job. You have my trust Sova, I believe you'll have a bright future. I'll make sure of that."

She whispers to my ears. I tighten my grip and a smile appear where a frown was supposed to.

"Thank you... I'll do my best!"

She caresses my head and ruffles my hair, feeling her warms envelope me.

(When did he become so fragile? Did all the losses he suffered diminish his pride? Wait, Does he even have one?)

She whispers very softly. Yet I don't really mind.

Thank you so much for reading thus far. I really do since this is a really long one (not as long as some of the previous one but...) Please do tell me if there is any mispelling or any problems so I can fix and improve.

P.S Ima gonna take a break.

Beltwayscreators' thoughts