
Liberum Mundi

2800 years have passed since the Liberation Era, the missing millennia of humanity expanding into the world. 2200 years or so have passed since the end of the World Invasion, a world-scale attack launch by those despicable Owlians and their heretical science. 2100 or so years have passed since the Maryan Colonization, the imperial ambition of Maryan Remis' open rebellion led his army away to "modernised" the new world beyond the black line, the depths of Grinla, the frontiers of Hyuran, the skies beyond Aologi's space and many more which has not been named. 1900 years or so Maryan's colonisation brought upon a perfect stage for the 2 superpowers of the ancient to clash ideology in a war of guns before glory. To determine the path the world will take between Magic and science. 1700 years or so... ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ And soon, the time is now, not even a month has passed since the Aologi Empire's Civil War and subsequent destruction it brings to the ones before them. An enigma to even the Goddess and the unknown appeared late into the stage... "I wonder how will he fare in this world?" A certain lady peers deep into the shredded tome of knowledge.

Beltways · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
225 Chs

Of Lord and Prey. (Part 4)

Embracing Juha closely, I finally let her go when we arrive by Won-Yok's HQ. Juha drops off her steed as she greets the officers standing outside the camp and I'm left to fend for my fate as I try my best to descend.

(Why is it that dismounting is harder than getting up?)

Trying to reach the ground with the tip of my toes, I hug the steed as which feels like hugging a huge water balloon. Finding the balance of grasping and letting go is simply harder with a steed.

(Even if I learn how to not get hurt when mounting a beast back then, trying to ride is different).

"Phew, looking ahead it doesn't feel so tall, but it sure does look far- woah!"

"Get your ass here quickly, dumbass! And greet him."

Juha pulls me close as she drags me near the officer and I clasp my hands saying:

"I-I'm Sova Anmao, nice to meet you!"

"Hoh? That's quite the thick northern accent. I'm the Deputy to the Supreme Commander, Nong-Eo Yok-Ho... Wait, are you perhaps the one that's been the talk around the kingdom?"

Juha sighs folding her arms replying:

"You just realize that now, General nim? Not to break your flow but I think we need to hear your strategies before gramps catch on."

Juha walks ahead first as he turns to her shouting:

"R-Right! Follow me."

Yok-Ho gesture us to the edge of the cliff where we could see the ensuing battle as soldiers are slowly retreating as the sun leaves. Yok-Ho points at the walls saying:

"At first, our strategy was simply focus on one front and charge ahead to take the brunt since we only have ground troops. For as long as we take the walls it'll be their doom. But it's proven to be quite the challenge with their ships until you came along so we'll change our attack now. We've been planning to attack them on an angle they have a hard time defending... The sky!"

He point up and directs his aim towards the city saying:

"But with the Whistling Calvary, we will change our plans to suit our specialty. Now, we can finally turn the board around and launch a two prong assault on them! Time is not on our side but numbers are, so we'll buy our time with that!"

He clench his fist and strike at his palm before saying:

"We will bring all our reserve forces for a night assault, sorry to ask this of you when you haven't rest. As we push and throw ourselves at the gates, the moment General Jin Cheo nim sees a crack, tell him to strike there."

(Wait, that's a strategy? I mean I'm not an expert but that doesn't slund so...)

"Understood! Sova, you'll stay here where it's safe. So, don't go getting yourself in danger! Do you understand!?"


Seeing the officer gather near Yok-Ho, I stand close and watch Juha ride away into the sunset where Cheo is waiting alongside the wreckage of the burning battleships. Wondering what to do, one of the officers starts asking:

"Lord Yok-Ho nim, are you sure attacking at night is a good idea?"

"This is really pushing it and is very unorthodox."

"This is no different than the previous plan."

The officers keep coming down with complaints but Yok-Ho shut them all down shouting:

"Quiet down! You youngsters truly are still green! Haven't you heard that you need to know your enemy to defeat them?"


"Even still, throwing lives calously like that is still..."

"Listen here! This is a chance we will never get if it was 13 years ago when the Coalition betrayed us. Admiral Hwa-Jin is known as a Aggressive Attacker while his Defense is weak. Our Supreme Commander is also an offensive master, so we have finally caught Hwa-Jin not in his element. This is the only chance we get and if we squandered it, who knows how many lives will be lost! Most of you are all too young to ever seen Won-Yok unleash his fury during the Coalition! Just watch and learn how we do this!"

He turns to look toward me and point to the ground saying:

"Young one, you stay."

Before he rush towards one of the steeds behind the tents shouting:

"Honour guards! With me! We'll provide Won-Yok with support!"

" "Yes, we obey!" "

I hear soldier shout and follow after the commander, rows of crimson Guards soon stampede down the cliff alongside Yok-Ho when the officers rush pushing me aside shouting:

"Wait, Lord Yok-Ho!", "What are you doing! If you leave who's going to command!?", "Damn old guards!", "Shit, we can't even see that great from up here when it's dark. Anyone can use qi infusion yet?"

(Hmm? Can't they do that yet?)

Ignoring the group, I can't help but clutch the closest fence when I see Yok-Ho riding across and Won-Yok who's twice taller than most of the soldiers is easily noticable. As soon as he see Yok-Ho, Won-Yok raises his sword and the soldiers at the back sets off. The sight of thousands of wisps of fire and light spread across the dusk is quite the sight. Seeing everything from up here, I can't help but feel a nostalgic feeling...

(Or maybe that's just fear? Then again, this is the first time I saw a clash between armies directly).

Once again they clash against the walls as they do their best to climb and mount an relentless assault as sunlight completely fades. Cheo and Juha alongside their group dives into the water while I sit down and try to suppress the nostalgic feeling that's becoming a burning sensation in my chest. The wisps line to form a square formation similar to the ones at the game as the one lead by Yok-Ho attacks in a orderly manner compared to Won-Yok chaotic sludge but slowly encroaching assault. Guns fire across the fields as they exchange bullets to form a weird firework show... Now I can't help but keep this... This passion in check!


Crouching down my knees, I start to wonder why I'm feeling this now? After I resign to my old believes.

(I hate it when it feels like my old decision are wrong. But get it together! Just because I won't back away from a challenge doesn't mean I have to jump into one).

"Right... Calm down. This isn't like me."

I try to assess what's going on when I notice something...

"That commander fighting at the front... Is not Hwa-Jin? Or maybe I'm simply imagining things since I haven't get to see him a lot-"



Something exploded behind me with so much force that it fling me across the cliff and send me to the skies. Flying across the barrage of arrows and bullets, barely missing by hair's breathe before I try to calm down and regain my balance and land on my feet.


I look back to where I stand before, the cliff and whole HQ has been blown to kingdom come as only smoke and debris are left. And from the cloudless skies, the full moon is being blocked by a massive airship bearing the phoenix emblem slowly descending.

*Pat* *Pat*

Dusting the cinders and flames off my cloak, my eyes are being greet by an unexpected occurrence. At the edge of the ship is an old man in his late 40's with lush brown hair stretching across his long coat. Stroking his long beard, he looks down with purple glow in his eyes and frown.

(Is... Is that Hwa-Jin? No it looks like what Cheo would look when he grows old).

"Aaargh! Run away!", "We've been flanked! Retreat!", "No! I can't die here!", "Dammit, spread out!", "Maintain formation!", "Aaah! Screw this!", "Wait, I know that...", "No way...", "This is it! It's over!", "Supreme Commander!", "My Lord, that's..."


I feel a large seething rage behind me when I realize I land near the wall where Won-Yok is fighting. Surrounded by the Crimson Guards Won-Yok walk past me shouting:

"JIN-GUN!!! So you're alive?!"

(Who? And wait, aren't we suppose to win? Could it be because of the time? No, nothing shoul've change).

Before the ship lands upon the ruins of our HQ, the leader jumps down with a 6 legged steed alongside hundred calvary units similar to him. He pulls out a spear similar to what Cheo use and slice upon a path. He strikes like a large tide washing across the field and disrupting our rear and swash across our soldier like a natural disaster. Won-Yok seeing this ride his steed and raises his great sword shouting:

"Crimson Guards, to me!"

" "We obey!" "

"W-Wait let me follow- woah!"

Won-Yok grabs me by the collar and drag me along and placing me at the back saying:

"Fine by me young one, prove us your worth!"

Riding across the reversing tide of our own soldiers that's in chaos, I see a group of calvary men that looks like they belong with Kokkan with feathers on their shoulder when Won-Yok displayed his martial might by raising his great sword with both arm and slash around the pursuing for and slicing both the foe in half while decapitating their steed. And as more calvary units come, the crimson guards intervenes and halt them in their path when I could see the man name Jin-Gun waiting with rows of calvary behind me forming a half circle.


(Jin... No way, didn't they say he's dead!? Or is he her uncle?)

Won-Yok screams as he slice open a path from the thin line of calvary ahead of him. Jin-Gun slowly strides forward saying:

"Evening, master. It's been quite a while."

Won-Yok drops me and soon raise his sword as he charge forth replying:

"You fucker, rather than me, you should've seen your kids and father you ungrateful brat!"


Won-Yok thrust his great sword forward but Cheo counter by simply striking back and clash the tip of their blades. The echo of their steel rings loudly and soon push their blades back as they start swinging their weapons at each other. The swordmanship and spearmanship at play is quite a foreign yet intriguing experience to witness as I see two True Martial Artist duke it out.

Knowing my experience against those much stronger myself, I can tell one thing... That Jin-Gun is severely holding himself back. Won-Yok on the other hand is giving it his all as the rage in his face and strikes can clearly be felt on each blow while Jin-Gun parries them all. Each strike he parry leaves behind a small cut on the ground and soon,

*Ting* *Pang*

Won-Yok strikes his spear up, leaving an opening where he strikes on his chest. Blood gush out as he pulls back and the soldiers behind him rush forward to protect him.

"You've grown weak, Jin-Gun! Wherever you've been you're clearly slacking off!"

(Really!? Am I the only one who knows he's playing around?)

*Crackle* *Crackle* *Freeze*

From the sides, a massive glacier rise up impaling many of Jin-Gun's soldiers and freezing many inside before...

*Crack* *Smash* *Boom*

It explodes and it's shrapnel splash across the rows of soldier behind, and even as they block it somehow pass or breakthrough leaving many dead.


"Pops is that really you?"

Hearing a familiar voice, I see Cheo alongside Juha beside him. They stare at him bewildered and on the verge of tears when Jin-Gun holds his wound replying:

"Idiot son, what the hell are you thinking bringing your little sister to a battlefield!? Grrgh... Retreat."

" "Pops!" "

Both Cheo and Juha rush across as he sends the calvary to intercept but Cheo easily swept them aside with the same technique as Jin-Gun while Juha follows behind him. Won-Yok follows in pursuit when the ship above the cliff starts moving again and more soldiers gets in our way, but...


A giant aura blade extends from Cheo's spear and pierce across groups of enemies in a eclipse motion to make a large current rising. But unlike Moriz' dynamic strikes he uses his swift flowing moves to incorporate Moriz technique. And I realize...

(Isn't that similar to what Moriz use last night? Did he imitate- no, that's even more than imitation. Did he learned from simply looking at his techniques and created his own!? And in just a night?)

"I need to step up my effort. Maybe it's time I show what I learn from sparring."

Even Jin-Gun looks surprised and hasten his escape. Rather than riding his steed, he jumps in the air as if there's some platform and get inside the ship, leaving behind all the soldiers below to hold us all back as I hear,

"Pops! Get back here!"

Jin-Gun turns around replying:

"That will be soon, Cheo. You've win this battle but don't celebrate just yet. The Colonel is not done with surprises just yet."

The flying ship ascend and rise beyond reach as it flies past the coast. Cheo who can't seem to process all that happens grips his spear tightly and turn towards the encircling enemies and twirls his spear before swinging it around. Ice spikes emerge from the ground impaling all the enemies and soon branch off as smaller spikes burst and pierce those it miss. Cheo has singlehandedly killed all his pursuers and guards Jin-Gun left behind...

"Sova... I see you're safe. Thank goodness."

Juha who approach us when Won-Yok cleared his own harassers and I nod replying:

"Yea, but... Are you okay?"

Juha rubs her arms replying:

"That's... Let's claim our victory first. Grab on."

Juha gives me a hand and I take it replying:

"Alright, but wait, we won? I though the soldiers run?"

"That's true but they're not the only one who's fighting."

Juha looks at the walls when I notice Yok-Ho has somehow taken over the walls. But that was only for a brief moment when she turns her head over the horizon where the ship disappears.

(I feel like I really am out of place, but...)

I grab Juha saying:

"I'm sure he'll come back, and your grandfather is inside there right?"

"Yes, you're right. Time is of the essence. Supreme Commander, let's reclaim the city!"

"(What's that ungrateful brat trying to achieve appearing only to get defeated?)"

Won-Yok scratches his chin and whisper to himself as if he didn't listen Juha's request.

"Huh? Oh, sorry little one. But yes, let us claim our victory. I'll be heading first."

They may have win the battle, but the face and atmosphere they show doesn't feel like they're actually victorious. Sitting behind Juha, we stride across the corpses and ruins of the combat zone. In the cover of night, the beautiful snow field has turn grey and red from the excess ordinance and blood that has been spilled today.

Soldiers who I can't really tell who's fighting for who all wear the same expression beneath the crackling flames. The look of hopelessness and despair pulls them all down as they throw their weapons away exhausted and crushed beneath guilt. Even after such battle, the marines and army who's armies just moments ago are working together to burn the corpses and retrieving some sort of keepsakes and blue stones.

(Is this...)


"Haa! Sova, your hands, don't squeeze my sides so suddenly!"

"Sorry... It's just that this doesn't look good."

Juha scolds me yet seeing the destruction before me doesn't seem to affect my actions much.


Juha stays silent for a while before she speeds up saying:

"Look up, Sova. And keep your head high. How can you lead your subordinates if their superiors can't even look ahead. Or should I say how can you calm the chaos when you look so gloom. I'm not telling you to smile but at least look dignified!"

"I'll try."

Juha stops beside Cheo who's walking to the city while reigning his steed. The calvary troops he led are helping with the clean up while Cheo seems to assisting as many wounded he come across while walking when Juha says:

"Get on your Steed, Oppa. There's still one more person we have to meet. And we need to rest through the night after such an exhausting ride."

Cheo bites his lips and clench his fist as he pulls the spear and ride his beast once more replying:

"I know. It seems I push my companions too harshly when they just come out of retirement."

He look past Juha's shoulder and onto me as I know what he's trying to convey.

"Don't worry, if I follow what Yoo-Sui said, Elder Hwa-Jin will still be allowed to live."

"Whatever the outcome, it's not gonna be good anyways. Let's go greet the traitor. Haah!"

Cheo strode forth across the skies and Juha follows suit. Coming closer to the walls, the barricades and fortification becomes thicker as I see corpses stuck and torn apart at the defenses while huge blast marks are scattered over the shattered walls and ground. Cheo swim across the walls alongside Juha and we soon climb over the half destroyed walls Yok-Ho has cause.

And at the centre of the small open area between the city and the walls is Hwa-Jin, tied and apprehended with Won-Yok and Yok-Ho looking down on him as he kneels alone surrounded by the crimson guards. Cheo hastily rush towards him, bumping through the crimson guards and dismount clumsily shouting:


Hwa-Jin the balding old man in his late sixties is quite dispirited when he looks up at Cheo replying:

"Quiet down, Cheo. You're so loud even at night. This old man is already quite tired and wants to rests his eyes."

"Why gramps!? Just why!? And did you actually know Pops is still alive?!"

Juha arrives soon after and Hwa-Jin hangs his head seeing her replying:

"Yes, it's complicated."

Knowing it's now my turn to help, I jump down and pull open a scroll saying:

"Um... I'm here under Yoo-Sui's orders. I'll be the one delegating and talking with Elder Hwa-Jin."

Everyone turns to look at me and soon the scroll in my hands. Won-Yok stares down at me with contempt shouting:

"Don't butt in now, young one! This is personal business! So take away your high mount elsewhere."

"I'm sorry, Sova, but can you at least let me have some time with my gramps?"

Cheo chimes in to add with Won-Yok but I refuse their request as I remember what Yoo-Sui instruct the past few days replying:

"I'm just doing my job to end this civil war quickly and making sure everyone survive. You can have your personal talks after that. Listen, if this keeps going on Elder Hwa-Jin will be executed whether you like it or not if you bring him back now or keep talking."

Cheo looks at me with a glare replying:

"Where did you learn how to talk like that?"

Wondering what to say, Juha takes my side and shield me as she dismount saying:

"Take Sova's words for granted now, Oppa. This is from the law expert Yoo-Sui nim, and even if we win, Heaven is still going to judge us in the end. We shouldn't do anything personal that would cross the Heavens in this matters. And let's not forget, time is on the essence, before that Guild master brings down Heaven's almighty army upon our weakened state... Let's end all this bloodshed clean and swiftly."


Thankful for Juha helping with convincing them, Cheo grind his teeth and turns away clicking his tongue saying:

"Tch! Just get this over quick, Sova. And here I was wondering what your purpose is for coming along... If you can prevent my grandfather from dying, I'll be in your debt."

Won-Yok strokes his beard and orders Yok-Ho saying:

"Hmph, escort Hwa-Jin and that young Sova to an interrogation room with some guards. We'll be pacifying and securing the city before rest- hmm?"

Won-Yok stop mid-sentence as he pull out a cube when both Won-Yok and Yok-Ho their eyes widened. Cheo who's about to leave rush back as well saying:

"I'll issue an order to my calvary."

Won-Yok frowns his brow as I see the anger boiling in his face and nods shouting:

"All crimson Guards with me! And Yok-Ho, pick 7 among each squad that can still fight and tell them to follow us to the capital."

"We obey!"

Yok-Ho clasp his hand to salute as he then look at Juha saying:

"I'm sorry Young Juha but please sort the things with Hwa-Jin. I'm sure you have things you wish to ask him no? I'll send some soldiers here soon just in case he actually tries to hurt you, if he would."

Yok-Ho rushes inside the buildings as he advice Juha. Juha who seem to understand what's happening has her eyes wide open as Cheo then shouts:

"Juha, follow and help with Elder Yok-Ho. We'll stop Iseon on his tracks! Damn idiots, seems they can only talk big."

All the crimson guards and Won-Yok follows Cheo leaving us behind as I asks:

"I'm sorry but what's happening?"

Juha looks worried replying:

"Lord Song-Iseon launch a surprise offensive towards Senior Princess Mi-Ok's army. He somehow punch through and scattered her army and is now bringing his full might to attack the capital. They would arrive before sunrise since they are travelling with a floating ship."


(Wait, so even Yoo-Gisa and his group lose!? Are they dead?)

"And it seems they're also pooling all their chips in one place as all the revolutionary leaders are on those ships."

Hwa-Jin scoff at the situation saying:

"Haha, that boy has sharpen his fangs. Since this place is empty anyways, let's start talking here young one. With the situation at our advantage, what can that new Royal advisor bargain with us?"

Thank you so much for reading so far! Schedules never looks so tight and scary, well anyways... I'm gonna take a break for a week. Happy Lunar New Year!

Beltwayscreators' thoughts