
Liberum Mundi

2800 years have passed since the Liberation Era, the missing millennia of humanity expanding into the world. 2200 years or so have passed since the end of the World Invasion, a world-scale attack launch by those despicable Owlians and their heretical science. 2100 or so years have passed since the Maryan Colonization, the imperial ambition of Maryan Remis' open rebellion led his army away to "modernised" the new world beyond the black line, the depths of Grinla, the frontiers of Hyuran, the skies beyond Aologi's space and many more which has not been named. 1900 years or so Maryan's colonisation brought upon a perfect stage for the 2 superpowers of the ancient to clash ideology in a war of guns before glory. To determine the path the world will take between Magic and science. 1700 years or so... ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ And soon, the time is now, not even a month has passed since the Aologi Empire's Civil War and subsequent destruction it brings to the ones before them. An enigma to even the Goddess and the unknown appeared late into the stage... "I wonder how will he fare in this world?" A certain lady peers deep into the shredded tome of knowledge.

Beltways · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
226 Chs

Into the Final Onslaught. (Part 2)

The wind roared in my ears as I desperately clung to the feathers and shoulders of the bird-kin. With each powerful beat of her wings, she soared higher into the clouded sky. I dared not look below for fear of what lay beneath, but the erratic nature of her flight became even more pronounced as she dove downward.

She writhed and twisted in the air, shedding feathers with each frantic movement as she desperately sought to rid herself of her unwanted passenger.

"Kyaaa! Hey, watch where you are touching- eh?"

I gritted my teeth, clenching them tightly together as I sank my dominant right hand's fingers deeper into her body, seeking stability. With my left hand, I reached for her earring, swiftly passing her face and encircling my arm around her neck, grappling her with determination.

"H-Hey, that ring... Y-You're part of our family? B-But you're not a bird-kin, so that means you're a man-Uki!"

She seems to notice the ring on my finger and I tighten my hold over her neck replying:

"I'm glad you figure that out. Say, if I wear your ring as well, you will have to listen to me right?"

"H-Huh? W-Wait a moment now, if you do that while already wearing one, don't you know you could suffer horrible consequences?"

The ring on my finger glisten as I tighten my grip on her earing replying:

"My guts doesn't think so."


"Kyak! Nooo! I can't let my first time be like this...! Not when I haven't even seen his face!"

Her resistance becomes more fierce as she stops flying and trashes around trying to rid of me but,


Using both my legs, I scissor lock her waist and switch holding her ring with my right hand.

"[While we dance upon this wonderful view, let us heart soar and our fate intertwine].


Following my intuition, I felt as though my mind was expanding, gaining new information as I brought the ring closer to where I wore mine. I continue saying:

[With the stars as our witness, we shall forge a pact. Xiayan Heihe, as I wear this ring, I shall watch over you and you shall watch over me].

"Why do you have to say that when you're about to die!?"

"[May our {Vow} be eternal]."

(Oh it says some of the same thing).

*slip* *Shine* *Whoom*

Her ring halted at the middle joint of my finger, its motion slowing as it began to spin. Gradually, it expanded to merge seamlessly with Gangyi's ring. The two rings came together and fused, creating something unexpectedly beautiful, the details of which I struggled to comprehend at that moment.

Recalling what Gangyi had shown me, I peered down through the gaps of her jacket. There, I observed a familiar mark gradually emerging, resembling a the same brand on Gangyi's neck.

"Eh? EEEEHHHH!? But... What!? Why is this happening to me! Uwaaaaah!"

She seems to finally stop resisting but instead fell into tears, hiding her face inside her wings...

(Now that I can think a bit clearly, doesn't this mean I'm two timing or three timing now? Not only that, what is wrong with this ring giving me this weird things to do!? Judgment Ring my chocolate buns, this is the ring of deceit!)

As we continued to free fall, her close retinue followed closely behind, their expressions of concern becoming more evident with each passing moment. Aware of what I would do if she failed to spread her wings, I attempted to comfort her, saying:

"Xiayan, right? Please do me a favour and spread your wings, I'll make this right."

(Right, some information of her flows to my mind as I say all that. Like her name and her favourite food).


Despite her cruel non stop cuss, she slowly spread her wings and,


Slowly we ascend and fly across the war torn city. Her speed exceed her retainers as she continues flying towards the castle. Seeing tears flowing from her cheeks, I pat her head saying:

"Sorry, but nothing personal."

"You... Stupiddumb


"Well, sorry, I mean you did try to kill me... And I guess that makes it personal. And if you speak like that, I will have a hard time undestanding. But since you're okay now, I suggest you make yourself scarce and hide with Neizhexue. Of course, please do tell your retinue to leave."


She doesn't seem to complain much anymore and quietly turn around. Her tetinue cacthes up and we both land at the nearest rooftop. The other hover around us shouting:




Now that we have landed, I get to see her face... It is messed up. Xiayan removes her broken goggles and brushes the broken glass and blood before ordering:

"All of you, execute landing."



"Land now!"

The circling birdkin looks at each other with an expression that expects the worse before replying:

" "Willco." "

(Weird... Now that I think about it, Gangyi said that it is a matriarchal society right? But I'm surprised she is complying so easily).

She seems to cast some healing qi on her own face saying:

"This is it, you're all going back home."


"Acey haven't we gotten paid upfront already?"

"What's going on with you? Did that Owlian mortal did something to you?"

Tears starts flowing again as she break down in tears.

(Is wearing that ring really that bad? I mean, she could just continue her onslaught).

The anger exude by her retinue is palpable as they spread their wings and is about to fly again but,

"Enough! This... This... This Mortal is now a part of our Heihe family. My... Urp! Husband... Treat him with respect."

Xiayan unzips her jacket, unveiling the new mark engrave to he neck. An aura of anticipation fills the room, followed by a collective gasp as everyone instinctively takes a step back, their eyes widening in surprise and awe.


"No way!"

"W-What happened at that short time!?"

"Acey... Acey got married before me..."

"She snatched a mate..."

"Wait... But that would mean she is a... He?"

"The ring accepts this... Guy...?"

Everyone in her group express their shock before looking at each other saying:

"So we're all really are going home?"

"With this mortal lowlander?"


I pat Xiayan's shoulder saying:

"No, both of us will stay here. The rest of you can go."

I speak in runician but one of them quicly rush to us shouting:

"Hey! What am I going to say to matriarch Li if you do that!?"

(Wait why didn't information about that flow in?)

"I don't know... I guess she left to be with a man? Wait, that sounds wrong."


The one who has been calling her acey and who seem to be the oldest in the group flutters her tail feathers in distress hearing my answer.

"Hey, isn't she... He speaking Runician?"

"Oh yeah, from the way she speaks, is she connected or did she come from lower Heaven? No way she's from central right?"

The eldest bird shaking with rage glare at me saying:

"We're coming back for you..."

She turns around spreading her wings shouting:

"Take off! We're going back to our nest! Screw the contract!"

" "Willco!" "

"Enjoy your honeymoon~!"

One of the youngest bird-kin teasingly says as she flies away following the rest. Seeing them leave so easily, I can't help but wonder...

(Are mercs this easily swayed? Is what Yoo-Ah said is true? If so...)

Wondering about that, I use my hearing upon this chaotic battlefield. Since we're in the rear where there's not much or any battle, I discern the voices from afar and pick up gallops from below. I look down and see Neizhexue below.

"Oh, there you are."


Neizhexue seems to be taken aback by my appearance as I then point at Xiayan with my thumb saying:

"Perfect timing, can you take care of another prisoner like you?"

"Neigh... What do you take me for?"


"Neigh... Words won't mean much to me, captor."

(Oh right, I haven't told her my name).

"Ah right, you can just call me, Sova. And, Xiayan, you can call me Sova too."


It seems that name catches her attention as she immediately leaps through the debris and lands on the roof.


Xiayan continues to break into tears as she wipes her face and heal her wounds with qi. Like a battered beast, hiding to lick their wounds. I can feel Neizhexue cracking a smile behind her visor as she cross her arms saying:

"What a sight for the sore eyes, Xiaxia..."

"Eep! No... Not you... Don't look at me!!! This is the worst... Uweeeeh!!!"

My chest tightens hearing her cries and I pat her helmet saying:

"Hey, sorry okay, let me look at your wounds."


Xiayan doesn't stop her cries but I take out the salves Harun gave me last night and start to perform some first aid. Tearing some of my inner robe as band aids, I wrap the wounds I inflict on her. Starting with her feet,


"That's suppose to be a good, most salve actually makes the pain worse with a burning sensation, so a salve that can cool your pain is a very good salve."

I then continue to clean her thigh, wings, face and apply the salve on her ears where I rip the ring off. Before long her face is full of bandages that it looks like a mask, I dust my hands saying:


"Neighehe~, serve you right. And stop bawling, how old do you think you are?"

Neizhexue lets out a laugh at her misfortune and I can't help but wonder if she is more malicious than I thought.

(And she laughs like that too huh?)

"I'm surprise you of all people would actually accept being a captive. What did she do to you?"

"Shut up! Look away!"

Xiayan flails her wings tryinh to sweep her away but against Neizhexue's armour and size it looks no different than cleaning with a feather duster.

"Huh? What's this?"



Neizhexue grabs Xiayan's wing and push it away asking:

"Did I spot the union brand? When did you get married? Since you didn't have that last month did you get married with someone here? How sweet, does that mean you'll be living out of Rucina now? That's one nuisance out of my life."

"U... Uwehh...!"

(I have a feeling Xiayan is not liked by many... But also maybe Neizhexue might actually be malicious rather than noble).

"Okay that's enough bullying her. You two might have your differences but I really hope you can put that aside for now. At least until you left this peninsula."

I try to put some distance between them and break them apart. Pushing Neizhexue and make some distance, when she suddebly grabs my right hand and looks closer saying:

"No way, did you give her this ring to curse... Wait a minute... Her? No, are you a..."

Neizhexue lifts my hand as she looks down at me with shock that's easy to tell even through her visor.

"That's right, I'm a man."

(Ah... Is... Is it finally time people recognized me as a man? Deceit ring, I might change my opinion of you).

Neizhexue quickly swats my hand away and gallops away to make some distance. With her arms crossed as if absolutely disgusted.

"You gender bender freak, I suggest you stay away!"

"Hey, what's with that change of attitude? I never said I'm a woman. It's because of my looks people keep mistaking me for a girl... Even with my mask on."

"Looks alone don't make someone mistaken your gender, you sissy. Your voice, action, the way you speak, and even your attitude is no different from a girl. That ring can also tell your real gender."

"What!? That's the first time I heard of that! Then again, I've spent most of my life with girls so maybe that's why..."

(Yoo-Ah did said I act more girly than her. Maybe I could keep her around? Maybe she too can help me with my path to manliness).

"I prefer if you don't even look at me, creep. Not only fooling to be a girl but owlian too, you might be the best master of disguise I ever met- no, in all of Heaven. I shiver to know the real face behind your mask."

"Sigh... Just take care of her. I still have to finish this siege. You won't escape right?"

"I still hold my values thank you very much. Even if my captor is a supreme creep, I won't go back on my words."

(She will get along very well with Harun. No, maybe both of them will get along with Yoo-Sui too).

"Okay, take care now."

I nod and start going towards the inner castle where the fighting seems to become very heated. As time passes, the battle across the city settle down as everyone converges upon the centre. That's when a familiar rumbling can be heard following my trail.

"Boss! Found her! She's alive!"

"She's heading towards the inner castle!"

I encounter the one eyed merc group again and can't help but feel tired for once. Even after waking up, I never felt this exhausted mentally when a thought came to my mind. Stopping dead in my tracks, I leap towards the cyclops shouting:

"Take me to your boss!"




Watching over the encircled inner castle from the tallest building, there he sits atop a chimney with his armour off. Surrounded and encircled by his group to prevent any escape but I didn't hesitate to approach him. Brandishing his war hammer and slowly fixing it by filling the cracks with some liquid he turns around saying:

"So you actually came to me yourself. Hahaha! This might be the first time a girl actually approaches me."

Getting to see his face, he doesn't look much different from any normal middle age man. The only thing differenciating him is his massive single eye that takes half his face. His amethyst eye gleam with anticipation as he puts his hammer down.

"But I'm not that stupid, you didn't came here on your own volition to be my wife. For respect of your rare strength, tell me what do you wish to say, mortal?"

Seeing his bulked and jagged muscles wrapped in bandages over his tanktop, I watch his amethyst hair sway with the wind saying:

"Let's make a deal."


"I'll do you a favour in exchange please work for me."

"Bahahaha! Did you think I would do something so stupid!? Don't get so conceited, girl! We mercenary still have a thing called integrity despite the rumours spreading the whole mercenary association as a whole. You can't make us betray our client so easily."

"That's a shame, when I already have both Xiayan and Neizhexue I thought maybe you can help to."

"What did you say? Hey, explain! Especially for Sis Xiayan!"

The one eyed captain leans over in shock asking for details but I continue saying:

"I'll let you fight if you want, but you can at least help me out when this siege is done right? Or does your contract extend past this too?"

"Well yeah! We get paid full time to stay in this peninsula! We even get paid doing nothing as long as we're here!"

"Captain! Please! Confidential!"

One of his men shout at him while I try to reorganize my failed plan.

(What did I expect... But why should I give up so easily? Time to simply flip the table!)

"And your master who kaz- something works for Sis Yuwei right?"

As I mention her name, everyone suddenly becomes tense, the glares from their single eye becomes piercing especially the leader. It was a very tense silence as I await his answer until he respond.

"Girl, I don't know where you learn that name from or what your relation is, but we can't let you speak too much."

He starts to grab the hammer and soon the other prepares their weapon as well.

"Aw, that's sad. I thought you should know who I am for calling her that if you work closely with her. Since big Sis pays you with her money, you have to listen to me too right?"


He lifts his mighty warhammer to his shoulder and his body starts to glisten as his armour starts to form.

"Girl, you have a moment to explain."

I remove my mask replying:

"I'm Sova Anmao, Silencer under the direct command of the Empress Yuwei Zihuang. I listen only to the empress, and sadly I don't have my medallion right now. What matters is that I have authority over your master who works under her right?"

"That face... But aren't you dead? And your hair is not blonde."

"Well, I survived. And this is simply dyed. Don't you think it's a bit too convinient for me to die like that? It's a bit complicated to explain but you should be helping me now right?"

The entire group erupted with whispers and murmurs as the captain seem baffled.

"Why are you fighting us then? Shouldn't you be going back to the empress? Better yet, you could easily just ordered everyone to leave and let the mountain folk to retake it."

"Are you questioning my secret mission now?"

"O-Of course not! But... This is all too hard to believe... But if it's true... We might get a pay cut."

At the mention of that, the people inside his group suddenly becomes gloomy. Their eyes widen while their frown becomes lower as if they're remembering something very traumatic. Seeing this conversation going where I want, I wear back my mask saying:

"Don't worry, I'll gladly take responsibility. In fact, I won't be taking the entire group, just you alone will be enough."


"Yea! Since you sound more willing now, I'll tell you a bit. Let's just say I'm gathering an elite strike force for swift conquest of the Republic."

" "Ah..." "


"Mhm, mhm!"

It seems that explanation calms the whole group and make them nod as they all reach a conclusion. The leader nods shouting:

"If so, we obey! Where do you need my help, Lord Silencer?"

"Oh, for now, just stay low with Xiayan and Neizhexue back at that building over there. You'll be treated like captives but bear with it. And if they ask, just say Sis- I mean it's the Empress."

I point at the rooftop where Xiayan landed and the one eyed captain stomps his feet shouting:

"Alright! Wodansen disperse and regroup back at the neighbouring city. I'll be going on a secret mission! So if master ask just shout, "The Empress!" You hear me!?"

" "We obey!" "

"Where am I?"

" "The Empress!" "

"Good, I'll be getting a fat paycheck for this right?"

"Um... Sure! Ah right, can I know your name?"

"Certainly! Call me, Kahao!"

"Mm, see you later."

The one eyed mercenary group disperse and run with the vigour of an earthquake while the captain jumps to the direction of where I point.

"Phew... That worked but... Sooner or later, knowing how Sis always know things, she will soon know I'm alive or maybe she already does, so I must take whatever I can, either way there's no going back..."

With the sound of war becoming so distant, the trembling stops as I lift my hand to gaze at my new ring. Its pattern have change and so does its shape, becoming something akin to a 3 strand braid, each braid having different colour. Soon enough, I start to remember the words Yoo-Gisa said back then...

("I'll gladly pay for my crimes but this time... I won't be following the path my memories from the future tells me! I'll be fighting for what I believe is right and true! This time, I won't fight in the Goddess' name but my own. So please...")

("Please! Help me set this peninsula free!")

"That means I'm completely on Yoo-Gisa's side now? But how will I convince him and his group to help when he will definitely get tricked by that malevolent sister?"


Pondering about my place in all this corresponding events, an explosion takes me back to reality as somwhere close to the inner castle explodes and my attention is needed elsewhere for now. This city seem so empty yet so crowded at the same time.

"I can think of that later. I need to finish this now."


*Clang* *Smash* *Severe*

With a resounding clang and a shattering smash, multiple buildings crumbled under the might of a violent yet oddly beautiful strike.


A deep rumble reverberated through the air as stones, sticks, and iron fell to the ground, their weight kicking up a huge cloud of dust as chunks of debris scattered in all directions. The fighting have grown fierce especially towards the main gate of the inner castle where many corpses of elites soldiers are littered everywhere.

"Uwaaak! What the hell, where did all this strong people come from!?"

"Mm, strong..."

"But doable! We're making damage unlike their princess! Don't screw it up now!"

"I don't wanna hear that from you!"

The familiar trio of aspiring blades faces a mighty hurdle, a warrior that displayes an uncanny fusion of beauty and savagery with his techniques. Wielding a mighty axe that seem to be from a different time, Bo-Minji with the expression of someone who had enough prepares himself for another round as his body is now covered in shallow cuts.

"I have enough of dealing with you three."

Saying it with confidence, Bo-Minji extends his axe and strike upon Sun-Yun who uses her armoured tail to repel his strike.


Even if she did successfully parry his blow, she would alawys get blown back and numb from his strike but that give the two ample opportunity and opening. Po-Tae and Haneul moves swiftly to his side and strike, Bo-Minji shortens his axe to form a shield and block Haneul's strike while catching Po-Tae's blade with his bare hand. His fingers sinks inside Po-Tae's sword and crush the blade into pieces.

"Not again!"

"Don't think it'll be that easy to face the peaks of the mountain tribes."

"You're the one who should not underestimate us."


Haneul seeing Bo-Minji's attention elsewhere takes this opportunity to strike. Her silent blade plunge through his right shoulder, cutting through his armour but....


Her blade become stuck as she can't cut past his bones. Bo-Minji expand the muscles on his shoulders and cause her blade to be stuck as he looks at Haneul who is panicking and desperately trying to pull her blade out. His axe unfolds and extends, and as he is about to deliver the finishing blow Po-Tae swings a blade towards Minji's neck and he easily dodges, Bo-Minji soon realize it was not for his neck but,


The blade lodge to his shoulder breaks as Po-Tae uses his newly made sword gloves and push Haneul away before Bo-Minji's fist reaches her.

"I'm still here!"

Sun-Yun leaps towards Bo-Minji's rear, spinning with a body full of blades but he simply raises his hand toward her and,

*Grab* *Stab*

Despite cutting through his arm, Bo-Minji's bloodied hand manage to grab unto Sun-Yun's back and,


With his sheer strength his finger digs inside her carapace and firmly grasp her spine without any intention of letting her go. Sun-Yun limbs soon starts to limp frim his grip.


Po-Tae rushes ahead swinging his fist but Bo-Minji uses Sun-Yun as a shield which causes him to stop his attack.

"Ark! You idiot! Just strike me down!"

"You know I can't!"

Bo-Minji expecting such swings his axe not to Po-Tae but the immobilized Sun-Yun,




Grabbing upon one of the black blades of the fallen, Haneul releases one of her merridians with a pressure strike on herself and starts to leak blood from her lips, exerting and forcefully pushing beyond her limit she cuts the arm holding Sun-Yun and his axe barely misses her as Sun-Yun fall.

"I got you!"

Po-Tae didn't miss the chance to grab Sun-Yun but in doing so,

*Swing* *Clang* *Slash*

Haneul is left vurnerable as she fails to block the devestating redirect slash by Bo-Minji. Splitting her black sword and cutting deep to her body.


Seeing Bo-Minji form loosen from attacking, Po-Tae didn't hesitate to tackle him to create some distance and grab the critical Haneul and throw them inside the inner castle.

"Take them away!"

The soldiers fortifying the gates quickly takes them away as Po-Tae cracks his fist and tightens the blades on his fist.

"It's just you and me now. And with such a handicap, I won't lose."

Bo-Minji losing his left arm simply expand his muscles and forcefully stop the bleeding. He shakes his head at Po-Tae's words replying:

"You're wrong there."


Unfolding his axe, Bo-Minji swings his axe around as if to show nothing has change.

"I'll finish this in one strike..."

"What a roundabout way of saying you don't have much time. If you won't come here I go!"

Bursting with determination and courage filling his heart, Po-Tae feels newfound strength inside him as he reach his hands out. Bo-Minji, an insurmountable wall to him has been weakened thanks to his friends, and if he can't still climb it he will never forgive himself. This delicate man that defies all expectation still radiates power and strength rarely seen from someone missing a limb and bleeding all over.

The first strike in this new round is given by Po-Tae that swings his fist towards Bo-Minji's face but with a swift and decisive motion Bo-Minji's axe clash against Po-Tae's blade gloves expecting to end this with a single strike. Po-Tae's muscle tense with anticiaption from the impact and,


Contrary to Bo-Minji's expectation, Po-Tae took the brunt of the impact and staggered but he recompose swiftly and with a lightning-fast counterattack, he lunges forward delivering a powerful punch to his opponent's chest. At this moment, Bo-Minji could easily block with his other hand but maybe not expecting to take so much damage, he staggers back.

His grip on his axe loosen as he struggles to regain footing with a new hole on his chest, Po-Tae presses on taking advantage of this as his mind slowly blanks out. Unleashing barrages of blows, each strike carries his most most confident strength. Bo-Minji switches his axe to a shield and despite his best effort, he finds himself overwhelmed by his assault. Blow after blow, delivering deeper cuts, Bo-Minji soon realize the warrior before him is slowly cracking out of his limits.

Abandonning all notion of defense, Bo-Minji accepts such determination to face it head on.


Striking his blades percisely when both his hands align, Bo-Minji stops his onslaught and soon counters swinging the axe to his face. Po-Tae lunges his head back and barely dodges as the axe cuts his nose. Both warriors then plant their feet to the ground and pull their weapons back to strike once more.


The clash pushes both of them back and creates another huge cloud dust.



They didn't catch their breathe before already exchanging a flurry of blows. Each of their rapid strike creates flashes that lights the waning day and each echo of their strikes reverberates across the battlefield. The intensity of their clash spreads as the ground shakes and a crater is form filled with deep cuts from both contestant's blades.

Their intense exchange is mark by a series of dynamic maneuvers including punches, kicks, and evasive techniques.

*Pang* *Clang* *Clash* *

Po-Tae slowly losing consciousness knows he is punching above his weight. Wether this strength came from his rage, his desperateness, or simply visions of his past that's flashing before his eyes. The world before him seems to slow down as he remembers his time as a slum dweller. His name, unstoppable has always been his monicker as long as he remembers, his title comes not from just sheer strength but something else.

("While strength can surely make your attacks unstoppoble, that alone is not enough. This world is filled with monster whose strength is clearly above yours so you must make it up with something else... Technique.")

"Unstopable Blade Technique, Sword path: Rising Revengeance!"

*Swish* *Slash* *Jab*


Remembering the techniques his master drilled to him, his blows suddenly becomes sharper. His strike penetrates Bo-Minji's assault and lands a critical blow to his stomach. Bo-Mintae realizes another thing... This warrior before him will surely grow to become a magnificent one, and might even become one of the strongest in the peninsula even, while usually he would let such a bright star go, he will show no mercy to those who desecrate the holy city.

With each blood lost, Bo-Minji vision begins to wane as well, but...

*slash* *Smash*

Letting Po-Tae's blade to plunge deep to his chest, he lodge the blade stuck to his ribcage before using the stub of his left hand to smash Po-Tae's face. Po-Tae stagger for a bit but that is all it takes for Bo-Minji to comnect his blows. Since childhood, he has to endure the harsh peaks of his birthplace, death is no stranger to him as he has met it numerous times. From his early years competing with his siblings, challenging the Bonguri Jeosa, the time he had to watch his little sister handed to Silla, the duel he had with her young captor, until the recent war with the alliance form by his rival clans, and the monster wave that suddenly appear months ago... This is nothing.

(Thousand golden dragon technique, mirage path: Aurora Blast)


Bo-Minji with his axe launches blow after blow that seem to explode with golden flames upon impact, searing the skin from from his foe and melting the sword in his hands. A golden fiery cloak envelopes Bo-Minji as and something of a claw form from his missing hand. With no other choice, Bo-Minji must acknowledge he cannot save his strength through the whole siege. Circumstance has bless his foe, but that alone shall not break Bo-Minji's countless experience and will... Especially when fate has cruelly stile his ambition away.

(There's somebody I have to surpass, so there's no way I'll lose to you).

*Stumble* *Crash*

With his new form, his golden claw extends and plunge through Po-Tae stomach and lodge deep inside. Bo-Minji feels his fatigue fade as he pulls his golden claw back and smash the axe to the weakened Po-Tae.


With that attack, Po-Tae's shoulder sink inside as his bones shatter. Bo-Minji's golden visage burns brighter as the cloak envelopes his face to form a dragon helmet while his axe expands and transform from futuristic to something mythical.

"You are a great warrior, now rest in peace."

Bo-Minji lifts his axe and delivers the final blow-

*Pang* *Rrrrr* *Slash*

Out of nowhere, the sound of a roaring engine rings across the field, his mystical axe lodges towards the countless saws slowly cutting towards the axe while his golden claw gets severed by the sword plunge. The supreme commander arrives in the nick of time to save the dying Po-Tae who's unconscious with his mohth agape at this point. As the grip fron the claw releases, Po-Tae fell as if his will has been taken away.

"Say, why don't you stop bullying the young and face someone your caliber."

Bo-Minji swallows the desire to rebuttle their age and experience but,

"This is perfect. I'll take you down."

Bo-Minji pulls his axe back and strike again but,

*Vroom* *Swoosh* *Pang*

Chwa-Kin's swift strike repels Bo-Minji's axe and blow him away, his golden flames barely hitting the dying Po-Tae.

"Not so easy. Plunging deep into enemy territory alone will be your doom."

Coming out of the corners of the streets, elite soldiers wielding black blades and twin curve swords appear.

"Chwa-kin Nim?"

Waking up but barely conscious, Po-Tae saw a smile on Chwa-kin's face as he says:

"Sorry for coming late brat, but with what you did here, you'll definitely will definitely be first to become the King's blade amidst your peers. So rest now, let the veterans handle this."

At his words Po-Tae fell unconscious once again. Leaving the aspiring blade to one of his men, one of the black blade wielder that seem to be an officer says:

"You've become more talkative lately."

"That's because most of my officers and retainers are dead. Now, formations."

" "We obey!" "

With most of his close guards dead, Bo-Minji found himself winning a duel and losing a battle. Preparing for the worse, He lifts his axe over his shoulders and look at the clouded dusk. Brushing with fear so many times, Bo-Minji starts to worry that he might've lost his sense of fear but...

He lifts his trembling hands, maybe it's from exhaustion or fear he'll takes them on-

"Lord Bo-Minji!"

Arriving in the nick of time, wind walkers, elite warriors who have trained their whole life to traverse mountain peaks arrive in droves. Wondering how they manage to get past the foes, someone jumps down from high heights. With long flowing black hair fluttering as she falls, she safely lands without any crash nor sound. Wearing the crimson dress for royalty, and with the banner of the encircling blue dragon, their secret weapon, the new peak arrives.

Prior to yesterday's experience, even the elite soldiers takes a few steps back. Seeing such a sight, Bo-Minji can't help but hide his face in shame. Here he told her that he would surpass her and make up for their inaction yesterday but here she is saving him.

"How shameful of me, Gwishin nim. Don't worry, I'll face the supreme commander and end this siege."

The girl who's hiding behind her mask press her index finger together. Despite hiding her face behind her mask, she wears her heart on her sleeves, it is clear on her acts that she is a bit nervous about everything as she replies,

"Oh, don't worry Bo-Minji Ssi, you did show your valour so that's enough. You should really get yourself treated. But more importantly..."

She plants her tattered banner down and look toward the surpeme commander standing between us and the gate.

"You're not the one who actually control the city right? Defeating you is not going to change anything."

"What!? What are you saying, Gwishin nim?"

Understandably confused by what the new princess said, everyone who heard that would of course demand for answers. The princess who is pressed for answers cave to his pressure, waving her hand replying:

"Ah, well I heard it from the elite mercenaries. They are hired by someone different after all, also, we should really finish this quick, I heard that reinforcements will soon arrive... Probabky from air."


The princess, the owlian(?) girl who seems to just reach adulthood is an individual who raises more questions than answers, and what doesn't help is how she always seem to say or do the most ridiculous things. From denying her royal status and proclaiming to be a man just to avoid marriege, then there's rumours before that said she barges through the throne room by busting through walls, and even threatening the Ancients by causing a landslide that destroyed half of the crimson palace until her demand is met... Normally nobody would want to associate with someone like her.

"So, let's do this, Chwa-Kin Ssi, you will let me enter the castle alone to face whoever is residing there. In return we will cease all hostility and whoever comes out will be the keeper of this city, we don't any more blood spilled anymore right?"

"Gwishin nim?"

"Please help me out, Bo-Minji Ssi! I know this invaders attacking you is unforgivable but I'm sure you'll be happy if more people came put of this alive right?"

Any local or residence of the mountain hearing such things would jump the cliff out of shock, especially when they are winning. It is utter foolishness to adhere to her demand, not to mentions the opposite side and what goes through their minds. But, the confidence behind in her voice contrary to her attitude simply causes those to hear scrathing their heads. Contrary to everyone's surprise Chwa-kin actually pulls his sword back replying:

"If you're that confident, who am I to stop your hubris? Enter at your own peril."

"Supreme Commander!?"

"Lord Chwa-kin? What are you saying?"

"So many of us have died already! This is no time for-"

"Didn't you hear yourself!? So many of us already died! If this continue Geom is the one to suffer! Not our Overlords. I set aside our grudge and open the gates, if you uphold your end of your deal, Princess... Not like that's possible."

The elite soldiers who is already prepared to throw their lives and win slowly back away. The princess who everyone calls Gwishin clasp her hand to bow her head down pleading:


"It will be chaos, stopping the warriors and not even the local residents, you know that right, Gwishin nim? Especially upon our vows as warriors."

Bo-Minji asks and Gwishin nods her head replying:

"I know, just think of this as making space for a duel."

Bo-Minji may have a lot to gain by following her words, mainly to retreat and stay alive, but owing his life to her, he says:

"I'll do my best. A duel right? If so, they will give some space."

"Thank you! Let's make some space!"

Thank you so much for reading! Been busy lately, so maybe the upload will get more sparse... Hopefully not.

Beltwayscreators' thoughts