
Liberum Mundi

2800 years have passed since the Liberation Era, the missing millennia of humanity expanding into the world. 2200 years or so have passed since the end of the World Invasion, a world-scale attack launch by those despicable Owlians and their heretical science. 2100 or so years have passed since the Maryan Colonization, the imperial ambition of Maryan Remis' open rebellion led his army away to "modernised" the new world beyond the black line, the depths of Grinla, the frontiers of Hyuran, the skies beyond Aologi's space and many more which has not been named. 1900 years or so Maryan's colonisation brought upon a perfect stage for the 2 superpowers of the ancient to clash ideology in a war of guns before glory. To determine the path the world will take between Magic and science. 1700 years or so... ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ And soon, the time is now, not even a month has passed since the Aologi Empire's Civil War and subsequent destruction it brings to the ones before them. An enigma to even the Goddess and the unknown appeared late into the stage... "I wonder how will he fare in this world?" A certain lady peers deep into the shredded tome of knowledge.

Beltways · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
225 Chs

Inside the Phoenix Household. (Part 6)

I shout in shock, hearing her voice enter my ears and multiple footsteps clacking on the floor and greet me saying:

"Greetings Honoured Guest."

Before their footsteps scatter. But I can't see with my head still buried within her arms.

Kanami finally lets me go and both her and Yuria greets Saya saying:

"Greetings Honoured Guest."

"Welcome to the Massage and Cultivating room, Honoured Guest."

Saya smiles to greet them back saying:

"Yes, yes~ greetings to you too. Haha, I can't get enough of this noble stuff."

I look at Saya seeing her wearing a robe made out of cotton. She walks closer to me, folding her arms saying:

"Aren't you forgetting something? Hmm!?"

Baffled, I look up saying:

"Something? Ah right... Senior Saya!"

She nods saying:

"Good, good, I see you're already enjoying yourself. I guess we're kinda similar huh?"

"What do you mean?"

Saya wags her long pink tail that has a tattered ribbon wrapped on it which makes me follow wherever she moves it around. When she taps her head with her tail saying:

"I'm talking about our train of thought Sova. Like how we should enjoy everything when we're given the chance. After all, life is short and we should spend it well."


Surprised by her serious answer, I remember our conversation in Rana's diner and reply back saying:

"Right, you're lifespan is- You know what, Saya-"


"Senior Saya! I need to talk to you about something."

"Hehe~ I never knew you're the type to say that but okay sure."

"Really!? Good-"

Saya raises her hand saying:

"After I use the service too of course. My body is sore especially my shoulders and legs are seriously aching beyond belief. So who's the massager?"

Kanami walks forward saying:

"That would be me, Mistress Sarah. Please use the bed beside Master Sova."

Saya moves to the bed beside me and removes her robe to reveal her wearing a simple one-piece swimsuit similar to what Sis Rubeca wears during our vacation years ago. She lay down on her face and place her hands under her chin.

As Kanami began massaging her. I realize Saya's body is actually already developed. Maybe because when I first met her, she is wearing oversized clothing and after that is the red dress that I never got to see her body outline. She really looks like someone who is grown up but just really really short.

Saya looks at me with a pleased smile saying:

"Mmm~ this feels good. But Sova, I feel like you're mocking me in your head just now."

"W-what? No of course not."

She looks away again, her tail wagging and her ears twitching in delight saying:

"Yea, you're not the type of guy to gossip. And Ah~ yes just there feels amazing. Mhm, I really want to talk about how you fixed your arm but can we talk what you want when we're done with this all and alone."

"I guess sure, I'll wait for you."

"Really? Well, suit yourself."

Remembering what Kanami said, I ask her:

"Say Kanami."

"Yes, May I help you?"

(She suddenly becomes so polite... It's weird but now I'm even more confused as to how are the maids suppose to act here?)

I ignore my thought and continue asking:

"You said this room is a cultivation room too right?"

"Yes. Right now I'm occupied with this but I'm sure Yuria can help you with that."

Yuria grabs my shoulder saying:

"That's right, come, let me help you!"

She grabs my hand and pulls me to one of the corners of the room. She lets me go saying:

"Welcome to the cultivating corner. Please just sit on the mat lay down on the bed and help yourself out."

"Thanks, Yuria."

"Yes, anything for you my Lord!

Hearing her so far, I realize she really is hardworking and kind. I smile at her saying:

"You're truly kind Yuria. Thank you."

(I heard that you should always smile whenever you say thank you from my neighbours. But I wonder if there is a reason why?)

Yuria suddenly blushes and held her cheeks. I continue saying:

"Well, if you need anything please do tell me. I'll try my best to help."

Yuria clench the apron she wears saying:

"Then, let me follow you wherever you go for now on."

(Wait, what? Really? Can she do that?)

"Wait, wait, wait, really? But why? More like can you do that?"

She smiles and places her hand between her chest saying:

"My Lord, are you perhaps going back on your words?"

"Whu what? No! It's just that... Am I even worthy?"

I sit on the bed and remembered how useless and weak I am compared to all those people I met.

"Master, you don't need to worry and act so gloomy. I'll accompany you until you found true happiness. And that's that."

I suddenly remembered my time together with my family and what I told May during my time in Central and can't help but laugh at myself.

(Yeah, I don't need to act so negatively. If I'm not worthy, smart or strong enough then I'll just have to become so. Yes! I just need to work even harder now. Now I can appreciate why Sis Yuwei did so to me).

I tried to smile at Yuria again saying:

"Thank you, Yuria."

Yuria froze and lowered her head a bit. Worried I quickly ask:

"Is something wrong?"

"Forgive my insolence, my Lord. But I can't halt myself back anymore!"

She suddenly lunges and hugs me tightly. Rubbing her cheeks on my hair, petting me as she ruffles my hair and sniffs them.

(This is just like what May and her friends always did to me).

She hugs me tighter and not letting go saying:

"So smooth, so soft, so warm and you smell so nice even though we use the same shampoo. If only the scar on your face isn't there. I'm sure many would definitely ask your hand in marriage."

(I think this is enough).

I hold her hands and pull her away easily saying:

"I'm sorry Yuria, but that's enough."


As I see her face, I can see the disappointment in her eyes. But she suddenly snaps to her senses and back away, she bows down saying:

"I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay. I'm going to cultivate now, so please don't disturb me."

"W-why yes of course! Please help yourself."

Yuria backs away and stand still as her face shows a worry. I cross my legs and close my eyes as I cultivate and remembers my Sister's teaching. Finding my inner strength, I go in deeper and deeper...


"Alright Sova, we've finally finished building your body... For now."

Sis Rubeca pokes my cheeks as I was lying down on the ground, probably trying to wake me up. Since my face is beaten black and blue my eyes probably look like it's closed. Beaten up and bruised from our routine training. I tried turning my head to look at her saying:

"Really? Is it done? Does that mean I can do the same training May did?"

I see her rare smile saying:

"Yeah, you did great so far. We can finally start building the foundation of your soul."


Sis pets me and places her thumb on my forehead as I feel a little jolt before carrying me to lay on a tree. She sits across me and starts saying:

"Listen, Sova, there are numerous ways for people to build their foundation. But to be honest, it all depends on where you live and what techniques you use.


She pets me again saying:

"Yes, since we're still inside the Spring of rebirth. I say we use the Immortal Phoenix Technique mix with the Dragon's Awakening technique and a bit of the Serenity of the thousand Lotus for the best effects here."

"I really don't get anything of what you just said, Sis. But other than that, can you please treat me? It hurts really bad."

Sis holds my stomach and left chest as I feel a little jolt again and continue saying:

"I'm sorry but not yet."


"You'll understand one day when you reach a true Master's strength. Now cross your legs, close your eyes and repeat after me in your mind okay?"


She caresses my head saying:


And help me cross my legs and close my eyes. I prepare my sense of hearing.

"Sorry Sova, you may be hurt now but just relax."

Sis Rubeca whispers slowly as I could hear the soft whistling wind blowing through the trees. I took a breath in and out as I try to relax as she continues saying:

"All of such is peace, everything is in serene."

As I hear her small whispers in my ear. My consciousness drifts off further and further even in the darkness. Probably from the pain that is trying to make me fall unconscious.

"You are now one with the clouds, the warm sun and the eclipsing the water dripping from the tip of the leaves as it enters the blooming Lotus."


I could suddenly hear the sound of water dripping... I'm sure we're far from the closest river.

(W-what am I seeing!)

I could see a spiralling vortex as I tried to enter it without my will.

"Drift inside Sova."


I look back at the vortex and followed her instruction. I brace myself and entered the vortex. The spiralling road continues and I got the urge to walk forward, feeling the power surging inside of me and before long felt something break inside and even more power entered. The road suddenly leads up as if the mythical sky kingdom has opened its gates at me and I could see stairs ascending to a throne with great pillars behind it filled with scriptures as it carries the heaven above the clouds.

When I walk forward, my body becomes so light and my mind became so clear.

"You can sleep now, Sova. You've done well."

When sis said that, everything went black and I drift even further away...


Through that memory I saw the same throne ahead of me, I walk forward a few steps and feel something break inside of me again. I take a huge breather and stop.

(I feel like I have broken through the barrier like Sis said. Maybe now, I can use the Dragon's technique more proficiently now).

I open my eyes and saw Saya staring at me with her ruby eyes.


I back away a little by her sudden surprise. She smiles happily and rests her head on her hands saying:

"Heh, it seems like you've gotten stronger."

I get closer to her saying:

"Yea, it seems I gain a lot of experience from all those battle."

I clench my hands to fists and feel the new power surging inside of me.

"So are you ready to hear me?"

"Of course, what could my cute junior ever want I wonder?"

Her tail sway left and right which prone my eyes to follow again. I shook my head as to get out of the trance saying:

"It's about Sis Yuwei asking me to explore the city."

"Wait, what?"

Saya looks at me surprised and I continue saying:

"If I remember correctly, you said that you're a Guide right? Mind helping me tour the city?"

Saya giggles softly saying:

"Hahaha, I see. Of course, of course, it's just that it been so long since I guide anyone to be honest."

"Huh? Doesn't that mean we might just get lost if we followed you back then?"

"Of course not! just that don't you remember the place we meet? It was a rundown alleyway in Libera knows where."

"Say, I was wondering what did you do before you met us? I mean are you still a guide?"

She looks to the side sadly continue saying:

"Well yes, but I always wear a bigger hat when I work outside so they won't cheat me when they found out who I am. I told you before but if I haven't met you and her back then, I would have died a useless death."

I pet her as she quickly brushes my hands away saying:

"I told you don't pet me! Only I can do that to you!"

"I'm sorry, it's just that I can't help but do what calms me the most."

She stands on the bed. Forcing me to look up when she smiles saying:

"Aren't you still childish?"

She pets me and messes my hair before continue saying:

"You can move your right hand again along with the black cracks disappearing. I'm glad you're okay."


She stops petting me and gets down saying:

"You should seriously wear your clothes already. Seeing you naked is just... Weird. Seriously, a guy like you looking so... Just wear some clothes. I'll wait outside."

She turns her back on me and walks away and I quickly reply saying:

"I-I see, I'm sorry... And thanks."

She keeps walking away and all the maids on the side followed her before Kanami greets her goodbye. Seeing her leave, I get off the bed when Yuria walks to my side saying:

"I have your clothes ready my Lord. Let me help you put it on."

(She's pretty quick).

"Thank you, Yuria. Please do."

She unties the knots and starts helping me wear them. I tried memorizing the steps but just got lost a little when she's done putting it on. Kanami walks to us saying:

"Heh, You look like a warrior princess from de legends. Forced to wear her grabs for the first time Master Sova. It's pretty nice."

Yuria looks surprised at Kanami saying:

"What? She looks like a proper lady even with such short hair."

"Well, you do you, Senpai."

(She? I really need to clear the misunderstanding).

"I really need to clear the misunderstanding here. I'm really a guy."

They both nod and Kanami reply saying:

"Yes, yes, of course, Master Sova."


(How do I prove to them that I'm a guy... No, no, no, no! I can't just show it!!! I'm to emba-I don't want to say that word!)


(Maybe I should just let it be for now).

"Come on let's leave. I don't want to keep Saya waiting."

"Of course my Lord."

Yuria walks beside me while Kanami clasps her hands and bows down to greets us out saying:

"Have a safe trip, Master Sova. May the spirits bless you on your journey."

I greet her back saying:

"Yes may the spirit bless you too."

And wave my hand. Saya awaits me infront of the door displease and alone.

"Dammit, what kind of reason is being called by the Lady! What kind of servant that leaves their Master alone!?"

Yuria gasp saying:

"Is it already time?"

Saya looks at her demanding:

"You, explain."

(Wow, she really changed a lot. Can being pampered so much change somebody so quickly?)

"Gladly Mistress Sa-Sa... My Mistress, yes, my Mistress."

Tapping her feet she slams her tail saying:

"Just continue!"

"Yes of course! You see, maids have their own division. The one serving you are probably from Lady Litan. And right now they are... How do I say this, quite having free reign as long as they do their sworn duties then they can abandon the guest they serve except for the royal blood if they are called by the Head Maid."

Says slams her tail on the floor again shouting:

"That's stupid! Why would she let such a group exist!? Doing so will literally sour the relations with most if not all the guest they gather. What kind of work environment is this!?"

Yuria looks down with defeat saying:

"I know it's bad but... It's thanks to these circumstances that we are like this. So please forgive us. After all, we are still in isolation and finish with the purge (probably). To be honest, we are all blind and still unclear of our future thanks to these revolutionary events. So please, I beg of you to let it be."

She bows her head down as low as her body can when I stop Yuria saying:

"That's enough. Saya, please stop pestering her."

"Hmph... Sova, I know I'm kinda ignoring this for a while but why are you wearing a dress? Did you finally accept the feminine side of you or something?"

(Wait a second...)


Suddenly her anger was thrown away when she smirks and a fire burns in her ruby eyes as she suddenly got a scheme... I got a bad feeling about this.

"Hold it. Can you at least do it while we go find Sis Yuwei?"

She folds her arms and uses her tail to brush her long brown hair saying:

"I'm surprised you didn't tell me to stop but to actually continue? Are you actually an M?"

"I don't know what that is but I can say that I'm not. Well for why I don't is because I got the feeling that you'll just continue doing it even when I say no."

Saya shows a surprised face before going back to a peaceful smile saying:

"Heh, you're gonna get bullied a lot. But more than that, I'm surprised you got quite an intuition. All right now lower yourself so I can pet you and I'll stop teasing you for the day."

"Oh really- wait. You were planning to do that all day?"

She shows a big smile that shows her bucktooth saying:

"Of course! I just realize why all the people you know keep teasing you."

"What!? I-I've been tease this whole time?"

She sways her tail and continues saying:

"Yea, I don't know about the others but there's this sense of release and comfort whenever I do it for some reason. It's like you're a small cub without its mother around. Too cute to leave alone."

I look back at Yuria who is nodding in agreement and shows an innocent face like she has nothing involve with any of this.


"Fine. Just make it quick so we can find Sis."

I kneel down a little and lower my head before Saya quickly take the opportunity and pets me. Laughing innocently like a kid... I look a little up to see her face and saw her enjoying herself and wonder,

(Maybe it's not so bad. I mean it's not like I hate getting pat on the head).

She finally stops saying:

"Ah~ that was wonderful! Okay, I'm in full spirit now. Lead the way, Sova."

I stand up saying:

"Well I'm glad you're happy Saya-"


"Senior Saya! I-I don't know the way."

"Still, what happened? You called me Senior all the time when I first tell you to, so why now?"

"Well, I just thought we finally become close enough for friends or something. I probably unconsciously thought Maybe I can just call you without honorifics."

Saya blushes and turns her back on me saying:

"Friends huh? Well, I never knew you thought of me like that. It's not so bad having someone like you by their side. You know what, sure, go ahead."

"Thank you so much, Saya."

"Hmm, yes, yes. This is not so bad. But please call me Senior when we're out though."


I look back at Yuria to see her fidgeting with her fingers as she looks at me and I asks her:

"Yuria, can you bring me to Sis Yuwei?"

"Huh? Mm yues, yes I can! Um, please follow me."

She turns around and starts walking. Following suit, I try moving my now fixed right hand saying:

"Thank you."

"Yes, no problem! Just count on me, My Lord!"

"You know what, hold it for just a moment!"


Saya stops us as we progress. She walks infront of us saying:

"You know, I've been wondering but don't you think you should go find proper clothes for me to wear already?"

"Ah right."

Saya still wears her cotton robe and her swimsuit inside it.

"You didn't really expect me to wear this to meet her are you?"

"I never realize you're that conscious of your clothing Saya."

Saya holds her forehead saying:

"Sova, please... Besides, I don't think you need me to follow you anymore. I mean I already said yes so you can just tell her that."

"I... See."

Saya sighs and looks at me saying:

"Cheese, what's with that face? Alright, alright, I'll follow you when I'm done changing and we can both enjoy the facilities together."

I look at ger in high hopes saying:

"Oh! Okay then. I guess we'll just go get clothes first... Wait! I can go change to male clothing too."

"Well aren't you also conscious about your looks?"

"That's because I'm a man. Don't you think it's weird that I'm wearing a dress!?"

"No, not at all. In fact, with your looks, I think people are more confused and curious if you are not wearing a girl's clothing."

"That's- that's ridiculous! I mean May and the others never said anything like that."

(Not counting her friends that keep stripping me back then).

"Well, why not ask that Maid?"

I look at Yuria in desperate asking:

"Yuria, you think it's weird that I wear a woman's clothing right!?"

She suddenly looks troubled and looks around for answers before hanging her head answering:

"U-um, I think Mistress Sarah is right. Y-you should accept who you are born with!"

I grip my fist shouting:

"I was born a man!"

Yuria nodded saying:

"Yes, yes, now then. I have a solution, my Lord. Hold my hand, My Lord."


"We can quickly travel through the walls with magic. This way, we can save up so much time."


Saya holds her chin saying:

"Are you sure? Last time I ask that I was quickly denied by all the maids. I wonder why are you willing?"


Yuria looks down fumbling her thumb saying:

"W-well, to be honest, I don't know. They just won't allow it. But... But I can't just leave my Mis-Master Sova like this. After all, Mistress Yuwei trusts her enough to let Mis-Master Sova call Mistress Yuwei her sister. I think they will let this pass."

I look up wondering:

(I know that I can call her my sister but I wonder what happened to Sis Yuwei these past years since I last saw her. I know she told me what she did but I feel like she's hiding a lot more).


Saya sighs and folds her arms saying:

"Well, you're not the brightest of person, are you? But if you insist I guess I won't stop you."

Saya hands her hand out.

"Yes thank you!"

Yuria bows down and quickly hold her hand and present me her other hand asking:

"Now will you give me your hand my Lord?"

I hold back asking:

"Can it really work? I mean I don't even have any magic?"

"It's okay. Unless you're an Owlian who don't have magic from the start, it won't affect you."

I back away saying:

"Then I won't."

Yuria shows a face of surprise and pulls her hand back saying:

"Don't tell me... You're an Owlian."

I nod saying:

"Yes, I'm an Owlian. I can't use magic so I compensate with using Martial Arts and qi. I hope I don't leave a bad taste for not saying it immediately."

Yuria looks at me with widened eyes. Letting go of Saya's hand she covers her eyes as tears flow past her covered eyes.

(I knew this would happen but it still hurts when someone I get to know does it).

"I understand. You can take back your words of serving me."

She holds my shoulders shouting:

"You had it all wrong!"


"I-I finally understand it all now. Why they would do something so cruel to you and then abandoned you afterwards. Yes, how you were found by Rubeca and then introduce to the Mistress."

"No, please stop making assumptions. You got it all wrong."

She suddenly hugs me tighter again shouting:

"I will follow you wherever you go and find your true happiness!"

"You got it all wrong!"

I look at Saya signalling her to help but she just smiles and ignores me as she turns her back on me.


"Just because I don't tease you for today doesn't mean I will help you either. Besides, it's a hug from a cute girl, why refuse it?"

(Donut fried Ropers! Wait... I wonder why she's so nice to me even though she finds out I'm an Owlian?)

I sigh and decided to use force again to pull her away asking:

"Say, Yuria, why are you so nice to me even though I'm an Owlian?"

"Huh? Well... I think that's mostly because there is no Libera church in my village. Thanks to that, there are a lot of Owlian in the orphanage I grow in."

I let her go asking:

"Can you please explain? Libera church? What do you mean?"

(If the church is involved, why isn't Nicole disgusted by me? He's also a devout believer of Libera).

Yuria looks down saying:

"I-I'm sorry. I don't know that much details."

Saya pulls the edge of my robe saying:

"Let me explain a little."

"You know something, Saya?"

Saya walks ahead of us saying:

"Yea, but please lead the way first Yuria was it?"

"Yes! I will do so. Please follow me."

Yuria walks ahead and we follow suit when Saya walks beside me saying:

"I don't really know what happened inside since this Sector actually declares isolation eight years ago."

(Eight years ago?)

"That's the first time I entered the city."

Saya holds her chin and looks up as she sways her tail left and right. Before she claps her hands saying:

"Oh! Could it be... Nah, that's too rash to isolate yourself just for one boy."

"What do you mean Saya?"

"Well, I was still a kid and have someone taking care of me back then. But I remember he told me that the Sec Lord of the phoenix was still a man and after the isolation, the Sector grows mysterious and mysterious each day. From the most renown soldiers guarding the borders and restricting trade limits, all the people that tried to enter were forcefully killed without following regulations and even royals are part of the log. All the people were whispering and making conclusions that the phoenix is killing themselves... Hmmm, to be honest, I only knew the news of Yuwei becoming the Sec Lord one and a half years ago through eating the weirdly organized rats. They carry so much knowledge it's scary."

(Organized rats? Wait, could she be talking about May's rats that Sis Yuwei told me about? Yea, let's just keep quiet about it now).

I gulp in anticipation to hear what she says next.

"I think I know a little about those times."

Yuria interjects in our conversation as we continue walking. Surprised, I ask her:

"Huh? But didn't you said you don't know the details."

"Well, yes I don't know the details but this is just what I remember back when I was at the orphanage. The kids there was mostly Zerians and people from our Sector. But it was only 6 years ago that my orphanage suddenly receives flux of kids. Interestingly, they are all Owlians and people from the Eclipse."

Saya nods saying:

"The Eclipse Empire... Yes, they are one of the countries where many weird laws are implemented thanks to their cooperation with the Aologi Empire back then and where beastman like us are actually fawn over. You know what Sova?"


"I think your trap look will actually make you very popular as well. It makes me wonder why you didn't move there? They have weird kinks not counting the Theocracy with their diverging interests, the Hyuran Empire with their love for older women and much more other countries... I guess I can't call them weird with so many examples huh?"

"That's not funny."

"It is! But I just can't bring myself to laugh for some reason. Why not ask her Majesty more? I'm sure she told you something didn't she?"

"Sis Yuwei? Yea she did..."

(Hmm, maybe I shouldn't pry or know too much about this. I mean it's not like I'm involved too much in this)

"But I think I'm gonna just let it slide. I wonder how much longer are we going to arrive?"

Yuria looks back and brushes her nose with her thumb saying:

"Hmph, don't worry! It's close."

Greetings and thank you so much for reading thus far. If there is anything wrong please do say so. Your humble criticism is always welcome.

For those of you wondering what does Sova sounds like, imagine a girl trying her best to sound like a guy but failing miserably so she just stops trying.

Beltwayscreators' thoughts