
Liberum Mundi

2800 years have passed since the Liberation Era, the missing millennia of humanity expanding into the world. 2200 years or so have passed since the end of the World Invasion, a world-scale attack launch by those despicable Owlians and their heretical science. 2100 or so years have passed since the Maryan Colonization, the imperial ambition of Maryan Remis' open rebellion led his army away to "modernised" the new world beyond the black line, the depths of Grinla, the frontiers of Hyuran, the skies beyond Aologi's space and many more which has not been named. 1900 years or so Maryan's colonisation brought upon a perfect stage for the 2 superpowers of the ancient to clash ideology in a war of guns before glory. To determine the path the world will take between Magic and science. 1700 years or so... ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ And soon, the time is now, not even a month has passed since the Aologi Empire's Civil War and subsequent destruction it brings to the ones before them. An enigma to even the Goddess and the unknown appeared late into the stage... "I wonder how will he fare in this world?" A certain lady peers deep into the shredded tome of knowledge.

Beltways · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
226 Chs

Inside the Phoenix Household. (Part 2)

This is one of the worst things that can transpire, after quite a while of walking through the corridor, along with who I call my Sister, it finally becomes calmer, and it comes down.


I give out a breath of relief. It gave me one of the worst time I can get. We walk with Sis Fei ahead of me while I look around. Even with her and going through a different door, it seems there is still no people around that I can see.

"Is the casualties a few days ago that severe?"

If I remember correctly, Sis Rubeca told me that in this Confederation, casualties are pretty easy to scoff at... But I wonder what they have to think?

Sis Fei looks back at me answering:

"Well, we did win with a decisive victory. But, it is cataclysmic for the staff, but it's not like we have that many either."


"Ever since father passes away I guess that's the moment things change for the worse and the reason we stop visiting or interact with you as much as possible."

Just like the changing corridor, Sis Fei changes the subject. I look at her with surprise saying:

"Didn't we write letters for each other? I mean sure, I never see or talk with you or Sis Yuwei ever since but at least I'm still sending letters to you Sis Fei. Except for last year when I had to go training."

"Well yes, I did get quite lonely when you go training but sis still lets me do that since the one delivering those letters was May after all. Being secretive like that is kinda fun if I have to be honest."

Since we're already talking about it, I might as well continue asking... I hold the bottle more firmly asking:

"Sis, what happened? If I remember correctly it was the same time I started to move and Sis Yuwei asks May for some help. I mean I didn't even know your father pass away until a year later."

She grips her spear more firmly saying:

"Well, ever since father's passing, he leaves behind a huge, and I'm not kidding, a humongous power gap. Since Yuwei and I are still not at the age for the ceremony, many regents and usurpers tried to take the phoenix throne for themselves and took over the high positions for their greed. Thanks to that we entered a warring state or sec period and many disappearances of our own families and invasions from other sector trying to take a chunk from the now weakened sector."

(Wait what!?)

I scream deep inside my heart and yet, I'm pretty sure my face is already showing my surprise. So I just continue asking:

"How did I never know such a thing!?"

Sis Fei slowed down and walks beside me with a smile saying:

"That's the point~"

She presses my nose which makes me close my eyes and she continues to look ahead again saying:

"Your obliviousness is also a plus sometimes and the fact you live in one of the districts near the royal district and also have a royalty and a Special Ranked Hunter secretly backing you up is already a big bonus."

As I feel something disappearing inside my chest, I hold chest as I open my eyes, figuring out what disappeared? And just continue saying:

"I kinda feel like one of the things you said is an insult and for some reason, I feel even more useless now."


Then a flash hits my mind as I remembered the huge monster from yesterday.

"But is that really all? I mean during the invasion, I hear Sis Yuwei call one of the monsters, mother."

"Sova, why not dropped that for now..."

Sis Fei stare up at the wheels and ceiling. She looked at me with a smile saying:

"Rather than that, what about now we talk something else and be together like old times?"

I smile at her saying:

"Yea I guess, like old times..."

Silence starts to fill the room as I try to think up a conversation. But, before I could start any, we finally reach a giant room again. Now luckily there are only two doors one ahead and the other one on the right... Six doors if we count the second floor and the one we enter. I look at her as I remember the promise I made with her mother's spirit.

"Uh, Sis Fei I want to-"

She presses her finger on my lips, silencing me before saying:

"Sova, we'll separate here."

"Huh, why? Wait, I'm gonna get lost again!"

I walk closer to her as I beg. She smiled and pets me saying:

"I'm going back to my room and take a shower and change. I still need to go to school now, they say it was something important that they use the Heart Royal Seal too... So I have to go in place of my sis. Unless you wanna follow me to my room too?"

"W-what? N-no, but where do I go now?"

"Oh, just head to the door ahead and you will undoubtedly reach the diner. You can't miss it now."

She shows her hand asking:

"The items please?"

I give it to her and when she turns around and was about to leave, I call her out saying:

"Sis wait, I want to tell you something important."

Stopping in her steps, she looks back at me smiling widely saying:

"Eh~ really now? You? How adorable~ Well tell me in the dining room, I need to prepare myself."

She free one of her hand to pet me and continue saying:

"Don't worry I'll try to be as quick as possible."

She picks the stuff up again and jumps up, landing on the fence before jumping down and entering one of the doors upstairs. Seeing now that I'm alone again, I try to brace myself one more time saying:


I reply softly and look ahead to the large door and prepare myself. I look at myself wearing a green t-shirt and short pants, just like how the day I venture to Central with Sis and May.

"You know what? Let's just go."

(What's the point of thinking too hard anyway- wait, didn't I survive the previous battle because I was using my head in the last moments?)

I hold my head and calm myself down saying to myself:

"This is just too much. I think I should just relax. It's over and now I can just rest for a while."

I walk and open the giant gate. Entering another long hallway and look around some more. It's been a while since I had a family breakfast. This is kinda making me uncomfortable yet excited at the same time.

A huge double door appears in my sight. I quickly hasten my steps and stop infront of the door.

"Okay, phew~ calm down."

I raise my hand and touch the doorknob. But, the door suddenly opens before I touch it and I could hear:

"Good Morning, Master Sova," their voice overlaps with each other as they bow and greet me.

"A-ah, G-good morning."

I greet them back and enter inside hesitantly. The room was, of course, decorated with arts and painting, vases filled with flowers on the edge. This room is finally filled with people, maids line up on the edge and walls.

(Finally! Real people... But, everyone here is maids, is there no butlers?)

In the middle of the room is a long and large table covered with a huge fabric made out of one of the finest silk from one glance... probably. Yet, from closer inspection, you can see the ragged tear from how old it is, with its sewn up parts barely showing in the end, even with how smooth the fabric is. On top of it though, is filled with a full set of dining utensils for four, when it could fit around fifty.

Sis Yuwei sits with a noble-like manner on the most right end of the table. When she looks at me, she smiles and put her knife and fork down saying:

"Good morning, Sova, please have your breakfast," she gestures me to sit beside her left.

"Ah, yes, good morning Sis Yuwei..."

I walk closer to her when a maid pulls one of the antique chairs and gesture me to sit where Sis Yuwei point. I followed her and sit on Sis Yuwei's left saying:

"T-thank you."

She smiles saying:

"No problem."

Another plate beside me is empty, with only a couple of some crumbs and bits left while the one infront is still there, steaming as if was freshly cooked. One of the maids suddenly take a napkin on the table and surprised me when she started wrapping it on my neck.

But before I could even react, Sis Yuwei continues saying:

"Sova, sorry I didn't get to talk to you yesterday."

"N-no, it's okay Sis Yuwei. After all, you are busy with the mess that happened and besides, I'm still asleep back then."

She closes her eyes as she nibbles on the crusty bread laced with melting butter. She chews for a while and swallows it saying:

"I see, I'm glad you understand. So please eat Sova, you make me pretty uncomfortable eating alone when there is a plate for more."

(This SITUATION is making ME uncomfortable!)

I look at the empty plate beside me asking:

"Is that plate perhaps for Senior Saya? Where is she?"

"Oh! Yes, she went and eat earlier than me. She eats quickly and in a hurry that I quite worry about her habit. Now, she's enjoying the services what this house can provide. She said and I quote, "I'm gonna enjoy the life of royalty, woohoo!" Or so I remember."

(I wonder why is she not hesitating? I mean I once lived here and this still seriously making me uneasy...)

I hold my uneasiness back and suck it up saying:

"I-I see, then I'll eat now..."

"Yes, please do so."

Feeling the weirdness of the situation, I look down at my breakfast. A fork and knife at the right, a spoon at the left along with some tissue just below the utensils.

Two thick rare sunny side ups, two sausages, along with two crusted bread laced with melted butter. Near the plate is a bowl filled with some creamy yellow soup and a glass of tea with some sugar cubes and a small cup of milk beside it.

(All of it looks so delicious!)

I scream in my mind as I wonder when was the last time I had a breakfast like this?

(Back when I was still living with my real parents, I wonder what kind of meal did I have? Well I was a kid, so probably something soft.)

I brush away the thoughts and take the spoon with my only functioning hand.

(Wait, now I'm not really in my own table. I better Remember what Sis Yuwei and Nanny Yunyun taught me back then.)

I think it's looking at the person, calling their name and continue saying:

"Sis Yuwei, let's eat?"

Yuwei smiles saying:

"I see, let us eat," with a happy tone.

"And everyone, let's eat?"

They look at me with surprise before getting their composure. They bow down saying:

"Yes, please do."

Yuwei nods at what I did.

(I wonder if I do that right?)

I start eating, I tried one food after another in small proportion, trying to follow Sis Yuwei example. Simple yet full of flavour, from the eggs yolk that pops and flow when touched, sausages grilled to greatness with those spices, and the creamy soup that taste like corn combined with the crusty bread as the butter slips in your tongue.

(Well, this is all personally delicious to me since my taste is easily pleased and simple.)

"I'm glad you're enjoying it, Sova."

"Yes! It's all delish!"

Yuwei smile and nod at my statement saying:

"I see, I cook them myself... Sadly I can only cook the most basic of things. And since you're born from the Empire, I thought maybe I could have you eat their morning cuisine, I hope it satisfies even just a little for our late and sudden reunion," she leers away as she says that.

I nod my head saying:

"Of course it will! The fact that you can cook something this good is great! I mean, I can't even cook myself, compare to you, you are amazing with how you can govern, fight, and cook too."

Still looking away I could see her smiling from the side saying:

"Oh, touch some wood Sova~ I guess I can accept your praise as genuine considering the circumstances."


(Wait, didn't Sis Yuwei's mom said something about Sis Yuwei beginning to take everyone's word with a pinch of salt since the first time she lied to her?)

Sis Yuwei takes another bread saying:

"It's nothing, why not we finish our meal, then, we can have a morning conversation."


*clank* *clank* *clank*

I start to eat the rest of the food, for a while the room was silent with only the sound of my spoon and fork hitting the plate each time I try to eat while I see Yuwei eat one small portion after another without making any noise...

(I really can't act like a noble at all...)

And just start eating like I usually do with my hands, still making a lot of noise. When my food was about to finish, the maids suddenly open the gates.

Sis Fei comes in with her purple hair tied up in horsetail with her amethyst pin holding it together. She wears a green fitted blazer with a weird pattern and an opening that emphasize her chest.

(Where have I see that pattern? Oh yeah! That's similar to Moriz' suit).

A white shirt inside with two buttons unpinned, making the tan lines of where her tank top is visible, a loose red ribbon on her neck, a short black skirt, a pair of black knee socks, and finally a heart split in two by an arrow as her medallion pin in her left chest.

This is the first time I see Sis Fei wear something... Quite formal. And it's making me feel warm inside again for some reason.

Is this how her uniform looks like? Well, I guess it's true when May say that each school had its own uniform. It's amazing! I wonder when will I get to go to school and learn with the teachers? I don't really care if most of the people there are hateful, as long as I can make one friend who is really nice and worth a hundred friend like Nicole. I mean, even May is going to school now if what her letter says is true.

Wait... Should I be thinking like that? I should unite my whole family first. Then, I can probably go to school if I save up enough. I wonder if my newly acquired card Aoi-

"Good Morning, Mistress Fei."

My train of thoughts was stopped when the Maids bow down and greet Sis Fei.

"Yes, good morning to all of you."

Sis Fei looks at me and smiles asking:

"What's wrong Sova? You've been staring at me for quite a while now?"

Realizing my rudeness, I answer honestly saying:

"Oh sorry, It's just that I was wondering that's what you look like with a uniform huh? It just that, I think it looks great on you."

Sis Fei smiles maliciously saying:

"Eh, Really~ now?"

"To be honest I never see you wear such formal clothes even from back then. It's always sleepwear or battle armour and come to think of it since you enter highschool last year. That means you never get to tell me since I went to training-"

"Ok, I get it, Sova. What's your point?" Sis Fei cuts me off as she walks to the table.

"Oh, well seeing you wearing this is... What the words May say again? A breath of fresh air?"

Sis Fei suddenly stops and turns her back on me before disappearing. Suddenly someone wraps her hands in my neck and breathing in my ear.


I involuntarily shout as I realize it's Sis Fei. She tightens her hold saying:

"Why aren't you just adorable? Where did you learn how to flirt now? Is this perhaps revenge for this morning?" she rubs and circling her fingers on my cheeks.

"Huh, r-revenge? No! And f-flirt, What does that even mean?"

"Sis Fei, manners please!" Sis Yuwei looks at her with a cold stare as she picks up a cup of tea.

"Okay~ I'll let you go for now then."

She quickly lets me go and walks to the chair infront of me. One maid pulls the chair and helps her sit down. Sis Yuwei takes a sip of her tea as she quickly turns at Sis Fei saying:

"You should really stop with the teasing and grow up- Wait for a second, I told you the same thing back when you first wear that and you suddenly get angry at me."

"Aha, ahahaha, Shush Sis! Ahahaha."

Sis Fei laughs it off and raises her hand when the maid was about to wrap the napkin. She took the napkin and wear it herself.

She smiles more when she looks at her breakfast. She takes the spoon and fork saying:

"Everyone let's eat~"

"Ah, y-yes let's eat," I replied

"Yes, please do," Yuwei replied and ate hers.

The maids bow down and reply saying:

"Please do so."

Sis Fei quickly takes a bite at her food saying:

"Mmm~ So, I guess Sova love it, Sis?"

Sis Yuwei nods saying:

"Yes, I'm happy he felt so."

Sis Fei, look at me saying:

"Well, I hope you enjoy every bite of it. Sis wakes up early so she can cook this you know. So much effort was put into it too~"

I look at Sis Yuwei in surprise saying:

"Really? Even when after what happened a few days ago? Shouldn't you be resting?"

"As I said, I want to at least have a good time and make you happy for a long sudden reunion. So, putting some effort is nothing much."

"Thank you so much Sis Yuwei!"

Sis Yuwei smiled pleasantly saying:

"Oh, touch some wood~ You're welcome," and continue eating her food little by little.

I look at Sis Fei asking:

"Sis Fei, you have one button open on your shirt."

"Hmm? Oh, it's okay Sova~"

"Really? Shouldn't you close all of it?"

"It's okay~ It feels too tight, that's why I just let it loose."

"Listen to what he says, Fei. Wear your clothes properly please-" Sis Yuwei leans to Sis Fei's ear raising her hand to cover her mouth as she whispers:

(Ple-, se... Example) and return back to her elegance sitting position.

Sis Fei looks at me for a while before she puffs her cheeks and button her shirt and tighten her ribbon saying:

"Ugh, this is so uncomfortable... This is fine right? I don't want to button the blazers too."

"Yes it's fine, and you better get used to it," Yuwei smiles pleasantly as she drinks her tea.

I look at my tea and drinks it. I quickly realize how bitter it was, pulling my tongue out and closing my eyes in reflex as I try to lessen the taste.

"Bleh!" I try to spit out the bitterness.

"Ah! Please add those sugar cubes if you can't handle the blank tea, and add milk if you want milk tea."

Sis Yuwei advice me with words of worry, I nod at her while trying to get the bitter taste away saying:

"Pleh, pleh, Okay, I will."

I add all the sugar cube, mixing it with the small spoon beside it until it's all even. I eat the last portion of my food and finally drink the tea again.

(It tastes so sweet, which I love so much!)

Yuwei sips her tea before smiling saying:

"Don't you think you added too much sugar, Sova? Isn't it too sweet now?"

"Eh, really? I really like sweet things like this."

Sis Yuwei raises her finger and points at the tea saying:

"I know it's tasty in your tongue but it's not healthy for you since you can't use purify yet and the fact that you're an Owlian who can't use magic, means that you're pretty prone to illness, like too much sweet can cause...

I think in owlian medical terms it's called "Diabetes Mellitus" is I think what the doctors said during my visit to the new Owlian Villages."

Sis Fei rests her head with one of her arms while the other holds a bread saying:

"Geez Sis, you sound like a grandma again. Act like that even more and you will look much older than now you know."

Sis Fei eats the bread after she said that when I could hear Sis Yuwei cracked the handle of her cup while still smiling. Sis Yuwei places the cup down when suddenly the handle broke off. She looks at one of the maids saying:

"I'm sorry but it seems there is an accident. Would you kindly fix it, Urza."

"Y-yes mistress!"

One of the maids raises her hand and started chanting when the broken glass starts to shine and the broken shards and handle begins to move and reattach and fixed like it was never broken.

(Magic is still amazing and convenient).

"Thank you, Urza. I hope that didn't trouble you?"

"It's of no problem of mine! Please do make use of us again."

The maid back away when Yuwei looks at me saying:

"Well, I did promise you I'll treat you to something sweet when we return home, but that happened... So, I guess I'll let you eat some more sweets today- but with limitations of course, for your health."

"Eh, really? I mean aren't you busy with all the thing happening?"

Sis Yuwei nods saying:

"Yes, but since it's just buying food, I'm sure you'll be fine. And don't forget to drink lots of water after you eat and why don't you go with Sarah after this-"

Sis Fei interjects saying:

"Eh, why not me? I know some good place to buy some sweets."

"You have some important things to do at school now, lest you forget."

"Ugh, fiiine." Sis Fei pouts as she eats.

When I finish my breakfast, I look at Sis Yuwei asking:

"So, are you going to tell me what happen while we were not in contact like you said a few days ago?"

Sis Yuwei eats her last bread and looks at me saying:

"I guess I could tell you."

"Eh, really?"

"But just the oversimplified version if you don't mind. After all, if I have to say everything then we will stay here for a day minimum."


That's fast... For some reason, my heart is beating faster as I wait. My hands curl into a fist in anticipation while Yuwei sips her tea before she places it down silently as the room turn silence and everything focus on her. She starts saying:

"Simply put the moment my father passed away and I stop contacting you. I started to enter middle school, realizing what the education system has become in the Confederation, an expensive social daycare. I change school every year trying to steal some great ideas and probably inventions from the other sectors (Legally by earning them in the contest and so forth).

So, after earning them I implement them in my sector's schools with the help of all of your family except you. Basically, I'm working a lot for the education and progression my Sector goes while Sis Rubeca helps us keeping the whole public order in check with the help of the few Speical Ranking Hunters in my Sector. To be honest, the reason why there is any or barely a bandit attack is because of her. She's really good at what she's doing that we could barely give her an order.

And seeing everything going well, I started reforming the military and economy and everything work well and rinse and repeat as I continue my revolutionary reform with your aunt's experience since she said she once stand alongside emperors and I was occasional halt by my own conservative cousins."

"Pfff," Sis Fei tried her best to hold her laughter and Sis Yuwei ignores her.

When I realize something, I look at Sis Yuwei asking:

"Wait, All of my family helped?"

"Yes, since you are one the reason they helped in the first place. After that-"

"P-please hold on Sis Yuwei. What do you mean because of me?"

"Sova, it would be very wise, if you just be quiet and let me finish before asking questions."

"O-oh, I'm so sorry..."

Sis Yuwei pet me saying:

"As long as you understand. Now continuing on- where was I? Oh, right, all continued when I enter my second year of highschool. That was when my plans begin to change because of a certain person, can you guess who?"

"That Moriz guy?"

"Correct and another person..."

Sis Yuwei rolls her thumbs as she tried to hold her anger in with a calm face when Sis Fei struck by an idea quickly says:

"Ah, that infamous third year who manage to become Stuco for three years straight since he enters the school. And who is the other one?"

Sis Yuwei stops rolling her thumbs and taking a deep breather and says:

"The fated chosen son of the Red Dragon Family."

Her voice was heavy and full of disgust.

"Ah, that scandalous senior. Well, I guess that makes lots of sense with so much good deed in his records and almost no black stain at all, it makes you wonder if he is any good of a man? Along with the fact that his surrounded by multiple girls all the time. By the way, more importantly, you actually met that Moriz, Sova?"

Nodding at her question I answer her what I remember saying:

"Mhm, I met him when Sis Yuwei was having some drinks in a diner with him a few days ago."

"Heh~ So that's where you went huh~?"

Sis Yuwei looks at her with a tired face saying:

"Yes, I coincidentally met him on the road when I called the retired gramps to help me search for some grub like all of you suggested, but, that is not important. So, to continue my story."

"Right, right, gramps going to be a teacher in the school we enrol right?" Sis Fei replied and finish her dish.

All of the maids start to move and one of them comes to us asking:

"Are you done eating?"

"Ah, yes," I reply.

"Please take it."

"Go ahead."

We reply and they take our plate and all of their plates, cleaning the table leaving only the cup of tea.

"Thank you," I say to the maid who helped me clean. And she just bows with a smile.

Now, there are only a few maids left in the room as the one that stayed all wait in the corner.

"Yes he will become one, so try your best to behave your self okay?"

"Fiiine, It's the gramps after all~"

"I definitely don't trust you in that assessment, but that's good enough."

Sis Yuwei takes another sip of her tea before continuing saying:

"After I enrol there, my life and plans were going well as long as I ignore both of them and left them alone... But, I guess fate has other plans for me when it comes to both of them. Skipping my second year, my third year is the moment I put my plans into full gear."

Sis Fei clasps her hands and looks at the reflection on her tea when Yuwei says that. She stops moving the cup and looks at me seriously, changing the subject asking:

"Say, if I remember correctly, you ask for Sis Rubeca for training once back then and she flat out rejects you right?"

"Ah, Yes, that's right!"

Sis Rubeca did refuse me the first time I ask and still says no with May helping me to convince her. Wait...

"How did you know?"

"Of course I do, that's why she suddenly said she will help you a few days later right?"

She asks me back with confidence in her voice as she smiles and rests her hands in the table. Confused by her actions and suddenly realize something. I answer saying:

"Yes... Are you saying you're the one that helped me convince Sis Rubeca?"

Like my guess she smiles saying:

"You could say that."

I stand as I slam the table with not much force and cause a little shake saying:

"Really? Thank you so much!"

I express my gratitude when Sis Yuwei looks at me dumbfounded and respond with only:


I sit down again and continue saying:

"To tell you the truth, I really want to know about my parents after a certain incident. Since I know Sis Rubeca is the best to train me when aunt doesn't want too. And the fact that you helped me out even when we haven't met after for so long is very kind of you."

"O-oh, well that's what f-families do..."

Sis Yuwei replies back weakly with regret lace on each of her words.

"Ugh," Sis Fei close her mouth as she tries to hold back something.

Sis Yuwei looks at the reflection on the tea again as she looks full of gloom saying:

"E-either way, continuing on."

Seeing her down I try cheering her up saying:

"Yes! It may not go as I planned, but I'm extremely grateful for the fact we get to reunite like this and having breakfast together like a family," I reply enthusiastically.

Sis Yuwei as if regaining her energy back smiles again saying:

"I see," Sis Yuwei replied happily while sipping her tea before refilling it again.

"Well, I'm happy too Sova~"

Sis Fei disappeared from her seat and suddenly appear beside me again to hug me.

"Please let go, Sis Fei."

"No~ you're just too cute Sova."

"You better listen to his request Fei, lest you forget you have a school to attend to."

"Oh, you're right!"

She hugs me a bit more and rubs her face on mine before letting me go saying:

"See you later all of you!"

"Have a safe trip, Fei."

"See you later, Sis Fei."

The maids open the gate and bows down saying:

"Have a safe trip, Mistress Fei."

And left, I suddenly remembered and reach my hand out saying:

"Ah! Right, I forget to say something important to her..."

Leaving only me, Sis Fei and the maids behind.

"Hmm? What are you going to tell her?"

"It's about your mother..."

Sis Yuwei took a deep breath saying:

"I see... So continuing my story-"

"Say, Sis Yuwei?"

She sighs asking back:

"What is it now, Sova?"

"Sis Fei told me that when your father passed away, your sector was plunged into a warring state or sec period and you lost many of your families. Is that true?"

Yuwei closes her eyes and takes another sip of her tea saying:

"I was trying to avoid telling you but I guess it's inevitable. Yes, it's true. All the branch families start to fight against each other and trying to gain my interest and be my regent. Even my own cousins and childhood friend fell to the temptations and not wanting to ruin their relationship with their own parents helps them to gain my favour. With pity and despair as they beg me. Their once innocent smiles and action, true friends by my side is... Gone in a moment."

Her voice was filled with sorrow when all I can do is regret asking her that. But she prevails and continues saying:

"There is only a few left, the main family and the remnants so to speak, all the personnel in this household excluding the garrison and armies which comprise of the civilians and retired old guards.

I stayed in silence as I listen to her answer. Sis Yuwei takes another sip, as she tries to continue but I quickly cut her off saying:

"I think I understand. You don't need to continue anymore Sis."

"I see, I guess that's enough about me. Tell me about yourself, what did you do doing training? What did you do when you're not with us?"

Surprised and yet happy with the energy back in her voice I answer her hesitantly saying:

"Eh? Well, to be honest, I didn't do much that's worth mentioning."

She looks at me curiously with a smile. Resting her cheeks on her hands and lean forward asking:

"Really now?"

I look up pondering what to say. I start with saying:

"Well, ever since you stop visiting us. I've actually changed where I start living in a small room... Scratch that, it's actually very big."

"Yes, I know about that, you told me already. It's big since you never buy anything."

"I see... Wait a second! When I was walking to aunt's house, you said you know how empty my room is, even before I told you... Where did you know that?"

She smiles a bit more saying:

"Ah! Looks like you've finally got a hang of things," she speaks in a happy tone.

I scratch my head saying:

"Eh, r-really? Thanks."

"Yes, May told me a lot about you when we were working together."

"Say, what did May actually do? I mean you didn't say anything about her."

"You'll be surprised, she is actually a part of my administrative department and Intelligence."

"Eh, May is? Wait, she does have an amazing memory and super smarts stuff, I guess that's not a surprise... Wait a second, she always stays most of the day with me to help me study and sometimes even stay at my place when I fail most of the time, how did she even gather it!?"

"You're really growing much in a short time. I'm quite impressed."

I look down feeling warm in the face saying:

"Oh, please~ you're embarrassing me."

"I can assure you what I'm saying is nought but the truth and only the truth- Dammit, now I'm talking like him."


"Moriz, who else speaks like that sly snake!"

"Snake? thought his from the tiger family? And I don't think he speaks like that when we were travelling together."

"Well he did speak like that once but yeah, you're right, he is keeping a promise at the time and I guess his family is another complicated mess entirely so let's just skip him and continue."

"Well if you say so- Wait, you told me that you will tell me about him when we went back home!?"

"Snitzel, dairy! You're getting too good."

I scratch my head saying:

"Ehehehe, thanks~"

"Talking about bad words, you're not saying any right!?"

"Ah, of course not (I think), I followed your example by saying the names of food. Besides, it's fun saying those words."

Yuwei smiles pleasantly and gives me a pet in the head saying:

"Good, good~"

I smile in her praise saying:

"Thanks, so about Moriz and May?"

"Seems like I have to reap what I sow. So who do you want to know first?"

"May, of course!"

"Ah! Of course, of course, Sova come watch this."

Yuwei raises her right hand and takes out a small bell in her other large sleeves. She rings the bell when suddenly the ceiling shakes and I could hear a familiar squeak again...


Yuwei nods when suddenly one of the maids scream in terror and another one followed soon after and fall unconscious. I could see one maid immediately jump and another holds her in a princess carry. I look back seeing another running away raising their long black skirts as they run. Below them, I could see Rats running towards Yuwei.

Yuwei looks at the fallen maid saying:

"Oh right, none of them knew this-" she rings the bell one more time and the rats stop moving. While the maids were terrified, some fall to the ground, some run away from the room and some even froze in place. Sis Yuwei walks to the maids as the rats make way for her.

"I'm very sorry all of you. Here let me help you out."

Sis Yuwei stands and gave a hand to one of the fallen maids. Still shock in place, Sis Yuwei grabs the maids hand when the maid showed a surprise look and Sis continues pulling her up to stand. Brushing off the maid's shoulder saying:

"I'm so sorry. I hope you can forgive me."

"O-oh no, no, no, no, please forgive me, no, us! For being undisciplined. We promise you, we will not let this happen again!"

"Ah, I see. Next time I'll remind you to wait outside if this happens and I'll call for you when I'm done."


"Yes, have a rest and freshen your mind."

"T-thank you so much, Mistress!"

She bows down and the maids followed her action and leaves. Now, leaving only me, the hordes of rats and Sis Yuwei here.

"So how does May use these rats? Is it involves the bell?"

Sis rings the bell as she commands the rats and surround us while she sits down saying:

"Not really. But the use of signalling and obedience. She's the one who teaches me this."

"May did? Wow."

"Wow, indeed. This method is nigh impossible with a normal brain capacity, but with May who is born with a... In Zerian terms the is called the "Thousand Mind Palace" or Hyperthemesia in Owlian term is a legendary feat."

"That sounds awesome, why didn't she told me this hyperpubesia something?"

"Pffft," Sis Yuwei holds her laughs before saying, "It's Hyperthymesia, Sova, You should train your tongue or your hearing more."

"O-oh sorry."

I feel happy that she's not sad anymore. She pets me again saying:

"It's okay, I think you're vocabulary is pretty wide for a commoner. So basically, in Owlian term it's actually a sickness which won't let you forget things but, in Zerian terms, the Thousand Mind Palace is a legendary skill sought by almost all magic practitioners, mostly scholars, believers and magus to learn near-infinite spells."

"So, May use this skill to make these rats obey?"

"No, it's not like that, she uses the skills to memorize the rat's names, numbers, symbols, insignias she marks them with and makes a language to speak with the rats."

"Wait, what!?"

"That's right, she actually bonded with the rats and make them pets and before long she controlled like millions of them and they become my intelligence officers and they're pretty good at hiding too since they can't be sense since they are not a magic beast like the others."

"You know what, let's just skip this one then, my head can't keep up."

"I see, then let it be so."

Rats huh? That's pretty clever if you think about it. No one would suspect anything unless it signals that their house is like garbage... Which kinda surprise me at first when one showed up in my room and when I try to hit it, she quickly stops me and scolds me for it.

"I guess that's why she is quite mad when I tried to hurt one of them that entered my room. That's the moment she starts telling me to take good care of them for some reason, in exchange they won't tear my clothes and steal my rations or food... It's one of the unfair things she did to me..."

"And that would explain your care and undisgust for Sarah when you first met her. Say, Sova?"


"Why do you keep calling her Senior Saya, I know you are sharing secrets with her, but why?"

Ah, I knew the question would rise up. I didn't really say why either back in the diner.

"Well, I guess it's related to our secret but I guess at first when I call her just Saya she wouldn't respond or get angry at me until I add senior on it."

Sis Yuwei leans back on her chair and replies back saying:

"That's actually quite childish of her. Well, she does look like a kid so it's okay. But for someone who you just met for a few days and accidentally on top of that, you really get along quite well."

"Well, I think we do- probably. To be honest, I don't mind with all of that name thing, I mean even Sis Fei who is younger than me, I still call her Sis to please her."

Sis Yuwei holds her forehead and sighs saying:

"Sova, listen," in a serious tone to get my attention.

"Hmm?" I reply back curiously.

"You are easy to comply with people's wish. You should be tough sometime and say, NO! To things that are not supposed to happen."

Remembering Sis Rubeca's words, where violence isn't the only way. And then remembering all the thing that happens... I just feel like I discarded that ideal somewhere in the chaos a few days ago. Still, I stick to it replying:

"Eh, why? If I could just end the conflict there peacefully won't it be better? I mean it might just change in the future."

She sighs and folds her hands saying:

"Sova, humans are greedy, they are selfish with desires and I learn that the hard way. I am no exception and I guess even spirits fall into that temptation too... If you just keep staying like that, it won't be long before you are nothing but fodder to be chowed down."

"Eh? Um..."

Surprised by her sudden remarks, I tried to answer back but she quickly continues saying:

"Come on! Where is the you when you demanded me back inside the limo."

I look down in panic saying:

"I was just desperate back then when I saw those people suffering. I'm sorry."

Yuwei gets off her chair and stands beside me, she drags my face and forces me to face her saying:

"Don't be! You have the right to know, so you better stick to it!"


"It's okay if you can't do it now, just take your time like how you follow Sarah's advice to question people."


Sis Yuwei pulls my face closer as she stares down at me before walking back and sits down at her seat. She sips more of her tea before saying:

"Say, Sova if I remember correctly May told me you're dating her now right?"

I scratch my cheeks as I feel warm in my face saying:

"Well, yes."

I suddenly remember the time I confess to her and caught her by surprise. But to be honest, nothing much change after that. Like nothing much other than Nicole visiting less frequently. As I caught deep in thought, Sis nods and continue saying:

"I see... If so, don't you think you're being very intimate with other girls lately, to the point I can say it's in a very inappropriate level."

Now that she says that... Intimate? Like close? I'm sure I don't hang out much with May's friend that much anymore.

"Hmm, Who? And what do you mean?"

"Touch some wood, like Fei, for example, you Sweet Potato! And it means to lessen your skinship, you doughnut!"


"You're dating May right?"

"Yes and?"

Sis Yuwei slams the table which surprises the rats and she shouts:

"Then you better keep yourself only for her you Pork Dumpling!"

"E-eep, yes!"

I reply quickly in reflex and she continues saying:

"Don't just let other girls touch you so easily."

Then I remembered something and reply back saying:

"But you keep petting me though?"

"Shush! that's something which is okay to do."

"Excuse me what?"

"Yes, and try to lessen your contacts with other girls too. Even though she knows you would never have that thought, but, it would be safe to have a just in case."

"What thought?"

"You don't need to know- not now at least! Not only that, but you should also-"

Yuwei just keeps scolding me on and on even when her tea was finished. I drink the milk I didn't use while the rats crawl around and some even resting on my laps which I took the liberty to pet one.

(Which for some reason it's not so dirty like last time. But soft and warm).

Greetings once more...

Well I have nothing much to say but, thank you so much for reading thus far. I really do.

please tell me what you think and tell me what you think or if there is anything wrong.

Crticism are always welcome.

Beltwayscreators' thoughts