
Liberum Mundi

2800 years have passed since the Liberation Era, the missing millennia of humanity expanding into the world. 2200 years or so have passed since the end of the World Invasion, a world-scale attack launch by those despicable Owlians and their heretical science. 2100 or so years have passed since the Maryan Colonization, the imperial ambition of Maryan Remis' open rebellion led his army away to "modernised" the new world beyond the black line, the depths of Grinla, the frontiers of Hyuran, the skies beyond Aologi's space and many more which has not been named. 1900 years or so Maryan's colonisation brought upon a perfect stage for the 2 superpowers of the ancient to clash ideology in a war of guns before glory. To determine the path the world will take between Magic and science. 1700 years or so... ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ And soon, the time is now, not even a month has passed since the Aologi Empire's Civil War and subsequent destruction it brings to the ones before them. An enigma to even the Goddess and the unknown appeared late into the stage... "I wonder how will he fare in this world?" A certain lady peers deep into the shredded tome of knowledge.

Beltways · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
225 Chs

In Truth and Deceit. (Part 5)

"Hehe, Yes! I did it! I somehow did it! Wohoo!"

Taking a break near the entrance of the temple, I can't fathom how many times I almost panic every time they decided to check everything. I also panic every time they stop and wonder if they notice me following behind. And it was a good idea to listen at their conversation from afar with my heightened hearing.

"It seems patience sure is rewarding like Sis Rubeca said."

And in account for their low strength they make it even with caution and wit... Only until the end.

"Pheew! But it all payed off! To think he actually had the map! I was so scared when they never loot their friend's body but turned out to heal them fully instead... Urgh! Anyways... How do I read this? Like where am I?"

Seeing how they the temple was in the centre, I look at the middle and saw the weird tree with a giant weird monster head at the top.

"Oh is this where I am? And is that the rookie killer? It looks cute than what it name implies."

That's when I look at the two marks he left me. Sadly since both are red and he never told me which is which, I guess I have to check both and if I'm lucky, I'll find Ye-Hua at the first one.

(But what will I do when I found her? Do I just challenge her and then rush back here? But I feel kinda bad for leaving her alone so I suppose I should listen to her then. But the last decision is mine).

There are two marks in the map and both are located at some huge landmarks can be seen from here. In fact, it seems there are 3 prominent landmarks that can be seen from afar. This Temple where the boss resides, some huge waterfall, and the opened clearing.

Exiting the Temple, I saw the night sky full of stars, with two moons lighting up the snowy forest. It was a bit baffling to know that it was already night before I could finish this but either way... I look according to the map,

(The waterfall is to my left which means that's east and the clearing is to my right which is west and not far from the waterfall either. So that means I'm facing south yea? At least I'm finally comprehending a map. Knowing her for a little, she's probably the one to hide so the waterfall it is!)

"Though it would be great if I could have someone guide me... Hmm, but I don't want to get notice by the Hunters either... Well, let's see how things turn out."


*Clink* *Clank*

"Ah schnitzel!"


"There she is! Surround her!"

"We finally found her! Get her!"

"Don't let her escape."

"Dammit where is she!? I can't see!"

"Just form the circle! She's in her camo!"

"Or just look at where the footsteps at the snow or where the snow piles up!"

Unlike before, this time I am surrounded in all side as Hunters pour in from everywhere. With multiple lights coming from above and floating around, they form a circle around me with some forces at the trees carrying bows and rifles while the main force is accompanied by some tamed monster of different kind for each person.

(Woah! Finally seeing a monster for once and it's domesticated it seems. Right the reason why I got caught...)

Sticking close to the trees, I activated my cloak which didn't change much and wander about lowly by jumping to make my trail seemed cut off. With my echo location I was able to move around the traps and avoid contact with any patrolling Hunters and puppets before they could even happen, or sometimes attract the one or the other so they would fight and give me an opening to escape. But... I suppose even though I could hide from sight and sound, my smell seems to be unique it seems. Do I smell like something to be able to be chased around? I'm sure after crawling and spending my time around snow, dirt, mud, and musk, I smell much like nature now.

It wasn't long when I heard multiple four legged creature coming my way accompanied by multiple people behind them. Since the distance between the Hunter and the monster they tame is quite far, I dispatched of their pets with single kick and run away but it seems defeating 2 or 5 is not much when there is around 20 or more surrounding me now...

(Hunters are more annoying than I thought, I guess this is good since they are competent?)

Unlike the monster I've seen before, the ones they tame seems... Empty. Like I can't see nothing in their eyes but rage and something else they are hiding deep within since I can see their nerve pulsing on their head. Wondering where to go since I can't see the waterfall from inside the forest, a single voice rings louder saying:

"Hohoho, it seems you've got close to the Temple. Ah, so close yet, so far! Dear Star Child! We are reasonable people, please surrender and we'll gladly let you leave unharmed like all 5 others before you! Or else! You will feel the might of the Hunters of Silla!"

"No thanks!"

"So be it! Fire!"

A volley of arrows rain upon me as I quickly dash ahead since breaking this encirclement is the top priority now-

"Where are you going, pretty girl?"

A big Hunter twice my size seems to be able to see me or guess where I am. Distinct from the other Hunters, he wore a thick suit of armour with a cool skeleton shark tattoo engrave on it. He somehow dash infront of me wielding a giant sword before I could break through...

(He's fast for someone with that heavy armour, and... Sorry I guess. Let's hope your friend can fix you up like that last person from what I'm about to do to you).

I extend my spear and continue on, he tries to block, but I easily went around his defense and pierce his armour and into his stomach easily.

(Damn, this spear is sharp! The armoury gramps isn't lying when he says this thing is sharp!)

With my strength I easily raise his body for an umbrella as he is kind enough to grab the tip so he doesn't sink, or probably so that it won't go deeper.

"Stop firing you fools!

Seeing him turn to one of those porcupine and the volley fail to hit me. I could see his face swallowed by anger and pain as I quickly throw him off my spear but his relentless will and anger refuse to let go of my spear. So... I smash him to multiple people and trees as I run until his eyes turn white and I throw him again this time working. Dashing and dodging a few people as they try to hit me and miss since they probably can't see me.


Feeling something firing at the back of my head, I easily tilt to dodge when I realize the projectile curves where my head turns and decided to catch it as it almost reach me. Seeing the weird shape and that the tip is made out of some living bug that still twitch and wriggle, I look back and from the darkness, I see another Hunter distinct from the group of archers at the tall trees. A beast-kin of an animal I know not, but her white tail with black rings and brown mix with white hair seems pretty easy to spot and nice to touch...

Breaking the arrow, I sigh and wonder what to do since she'll keep firing at me as I escape when a giant log with long spikes swings right at me...

(Oh! I can use that!)

Seeing the spikes attached to it, I jump past and break one of the long spikes. Feeling the sturdiness...

(Yup this can be use like a javelin).

With no one ahead, I stop for a while as I realize she has close the distance a bit from the trees and I turn around to take stance for a back hand throw with my free hand.

(Weird, since I've been using Sis Rubeca's teaching lately. I'm starting to remember how she throws her glaive at me the same way back at the Reliquary).

As she probably realize what I'm doing, I decided to make sure it hits and strikes fast by enhancing the spike with my unknown magic like qi coating. As she fires her shot, I fire mine. And while I easily caught her arrow again with my throwing hand, my shot went past her stomach in a heartbeat and continues to fly upwards towards the stars. Being able to see past the huge hole in her gut, I saw her fall from the tree while I hastily turn to run again ignoring her fate.

Seeing a light at the end of the way, I jump ahead as I realize I ended up at the clearing-

"How the fudge did I end up in the west!?"

*Crash* *Shiing*

Seeing the beast-kin hunter from before land beside me and assaulting me soon after with two uneven swords. I easily dash ahead dodging her when she crash again infront of me shouting:

"End of the line, Star Child! You'll pay for what you did to my Sister!"

Ah, here I though she recovered already, and yea... I suppose the one infront of me has shorter hair. When I dash ahead and about to the same to her.


Someone appeared between us and with his long sword he parries my spear by moving his sword as if I'm seeing the moon-



In that small gap in mind, he use his fist to hit my chest and push me back to the centre of the clearing.

(Woah, even I didn't see that attack coming).

"There she is!"

"Encircle her!"

"Look! It's the Moon Swordman!"

"Alright, we sandwiched her! She's not escaping this time!"

Seeing them encircle me again, I can't help but feel a bit lost at how resilient and annoying they are... Is this how a monster felt when they got hunted?

"The hell, Chu-Son! I almost got her-"

"Can it, Ei! If it wasn't for me you'll suffer the same fate as that buffoon, ryeok!"

"Ugh! Sorry..."

The new contender seem strong, from his gear and skills, I can tell he's a...

High-Rank Hunter

(And here I thought there was none, where was he hiding all the time?)

"Haha! To think you would make us bring out our trump card! One last chance before I change my mind! Surrender now!"

The same loud voice from before offers me a term as I wonder where his voice is coming, I quickly decided the same...


"Fuck it! Bury her alive!"

" "RAAAAGH!!!" "

The Hunter that surrounds me with a battle cry and starts closing in from all direction when I realize it seems I have to reveal my powers for now. Retracting my spear, I summon-



From afar I could hear someone shouting:

"Shit! It's Zenon-"


From behind the two, trees starts to fall over while I could see Hunters being flung around like ragdolls from purple explosions after explosions. The Hunter that approach me seems to stop and look when,


Another explosion appear before me as the moon swordsman manage to grab the beast-kin and move away. From the amethyst flames a silhouette appear before me...

(Where did all this tall people come from? Is it normal? If so am I short? Then what about the people shorter than me?)

Slowly he comes out of the flames to reveal a man only a few years older than me. His blonde hair sways from the wind he created from his explosion while he hides his face behind a black blank mask with no openings as I wonder how does he see? Or even breathe!? Wearing a red robe over his black blazer when he pulls his sleeves up to reveal his built muscles and scars, he walk past me saying:

"Hmph! Pathetic! Did she really chose you over me!?"

"Huh? E-Excuse me?"

I look back at him asking but he ignores my question and proceed to raise his arms. I saw his muscle tense before an electric spark flicker in his arms before he swings them it past my head. Lightning bolts leaps over following his swings and,


His explosion destroyed the trees and made the clearing even more wide as the amethyst flames burns the snow and trees till the grass has revealed itself...

(The hell!)

"That's so cool! But will the tree continue to burn?"

"Just Follow me."


Following him, he's not that fast, but he sure is strong. Like can he cast that spell all the time? I don't know who he is but since he help me, I think I can trust him? Can I?

As I wonder he turns to look at me being a bit surprised as if he's expecting something else. He looks for a while as I wonder how he dodge without looking but he clicks his tongue and look ahead again softly whispering:

"(She's fast, I'll give her that. But weak everywhere else)."

"The hell does that mean?"

"Y-You heard me!?"

(Ah right! I usually just speak in my head).

"Hmph! Forget it then, just follow me."

"Where are we going?"

Looking a bit irritated, he sighs replying:

"The waterfall, the last Adventurer is there and that's where we set up camp."




Dashing from one place to the other while dodging traps, soon enough I could hear the sound of crashing water from the distance. Seeing a few Hunters setting up some camp before we arrive, the man in red fires off another lightning bolt and blow away everything in the path.

Thinking that attack was a bit overkill his devastation open up the skies a bit as I finally see a waterfall. Getting out of the forest, I could see a lake at the end of the waterfall. Not before realizing we're standing on a cliff as I look down at the frozen lake.


I turn off the cloak and look around seeing the mix of green, white, and blue as if ice and nature-

"What are you amazed for?! Follow me!"


He jumps down nonchalantly and I can only slowly crawl down from the snow-

"Hurry up dammit!"


He grabs me by the back of my cloak and jumps to frozen river. Hoping it doesn't break, his landing didn't even crack the ice and then he proceeds to jump at the waterfall-





"Fwah! Brrrr!"

Feeling the cold winds blew over my soaked body, he throws me ahead when,



I land mid-air as if I just hit a wall... Slowly sliding down, I fall on my butt as he shouts,

"Oy, mage girl! Open up! It's me!"

The opening before me change and blurs as it suddenly shines and I see Ye-Hua runs close saying:

"Hold on- Woah! Sova? Is that you!?"


"Well look at that, got your ass saved by Zenon too huh? See what your stupid charade cost-"

"I said open up or I'll blow your barrier apart!"

"Eek! Y-Yes, sorry!"

Following his words, Ye-Hua dispersed her barrier as he then walks in irritated as he walk past Ye-Hua who avoids him and runs to me.

"Here I thought, you surrendered when I heard a blonde girl wearing white has surrendered."

"I'm more surprised with how common my clothes are."

"Sova, Blonde and White? ReAL OrIGinAl."

"I know right!"

"Sova Ssi, I meant... Never mind. Here, let me dry you up."

"Oh? Thanks!"

Ye-Hua mutter something silently as I feel heat embrace me while a lights rise behind. Feeling my clothes dried up and warn as if they just came out of the dryer of those washing machine. Ye-Hua looks at me a bit sad replying: Ye-Hua gives me a hand saying:

"C'mon, I've set up some camp, want some dinner?"


*Gurgle* *Gurgle*

After hearing that words my stomach suddenly rumble as I remember I haven't eaten anything since early morning and thirsty as well. I nod and take her hand replying:

"Yes, please!"

Ye-Hua help me up as she lead me deeper into the cave that's litten up by the same glowing green mold from the temple.

(Come to think of it, this is the first time I saw a normal stone. Everything's been made from either wood, dirt, or those green brick).

"Hehe! I found some herbs to give our rations a taste. You'll love it."

"Really? Thanks!"

Turning around, I see some orb on the ground lighting up the entire place. It seems they've found a huge hollow space inside. It's quite big and tall that I can't see the ceiling on the walls. Ye-Hua runs near the orb where there seems to be a grinder filled with mixed ingredients.

Kneeling down she continues to grind and pound the rations as I sit near her and notice the guy in red sitting alone in the corner. Even through his mask, I could feel he's staring at us as he hug his legs, he looks a bit pitiful after that grand display...

"Do you want to call him over?"

"Nah, he said he wants to be alone."

"Oh... Really?"

"I'll bring his portion to him later."

"I see- oh wait! I have my own rations, do you want to try? I guarantee the taste!"

"Oho? Show me."

I pull my bag out and grab a bag of Pulpaeg. Handing it to her saying:

"Here you go! Some Pulpaeg with extra ingredients!"

"Just Pulpaeg? I-Is this a joke?"

"What do you mean?"

"You do realize Pulpaeg taste like literal shit right!? Even grounded rat dust taste better!"

"You've eaten schnitzel before? I mean... Poop?"

(Eat rats? They turn rats to dust and eat it!? That's creepy and horrifying to imagine. I mean I thought they're pets at best).

"Wait, they make that here? Man! I miss European cuisine- I mean, No! I never eaten shit before! It's just a metaphor, okay!? And more like why do you call such delectable pork dish the same as that literal crap!?"

"Oh... No, just surprised..."

(Wait, European? The hell is that?)

"Anyways, just because it has some sparkly look now don't meant anything."

"But you haven't even eaten it yet!?"

Ye-Hua while still grinding the meal looks away with puffed cheeks firmly says,

"Nnnn... No!"

I lay down to look up at her before pushing my ration bag to her saying:


Ye-Hua looks at me before her lips shiver,



"Yay! It's a secret recipe!"

Ye-Hua pound the grinder as she answers back before she slowly take the bag from my hand. Hesitantly rummaging around before she pick up one long one she immediately drop it and rummage again... Wondering what she's doing, she finally stick with a small one the shape of a fish.

(Ah! I make it so that the petals shape its fins!)

Yet it seems she seems to be looking at it with contemplation and regret...

(Why though? Is there something there? Did the snow got in? Nah, not possible wait, the bottle!)

I rummage around my bag and notice my bag are still intact after all that battle it seems, and my water bottle are fine. I tilt my head asking myself,

(So why?)

She looks at me again and the Pulpaeg before she looks back at me and sigh. Seeing her bring it close to her mouth, I look closer until she bring her tongue out...

"Eaaat iittt~"

(I mean, is it so hard!?)

Ye-Hua close her eyes and dump it into her mouth. Her eyes widened as if she has reached to an epiphany. From one cheek to the other, her eyes starts to sparkle as she holds her cheek with a huge grin as she sucker on it. With reddened cheeks she close her eyes as she seems to fully enjoy it.

"See? Delicious isn't it-"


Ye-Hua grabs hold of my ration bag and pulls me close as she lets go of her grinder.

"Sova... Delicious is an understatement! It's marvelous! Delicious! Succulent! Delightful! Divine! Exquisite! Goût Merveilleux!"

"The fudge?"

"H-How!? How did you turn that bland shit to this... This?"

Ye-Hua snatch the bag from my hand and starts taking one after another and start stuffing it into her mouth...

"Well, I told you, secret recipe. And besides, a friend of mine cooks these better."

"Don't sell yourself short! Sure the recipe makes the meal but the chef is what makes the food delicious."

"I see..."

Seeing her enjoy herself she seems to gain some motivation as she starts to energetically grind the meal more quickly.

"Well, time to continue! You're right! That IS one of the best meal I ever had! What a real surprise! Thanks!"

"No problem!"

"Even though that's great we still need some fulfilling meal. So just wait, I can't lose in battle of the kitchen!"

(Weird I thought Yoo-Ah said the Pulpaeg we made could fill us up? Maybe because sweet meals are usually associated with desserts or appetizers?)

"Hmm? Do you need something?"

Before I knew it, Zenon... The man in red had somehow sneak close as he sits beside me while still hugging his knees. With his mask facing my way, I can only wonder what he wants-

"C-Can I have some of that? I'm curious."

"Huh? You want one?"

He speaks his request as he points at my ration bag. Feeling happy that someone got interested by your cooking I quickly pick some and hand it to him replying:

"Sure! Here!"

Even through his mask, I can tell he seems to be a bit surprised.

"R-Really? Why... Thanks."

"No problem! Just make sure not to chew, heard it's very hard."

"Point taken."

(Maybe he isn't so bad?)


Seeing his lower mask shrink so his mouth is open and take it all in, he suddenly froze in place as I can only wonder what's happening to him.

(Cool mask! It's similar to how my old armour functions. Still, here I thought those stuff are just too hard to chew, here he is stuffing his mouth full just like me yesterday. Is Yoo-Ah's teeth that brittle? She needs to drink more milk).

*Poke* *Poke*

Poking his arms brings no reaction nor does nudging him do much. Thinking that maybe his condition is just temporary, I look back at Ye-Hua who's happily grinding the meal asking:

"So... Are we going to eat like that? All dust and crumbs?"

"What? Of course not! I'm grinding them not to break- well yes to break but also mix them together. Not all meals are cooked by fire, especially when we're deep in this cave with no ventilation. It's just suicide. Some meals can be eaten raw, or by letting them ferment, or by breaking them apart and combining them together like I'm doing now!"

"Woah! Cooking without fire! Now that sounds... Magical."

(And ferment what's that?)

"Yup! This is a tool for it too! Well, I just make-shift it from stone but it originally made from stone so it all works fine!"

"Nice! Can't wait to taste it."

"Hehe, I'll make sure to not disappoint after your meal."




Zenon grabs me by my shoulder before he force me to look at him face to mask and grabs both my shoulders.


"Girl! No, Star Child!"

"It's Sova-"

"Listen, how do you feel to be working at my palace? You shall serve both my me and my mother- I mean my family!"

"Um! I'm sorry?"

"Is it the pay? Have no worry! Unlike adventurers we or if they won't, I shall pay you your salary! And we'll provide you with a better living quarters as well. It will be safe in the kitchen, cept for knives and all those kitchen utensils-"

"Hold on, but I don't even know you?"

"Ah... Right, and here I thought my name has spread throughout the peninsula."

He grasp my shoulders with more strength before saying:

"I'm... I suppose they called me the Wandering Storm, Zenon. As for my face and other identity, I can't tell you if you don't work for me."

"O... Kay, Zenon but I think you should reconsider your request? See, I'm no good at the kitchen at all."

"No! I have made my decision-"


"Hey! Give her some space! And watch it! You may be scary but I ain't going to let you touch a girl like that! Have you no shame!"

Ye-Hua hits his hands with her staff and raise her staff between us, Zenon freezes for a while before he frantically backs away gesturing no with his hand replying:

"Ah, Aaah! Uh... Wait! It's not what you think! I never meant to hold you like that as a man of noble ways..."

He stops for a while and sigh, backing away, he leans back on the wall saying:

"Sigh... You're right, forgive me, Sofa."


"Right... Just please reconsider my offer. If it interests you you can find me at the Jasang Inn. We can then introduce ourselves more formally."

"Oh, okay, thanks for the offer but it's still... I refuse."

"I see... That was quick..."

(Weird, what happened to all that grandiose and anger he showed? I mean he looks sorry now? Is he that tired?)

"Sheesh, what a perverted man. Holding girls he doesn't even know like that."

(Males and females are pretty separated huh? Nope, Sova, you know what you have to do later).

"But anyways, dinner's almost ready!"

Ye-Hua summons a water bottle from her bracelet and start sprinkling water at the grinder before mixing them again a bit turning them into a dough of sort.

"Sova Ssi, wanna help shape the meal?"

"Do I!?"

"Great but wash your hands first!"

Ye-Hua summons a ice crystal from her bracelet and melt it to water as I see it engulf my hands. Seeing Ye-Hua pinch a pieces by pieces and shaping them to a bear, dog, some harmless-looking tiger and a boar. The water finally spits my hand out when I realize the shape can vary I decided to make my own shapes. As we made more than 20, Ye-Hua stops saying:

"Okay, that's enough. Time to distribute them."

Ye-Hua grabs her staff and summons an ice crystal again before melting it to water, tapping the ground and summoning 3 bowls and spoon, before long the same water boils as she use it to wash the bowls and place the pair each for us...

(Magic sure is a cheat).

Using the same water she summons some kind of small yet nice-smelling brick. Cooling the water and purifying it as I see it shines, she mix the two a bit before it engulfs her hand it down to wash her hands and a bit of her staff before she sends it to me and engulf my hand as well along with Zenon's catching him a in a bit of surprise.

(She must like being clean, or this is more of necessity?)

As the water leaves, I feel my hand being squeaky which I really don't mind.

"Okay, raise your bowls!"

I take the stone bowl as I can still feel its warmth. Ye-Hua separates the meal and the shaped ones into three before placing them on our bowls saying:

"Eat up!"

"Woah! Thanks! You're pretty amazing doing all that!"

Ye-Hua scratches the back of her head replying:

"Hehe! It's nothing much, It's just day to day with my party."

"Neat! Well, time to eat everyone!"

*Munch* *Munch* *Munch!*

I could taste the mix of sour, sweet, and even some... Spicy!?

"Ha... Ha... Hot! Hot! But yum! Still, Haah... Hot!"

I let my mouth open as I grab my water bottle and drink it. Maybe it's because of the cold weather but it seems my water becomes really cool which is a huge help!

"What? You can't handle spicy Sova? You have quite a bland taste."

"Haaah! *Gulp* Yea, so what? I can't handle spicy but I mean who willingly wants to eat something that gives them pain!? I mean peppers are fine but why are chilli spicy a whole different way."

"Hehe, okay, okay, enough complaining, you're just like my lil sister and Jana Ssi. You really will get along huh? Hold on."

Ye-Hua summons some herbs from her bracelet and grind them again before she sprinkle it over my meal.

"Try again."

Taking a spoonful, I chomp it all down as this time the spicy flavour is toned down as it taste like pepper. Eating all this kinda reminds me of eating Potato stews with pepper and Olanum sauce!

"Delicious! This is perfect! Hmm?"

That's when I realize it seems Zenon has return to sit close to the light orb. With his lower mask still open, he quietly eats his meal with no complaints but I could see his head becoming bright red probably from the spiciness.

(Woah! How does he do that? I'm pretty sure last time my head went that red I had to swallow an ice and drink lots of milk. Wait, could he be...)

"Zenon, you want some of those herbs that make the food less spicy?"

Seeing him jolt a bit, he nods once replying:

"If you insist."

"You see him, Ye-Hua Ssi."

"Alright, hold on."

Seeing Ye-Hua take the remaining spice from the grinder, and share some to him. I realize that as long there's light, company, and good food, I think anyone can be pretty satisfied.

(This is not so bad).

Um... I honestly forgot it was Sunday last week, still... Thank you so much for reading and have double release!

Beltwayscreators' thoughts