
Liberum Mundi

2800 years have passed since the Liberation Era, the missing millennia of humanity expanding into the world. 2200 years or so have passed since the end of the World Invasion, a world-scale attack launch by those despicable Owlians and their heretical science. 2100 or so years have passed since the Maryan Colonization, the imperial ambition of Maryan Remis' open rebellion led his army away to "modernised" the new world beyond the black line, the depths of Grinla, the frontiers of Hyuran, the skies beyond Aologi's space and many more which has not been named. 1900 years or so Maryan's colonisation brought upon a perfect stage for the 2 superpowers of the ancient to clash ideology in a war of guns before glory. To determine the path the world will take between Magic and science. 1700 years or so... ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ And soon, the time is now, not even a month has passed since the Aologi Empire's Civil War and subsequent destruction it brings to the ones before them. An enigma to even the Goddess and the unknown appeared late into the stage... "I wonder how will he fare in this world?" A certain lady peers deep into the shredded tome of knowledge.

Beltways · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
225 Chs

Hope Resting Behind Us. (Part 7)

"Welcome, Sova Ssi. I've been waiting so long for you. I'm happy to know you're fine."

Wondering what I should say, I simply tilt my head asking:

"Who are you?"

"Huh? Heh, hahahaha!"

He laughs showing his black teeth before he then slaps one of his guard's shoulder shouting:

"You hear that!? Someone actually played along for once! See? Can't you all be like her?"

(Woah! Seeing those black teeth in person... Juha's right, that is pretty weird. I wonder what Juha looks like if she didn't whiten her teeth?)

"Alright, it seems I got off the wrong foot."

He bows his head down with grace and continue saying:

"I'm Golae Yeon-Seyong, a black bone senior prince of Silla. Or you know me more as Zenon."

"Oh! Zenon?"

I follow along and bow my head down replying:

"I'm Sova-"

"Please, no need to, Sova Ssi. You are the star child, everyone knows who you are. Even those from the country side and whatever remains of the slums here have heard your name."

(Really? I'm that popular? I guess what he said of High Rank Hunters being local heroes is true considering Adventurers are basically High Rank Hunters).

Seyong gesture me to stop and then hides his hands saying:

"So, come, let me escort you and I suppose your friend inside. I have myriads of topics I wish to converse with you. And since I cannot say it directly when you're unconscious but congrats on your promotion."

Before I could reply, Juha steps between us saying:

"Forgive me, prince Yeon-Seyong nim. But Sova won't be separating from me, so it would be best that you wait until she visits you."


Seyong snarks at Juha before replying:

"How funny, if I remember correctly, your orders are supposed to be following her around, not the other way is it not? Don't over extend your authority lieutenant."

(Is he really, Zenon? I mean I know I haven't know him a lot but he act so different... And wait, where did he hear that?)

Juha raises her guard as she answers,

"Hmph! Of course not, that is simply what Sova wished and what's best for her. Besides, she will be meeting you first either way and I hope you're not someone who keeps a lady in one place."

"Not at all, I'm just worried and hoping you're not validating your words as direct quotes from Sova Ssi. So, why not ask her directly?"

"Tch! What do you wish, Sova?"

The both look at me as I realize the glare Juha gives. I shake my head saying:

"I'm sorry Um... Prince Yeon-Seyong nim? But I'll be following Juha for now. And like she said, I'll visit you first or however you do things here. Still, thank you again for inviting me here! I can't wait to experience whatever party it is."

"Hah, Sova Ssi that's what you're suppose to say when you actually inside. Still, thanks accepted, I'll be waiting then. And Ye-Ri..."


She completely hid behind Juha and try to make herself smaller but Seyong shakes his head asking:

"How long are you going to hide behind her?"


He gestures towards the guards and turn toward the gate saying:

"Heh, Alright then, let's go! Uncle Hon-Kwon would love to hear this."

Seyong's huge figure accompanied by his crimson guards leave the scene as he leaves a huge impression to the guests around and kinda ruin the queue. Juha sighs and looks at Ye-Ri saying:

"Get yourself together, Ye-Ri."


"Lil Ye-Ri! Stand straight!"

The old man scold her before she finally lets Juha go and stand on her own.

"Eep! Um... Right..."

Ye-Ri tidy her dress before she clench her robes saying:

"Well, I'll be waiting Juha Unnie."

Juha nods and the two head inside while one of those black robe shamans approach us saying:

"Greetings Lord Jin-Juha nim, Please, let me do the honours."

Juha calms down her glaring eyes before handing her Invitation and the shaman takes it happily. Opening the scrolls she read and confirms it before she approach me saying:

"Your invitation please."


As I hand her the invitation I look at Yoo-Ah who's killing time by staring at the reflection of the yellow river. I have a stinking suspicion she probably just ignore him after introducing herself.

(Hmm, if she went here before doesn't that mean Yoo-Ah suppose to know the senior prince? Though if she did I doubt she'll introduce herself..., Yoo-Ah seems pretty high in the world despite how we meet).

I look back at the Shaman saying:

"And by the way, that girl will follow along with me as my partner and aid."

Hearing my words, Yoo-Ah rushes over shouting:

"That's right!"

The shaman nods as she confirms the scroll replying:

"Noted, I have received your suggestion. She may follow you inside. Please, enjoy the royal palace."

"Sure thing! Let's go!"

Yoo-Ah reply quickly and drag me inside while Juha picks up the pace. The shaman let's us through an open side as we rush in. We arrived at a different location from the crowds, with less reception and guest walking going down alongside us.

Going under the bridge, the view from below is different than what we see. As if separating the rivers is an underground bridge and peeking inside, I see a wall of glass and something swimming beyond got my curiosity is peaked. Taking the initiative I decided to pull Yoo-Ah along and went inside first and saw the fantastical realm.

"Woah! How is this even possible!?"

I shout and see it all in display. As if I'm standing underwater, I am surrounded by a wall of glass while fish, fauna, and other oceanic creatures surrounds me in a maze of wild life. From shelled creatures-


When I approach the glass, the monsters swim away creating a mighty whirlwind of fish and plants never seen before. As if I'm in a dream the world under the sea is

"Is this... What under the sea is like? It's so... Majestic."

(And finally, some wildlife).

"You never been on an aquarium before Sova!?"

"Aquarium? Is this what it is?! Amazing! To think people experience going under the water like this..."

"I'm more surprised we could amaze someone from Heaven!"

"I'm sure everyone will be amaze by this!"

"Hum! Hum! Alright then, Sova! Welcome to the Forbidden pond! Well, actually we're on the bottom of it."

As I look closely I can see so many types of aquatic life. From slithering, shells, scales, smooth, those with claws, fins, and many more species just living together and creating this weird harmony that brings me to a trance...

(I could watch this all day).

Juha catches up and follow my gaze saying:

"How sad, the pond is usually 3 times more full and crowded."

(Woah! I can only imagine what it will look like. Hmmm... I wonder if I sink can I see this? Nah, my eyes will be too blurry from the water).

I thought as I look above. A beautiful shattered gleam illuminate the small glass tunnel we stand. And my heightened hearing sense keeps picking the sound of bubbles, torrents, and waves from the endless blue. And seeing the surface from below gives a peaceful feeling as the light it sheds scatter like those mosaic windows of the Libera church. Yoo-Ah following suit shouts:

"Wait? Really!? You're right! It was much more packed when I came with my Sis! What happened?!"

Juha merely looks up at where the light comes saying:

"It was during the recent monster wave. Something drive all creatures mad and they all suddenly started running away, even by jumping out of the water as if they have gone mad. And that incident is not only region but kingdom wide and maybe even the whole neighboring kingdoms as well. Since reports of dead fishes can be seen across the river side and roads close across the peninsula. (Though it seems only the land animals monsters here went crazy and I doubt a champion class monster could do so much. There's many more mysteries to solve)."

(Wait... Is that perhaps related to me?)

Juha then touch one of the glass walls as I see fishes gather around her palm and says,

"And it took a heavy toll on the guardian of the pond to calm all the aquatic creatures throughout the rivers and lakes. Now that the guardian slumbers deep within after such arduous task."

"Amazing if only I could.... Wait, guardian of the pond?"

I ask curiously and look around and Juha walks ahead shaking her head replying:

"Yes, it is one of the royal family's guardian. It is said that it is the mentor of the royal scions and keeper of the lakes, and it is also said that it is actually the pet of the founding king."

"Woah! I'm surprised I haven't seen it before when I'm here!"

"Hmph! Of course you wouldn't! It resides in the underground caves this pond has and only comes out when the royal family calls or something dangerous occur like the rampage."

"Urreee! Things keep heading south in this kingdom! But I suppose we got our northern blow time to time! Like, Sova!"

Yoo-Ah holds me close as she says that and I can agree from hearing the problem this kingdom has.

(Now that she say that and what they discuss that night, I guess this kingdom has been having it rough).

"It's not that bad honestly, and soon things will return to normal..."

Juha stops talking for a while as I realize she must be thinking about what the Colonel shared that night. I push Juha ahead saying:

"What's wrong? Let's go! Is the royal palace filled with magical places like this? I wanna see more!"

Juha breaks out of her trance and looks at me a bit relieved saying:

"Yeah, you can't be it. Though you're right. There's the glass garden I can show you."

"Glass garden!? Is it a garden made of glass then!?"

"Heh, not that literal Sova. It is merely a glass house with a botanical garden. But I suppose there's a glass carving at the centre. I'll show you after we greeted the prince and princess."

"Oh! I wanna go there too! I heard they grow the royal dish's ingredients there!"

"Sigh, I hope you don't get any stupid idea of stealing some seeds."

Juha sighs warning Yoo-Ah but she simply brush it off replying:

"Why would I need that when Uncle Yi-Il already has some! I'm not that petty! Now let's go!"

"Haah, follow closely."

Juha head forward first and Yoo-Ah follows closely behind me as I nod saying:

"Yea, thank you, you two. I'm glad I could see this forbidden pond and experience this new things."

"Hmph! Don't get so surprise that easily idiot, this is merely just the start."

"Yeah! You'll be mind blown when we're done showing you around!"

Juha as if realizing something says,

"Saying all that feels like we live here... (Then again, I actually once stayed here but...) Come, let's quickly greet that prince!"


Aesthetics, beautiful aesthetics.

Floral waves patterns for their white floors, leaping whales for walls of dark wood, the blue pillars with red coral carvings. The interior of the palace is one colourful and exotic place. Guests can be seen admiring the rows of artworks in display and resting on those expensive furnitures.

Some are already heading inside the hall where the prince hosts his party and so are we.

*Murmur* *Murmur* *clang* *cling* *Mumble* *Whisper*

"Ah! Good evening, Ha-Suon.", "Oh, Uncle! I have to admit, the prince never disappoint when it comes to his parties. It is so foreign and pristine", "Truer words are never said, no one is better than Prince Yeon-Seyong when it comes to entertainment. You should really come to his other gatherings too", "Heh, Even though I came with the princess's invite there's no way I'm missing out on Prince Yeon-Seyong nim's gatherings, just look at the attendees, I have to make contact", "Haha, by this point Princess Mi-Ok can never catch up. Beaten by her own game of Politics, how pathetic of her", "Did you see that? All 3 great families and even the Hero of the Coalition is here and not only that...", "The Family of Heroes, the Belluga Family is here too.", "Here's a toast for the prince!", "Maybe the future of this kingdom is not so bad if someone like Prince Yeon-Seyong is in the throne.", "Yeah, investments are going great now that things are starting to stabilize. Maybe we should start expensing the market when the Martial Law finally comes to an end."

The whole place is simply bustling with noise and commotion as I see many decorations, ornaments, and trinkets in place. Ignoring all the distractions along the way, Juha brought us inside while the guests make way for us and greets her. The hall the prince host is one of magnificent display of unfamiliar yet opulent. Maybe because of my foreign customs but I see a lot of monsters and ceiling ornaments in display along with...


The deeper we enter passing through people that wears more extravagance clothing as we went and sometimes but rarely military uniforms like Juha, we finally founded the food table. Lay on the side of the huge hall, that seems to stretch from the entrance to a giant rounding ladder leading to a platform...

And standing high atop, is none other than the prince, Yeon-Seyong and another elder giving off powerful and scary vibes. They both receive guests and stream of gifts that comes his way while he greets them all. Juha noticing the prince as well pulls me along saying:

"Alright, Sova, let's make this quick."

"O-Okay and by the way, what do you say in this occasion? Like, hello? Or something? And am I suppose to bring gifts like those other guests?"

"No need, you are personally invited so you can choose not to. So, just say thank you like what you did at the entrance and after that..."

"We can enjoy the royal dish right!? I haven't seen half of them before! Did they change it!?"

Yoo-Ah cuts in while Juha sighs replying:

"Yes, but remember I... Well, we still need to greet the princess. So we'll enjoy the meal-"

"Hold it, you're the one who's going to meet the princess, not us!"


Seeing Juha stammer for once gives Yoo-Ah a big grin as she continue saying:

"You can just leave us here as we enjoy all the free meals while you do you stuff."

Juha looks at me before replying:

"But that's... I can't leave Sova alone..."

Seeing how Juha stumble upon this mess I decide to help a bit saying:

"Yoo-Ah do you mind following us? I mean, if you think about it, the princess might have more variant of the royal dish than here."

"Sheesh, Sova, why do you keep taking her side!? But I still can't argue with that! Fine...!"

Juha a bit troubled looks away saying:

"Hmph! Don't expect any favours from me..."

Looking back at me with one eyes closed she slowly says:

"But you do deserve some thanks for helping me. Now let's go."

Juha leads us further in as I realize the long line for the prince and seeing how we travel so far, the guests makes way for us while greeting Juha and we ascend till the front where the prince greets his last guest. As he receive his gift and wave goodbye, he smirks at my arrival saying:

"Ah! Sova Ssi, you came faster than I thought. You must've want to enjoy the party, yes?"

I nod along replying:

"Yup! I'm here for the royal dish and places like the aquarium. So thank you again for inviting me! This place is amazing!"

"Pfff, hahaha! Hear that, Uncle!? I suppose it is the privilege of the strong to be so honest."

Seyong look at the elder beside him as he ask. The elder standing beside him is surprisingly shorter than the prince which gives a surreal experience as I realize sometimes someone older can be much shorter than you. With long tied up black hair and purple eyes similar to the prince, he wears a serious face and an expensive robe similar to the colonel in intricacies as he nods silently when Seyong shout:

"Ah right! Let me introduce you to my Uncle and Guardian. He is one of the Heroes of the Coalition, Uncle Chamchi Hon-Kwon nim. I owe a lot of stuff from him."

Hearing his introduction, Hon-Kwon nods and I quickly clasp my hand and bow my head saying:

"I'm Sova Anmao, nice to meet you, Chamchi Hon-Kwon nim!"

He nods again with a satisfied vibe until he looks to my side. Juha and Yoo-Ah follow suit saying:

"Greetings, Elder Hon-Kwon nim."

"Nice to see you again! Hon-Kwon gramps!"

(Oh? Does she know him? Then again she probably know all the Heroes of the Coalition).

He nods along again and folds his arms when Yoo-Ah pulls out something from her pocket saying:

"Hum! Hum! I got you something! Honestly, I was planning on eating this and share it with the fishies but meeting you again, I just gotta give you this!"

Yoo-Ah hands out some transparent bag with colorful tear shape candies and Hon-Kwon quickly snatch up the bag with insane speed my eyes can't keep up.

(Fast! Probably as fast as Moriz... I wonder if I can move as fast if I train enough? And where do Yoo-Ah keep those candies? I don't see her pocket bulging a lot).

Noticing his cheeks reddened and he nods again satisfied. Seyong's smirk widens saying:

"Hahaha! Didn't know you could get flustered Uncle. I guess you got some soft side to you after all. So what candy is that? I haven't seen it before."

The entire hall is filled with buzz and murmurings while Juha turns to the prince saying:

"And of course, greetings to you Prince Yeon-Seyong nim. Congratulations on the occasion."

Realizing I haven't greeted him here as well, I follow suit saying:

"Right! Greetings to you too, Prince Yeon-Seyong nim! Congrats on the promotion yea?"

Before Yoo-Ah could do the same Seyong fans his hand saying:

"Nah, enough of the formalities. Now that I know why you're here, enjoy the luxury I provide as much as you can. And besides, you're gonna greet my Lil Sister after this are you not?"

Hearing that I kinda feel bad as I just realize we are probably just leeching of and taking the rewards. But before I could say anything Seyong continue saying:

"Go ahead, Ye-Ri and her supporters could really use some extra company, and here bring these to her, it's her favourite."

Seyong hands me a bowl of foreign snacks still warm and covered by thick layers of unknown sauce which smells very nice. I take it replying:

"Oh sure!"

"Though make sure you come back here again okay, Sova? And I got something I wish to ask before you leave."


The prince then looks at me and I feel his eyes analyzing me. He shakes his head saying:

"I see... So those two girls must have interfered and thrown my gifts away right?"

"Huh? Oh! You mean that necklace and stuff?"


As I say that, the line behind me seems to be in an uproar and even the silent elder raises an eyebrow at the prince, ignoring their talks, I continue saying:

"Sorry about that, I mean you-"

"That's enough, Sova."

"Yeah! Don't follow his flow!"

Juha and Yoo-Ah steps forward to shield me from him. Before I could say anything, Seyong smiles replying:

"Heh, Hahahaha! You see this, Uncle!? This is too hilarious! These two is everything I expected from those who lives alongside real heroes! Ah~! This is too much~! Hahaha!"


As I tilt my head in confusion as I wonder where the conversation is going, he ended up laughing in the end. Seeing Juha and Yoo-Ah react displeased, he seems to calm down and the air becomes clear as of his laughing feat never happen.

"Ahem, sorry..."

He coughs once before saying:

"Anyways, I actually tried inviting Ye-Hua Ssi as well. But it seems I can't seem to find her at all. So, can you please say congratulations from me to her if you met her again? She seems to show up to you more."


(He can't find her? I thought she lives in the same place as me? Hold up! Did I say congratulations to her about her promotion yet!?)

While still panicking inside, Seyong looks up at the ceiling as I realize there's actually an amalgamation of paintings above that stretch from one end to another and my mind cleared a bit as I say,

"Woah! Amazing!"

"Hahaha, I shouldn't kept you too long since you're gonna return anyways. Oh, and silly me, have something to drink as well."

The prince grab a bowl of green liquid at the small set of refreshments behind him and the two slowly back away a bit hesitantly as I take it. With noth my hand full of food I nod saying:

"Thanks! I had a pink and brown drink before but never green."

"Really!? Pink and brown!? There's actually pink drinks!? Wow! You gotta tell me... Mhm! Sorry, it seems Your words pique my interest. You may enjoy the party. If we keep this up we might just talk throughout the night. So go on, I'll be waiting."

The prince leans forward with a huge smile as he ask before he calms down and back away to gesture us to descend. I nod and bow down again following the previous guest replying:

"Okay, thank you again."

"No problem!"

Surprisingly Juha grabs my hand and pulls me down while Yoo-Ah follow suit grinding her teeth whispering:

"(Argh...! That fucking jerk! Such an asshole!)"

"Huh? Did he say something bad?"

I ask reaching the ground, I ask and Yoo-Ah gaze back menacingly replying:

"Well, no! But the implications is rub to our face since the entrance! Sometime I could envy your thick skin, Sova!"

"Thick skin? I have more of a thick bones-"

"Not so literal! Sheesh!"

"Keep it down, he is just acting tough. Think of his provocation as nothing but wind to your ears."

"Urreee! Sova at least deserve someone better! Even Soo-Li would be much better! Well, not like he is in any way or shape!"

We left the party hall easily as they make a path through. Yet, the room seem to bustle and liven up more as the crowd grew denser that I can't see the food stand clearly. Quietly we left with the two having bitter faces.

Thank you so much for reading so far! Um... I suppose have you played any RTS games? I'm playing Rome 2 again with mods. It's pretty fun but hard to get used to when I already experienced the diplomacy of Three kingdoms.

Beltwayscreators' thoughts