
Liberum Mundi

2800 years have passed since the Liberation Era, the missing millennia of humanity expanding into the world. 2200 years or so have passed since the end of the World Invasion, a world-scale attack launch by those despicable Owlians and their heretical science. 2100 or so years have passed since the Maryan Colonization, the imperial ambition of Maryan Remis' open rebellion led his army away to "modernised" the new world beyond the black line, the depths of Grinla, the frontiers of Hyuran, the skies beyond Aologi's space and many more which has not been named. 1900 years or so Maryan's colonisation brought upon a perfect stage for the 2 superpowers of the ancient to clash ideology in a war of guns before glory. To determine the path the world will take between Magic and science. 1700 years or so... ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ And soon, the time is now, not even a month has passed since the Aologi Empire's Civil War and subsequent destruction it brings to the ones before them. An enigma to even the Goddess and the unknown appeared late into the stage... "I wonder how will he fare in this world?" A certain lady peers deep into the shredded tome of knowledge.

Beltways · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
225 Chs

From Decay Fragrance Blooms. (Part 3)

"Retreat! Retreat!"

"Uwaah! What the hell is that!?"

"Is this... Is this what the flower capital is capable off?"


"Damn bastards, they're willing to cough out billions of Yuan on weapons and mercenaries but won't even spend a Wu for their own people? How rotten can you be!? Fight with all you have! I will stand by you! For even if you retreat, I will not!"

*Pow* *Boom*

"Oh! It's Hyung nim!"

"Hyung nim? Yeah, tear them apart!"

"Look at him go! He's destroying those scary knights and steel giants like they're nothing! Show them what you got!"

"We'll follow you till the jaws of hell!"


"Why? Aren't we family? Also, quite a bitch move to do this when we're this close to claiming the bridges."

"Hyung nim! Urgh!"


"Hey, let Heon go will you? You should know better than anyone, he's harmless... Do-Saeng."

"How foolish, I thought of you better. You should've known better your own limits."

"And did that ever bring us this far?"

"Hahaha~! He got you there, Bumbum. Nothing personal okay, Dumdum~ you should know better than anyone when Hwanara decided to invade."

"Hahaha, stop that stupid charade you two, so, where's the one who bribe you?"


"In the face of a true War God, you are nothing but insects."

"Stop that spchiel and just tell me before I die... Why?"

"Because this is the madate of Heaven."

"Heh, coming a coward and someone who rely on traitors? No wonder everyone calls you a fake-"





Maybe the boy doesn't realize it, but he's been grabbing my arm tightly since that biker arrived.

(Remebering the word bike reminds me of Kokkan but.. This doesn't feel right).

Seeing all of them on a stand-off.


"Gwishin nim."

Before I could ask him to let go and escape, the boy look at me with a burning rage seething from his eyes. He then bows his head down saying:

"I'll gladly help you, I'll be your guide, I'll be your light in this city. I'll even sell my soul if you're willing to just fulfill this one wish of mine."

"H-huh? Where is this coming from? But okay, let's hear it."


The boy holds out the can food I gave him and look back at me with determination saying:

"Form a Family with me."

"H-Huh? Um, I think this is the right time to say it but..."

"Please, just be my strength!"

"F-Fine, but just saying, don't expect too much."

(Wait, when did it become him demanding something?)

The boy seem to be pleased as he give a hint of a smile.

"Thank you Gwishin nim. But with you now, I must see my dreams to the end even if it's a failure. So, follow me, today may not be the day to shine but we will be back."

Hearing his resolve as he tries to lead me out, I stop him on his tracks and pat him on the head.

(Hard to believe this is the same kid that was just crying for his mom and brother).

Seeing someone so young saying such depressing thing, I decided to give this boy something he's missing.

"No, as a gesture of good will for agreeing to to help me (and achieving my greater goal), let me show you something."

As I forcefully make him release my arm, I start walking out but the boy hugs me by my waist shouting:

"Wait, where are you going Gwishin nim! No matter how strong you are, you can't stand against any of them. They're all monsters beyond reason!"

I pat his head saying:

"Boy... Tell me your name."

He looks a bit shocked before he then realize the simple mishap as he then says:

"Heon... Han Heon."

(Han? Can't be... Well either way).

"Heon, I don't like to brag but I've seen much worse. Those people who seem to only scratch regular master is laughable compared to all the foes I faced..."


"I can't believe I said that."

I peel him away and stretch my arms saying:

"Anyways, watch closely, let me give you what you're missing in those eyes... Hope"






Coming out with a massive step to catch all their attention, I slowly walk outside with my head held high. Surrounded with my back against the wall, I start with:

"Um, can I help you?"

(I may walk big but I'm still going to hold my values).

"Noona! That's her! The monster that tear through her way to the relief crate!"

Hearing them shout, I start to see the shabby mages I let go before.

"Oho? Really? An Owlian who doesn't seem to have any qi?"

"Don't let that fool you, Unnie! She's definitely hiding something! I saw Ji Hyung tear her arms off but she simply attatch it back when she leaves!"

"Yeah! There's also how she crack open the crate with one hand! She's definitely not human!"

"What? Be serious, are you all taking too much dusk?"

As the girl's group get rowdy the biker starts pointing his wepon at me shouting:

"Hey, girl! I got no buseniss with you, so get lost!"

"Can't let you do that, lil Kyungsoo. I have buseniss with that Gwishin."

The Warden start walking forward ignoring the biker's previous warning and is met with,

*Bang* *Burst*

A shot to the side bit he easily blocks it with a wall of fire, melting any rounds before it could reach him...

(Maybe their qi may not be great but... Maybe their magic is?)

"Gwishin, the boy living here, what happened to him?"

He seem to ignore what the biker did and focus asking what's on his mind. Standing a bit taller than me, I look at his face saying:


"Don't ignore me you traitor!"

The biker pulls a giant bayonet and fix it to his shogun, turning it into a make-shift glaive as he shouts:

"This country doesn't need traitor like you two! Charge!"


" "Uwoooh!!!" "

*Fwoosh* *Bang*

The Biker and his groups starts their assault as their archers let loose a volley while their knights unleash their first wave of fire towards the direction of the other groups. The mages and spiky goons silently reach an agreement ad they join forces, the spiky goons forms a wall that blocks the volley with their spiky shields and the mages cast wind that protect their heads.

*Vroom* *Smash*

"Haha! Why am I not surprised parasites like you will always stick together."

The biker rides to the front and crash upon the thick wall of shields and easily cleave their first line of defense with his shotgun's bayonet.

*Boom* *Boom*

New knights of Guns and Bows starts coming in firing the second volley tearing their unprepared mages to shreds. Unlike the knights who seem to being an army, the Warden and Lady didn't bring many people here as they're getting swarmed.

"Woaaah... Where did all those numbers come from? Bumbum, wanna go back?"

The Warden who's solely focus on me says:

"You can go, I'm not going anywhere until she answers."

(Why do I feel like I'm being overwhelm in another way?)


"Make way!"


The biker arrives tearing through layers of barriers the shabby mages creates like butter.

"Since you're all here for her, I'm taking her hostage!"

Hearing that, both the lady and Warden starts to get in his way. The lady flies in my direction and the Warden shields me as if trying to halt the biker, preventing him from snatching me away but...

"This is a mess."

I push aside the Warden easily and tossing him away while the lady and biker who reach their hands out gets pull down by me.



"No way!"


The three now on the ground looks up at me until I say,

"Sorry, but I'm not going anywhere."

The Biker quickly tries to get on his bike but I raise my feet and,

*Smash* *Boom*

"Sorry but I can't let you continue this mess."

Crushing his bike underneath my feet, his ride exploded...

(Wait, should I have used my binding spell instead of this wanton destruction?)

Coming out of the flames, I pat away the remaining sinues off my coat when I hear,

"M-My baby!"

"Huh? Where?"

Wondering if there really is a baby around, I look around and notice all the scary people are now staring at me. The three leaders regroups with their goons, soon all their weapons are now pointed at me.


"Fire! Unload it all at that bitch!"

The biker shouts and a volley soon rain down upon me. I quickly glance around and make a hasty decision to kick up one of the spiky shield and shabby staff to block the volley.

*Pang* *Pang* *Pang*

Planting my feet on the ground, I easily block the bullets while twirling away the arrows. When the smoke reside, those spiky boys starts charging in supported by the mages that shoots out a number of spells. I raise my shield and pull the staff back to assume a lone phalanx.

(Let me borrow a bit with how you fight, Nicole).

As the volley comes first, I lift my shield and block the incoming spells of ice and fire before I start thrusting the stick, stabbing the spiky boys at the stomach. I was about to raise the staff to hit their chins but that first strike had them on the ground groaning or unconscious...

(Did I hit too hard? Oh right, since all my enemies have been so strong I almost never held back).

Realizing that I don't need the shield, I throw the shield toward the closest person when those knights starts firing again. They volley shreds the spiky boys while I easily dodge them aside by jumping away and land infront of the knights. As I did, their faces fill with dread as I then start swinging.


On the first swing, my strike blows waves of knights away. Even from behind their ramshackle helmets, I could see the shock in their eyes as I then prepare for another swing.

"B-Block that!"

One if the team leaders with a broom on his head shout but,

"There's no way we can-"

*Crack* *Smash* *Snap*

Each sweep I did fling and propels the knights to the air, bending their armour and crushing their limbs until my staff broke but I just continue by grabbing their rifle and continue the onslaught. Before I knew it, many of the goons, Mages, and knights run away dropping their weapons and even their armour to flee faster.


"Hey, get back here you! You should know better to what the Hyung will do to desserters!"

The biker shouts at the fleeing knights as he then shoots at some but even as the bodies fell the foes keep fleeing...

"You sure make fools of our soldiers."

"Can't believe we actually have to fight ourselves. Hey, Vagrant Nim~ since we're both rare fighter girls, won't you let this cute one go?"

I turn my head around at the two leaders who seem to remain while the subordinates turned tail and run. The Warden unlike the girl prepares himself and throws away the jacket, cracking his fist as he says:

"Let me ask you again, where is the boy?"

"He is in that house."

I answer truthfully and ready myself as he then walk closer asking:

"And are you going to let me pass?"

"What are you going to do with him?"

He raises his arm saying:

"That's my question!"


Swinging his arm, he unleashes a massive fiery fist. Swirling the rifle to gather wind, I swing the rifle at his wrist, parrying his strike and blowing the fire away with a grand explosion.


He swiftly continue his assult when the Warden appears from the remaining residue swinging his burning fist again which I easily grab with my hand.


His fist exploded in my arm but the shock and pain appears on the confusion shows on the warden instead.


"Don't looks so surprised, you're quite strong."


I tilt my head to the side and dodge the incoming projectiles. A barrage of ice shards barely missed the warden by his cheeks as I then turn around to see girl pointing her index finger while flying with her staff.

"I thought you wanted to leave?"

"Haha, I can't do that now can I?



I grip upon the forearm of the Warden tightly and drag him along before he could do anything. As I dash forward the girl, appearing instantly right infront of her with my fist raised. Her smile turn upside down as she notice and quickly tries to flee in panic as she falls her staff,


*Swoosh* *Smack* *Boom*

My punch missed her as the Warden punches my arm to make me miss, burning my sleeves as his punch ignites brightly. The lady barely dodges in time and hastily bridge some distance as she crawls away.


Not missing a moment, he then grabs my wrist with his burning fist to prevent me from attacking. He then tries to pressure me and make me fall to my knees but I easily reverse the situation.

"What a monster!"


(Oh no?)

The warden cuss at me as his body starts sizzling and,


Edploding eith such an impact, I feel my face light up as when I entered that sauna but,



Noticing his silhouette as the explosion reside, I grab him by his neck and turn to look at the lady flying away and,


In a single leap, I easily reach her with the warden still subdued and pull my leg back but,

*Bang* *Bang*

I raise the warden and use his back like a shield.

"You'll pay for what you did to my baby!"

The biker who lost his bike came charging in, emptying his gun. He looks absolutely livid but I ignore him as he us still quite a distance away and continue my kick.


*Snap* *Crack*


She raise her staff to block but my kick shatters her expensive weapon in half and continues to bend her body like the letter C, sending her flying into the trash pile.


The Warden shouts grips my arms tightsly as the fire burns at my hands. Compared to the heat I usually dealt, this is lukewarm.

*Grip* *Crack*


I pull my headback and,


Heabbutting him straight to his face, crushing his nose and dislocating his neck from the bone I see protruding in his neck. I sense an attack coming from the left and release one of his hand ans swing his half conscious body to the side.

*Smash* *Crack*

Using his body like a weapon, I smash both the Warden and the biker to the ground.


*Lift* *Smash* *Smash* *Shatter*

As the biker tried to get up, I lift the still conscious Warden and continue the onslaught until a small crater is form from my barrage and the Warden finally lets me go. In the end, the three visiting groups is completely annihilated. I raise my bloodied hands, seeing it tremble I can't help but think...

(Did I got too far? I mean that Warden doesn't look alive... Why do I hate this feeling? This all feel so... Hollow).


From the pile, the girl slowly rise with her broken left arm looking like broken twig while her red jacket becomes even more red from her sides. Her remaining arm supporting her back shines bright as she seems to be healing herself.

"Ow, ow, ow... Seems Do-Saeng calling you Gwishin is an understatement. You're a demon- Ow! You definitely broke my back!"


The Warden and biker convulse as then the biker who have his whole armour looking like a squeezed toothpaste push the Warden away with burning anger shouting:

"You bitch! This isn't over!"

The Warden spasm and soon rise as well correcting his broken neck and face saying:

"Get ready for round two."

I move my arms and fingers to gauge my strength as I wonder if I should assert more. I look at them saying:

"You do realize I'm still holding back right?"

I start enchanting myself with my magic and soon my whole body shines purple.




The whole world turns grey at the sight of my power. The confident leaders start to swallow their spirit as they hesitate to even stand.

(Hm? Weird, I don't remember this happening... More like when did I start learnibg how to spread my magic through my whole body?)

"Stop, Gwishin nim!"

Coming out of the building, Heon rush and stand infront of me raising both his arms to his shoulders.


A bit confused as to why he's asking me to stop,


"Dumdum junior?"

"Young master? This... This is where you are?"

The world seem to return normal when I disperse my power as I then look at Heon asking:

"What's wrong? Don't you hate them?"

Heon looks back at me clenching his fists, shaking he says:

"I do, I absolutely despise them! But now is not the moment."


He press his chest and with resolution he shouts:

"Gwishin nim, I'll be the one to avenge my own brother!"

"Brother? Huh?"

I tilt my head confused as I wonder what context am I missing here but Heon grabs my shirt saying:

"For now, we will leave! You hear me you three! From this point forward, the true Hangong Fam is reestablish! This time, Hwanara will fall, alongside all you traitors and pretenders!"

He then grabs my hands and drags me along down the hill, leaving behind the three.

"No! Heon! You can't-"


The dim light shining from the dark city starts to dim as we run down the hills. The sunset shines theough the dark plumes hanging pass the ruins, giving a serene soft glow. Rather than the city, the boy pulls me further away into the mountains...

(I don't know where he's going but lead the way Heon... Hmm, I feel like I'm always being drag around as of late so many times. But even if I want to find my own way, I just simply don't know where to go).


As we continue scurrying away, we reach a place I didn't scout before. If the bright rural areas where people live is one side, then the ruins of darkness behind the mountains submerged water is another. Unlike the places with life and light, this place is truly a ghost town. Not a single pyre in sight, nor life but the sound of droplets upon the magnificent structures, slowly being reclaim by nature. Comoared to the rural neighborhood I've seen this place is filled by monumental sky scrappers, buildings towering over the muddled streets as its tip easily pierce over the dark clouds.

*Splash* *Patter*

Maybe because one side is so bright, I'm surprised I didn't see this when its literally just on the otherside of the hill. This... Brutal architecture spans across for eternity as travelling beneath them is like walking in a maze, but Heon infront of me leads me by the hand like he memorize this place.

As we run across this place, I can't help but recognize a few things, from the signs, roads, and buildings, its all similar if not the same like the ones in Silla. As if those vast vibrant streets filled with life submerged beneath puddles and glassy sheets. Time and nature has taken its toll on this place as dark trees tangle the buildings growing on the opposite direction where there's light, and water sprout from the tall windows creating waterfalls. So many dilapidated buildings have lose their foundation as they lean forward and the only thing keeping them afloat are the vines and plants growing behind them like the roots of an onion. Unlike the trees that are extending towards the light, everything else is so out of place that I can't find the root nor stem, all of them just seem to be growing everywhere without ditections.

This feeling of running deeper towards the darkness while the trees reach towards the opposite direction is a unruly experience.


Heon finally stops as we twist and turn to finally an opening with light at the end of the road, and what greeted me was truly baffling. Heon leads me to a small "coast" with but a single crudely made port with gaps on its steps. From the distance, I could see sharp tips of steel and when Heon grabs that single lightsource, I finally realize what that is. The murkey surface could barely conceal the thing below. Subemerged deep within the dark surface are roofs of buildings, those towering skyscrapers that could easily pierce the clouds lies submerged beneath this watery grave. Their shapes may be distorted and mute, blurred by the murky veil, but underneath those was definitely once a sprawling metropolis...

"What's wrong Gwishin nim? Ah, are you aftaid of water? Don't worry! I learn to build this raft from Hyung himself. It may be crude but it won't break."

Heon swings that magic stick that produce light on one end and shakes the raft as if to prove his point but I stop him replying:

"N-No, its just that, that... Isn't that a city below those waters?"


Heon shines his lightsource towards the surface of the water and illuminates the depths a bit, revealing an open train with darkness as far as the eyes can see. He pulls his lightsource back saying:

"Ah, well I don't know which time you came from Gwishin nim but this is the previous capital, Neul... Well, this whole city under the new capital was Neul. I honestly don't know what happened but it has always been like this even before Hyung-nim is born."

"I see..."

*Creak* *Creak*

Hearing the sound of the rope being tugged by the dark currents, I watch over the towering buildings and wonder if...

(If this is what will happen to Silla if we failed to protect the dam? Fail to pretect it from those yearly invasions? This city drowned not only by water but darkness? I do hope I succeed in my mission. Even if I don't understand what she meant by being a hero, I'm still doing it because I want to prevent this from happening...)

I look back at Heon asking:

"Say, Heon, do you perhaps know what happened to-"

"I can tell you more of that as we travel, get on board, Gwishin nim. We're heading for my secret training ground. We need to get there before it gets truly dark."

(Dark? This whole place already feels darker than darkest nights but...)

"Training ground? That sounds amazing."

I push my curiosity aside and follow him to get onboard.

*Creak* *Splash* *Sink*

"Woah! Woah! Woah! Wait a moment! How heavy are you Gwishin nim?"

Heon stops me from boarding as the sink ship from my step and I think back replying:

"Hmm... I think Ji-Hyun Unnie said around 130 kilogram or something."

"Huh!? What the hell is a Kilogram!? But that sure is a high number! If that's the case..."

Heon start taking things out of his raft and throwing it away until there's almost nothing left. He then gestures me to sit saying:

"Uuuh, sit there."

Following his kind hesture, I sit on the crude raft. It is a vessel made from broken table legs strap together by bolts and metal plates and a small fence to prevent the items inside from falling over. Heon as well seem to make himself comfortable as he then hands me a opened canned food saying:

"Here, I don't really know what Gwishins eat but I only have so much to offer."

"Huh? Oh, thanks, I've been pretty hungry for a while."

As I take on his kind offer, I start to eat and taste this horrible meal... Compared to the bland food from the create and this, I much prefer the former, this things taste like eating wet sponge mixed with mold... Now I'm just reminded of the time I accidentally drink a bottle of soap thinking its mouthwash...

(I miss Yoo-Ah).


Heon turns something on from the back of the raft and it starts to move. Just like the ship heading to the Theocracy, this thing was able to set sail without any sail.

(I wonder what magic do they use? Or since that sounds like a machine is this an Owlian tech?)

"Hmmm... So Gwishin still eats? I thought you're suppose to be like run on magic or souls. So the more you eat the more human you look?"

"Huh? Oh I guess you're right."

(The more I eat the more my wounds heal but...)

"Um, Heon just saying I'm-"

"No! No! In understand! I'll keep offering you gifts so you can attain your true form! We made a deal, so you can't eat me! It won't benefit anyone if you do!"

I try to clear the misunderstanding that I'm this Gwishin or whatever but Heon interrupts me and starts weaving his own tale and circumstances. As I finish the wet sopp, I try to continue saying:

"Um, like I said, I-"



Something seems to rock the raft, and Heon quickly turns off the machine at the back of the boat. He brings his finger towards his lips saying:

"(Shh, damn shrimps! I thought they completely vanish since it was all so empty for a week)."

"Hm, Shrimp?"

(Weird, is my hearing going bad? No wonder it feels like I've beeb hearing less things).

As that thought come to mind, I look down from the depths and saw shadows swimming around.

(Oh, he's right... Hmmm...)

I get this instict to simply focus on my ears, feeling like two pieces coming together, my hearing senses returns and improve.

(There we go).

*Splash* *Swoosh* *Click*

I look at the source of sound and find what Heon calls shrimps. With long slender bodies, they slowly submerge from the edge of the building and into the murky waters. Covered in shells and the bigger they are, the more mold grown all over them. Without eyes they seem to simply swim around and clap their thick armour until,

*Splash* *Splash* *Splash*

As I continue to watch them, they quickly turn away and scurry deeper into the darkness and out of sight.

"(Hm? Weird, where are they going? Either way, here Gwishin nim, starts rowing and follow their beats)."


As I continue to hear, I notice the way they swim as they run away are like,

*Splish* *Splish* *Splash*

*Splish* *Splish* *Splash*


"(Ssh! I know you're strong but we really can't do anything underwater!)"

Heon shoves a blanket on my mouth and starts rowing following their beats in a bit of a panic. I remove the towel saying:

"(Sorry... Is this why nobody lives here?)"

Heon nods and looks over at a certain direction. Following his gaze, I stumbled upon an opening, a gargantuan path surrounded by towering buildings and numerous steel pikes at the surface, leading only towards the gate of darkness. And all those monsters that run away swims towards that direction, from the sounds I hear, everything underneath hiding in the darkness.

"(That's where most of the monsters come from. Nobody have ever traveled there and live to tell the tale)."

"(I see...)"

I nod along as I follow his row. I look back at his ruby eyes, compared to before, its shining now even in this darkness.


"(Gwishin nim, that hideout I told you before. That place will be our HQ and from there, you can truly reach all of this rotten republic)."

"Oh? Alright then Heon, let's see where this will lead us."

"(Sssh! Gwishin nim! You may be dead but I'm still very much want to be alive!)"

Thank you so much for reading! Having job that is your hobby sure suvks any or all enthusiasm it seems.

P.S Still having fun writing.

Beltwayscreators' thoughts