
Liberum Mundi

2800 years have passed since the Liberation Era, the missing millennia of humanity expanding into the world. 2200 years or so have passed since the end of the World Invasion, a world-scale attack launch by those despicable Owlians and their heretical science. 2100 or so years have passed since the Maryan Colonization, the imperial ambition of Maryan Remis' open rebellion led his army away to "modernised" the new world beyond the black line, the depths of Grinla, the frontiers of Hyuran, the skies beyond Aologi's space and many more which has not been named. 1900 years or so Maryan's colonisation brought upon a perfect stage for the 2 superpowers of the ancient to clash ideology in a war of guns before glory. To determine the path the world will take between Magic and science. 1700 years or so... ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ And soon, the time is now, not even a month has passed since the Aologi Empire's Civil War and subsequent destruction it brings to the ones before them. An enigma to even the Goddess and the unknown appeared late into the stage... "I wonder how will he fare in this world?" A certain lady peers deep into the shredded tome of knowledge.

Beltways · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
225 Chs

Forward! My First Conquest. (Part 1)

Heon comes forward with his chest out as he sends that ultimatum. But the sight of two beggars that looks like they just crawl out of the dumps saying such things is just comical. So much so the lady is baffled and confused as she is having second gueses about us. I can feel something is building up inside that lady as she finally gestures us to follow her.

I pat Heon whose face flashes red as he is ignored saying:

"Maybe say that in a better time, or with a better context, like I said, we're here to talk."

"Rrrgh! Just they wait, for humiliating me like this..."

(Phew, thank goodness for our poverty. I can only imagine what'll happen if he say that while I'm wearing my armour).

Heon walks along with his cheeks puffed out and the rabbit-kin following close behind us. Walking out of the light, we are finally greeted with the glorious moon.

Before us, sprawling and stretching as far as the mountain range is a magnificent city so big that to call it just a city is a disservice. Towering structure seamlessly meld with the natural terrain, a testament to this masterful construction that shines like a brilliant gem. Both Heon's and my mind was simply taken away seeing such a breathetaking panorama. And most eyecathing of all, the regal crimson palace stands as the jewel of this view, dominating the night with its majestic presence... And ever so close to us.

(I'm guessing that's where this Lord Kagan is? I do hope we get to him with any more casualties. Still, can you really call this a tribe? Or is this more of a city-state?)

We take in the sprawling view, filled with so much life and activity that turns night into day. Luminescent orbs adorn the towering structures, creating a vivid tapistry against the dark mountains, and the crimson palace right beneath us being softly illuminated emenates a otherworldy aura. The lady who seems to stop through a winding path, turns towards us and,


Swiftly moves her arms, she manages to grab the rabbit-kin away from us to hold him tight saying:

"I think this is as far as you can go, dark idol. Are you okay, Handan?"


The rabbit-kin seems to break into tears as he seems to be saved.

(That's good I guess).

"Heh, I guess it's too much hopeful thinking to expect more."

I comment a bit dissapointed as we are so close now. As I'm wondering what to do as I didn't really plan anything at all,

*Snap* *Woosh*

That's when the lady pulls out a scary whip. Glowing with magic and coat by deadly winds, the lady the puts the rabbit-kin down and,


"Kakaw!" (Finally some action!)

*Flap* *Crash*

A massive avian with 4 wings moving like arms flew over us and land behind the lady. Its imposing towering figure stands so tall that I could easily fit into its beak.

"Kaa!" (What's this? A dark vessel so close to town?)

The monster seen alerted and spread its massive wings as if waiting for a que. Not really wanting to fight and expose innocent lives below to danger, I raise my arms saying:

"Just saying but if I surrender, where will you take me?"

The lady seems to only glare and watch me for any sudden movements but,

"Kakawa!" (What stupid question! Of course we'll drag you out of here and dispose of you!)

"I see, what a shame. I would've gladly forfeit if you would just imprison me."



"Kaw!?" (Wait, it understands me!?)

I nudge Heon back and wave my hand shouting:

"[Larie Nahxis!]"

"Unnie, dodge!"



A large magic circle emerge from below them and summons forth countless etherial chains reaching far to the night sky. Sealing both the bird monster and the rabbit-kin instead as he manages to push her in the nick of time. Seeing such dire state she quickly tries swinging the whip. Combined with both magic and skill, her whip travels very quickly that its moving faster than any normal strikes... but,




Seeing how she is not targeting me but Heon behind me, I easily catch her whip before it could hit Heon and clutch it tight. Irritation building inside me as I continue saying:

"That strike xould easily rip his head from the shoulders. You sure have no remorse for killing children it seems."



I yank at the whip and easily drag her closer as she refuses to let go.


"Kaaaw!" (Master! Just let go!)

I then clench my fist to tighten the chains and drag their faces to the ground.

*Rip* *Rip*

I feel my muscle twitch as I gather power at my right arm. And when she gets close enough, I raise my fist and swing for a powerful punch.

*Swish* *SLAP*

I slow down to open my hand mid way and decided for a slap instead. My hand slap across her face blowing all the accessories in her head, letting her long black hair blown by the wind pressure of my slap... And it seems my strike works as her eyes have rolled back in shock. Looking at the aftermath, half her face becomes red with my handprint.

(Phew, if that punch fully connected, that would have highly rip her head off her shoulders or squish it like that lightning lady back at the wall... Since I'm the one starting the conflict, I should at least be hesitant with taking lives).

As I let her whip go, she fell to the ground lifeless like a child who let her doll go.

"Kaaaw!" (Master! Dammit! Why is this chains so strong?! I can't cast my wind power without my wings!)

"Kaya Noona! Nooo!"

"Haha! You see that! That's what happen when you oppose us!"

Heon ever so happy shouts loudly at the quick victory. So full of confudence that he approach the hige avian and slap it at its beak repeatedly saying:

"No one can match the Hangong Fam!"

I pat his head and bring him away saying:

"Sigh... Heon, you do realize you're sounding very bad. Anyways, relax, she's not dead. Now if you'll excuse us."


I grab Heon by his hip and carry hin like a sack of potato. Walking over the edge, the beautiful view quickly turns blurry and shaking as I wonder why with just a few distance things change so drasticslly.

"Now then, I'll be meeting with this lord of yours. Take care, and just for you to know I didn't cast any curse on you. Farewell!"

"Woah, really!? Very cunning of you to trick- mmph!"

I shut Heon up before dispelling the chains binding them as I then leap across the edge. Jumling so high, I can only remember my that time I leap across the high walls of central with Rana...

(Hard to believe that is just a few months back).

Seeing a ledge to use, I grab it and swing around, parkouring across walls and ledges, jumping from one platform into another, I finally reach what seems to be the centre of this red palace. Noticing how weird it is that there's no guards or even any patrol as I leap across so brazenly across the night sky. Enhancing my hearing, I finally realize why. I drop Heon and lead him by hand to hide in the shadoes as I start hearing things from afar.

"Who are those blue robed snobs?"

"Yeah, Lord Kagan never usually ask for such requests."

"Most of us must leave the palace and wait outside the walls? Who is he and the tribe leaders meeting anyways?"

"Enough with your gossip, Lord Kagan has chosen us, the strongest Sentinels to stay, so be honoured!"

"Strongest my ass, we're the most free of them all, number 2 nim."

The very few guards who guard a very large door talks with each other as they seem to pass the time. From behind that door, I can feel it, the soft rumble and vibration, there's a huge commotion behind that gate.

(Blue robed huh? And the lord is definitely back there... Thank goodness I didn't get lost).

I gesture Heon to quiet as I then kneel down and touch the ground...


Just as I predicted, like the previous encountered with my dungeon dive, I can sense multiple of those robed figure... And we have already been discovered as I notice one of them move past me and is heading towards the large room.

(How careless of me).

"Sorry Heon but please stay here and hide. I'll be back soon with good news."

I show him a confident smile to not make him panic of our dire situation. But it seems I don't need to as Heon happily reply with

"(Understood Gwishin nim! But... No, never mind, just do your best!)"

He cheers me on and I can only wonder what he wishes to say but push that thought behind to pursue after that person.

*Grab* *Hold*

"(But just make sure you promise to teach me how to fight after this, how can I a Hyung of a fam cower behind all the time.)"

Hearing Heon's plea for responsibility, I take in a deep breathe feeling something thug at my heart steings. I wonder if this is how a parent feel and hand him the rope I've been carrying saying:

"Of course, I'll teach you a secret weapon after this."

His eyes sparkle with hope as I then leave him to hide. Dashing across the empty halls, I easily catch up to him and plunge my hand into the walls.


With speed, I dig my hand deep grabbing his neck and then pull him out.


Noticing he is holding something in his hand, it blinks and I notice the people hiding behind the walls slowly coming towards me...

(I suck at stealth).




"Huuk! Blegh..."

Choking him, I tighten my grip at his neck until his face turn blue and let him go...

(Seeing how they can do this, should I actually bring Heon along? I mean... Aaah, lets end this quick!)

Knocking him unconcious, I rush towards the gathering room. Wondering how these people move inside the walls, I decided to lean at the wall and finally I can hear,

"You... You can't do this. Are you going to let them all enslave us like this!?"

"What matters does that make? It's not like they'll turn us into cattle. It is all still the mandate of Heaven that controls us all. No matter how many masters change, it'll be the same. This is what makes the difference between us. You never let go of your pride, and your people suffer because of it."

(Oh? Is he having trouble negotiating with the orange people? Well, I wonder if he will hear me oht if I help?)

I decided to take a huge risk and...

"Excuse me!"

*Smash* *Crash*

"W-Wha!? What's the meaning of this!?"

"An attack!?"

"Lord Kagan, fall back!"

"Then, why not let me help you with that, Lord Kagan was it?"

" "!?" "

Everyone at the room turns about in shock by my explosive entrance and panic that even the orange people is almost ready to retreat. The audience attending this majestic hall, is quite the sight. Feom beast-kins of all kinds to humans each wearing a unique clothes, standing here feels like being the bonfire of a comfederate of tribes. Crimson pillars tower over the halls as the walls are enscribed by countless decor and furnishing to accomodate this large audience. As I slowly walk in, the dust finally settle. Just one look is enouh to tell whl is this Lord Kagan.

Sitting on the other side of the table fron the blue robed orange people, rests a man in his fourties with long black hair that has red stripes. With blue paint all over his face, he frowns at me, glaring with a condencending face that is filled with disgust.

"A dark idol? How did it get past the barrier? Sentinels! Guards!"

Lord Kagan shouts loudly and the people guarding this place.


The massive door that shows the proper way to enter barges open with a loud slam. Scary people similar to that lady comes in a small group each riding a magical creature. But not only them, even the tribal leaders behind the King starts to surround me.

"A follower of a dark god!?"

"How can it be!?"

"Ready your weapons!"

"We may be low in numbers but we make it up with quality!"

"I sense no power on her, so it must've waken up very recently."

Then there's the group hiding behind them all, the ohgranye seems to be annoyed even from behind their maska when one of the hidden guards heading here emerge from the walls. He leans closer and start whispering to his ears and I easily hear what he says:

"(Forgive our tardiness, an intruder appeared and subdued one of us. Forgive me Elder but, we have been compromised)."

The robed leader brush his sleeves saying:

"Hmph, what a troublesome event. Is this how you treat your guest, Kagan?"

"Of course not! Do I need to remind you who made this request!?"

As the all the people is about to strike, I look at the blue robe person who seem to be the leader shouting:

"Um, you, you seem to be a leader of the Ohgranye or something close right?"

" "!?!??!" "

"How foolish, to think we've been exposed."

"Prepare the blink, quickly."

Seeing them trying their best to escape I quickly shout:

"Can't you vouch for me or tell then to please stop?"

As the robed leader's subordinates work hard, he turn around asking:

"Do I know you?"

He seem to be answering to wait but I swiftly answer with,

"How harsh! Especially when you send some people and even called me friend and make them speak so politely."


Even with a mask, I can tell he's baffled by my words. The leader scratch his chin as he seem trying to remember while the sentinels and guards gets more rowdy. Seeing the sentinels start theit preparations, forming a formation encircling me and I saying:

"Are you perhaps someone who just acts polite to get what you want and immediately forgets any favours? Keep that up, and I... I'll - I will really ask elder Dal-Yong to not return the previous' War God's spear!"

" "!?!??" "

That seems to grab the ohgranye's attention as the blue robed leader gestures at the subordinates behind him and the King saying:

"Stop the link. And stop your soldiers Kagan."

"What!? Do you realize what you're asking!? She's a Dark Idol! A follower of the false God. If we don't stop it now, we will be dealing with another international crisis! And no Hero will come to prevent Heaven from coming here!"

"This God, that God, Gundarma, Rucina, Hariwhata... What difference does that make? It's all foreign Gods the same."


In a bit of a panic, I accidentally speak out quite the taunt which seems to work as both the leaders start to argue about what actions to take. But whatever they're saying makes me question my decisions so far.

"Like hell we'll listen to you! Charge! Kill that thing!"



As I prepare for the worst, the sentinels soon charge followed by the tribes people at their back. One of them reaches me first as I grab a beast by ther massive fang and,


"Roaaar-Gwuuuh!?" (Diiiee- Owww! What the fuck!?)


Uprroting its teeth with a single motion, I forcefully change its direction and plant its head to the ground.

"Woaah- ack!"

The sentinel riding it flips over and fling forward where I hold him by his neck.


"Aaah! Catch me- urrgh!"

" "Ack!" "

I throw the sentinel away and he smash towards the tribe leaders. The sentinels charging stop dead at their tracks and I look back saying:

"Your group really is the worst."

Realizing my lack of preparation backfire spectacularly, I start wondering how to escape and bring Heon out of his hiding spot. The sentinels soon regroup with the King taking the stage shouting:

"Sentinels, 8 folds formation-"

"Enough! Stop this at once!"



The masked soldiers emerge out of the walls and surround me as to form a protective circle, and the robed leader pulls his blade at Kagan's neck saying:

"Stop or your King will truly die."


Those ohgranye keeps pouring in surrounding the throne room as Kagan glares at the blade point at him asking:

"What's the meaning of this, Elder nim?"

Anger may have taken the King and the other people in the room, but most of them seem even more shock to see such drastic action.


He fixes his mask and and put one of his hand behind his back saying:

"Forgive our lack of acuity in recognizing you... Friend Sova."

(Ah... Right, I definitely don't look the same at all with how I look now).

"Its fine, I just realize I don't look like I usually do."

"You... You know this dark idol? How much have you fallen?"

"Hmph, i don't believe you have the right to say that when your peoole borrows the power of a Monster God."

(Monster God? Hold up...)

"At least we can control our sanity! Why are you covering for that... That thing!? She might not even be the same person!"

"Hmph, that's where your shallowness shows again. I'll leave the details behind and just say this Kagan, if you truly wish to stop Geom, she is the key for it."

"Geom?! W-What is the meaning of this?"

Kagan shouts in rage as he hears that name, and not even the blade pressing down his neck could contain his anger. But the blue robe leader continue saying:

"If you truly wish to attain freedom from this oppression and truly follow our ways. I suggest you heed her words to heart... Especially when she offers a helping hand."

"What can that beggar even do? Elder Nim, there's a limit on how much you can push your hierarchy here."

"Hehe, beggar? Being caught in wars truly isolate you from utelizing basic wisdom. Does the name Sova truly not ring any bell? Especially when you speak of an internarional threat and hero."

"Tch! Stay in place!"

The King seems to contemplate as he shout his order and everyone finally seem to stop. He shuts his eyes pinching between his eyes trying to remember before he says:

"Star Child? But... She's dead fighting that awakened Dark Vessel."

(Huh!? Me? Dead!?)

"Hehe, don't jump to conclusion, its MIA Since her body has only been missing for a week and a half. But I suppose the right title for her right now would be the the Fallen Star."

"F-Fallen star?"

(And wait, a week and a half? Is that how long I've been drowning? How did I survive!?)

I tilt my head confused and panicked as he then sits at his couch again raising his glass saying:

"Of course, shouldn't we raise a toast for the return of a Champion of Heaven. And new Hero to the World!"


Seemingly moving at his own pace, he drinks through his mask and everyone's eyes starts to follow and glue to me. Murmurs slowly fills the room.

"That Star Child? The disciple of the Storm Ruler?", "The martyr and new hero that stopped a fully awakened Dark Vessel?", "The dark horse in the golden generation adventurer from last year?", "That beggar? But she is strong...", "Don't be stupid, that Star Child has blonde hair and is an Owlian.", "Is she not Owlian? I sense no magic.", "Don't lower your weapons!", "I've seen her poster and I remember her being as pretty as a doll, not a trashbag manifest.", "Even if she's real, why would she even be here? Shouldn't she be going back to Silla and at least find her allies?", "I saw she has a long blonde hair, that definitely isn't blonde!", "Wait, I can see some yellow spots here and there-", "Enough! Star Child or not, a Dark Idol is a Dark Idol, nothing has change! Follow your vow!"

Everyone seem to form their theories and agree to their beliefs in this crowded hall. Nobody is sure on what to do, except for the robed leader as finishes his last sip and looks at Kagan saying:

"As she request, I'll vouch for her. Let her be a new guest."

"Oi, what did you say about her being with Geom? Do you expect me to welcome someone affiliated with the murderer of my brother!? You should be the one relearning how to show some respect!"


"Sigh... Tsk, tsk, tsk. Then I suppose our negotiations are over then? I do hope you'll survive the next coming winter. Just a reminder, if your peolple fell to cannibalism we will strike you all down and reclaim the whole mountains. And~ we will of course abolish the Guardian Protocol".


(C-Cannibalism? Guardian Protocol? W-What is happening!?)

He pours a another fill, swirling it to see the wine inside twist and turn before he then continues saying:

"Such a shame for the loss of a fine drink, but such sacrifice is not too much to bear."


Kagan who still ponders finally reach a decision shouting:

"Sigh... Make way! Stop hostilities!"

He pushes a couch forward as to prepare me a seat. Kagan bites his lips and gesture the people as they then make-way towards the stairs. I look around the people who are on edge, slowly I walk towards the table and sit at the middle where the King gesture me to.

*Creak* *Creak*

" "Hm?" "

Wondering why there's unsettling noise coming from below me,

*Snap* *Crash*


The couch I rest upon start to cave in from my weight and swallow me whole.

"Um... Help?"

"Pfff, heh! I guess this just prove you never had a visitor from Heaven, Kagan. Your furnitures are subpar and so is your furnishing."

The robed leader speaks as he lift his glass

"What are you talking about!? That seat is one of the most intricate crafts of one of my master crafters. It can hold twice the weight of our cattle with ease."

"Hmph! That's why I say, subpar. Rude of me to say but that lady is easily 4 times its weight and most of the masters of Heaven can easily be 10 times her weight when they reach True Peak. Let's not even talk of those who have ascended and gain the Divine body."

I simply stand and start with,

"Um, starting first and making sure there's no misunderstanding, may I know what context I'm missing in your discussion?"

The King and elder seem a bit pressed for answers but soon I realize a genuine mistake in my part

"Ah right, how rude of me, introdutions first... I'm Sova Anmao, I guess in here I'm more known as Star Child... B-But that is just a cover!"


The King tilt his head as I seem to pique his curiosity as I then continue saying:

"I'm actually working for the Phoenix Sector, the one who instigated Geom on their conquest."

" "!??!??" "

" "WHAT!?" "

"Sector?", "Sector? What is that?", "Wait, I heard of that, its how they divided Heaven and which deity stays on which side.", "Phoenix? What is that?", "Seeing how she said Geom, it must be something like a fish?", "Or maybe a steel monster?", "Heaven or not, we can't trust a dark spawn!", "My King, what if she's lying!?", "Don't listen to her!"

*Murmur* *Murmur*

The whole room erupted in shock and disbelief as I say that. The King hearing that seems conflicted but the rage boiling in his eyes is clear to see. I then slam my hand to the table saying:

"But, not anymore!"


This time the robed leader is the one baffled as I continue saying:

"So, Lord Kagan nim, I will help you with this endevour. Starting with getting them to send you with what aid you need to avoid... All those horrible things the blue robed leader said."


The one intrigue by my proposition is surprisingly the robed leader. The King who has bee silent his whole time listening leans to the table glaring:

"What are you playing at? Do you expect me to believe whatever drivel spills out of your mouth, dark spawn? More importanly, who are you exactly?"

Knowing its not that easy to convince someone that despise you, I try to rack my brain for somethinh as I say

"Like I said, I'm Sova Anmao, and I... ONCE work for the Phoenix Sector... and my position... I'm the Silencer or someone who works directly under the orders of the Empress or in your terms, she is the Sec Lord or ruler of a Sector."

" "!?" "

"Wait, doesn't that make her a real God?", "A true God from Heaven? A real Deity?", "Owners of divine weapons and arts?", "Those beings from history books?", "If that's true doesn't she have an authority to sink this entire peninsula?", "Not even the ancients can do much against them.", "How much have Heaven fall to allow a Dark Idol to roam inside!?"

*Murmur* *Murmur*

The looks on everyone listening seems to shift from curiosity to fear. Even the robed leader is surprised by what I said.

"Then that's even more reason why I'm asking what do you gain from helping us? We are not here to play under your stupid games! Our lives are not to be toyed with, Dark spawn!"


The King throws his fist in rage towards the table as he demands a more clearer answer but I can't try to keep calm replying:

"Is my intention not clear enough? I'm rebelling againsg my sister."


"Sorry, the Empress."

" "!?!??" "

Everyone in the room becomes even more baffled and silent as some fell on their back and I wonder if its really that shocking?

"Honestly speaking, I don't like what my sister is doing in pursuit of her dreams. And seeing everyone that suffered here, I'm really sorry for all the lost everyone endured. That's why I do believe it would be best if we drive out both my sisters- I mean both the Empress and the Deity of Law to leave and let this peninsula recover for a while."





Everyone in the room, and even the ohgranye seems absolutely perplexed even with their faces behind their mask. At a loss of words as most leave their mouths agape, this roaring hall becomes a sea of serenity in a few seconds, I continue saying:

"Sadly, I can't do that alone, and I do hope I can have both your support..."



"I admit, I don't know what your true goals or what each of your vision or dreams for this peninsula is, but qt least you both have to agree that this conflict and loss of lives is not good right?"

Kagan finally seem to reconsider and weigh his options while the robed leader stare at me with an uncanny look, like seeing the eyes in a painting move. The King, seems to reach a decision saying:

"Very well, I will give this a brief discussion. But don't expect anything, dark spawn."


"My King!?", "Lord Kagan!?", "What's the meaning of this!? You'll work witg this dark spawn!?", "Our tribe will not adhere to this decision!"

The whole room erupted in chaos once more hearing the King but,


*Slam* *Silence* *Shake*

He slams his feet towards the ground, shattering the tile and sending a shockwave through the halls.

(Kindest Lord huh...)

I start to remember what Heon said about the King and wonder how different the person before me truly is. With that single action, he brings order and silence before saying:

"This is a situation of unprecedented level never seen in our thousand year history! We can't keep using orthodox methods and we must break from the mold if we truly wish to overcome this predicament. But most importantly, don't misunderstand Dark Spawn! We won't lift a finger until your word of convincing the Ancients for aid!"

He points at the elder and I look at them. They seem to know what to say but their leader shake his head saying:

"I never agreed to any of this, friend Sova. As much as you are called a friend, or maybe you are not anymore since you cut your ties with the phoenix."


I sigh thinking how petry the robed leader is bejng but I can't complain considering how selfish I've been in this whole concersation saying:

"That may be true, but my affilitation with the Triad is not gone yet right? You are friends with the triad too right?"


The King mutters softly intrigued while the robed leader becomes quite pleased asking:

"Oh? You are?"

The tribe leaders behind start to whisper to each other as I hear,

"Triad? As in those black folks?", "Who else dare to call themselves a triad with them around?", "But I thought they are the enemies for sovereign states?", "Yet this beggar is related?"

Amidst the crowd, the robed leader still hesitates as he says:

"That may make things easier, but...."

He continues to stall as I then finally remember what Jacky said. Forming some fake proposal I say,

"You know, long, long ago, I heard there was once a Kingdom with the same name as your organisation, it rulled the lands here... Very long long ago."


Something seem to suck the spirit out of robed leader as he rest hid arms upon the table.

(Fuu... Alright, lets try to make it believale but still very vague).

"What I can give you is related to that. Not even my sisters know about it..."



"Well, Friend Sova, why don't you speak what that is?"

Seeing his glare through the mask, his blue eyes gleaming with anticipation for something. I wonder if that's not enough as I then think of what item I've been missing and though... Sweat pour down my hand as I realize weakest point. Days of simply nor self reflection and knowing one self to mediate have finally catch up.

(Ah right... How foolish of me when this is definitely not my strong point).

Condeiding defeat as I'm about to prepare my escape, I hang my head saying:

"Sigh... You got me, masked man I have nothing to offer..."

"Hmph! Then we'll-"

"No, I'll be the one to leave, sorry for talking so big. Fuuuh, I should get a nice mirror for self reflection now and then-"




I try to make my escape but before I could put any strength to my legs, the robed leader grabs me by my arm and drag me back to the table with a weak snicker.


I look straight at him, with shaking mask and hand, I start to remember of Saya's praise of how honesty truly is the best policy in a place where the trith is always twisted.

(D-Did I say something right? Seeing this luck, maybe I should dabble on that gambling thing Sis Fei's been doing).

Seeing such absurd development, I take a sit at the floor when the careless and nonchalant leader seems stunned until he lets me go saying:

"You truly are a Upper Deity from Heaven through and through. And if I remember correctly, you're the ambassador to this peninsila as well right? How fitting..."

He makes himself comfortable at his seat as he looks towards the arts at thr ceiling and continue saying:

"Hahaha... Very well, we will provide supplies for the mountain tribes and the sentinels. I hope your answer will be satisfactory for our... Precious Friend, young king."

The robed leader turns toward the King as his mask turn for the worst. The King seems to understand his intentions as cold sweat pours down his brow and nods replying:

"I'm happy to recieve your help, Elder nim. But please let us discuss on our course of action, and we'll bring on the "good" news in the morning, I won't dissappoint..."

(Oooh!? Did I succeeed!? My luck didn't fail me!)

The King clench his fist then saying:

"In the mean time, we'll provide you all with a guest room."

"Morning it is then, no need for us, just for this young... Precious Friend."

The leader seem to hesitate calling me that as I wonder if I said something wrong. I then raise my hand requesting:

"Um, and also, I also have one more guest so can you at least add one more bed at the guest room?"

The King hearing my request takes in a deep breathe saying:

"Very well, and please rinse yourself, you smell of death and decay, Servants prepare for them!"

He yells out and from behind the thin walls, a few servants wearing the familiar robe and apron walk out saying:

"Yes, my King, we obey."

(Oh? I wonder if that is just the uniform in the confederafion?)

I wonder while staring at the servants. The Ohgranye starts to gather at the corner and surround their leader. The masked leader bows down saying:

"I must bring this development to others. I hope you'll open your schedule tommorow night for further discussion, Friend..."


Thank you so much for reading so far! It seems I keept forgetting to upload... Anyways, here have 2 parts.

Beltwayscreators' thoughts