
Liberum Mundi

2800 years have passed since the Liberation Era, the missing millennia of humanity expanding into the world. 2200 years or so have passed since the end of the World Invasion, a world-scale attack launch by those despicable Owlians and their heretical science. 2100 or so years have passed since the Maryan Colonization, the imperial ambition of Maryan Remis' open rebellion led his army away to "modernised" the new world beyond the black line, the depths of Grinla, the frontiers of Hyuran, the skies beyond Aologi's space and many more which has not been named. 1900 years or so Maryan's colonisation brought upon a perfect stage for the 2 superpowers of the ancient to clash ideology in a war of guns before glory. To determine the path the world will take between Magic and science. 1700 years or so... ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ And soon, the time is now, not even a month has passed since the Aologi Empire's Civil War and subsequent destruction it brings to the ones before them. An enigma to even the Goddess and the unknown appeared late into the stage... "I wonder how will he fare in this world?" A certain lady peers deep into the shredded tome of knowledge.

Beltways · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
225 Chs

A Piece of Mind. (Part 5)

"Come to think of it, Seyong. What will be happening to the Kingdom with the princess taking over?"

I ask of him as the night comes and our ship docked at the noble district it seems. Candles sway upon the rivers and beneath the bridges while lanterns lit the streets with a beautiful glow, the night life of Seyong's hometown seems to have sway my attention. Gazebos and gardens upon the noble residence are filled with joy and laughter as they seem to celebrate something, leaving the gates open for everyone to see. The sound of laughter, cheers, and nature's hymns are swaying by the wind.

(I could simply watch those all night).

Seyong shakes his head and pinch between his eyes replying:

"The first policy the princess would do is definitely abolishing the bone caste system. With how low the noble population are, it's best we don't restrict much of anything... I guess she's trying to bring in the common folk as well since all descendants of nobility are going to have a coloured bone. For proof you can see the noble residence here, all those houses are now filled by commoners you know."

"Oh? So are they all celebrating their new homes?"

"Heh, you can say that. Not only are taxes lowered but many of my folks at the slums are finally getting proper land and residence as well. I guess you could say we're making an opportunity in the midst of disaster. To stay stagnant now is to be left behind and die. Just like the Coalition War."

Seyong turns his eyes to an empty manor that's 3 times bigger than the other houses. Seeing a dark towering house amidst a ray of light and warmth is quite an eerie sight.

"Heh, do you know the King's Sword is actually from here as well?"

"Oh, you mean Soo-Li and Soo-Nari's father? Gum-Soo right?"

"Duh, who else have that title? In fact, it's already quite weird for someone to have that title in a country prominent for spear wielders."

(I don't know that, I mean I almost confuse the two name for either the Sword King and the King's Sword. The only difference is their intonation that differentiate which word is first).

"I see... But what about the crimson guards then? Aren't they all using swords?"

"Hoh, we can thank Soo-Nari Unnie for that. Believe it or not, she was a very prominent and famed proffesor before she was recognized for her skill with a sword you know? Everyone thought she was just some simple pen pusher stealing her dad's work until she proves everyone wrong."

"Wait, she's a scholar of sorts? She can write?"

(Maybe she can since I'm sure she's definitely not blind).

"Yep! But she usually asks her favourite secretary that ghost princess Ye-Ri to help. Soo-Nari Unnie is also right up there with Yoo-Sui in terms of grades back then too. If I remember, Yoo-Sui was the professor's assistant her entire school life until she was replaced by Ye-Ri."

Remembering her candid and creepy attitude, I can't help but say:

"That's quite hard to believe. Though that would explain how they feel so close. And how she seems so fond of Ye-Ri if she helps her all the time."

"As for that crimson guard question, Soo-Nari actually release a thesis and manual for the King's Sword techniques for everyone to learn. Seeing as how great he use the blade, they decided to learn his techniques to do what they do best. Now that I think about it, it's also thanks to her that sword are gaining a trend amidst the officers too. Jin-Juha Ssi likes to use it too."


"But enough about that, I'm actually here to try and raise affection points but that's pointless at this point. So, why don't we just hang around and have some simple guys night out? Sometimes, us guys just wish to lay back and chill you know."

"Is that so? I mean, I rarely get to learn what guys do so I'm more than happy to follow!"

Seyong wraps his arms around my shoulders and drag me close saying:

"Great! Then this will be a good time we get to know each other more!"

"Yea! I can't wait to learn more about a man! So where are we heading first? Is there perhaps a regional dish unique to here?"

Seyong let's me go and walk away saying:

"I'm sorry, I tried but I don't think I can stay sane. I sound like I'm purposefully leading an innocent girl down an immoral path."

"H-Hey! What's that suppose to mean!"

Seyong fell on his knees grasping the back of his head saying:

"Sova... I'm sorry but I don't think I can just change the way I treat you overnight so casually."

"Rrgh, then what's all that fuss of you pulling my shirt and trying to crush my hands while cursing me!? But... At least you accept I'm a man right?"

Grasping my arms as I await his answer, Seyong gives a slight glance and,

"Raaaagh! This is not fair!"

"Seriously, what's wrong with you! Shouldn't we be more happy now that we get to know each other more? Plus, I'm getting tired of hearing you repeat what we're trying to do as if you have nothing to say or something."

"Argh! You're right! I honestly don't know what to say but dammit, now I'm worried about our teamwork at the Hunt!"

Yoo-Ah who walks in and looks at Seyong with disdain saying:

"Hum! You're pathetic! But it doesn't change the fact we're now at your hometown, so show us what you're meant to do or drive this ship to Mohyusig immediately! Seeing as how this ship can drive on its own, let's just set off!"

Seyong scratch his head replying:

"No, since we're here it'll be quite rude of me to not visit my mother. And since you two are my... New friends, I guess it's also rude of me to not introduce the one I intended to bring."

"Wait, we're going to your house right now?"

Seyong stands with a reinvigorated smile shouting:

"Of course! My plan was originally to show you around and swagger my wealth as we tour the shops I have booked with my friends but that's been cancelled with the sudden... Surprise."

Knowing my sudden actions, I clench the edge of my shirt saying:


"Urgh! Anyways, we're going down now and let me treat you to some real dinner."

"Hum! No more of that disgusting jelly!"

"At least pretend to like it! Sigh..."


"Oh my! The young master's home! Open the gates!"


Tremors fills the air as the sound of many people scrambling behind the gates echo through the nights filled with lantern lights. Seyong's estate turns out to be the biggest of them all, with aqueducts circling over entire neighborhoods and pillars erected on each joints while its massive splendour reaches the stars. Though, compared to the capital's imperial palace or tower I suppose it's still considered small.

"I wonder what the other Duke's palace looks like if this is one of them?"

"You'll be surprised. Though none compared to the royal castle. The biggest of the 5 would be the Belluga estate before the Ingeo expand and declared independence. They did have around 3 generation worth of Heroes doing the heavy lifting so it makes sense."

*Rumble* *Crash* *Shatter* *Murmur*

"I see... Still, I wonder what the ruckus behind is all about? I've been hearing nothing but rowdy voices and things falling."

"Hoh boy, I can probably guess..."

Seyong replies as he hides his face behind a mask and in time as the gates starts to lift.

*Cling* *Clang*

"Seyong! My boy! Welcome home! How happy I am to see you visit so soon!"

A lady in her late twenties with smooth long black hair leaps out to Seyong's arm which reminds me of Yoo-Ah in many ways. Seyong welcomes the embrace as he repay it back whispering:

"(Me too, Omma...)"

Seeing her open pulls the mask off of Seyong revealing a embarrassed Seyong. She jumps down pushing his mask at cheeks saying:

"And stop wearing this stupid mask when visiting home! And- oh my!"

Diverting her purple eyes at me and Yoo-Ah she rushes at us shouting:

"Arihwata! Seyong, when did you learn to bring back such cute girls!? Wait, you two are not seducing Seyong are you!?"

"Omma! Please, you're embarrassing me. Haah, anyways meet my... Party members that will accompany me during the monster invasion."

"Heeh, you can be boring Seyong, omma is very disappointed with your attitude, tch tch! Keep acting like that and Kim-Yi will seal the deal sooner or later, not that I mind. So, who is it? The one you send those expensive gifts too? It's gotta be this cute walking doll right? I mean just look at that cute face and long blonde hair, even dolls here don't look that good! Oh, even with a scar you still look cute... Hmm, have I seen her face somewhere?"

Seyong's mom pinch my cheeks with vigour and darkness draips over Seyong's eyes as he replies:

"Probably... But can we bring them inside first?"

"Yup! Yup! And perfect timing too, we just finish cooking the exclusive fish dishes. Come in! Come in!"

Noticing the lines of servants waiting behind her, they escort us inside. Taking a good look at Seyong's mom, she's drape full in jewelry and expensive accesories all over her layers of dress when I reply with,

"Thank you, and don't be too dissapointed in Seyong. He's doing his best and loves you very much."

"Hey! Where did you learn to speak like that!?"

"Oooh! Seyong where did you find this girl?"

Entering the side of the manor and a beautiful garden and pond with falling snow, I shake my head replying:

"I mean isn't the first time you wish to brought me here is so that I can help cook for your mom? And everytime you're worried you always say about your mother."

"Aw, and here I thought you have a bad eye for woman but who knew! Seyong, bring her to the household!"

"Sova you're not helping! And Omma, our relationship is a bit... Complicated."

"Now, now, Seyong! No courtship is ever so simple is it? Your uncle the patriarch especially have it rough you know if it wasn't for the previous matriarch. Oh, I got to see his new grandkid, he's the most adorable child and I can't wait to see what yours will be like. And since both of you are calling each other by your given name, you two MUST be close!"

"Aaah! Please end me!"

I tug at Seyong's mom sleeve to get her attention before saying:

"Um, he's right. Sadly, with circumstances beyond our control, I don't think we can ever be more than friends."

"Wording, Sova! Wording! You're definitely messing with me aren't you!?"

Something seems to lit behind her purple eyes as she then grasp my shoudler with such ferocity she halts me in my steps shouting:

"What's this!? What's this!? You must tell me more! We can have as much tea as you wish."

"She's already in a relationship okay!"

The fire behind her eyes vanquish as fast as it lit as she then brush my shoudler saying:

"Haaah, what a shame, though it would be quite weird for someone as good as you to NOT be in a relationship. Seyong, you done goofed up! But I guess the next girl would be fine too."

"She's even worse!"

"Yeah! There's no way I wish to be with that person!"

Yoo-Ah hides behind me as she shouts back and something rekindles that extinguished passion back. Seyong's mom simply smirks while sorting her robes, clasping her hands she bows saying:

"Sorry, I suppose it's not like me to get so excited. I'm Chamchi Kwon-Ayin. I'm the matriarch of the whole Chamchi family, hohoho!"

"Wait, what!?"

Ignoring Seyong's surprise, I clasp my hand and greet her properly replying:

"I'm Sova Anmao, thank you for having us."

Yoo-Ah follows after my example shouting:

"I'm 2nd daughter to Yoo-Saki, Yoo-Ah. A pleasure knowing a Goddess' name! I'll be following Sova as her assistant!"

"Yoo-Saki? I feel I heard that somewhere... Ah, whatever!"

"Seriously omma? You have to remember if you really are the matriarch. And hey, I don't remember you introducing yourself to me that politely before?"

Seyong question Yoo-Ah which Ayin pokes Seyong with his mask again seeing our greetings and replying:

"Aw don't be such a killjoy, you don't even have any influence left to be greeted like that. And... How dare you question your omma to be a liar! I got this position fair and square! It's just so happened after your traitorous sibling colluded with the Colonel. Unlike you, they're now rotting in prison like the rest of those rebels guarded by Soo-Nari nim. Hohoho! Now, it's your omma's turn to be protecting you again!"

"I doubt you'll protect me from real threaths like Kim-Yi but haah... Here I thought I have tought them a good lesson and let grudges be when I choose to be elected as prince and bring them back to inherit the Chamchi family."

"Oh, Seyong! Pampered and prideful sorts like them will never miss an opportunity. If they are, your Uncle wouldn't still take up the position of Patriarch. But enough about bygones! Here we are to celebrate my promotion and new era!"

" "Hurrah!" "

The servants behind us cheers on which seems to please Ayin and she adds it with another,

"Also, since my boy finally got the balls to come home with girls and face his fears! As a favour, I won't call Kim-Yi back."

" "Hurrah!" "

Seyong eyes phase a bit and darkens as he then hang his head in defeat replying:

"Yes... Thanks Omma..."

"Still, did you see Kim-Hee when you enter? He should be getting his new job as the gate officer."

Seyong slowly regains his poise replying:

"Sova did say he said hello but knowing him he's definitely cursing me with his drinking buddies that I have... 2 cuties on my private ship."

"Hush now! That attitude is what keeps you and them single! Nobles are declining ever more so than ever, so choose whoever you want, son. The more wives and ladies in waiting the better! Even more so that it seems there's more female nobles than man now."

"I'll do my best omma. But honestly, I'm not hoping much, just a regular normal girl is much better than Kim-Yi."

"That's even more picky when no noble girls are normal."

"You're insulting... Haah, I can't argue that with you..."

Hearing the two argue about Seyong's future relationships, I look at Yoo-Ah who's surveying the whole private garden with awe as she seems to be piqued by the home grown garden fields beside the pond.

"Hoho? It seems you have quite the good eye."

Ayin slows her pace to match Yoo-Ah and points at the general direction for the fields and continue saying:

"Since I come from Goryo, I miss my home meals and buying them have become so expensive especially with the rising tensions. So, I decided to lower expenses by planting them. Usually it would be impossible for those types of plants to be grown in eastern soil but with some special modification it becomes possible! Hohoho! I can't wait for my name to be placed in the agricultural contribution!"

"Amazing! Since it's from the west it must be made for some soft foods right? I wonder if it's not too much can I try some? I'll definitely help you cook!"

"Gladly! But I can't let my guest cook now can I? hohoho! Come with me, and be prepared to be blown away!"

"Hum! Hum!"

Yoo-Ah nods exitingly as Agin brings her away and I can't help but feel some sort of distance from Yoo-Ah as she usually seem to be closer...

(Hmm, I guess I'm a bit spoiled).

"What's wrong, Sova? You seem quite saddened."

"Oh, it's just that I guess I'm feeling... Lonely."

"Seriously dude, are you really a guy?"

"Of course I am- ack!

"Then start acting like one, dumbass! No guy acts like you!"

Seyong pokes at my forehead as he shouts back but feeling a bit lost at his comback, I simply reply:

"Well, I'm sorry... I just don't know how. And the examples I've been given... Doesn't exactly seem good to follow."

"What? Did you grow up knowing only girls or something?"

"Mostly, yea..."


Seyong scratches the back of his head at my answer and things became a bit awkward. He then says:

"I can't say that you lack a father figure when I lack one too."

"What's this I'm hearing about fathers? Just so you know, your Omma's not planning on marrying anybody. Don't think you can escape marriege, Seyong!"

Ayin barge in between us as she's shouting at Seyong. Seyong push her back replying:

"Don't just eavesdrop on someone's conversation Omma! Besides, where the hell did you plan to cook the fish? We're more than halfway through the backyard."

"Tch, tch, Seyong, the night today is just a great one, and if the almanac is correct, there would be ocean of stars when the moon reach its peak."

"Hm? Oh yeah, it's a new year and the once northern Kingdom of Ri and the western of Goryo would be celebrating some festival for the stars."

Hearing them, I look up at the bright night sky and now only notice the two bright full moons. Thick clouds gather beside them, slowly moving and making way as something bright seems to shimmer behind the veil. Walking pass a crossroad we arrive at an open party with a large gazebo at the centre where the barbeque and foods are layed about around it while the people sit at the wooden floor.

(Gazebos... I haven't seen one since Aunt brought us to that giant mansion in Wildengrad. One of the owner's wife is a mainland Runician if I remember. It's been so long since that time. Even Yuwei's jade palace has no of those houses at the back but she does have that glass section leading to the garden).

Servants running around with plates and many people who is probably Seyong's relatives are already seated at the myriad of smaller gazebos surrounding it.

"Oh? Is that who I think it is?"

"Evening Aunt, happy to see you moved in."

"So that ruckus up front is for..."

"Me, I suppose the main household can't help when their breadwinner comes home."

"Oh! Seyong! You little brat, so you really did come home! Come, sit! I reeled quite the big catch even the Bellugas might envy."

"Really now? Last I checked most of the fish swim either deeper or out of the lakes and swamps, I'm surprised there's still something big enough close to the coast."

Seeing Seyong being swarmed by the warm reception easily reply back cheerfully to each of them.

"Hyung!", "Hyung!" "Seyong Hyung!", "Yong!"

"Hoho? Look who's grown up to walk."

Kids run past the towering adults to jump and embrace Seyong as he then lifts the smallest saying:

"Hey now, aren't you still a bit too small to run like that."

"Hehehe! Boop!"

The little girl grabs Seyong by the nose as she then laugh with such cheer.


"You sure are loved, Seyong."

"Yep, can't say I hate it. I know I came suddenly, but is there a good spot for us to sit?"

"Sit with me Hyung!"

"No, with me! I just pick up spearmanship, let me show it to you! With my skills, I could have helped fight that fake Guardian!"

"Nuh, uh! I'm the one who should fight that fake Guardian! Since I pick the same tonfas you used, Hyung, let me show you what I can do!"

(Fake Guardian...)

That word echo in my head as I still vividly remember that battle until Ayin comes by to place some distance before saying:

"Come on you kids, Seyong's gonna be sitting with the adults. Besides, with his size there won't be any space for your small Gazebo. Now, go run around and grab yourself some fish sticks."


The kids cry their dissapointment before dispersing and Seyong hand over the little girl to her mom it seems saying:

"Keep growing healthy okay, Lil Chu?"


The kid shout back as her mom says:

"Glad to see you return safe and sound, Yeon-Seyong nim."

Before going away while the older man and aunts bring us to the largest gazebo at the middle. Sitted beside Seyong while servants line up to serve us exotic dishes I never seen before.

(I guess they really do sit on the floor to eat... Right, Juha did say chairs don't exist back then).

Unknown fish with green sauce, black charred tentacles, and many more I can't really describe are placed at our front as I see the aunts and uncles eat with their hands saying:

"Go on, eat up."

"Do enjoy this delicacy."


"T-Thank you!"

Yoo-Ah seem hesitant as she picks her meal but I decided to grab the closest first which a soup filled with some squishy balls. Taking a huge bite, I can't help but shouting:


"Haha, slow down there little girl. So, who're they? Are they perhaps the girls you will marry? Even after losing your work you still gain something."

"Oh please Uncle, they're simply friends and companions for my upcoming mission. In fact, meet the War Hero of the Eastern and Southern wall, Sova Anmao and hi-er personal staff, Yoo-Ah."

I bow my head saying:

"Thank you for having us."

"Hum! Thank you kindly for your inviation!"

"Truly! The one who is said to bring down the mighty Golae!?"

"Isn't she also the one who fight alongside Yoo-Gisa nim against that fake Guardian!? Woah, so... She really is an Owlian."

"Oh my! How could we forget, her face was plastered all over the projectors! So she really does look like that, hearing her strength I thought they use a body double for some better PR."

A commotion rise around the table as they seem to speak about our feats when one of them says:

"And Yoo-Ah? Didn't they say Yoo-Gisa nim has sisters? Could she be one of them?"

"No doubt about it! I've remember seeing then back at the Valedictorian's award!"

"Ah right, now I remember isn't Sova one of the 3 of the prominent wanderers alongside you, Yeon-Seyong?"

The crowd voice grows louder while Ayin becomes shock by our reputation it seems. She raise her hands saying:

"T-That's enough! You're making our guests uncomfortable. Come now, let's talk something else."

One of the older man in the table grasp his hand as his face darken and says:

"I don't wish to divulge family problems when guests are around but I do hope you realize how dire your marriege to the Chamchi family is right now."

Seyong takes a sip of the drinks at the table and point it at him replying:

"Please, if you wish for me to marry that badly, at least let me choose my partner."

An older lady leans forward asking:

"Then what of that lady you spent so much on? How's that progressing?"

Seyong twitched and peek at me for a moment before slumping forward replying:

"That's a lost cause."

"Haha! I guess you can only do so much! If finding a partner is what you want, I'm sure dozens of girls would show up if you announce it."

Seyong sighs and rest his arm at the table and gaze upon the older man across the table asking:

"Uncle... I need not ask you how is it? To see your wife before and after marriege?"



"Fair point."

Many of the older men at the table folded and cave as if Seyong just blast them away with something decisive. Even Seyong's mom seem to shiver at Seyong's word and hang her head for a bit, especially the aunts who's face twisted a bit before regaining their composure.

(Is that suppose to be such a horrible thing? Or do people change that much?)


One of the aunt clasp her hands saying:

"Oh Yeon-Seyong, with such a venom tongue like that, you're setting your bar too high. I heard you have been making a lot of contact with the eldest daughter in the Belluga family. Didn't you spend your highschool together as well? Isn't she a prime candidate? Especially when both family are in quite the sinker."

Seyong gives me another pasding glance before he answers:

"That's simply because the person I tried to court last time is close with her. She just happen to be around... Her all the time."

Ayin looks at Seyong with annoyence saying:

"Oh Lil Seyong, just go get married with Kim-Yi already. Honestly speaking, I really don't want you to end up like Jin-Cheo Ssi. You're going to be 21 this year so you better start giving more effort before your prime disappears! Heck even foreign ladies would work! Maybe those up north at Indara will do."

Seyong who hasn't touch his food at all finally takes a bite before replying:

"I get the message, eoma. So, what about all of you? Do you have anything else to talk?"

As Seyong change the subject, I can only wonder, is marriege that important for nobles? I mean I know bloodline skill is a thing and they probably wish to expand their family but is that all it?

"Hehe, come on, Sova. If you stare that strongly, I'm getting a bit uncomfortable."


"It's fine, now eat up! And since I finally come here doing what I'm intended, let's leave as soon as your belly is filled!"

The party went on through the night as the snow starts to hail upon the green garden. Noticing the small snow jere compared to the other place I start to look around. I see Seyong's mom shows a lot of interest with Yoo-Ah as she seems to bring her in the mansion while Seyong is forcefully being dragged by the kids, I somehow found myself alone staring down at the pond with water so clear I could see the moulding surface. When the moonlight shine upon such clear water, I'm ended looking upon a mirror as I see the moon and ocean of stars despite such a light hail...

(Has communicating been this difficult? I feel like the people I know keep coming on to me that I barely feel so lonely... I wonder if I shouldn't have tell the truth?)

"No! What are you thingking!"

I shake my head denying such thoughts and look around and notice Seyong's relatives seem to either be focus on Seyong or they gives me soke glances but quickly turn away as I look back.



I look back at the sudden calling of my name and see Yoo-Ah.

(I'm surprised I didn't notice, am I that distracted by my own intrusive thoughts? And...)

"Aren't you touring the mansion with Seyong's mom?"

"Hum! Yes! But as much as I want to learn more about the ingredients of the west, I'm still here because of someone!"


"You of course!"

Yoo-Ah points her finger closely to my face before shortening our distance saying:

"I admit, I'm still a bit confused and uncertain of what to do, but just because I learnt something weird doesn't mean I'm going to distance myself from you! After all, I'm here because I wish to know more about you, and if something like that is going to rattle me then... I'm ashamed to call myself your friend!"


Hearing her kind I can't help but lounge and hug her tight shouting:

"YOO-AH! Thank you! I don't know why but that really makes me happy!"

Holding her tight, I decide to return all those hugs she gives me. Yoo-Ah doesn't seem to resiste even when she shouts:

"Aaah! Stop it! Didn't I said no more hugs, urree!"

Despite her protest, I tighten my hold like how she usually do until Yoo-Ah stops resisting and says:

"Hum! Since it's you fine, but just for tonight! (You really are like a lonely fish)."

Thank you so much for reading so far! Um... Been hectic lately with the upload but I'm just trying my best.

Beltwayscreators' thoughts