

A man by the name of Shannon Alexander has never truly felt he belonged on earth. He also itched for an adventure, but alas circumstances held him back on his dreams. What will he do when he finally gets a chance to have an adventure for a lifetime?

UchihaDemon · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter 7. Academy?

"Oh, right, silly me my name is Irina, Irina Lucin. Nice to meet you. To answer your question we are going to apply for an academy In the city of Rabak."

Indra thought for a moment before asking "What kind of academy are you going to apply for?"

Irina said " It is an academy that recruits Mages and Warriors, since it is also in a very big city like Rabak some noble families are also recruited but it is mostly commoners like us that go to try their luck."

"Say where are are you guys from? Although you claim you are commoners you have an abundance of Qi in your bodies, and from what i can tell you do not seem weak either."

Irina was astonished as Indra finished his sentence 'Wow he can sense our Qi even though we tried so hard to hide our cultivation levels, He was able to see through it easily. He must be pretty strong, but why is it i feel nothing from him? As if there is no one standing before me at this very second? Interesting.'

Indra could see the red haired girl was in deep thought about something so he called out to her "Hello, Miss Irina?"

"ehehe sorry and just use Irina. Me and Kein come from a village known for warriors so we trained from a very young age and managed to reach Intermediate warrior in Qi cultivation"

'Hmm.. Intermediate warrior? Have not heard that term since arriving in this world so cultivation also has stages in this world, Surprising but i already expected this'

"M-Irina can you explain the cultivation stages for me?"

"EHHH you dont know?" Looking at Indra's serious face she could tell he was not joking.

"Thats weird i thought someone who would be able to hide their presence as much as yourself would aleady know the cultivation stages. Anyway, there are two types of energy i know right now, The first is Qi which is used for warriors and Mana for magicians. You at least know this right?"


"Okay, in each cultivation of one of the two energies there are eight stages that i know of right now. They are beginner, novice, student, junior, intermediate, senior, great, and master. These stages are further divided into sub-categories for example i myself am a junior Qi warrior in my third stage out of nine. The further higher the stage you're in the more difficult it is to advance, oh by the way if you plan on signing up for the academy you need a QI or Mage base of junior"

'I see if i were to judge from her information then i would be a senior warrior from my energy alone, however i don't know how to measure my unique abilities so i can't draw a conclusion on those, hmm guess i will also attend this academy. Maybe i will meet someone strong.'

Irina jolted him out of his thoughts "If you dont mind me asking Indra how were you able to sense our energy even though we were hiding it so well?"

"Trade secret." said the black haired boy with a finger to his mouth.

Irina pouted her mouth in an attempt to get Indra to budge but seeing Indra ignore her beauty and not even flinch caused her to question herself.

'Does he really not care? or am i ugly? No, no, no there is no way i am ugly. Even back at the village i was always the center of attention but this guy only looked once curiosly at me before and then it was like he lost interest. Does he truly have no interest in me, or is there some special circumstances?'

Over the years Indra's observation haki had an impressive boost, he is now able to tell the energy in people without having to open his sharingan, and in addition to this he is able to sense other people's real emotions, this is also how he was able to sense Irina and Keins energy even though they tried to mask it.

Indra completely ignored Irina and focused his attention on the grey-eyed boy who has not talked much through out the whole journey. Their eyes met, Indra mouthed a few words to Kein in which kein became flustered but instantly calmed himself down.

But all of his actions and change were clearly noticed by Indra 'How truly admirable an unrequited love, well good luck!'

Indra and Irina continued to make small talk while kein sat in his corner seemingly listening, seemingly not until they arrived at the huge city gates.

"young men, and miss we've arrived!" said the coachman

Indra took a quick peek out the window and only one thought came to mind ' They're massive! As expected of a big city!'

The city gates were so high up that Indra could barely see where the end(without his sharingan of course). They were Iron like gates that had a few dents here and there, and you could smell the Iron-like odor oozing out of the gates. Seeing these gates Indra knew that they have survived countless wars and battles.

They stood in the left lane as the right lane was reserved for nobles. Inching close and closer Irina asked a question.

"Hey Indra, you know there is an entry fee of five gold coins right? and before you ask all i have is five gold coins left so i cant give it to you"

Indra racked his brain to see if there was a way out and turned his head to face keins direction. Seeing the look Indra was giving him, Kein said.

"I only have five gold coins too."

Indra deeply sighed, was his journey going to end before it started?

"Is there any other form of payment that the guards will take?"

" Wellll, you can try beast cores, but i dont see you carrying any so i guess your journey ends here, ehehe." said Irina

After hearing what she said Indra's lifeless eyes came back to life, he summoned one of the few beast cores he had not absorbed.

Seeing the blue diamond like object the appeared out of thin air and the energy it was releasing, Irina exclaimed "EHHHHH, space magagic?! and a tier 6 beast core?!!"

Indra was puzzled at her reaction "Is space magic rare? and what is a tier 6 beast core?"

Kein was also very surprised at the actions of Indra but he hid it perfectly and thought to himself that Indra just keeps getting more and more mysterious.

Irina sat down and calmed her frantically beating heart before saying "Yes, Space magic is very rare. Actually the chance of a space element appearing In this continent is one out of a billion, and thats even if someone found out they had a space element. As for youre tier-6 core that thing is worth at least a hundred gold. In this world there are magical beasts ranging from Tier 1-9 and the higher the rank the more its worth."

'Hmm it seems like i will need to be a little more careful from now on, the last thing i want is someone hunting me down for possessing a rare element and brainwash me, not that they could, but never hurts to prepare.'

"Ahh, can you guys keep this a secret for me please? I did'nt know space element was so rare and don't want to be hunted down for it."

Irina nodded her head "Yeah, if someone find out you have a space element they would do anything to get they're hands on you"

Kein also nodded his head

Indra breathed a sigh of relief, In the next moment Indra unsummoned the Tier-6 beast core and instead brought out a Tier-1 beast core which was just about 5 gold coins.

Very quickly they made it to the front of the line in which they all paid the due fee and entered the city.

When they got off the carriage and set foot into the city Indra was astounded on how beautiful the city was. There were buildings upon buildings lined up with a space in between to allow people to walk through or drive their carriages. There were bars, caverns, Inns, shops and many more. As the three were busy checking out the city, Irina suddenly spoke up.

"Guys we need to stop dilly-dallying if we want to attend the the academy in four days we need some proof of identity, and the fastest way we can get that is signing up at the adventurers guild. Indra i remember you said you still owe me one right? You can make it up to me by paying the fee for me and kein"

"Alright i see no problem with that , so where exactly is the adventurers guild?"

Irina replied "Follow me! We passed by it a couple of moments ago i still remember the way there"

Making a few turns here and there they arrived at the huge building of the guild. Upon entering there were many eyes staring at them because how would a group of two handsome young men and a drop-dead gorgeous beauty not manage to draw attention?

Indra walked up to the Lady at the counter who was still taking in the marvelous sight before her.

"I would like to know how much an adventurers card costs"

The young lady behind the counter blushed before she said "A-ah i-i-its 10 gold coins per p-person"

Indra acted like he was reaching for his pocket and took out a Tier-4 magical beast core and gave it to the lady. The lady nervously took the beast core from Indra's hand before blushing again and returning 20 gold coins.

The young lady told them to follow her upstairs to take pictures for their adventurer license.

Irina who was behind Indra whispered "Real smooth Indra.. Real smooth."

Indra just gave her a wry smile and followed the kind lady upstairs. After they finished their pictures, the lady told them to wait for a moment while they got the license finalized. They did not wait to long before the lady came back with three cards that had each of their faces and handed them to their respective owners.

Before leaving indra exchanged a Tier-5 beast core for 75 gold coins and they made their way to an inn. While walking they saw a couple of burly ruffians dressed in typical adventurer clothes following closely behind.

They gave each other glances and nodded their heads, they walked into an alley with no one else there aside from themselves and the five ruffians. Although they were out-numbered none of them were worried in the slightest and all had relaxed face.

Seeing that the brats they were chasing trapped themselves in an abandoned alley they started to talk and reveal their purposes.

Ruffian one said " Hey beauty, why dont ya leave those little brats and come play with real men kekeke."

Irina just sneered but did not say anything, and instead pulled out here european long sword out of its plain looking scabbard and got ready for battle, Likewise kein also did the same and unrapped his beautiful tin-colored spear and got in position. Unlike Irina and kein who took out their weapons, Indra just stood there lazily with his hand on the hilt of his katana. He already checked the thugs cultivation bases three of them were Qi novice warriors, one is a novice mage, and the last one is student mage.

Irina looked behind her at kein and Indra then said "Alright Indra i'll take the midget who's been squabbling non-stop and the giant behind him. Kein, you take the one in knights armor, and the one with the staff. Indra you can take the remaining one."

Indra and kein nodded to her words

"Girl are ya sure ya want to do this? I promise if ya come with me and my boys we wont treat ya badly kekeke."

Irina just looked at the short burly man before her and replied in a cold tone "Shut up scum, prepare yourselves"

"kekeke it seems like ya dont want to take advantage of our kindess kekeke, very well men attack! kill the brats but leave the little girl in one piece i still want to have fun with her later kekeke"