
Liam's vow

Liam's vow is for Revenge. On Liam's journey he will have to face unmeasurable odds and survive. Can Liam redeem himself, and rise? or will he fail to rise to his potential for redemption?

Creepthewriter · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

The next plan

The birds chirping brought about the rise of Liam. Squinting his eyes due to the beams of light directly laying upon his vision. Liam stirred accidentally snaking his off the hard bark that his head was laid against. Glancing up at the cloudless beautiful blue sky Liam decided that he should soon leave for his destination. Nested between a valley, one of Liam's only chances to reunite was humans. The place he was to travel was an old military outpost that he was stationed at during his training before his official military service. In his hands was the map he was using one last time to make sure he was correctly oriented. The symbolic nature of using a map to regroup at the place he was trained to use one did not sleep past him. 

Snatching up his belongings and sheathing his sword Liam desired to start moving. Liam was a firm believer in there being no time being better than the present. So with confidence Liam moved into the tree line surrounding the village. Walking through the forest would not pose much of a problem for Liam. Civilization had tamed the wild forest he was casually walking through. Any big game or beasts would have long been hunted to death or had fled due to scarcity of natural prey. Raising his foot over logs and cutting down vines became a common recurrence for Liam. Mud stuck to his pants and dirt filled his shoe prints.

Darkened, the sky began to fall as the moon rose. Laid within the restless forest sat Liam on a weathered log. Eating the dried meat he retrieved from his bag Liam fed his hungry stomach. The bland and distasteful food stopped him from starving but Liam had no praises or compliments to the chef. Whether it was the actual seasoning or lack of, or his hate for the maker of his meal. Bitter and tired Liam chewed his food before forcing himself to swallow. Having finished eating and the day winding down Liam was ready for bed. Placing his bag against the log liam placed his head against the improvised pillow he decided to sleep for the night. Unfortunately while Liam certainly made a good amount of ground in one day on foot, he still had a day or two ahead of him.