

"Welcome homeeeeee!!!"

[Beep... Danger detected… suggestion move 2 feet left]

Leylin had just arrived after finishing his first year at Westpoint and was greeted by the flying figure of his mother crashing into him.

He sidestepped and she kept sailing landing on the ground.

"Waaah, my son left home and now has forgotten his mother" She cried while shedding crocodile tears.

"Please mother stop being so melodramatic, It has only been hmmm 8 months," Leylin said offering his hand to her.

"And it looks like the military has made you even more boring, sheesh"

"So why don't we go inside and get some tea before continuing this," Leylin said walking towards the door

"I demand recompense for the emotional wound you have inflicted" she cried as she followed him inside.


"So mother how goes the matter we discussed," Leylin asked his face turning serious.

"Look at my baby boy, still wanting to become like those knights in a textbook" she cooed with a glint in her eyes.

Leylin had told her about his plan to be Cornelia's knight and asked her to look into the same matter. He was sure Cornelia's family would have a list of other people that they might want to appoint. So he's asked his mother to look into the same.

"As it turns out there is someone who is basically destined to become princess Cornelia's knight," she said as she too became serious.

"Who may that be?"

"Gilbert Guilford, who thinks alliteration makes great names. His initials literally spell out GG" his mother said. "He graduated Westpoint last year top of his class, do you know him?"

"I have heard of him, but don't know of him ever interacting with Cornelia"

"Awww is little Leylin jealous? Don't worry right now it seems he's only been selected by the empress alone" she replies " Cornelia herself seems unaware of the fact"

"What more do you know of the Guilford?"

"Hmm, they are a barony from Oregon, who seem to be in the good graces of Empress Anne. They themselves are vassals of Empress Anne's family and hence have known them for generations."

"I see, I will look into his records, however, it seems the best course of action would be to let things be for now."

"That does seem appropriate for now after all if he's selected he can always have a mishap."

"Please mother have some faith. He won't even be selected"

"Why someone's confident"

"So how goes our Knightmare endeavor? Last I heard we had started our own manufacturing?"

"Yes well as you suggested we first need to make money. So we have started to develop the Glasglow frames for the military."

"The technology only recently came and as the military seems to want a lot of it, it has started to share permit for Knightmare construction quite freely to higher nobles. This would be a profitable venture."

"That is correct, each frame we make costs us around 700 thousand dollars, however, we are able to sell it for 1 million each."

"How is the research going?"

"Well as you know you had given some designs of yourself, the team has started researching on that. We are currently working on 5th generation Knightmare frames. However don't get your hopes up, it would take at least 5 more years for it to be ready"

"I know, right now we need almost a decade for the technology to proceed before we can make any huge steps. The research into Sakuradite is just insufficient as of now."

"You don't seem worried about the competition?"

"Camelot and the Brittaninan Military Science Academy are both recent creations themselves. While they have much larger funding, I am confident we will be able to carve out our niche" Leylin said.

After all, he needed the company not to mass-produce frames, but for one very specific reason.

The components he would need to create the AI chip connector are used mostly in Knightmares. With this as a cover, he would be able to experiment as he liked on making the connector.

And if later he is able to make a one-of-a-kind Knightmare for himself, then that's always a plus.

Be sure to give your suggestions in the comments. I have a few ideas on how to proceed but would love to know your opinions.

Lord_Leylincreators' thoughts