
Leylah maleek

Hauwwahjasminah · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs


Mrs Najma heard noises,she was about climbing up the stairs when she saw Suraj coming down the stairs in a foul mood. she quickly asked, "Suraj what's wrong? I heard you and your sister arguing. What's it about?"

" its nothing mum. I have to go now so I don't get late for work. Take care of yourself mum" he said as he hugged his mum and left.

Leylah arrived at the hospital but she still couldn't find Suraj,she checked his office but he wasn't there either. She was still wondering where he went when she got a call from Mrs Najma,she picked the call

"Salam mu alaikum mother"

"Wa'alaikum mu salam my child,how are you"

"Am fine mother,how are you?"

"Am fine too my dear Alhamdulillah"

"Your husband just left here,he came home and had an argument with his sister then he left angrily".

"He didn't tell me what happened and when i asked Nabeela she too didn't say anything, she just keeps crying and I don't know what to do"

'Oh no! This is bad. Was it because of what I said yesterday? Did he confront her? Why aren't they telling mother about it or is it a secret' Leylah wondered inwardly.

"do you know what could have made them fight?"

"Yes.... I mean no mother.....am not sure. He didn't say anything when he left home" Leylah lied.

"Ya Allah! This children won't kill me before my time"

"Don't worry mother,I'll have a talk with him today and find out what happened. I'll call you if I find out anything."

"Alright dear. I'll try to calm Nabeela from crying before she gets sick. Take care my dear".

Leylah got to work and after coming back from seeing Ibraheem in his room, she saw that Suraj's door was slightly ajar so she went to check if he has arrived.

She knocked on the door and heard him say "come in"

Leylah entered his office and closed the door slowly.

"Hey,did something happen? I woke up and didn't find you at home. Where did you go?"

"Are you worrying about me right now? I can't worry about you but you can?" Suraj asked sarcastically.

"I wasn't worried. I just thought something happened, that's all"

"Nothing happened. So you can leave now",he answered not sparing her a glance.

"How rude" Leylah scoffed.

"I invited a friend over for dinner today,I just thought you should know".Suraj said again when he saw Leylah leaving and still not looking at her.

Leylah shot him an annoying glare and stormed out of his office banging the door.

Back at home later at dinner,Suraj ordered some really nice food and drinks for dinner. He didn't bother asking Leylah to help out,he knew she wouldn't even agree if she knew who was coming.

After setting the table and ensured that everything was ready,he went up to his room,took a bag out of his closet and went to knock on Leylah's room.

"Come in" he heard Leylah say.

She has been in her room since they arrived home. She didn't know who his friend was and she didn't want to be a bother. So she just stayed in her room.

"Here" Suraj said simply handing her the bag when he entered her room.

Leylah shifted her attention from her laptop to Suraj,she got up from her bed and collected the bag.

"What's in it?" She asked at the same time making a peep into it.

"Please put on the dress when you come down for dinner later" Suraj said and with that he left her room.

"Who is this guest of his,that he even have to buy me a dress?" Leylah wondered.

"Oh wow! Its lovely. I didn't know he has eyes for nice dresses,let's see" Leylah said to her self,trying the dress excitedly.

Few minutes later,Suraj heard the door bell and he went to open the door for his guest. Leylah heard it also and quickly rushed downstairs after dressing and making her self up.

"Welcome Zara, you're quite late" Suraj Said as he led Zara to the dinner table.

"I got stucked in traffic,sorry" Zara apologised as she admired the house.

"Wow! Suraj,your house looks really beautiful. The arrangement,the color,even the paintings on the wall. The ambiance is just so amazing" Zara complimented.

"The décor, he or she did a really nice job" Zara said admiring the house with a big smile on her face.

"My wife did. she turned the house up side down trying to decorate it to her taste,few days after the wedding" Suraj answered smiling and remembering the day.

He had come back home from the hospital to find Leylah doing some arranging and changes. He offered to help her but she refused. She had bought some paints,designs,vases,wall papers and even some paintings she liked.

He offered to do the painting and hanging of the wall papers and all the art piece. She had refused again but when he insisted,she let him do it.

That night was a tiring one because they didn't finish until late in the mid night. They ended up sleeping in the living room and the next morning they went late to work.

Zara's expression changed when she heard him say "my wife did" she was very annoyed that he is even addressing Leylah as his wife.

'Isn't the marriage supposed to be a charade? Why is he referring to Leylah as his wife?. I have to do something fast,I have to get him out of this marriage. Suraj is going to be my husband and not anybody else's. she shouted in her head.

"Come let's go to the..." He was stunned when he saw Leylah appear at the top of the stairs. she looked stunning and breath takingly beautiful.

He had imagined the dress on her when he was buying it earlier that day. but seeing her now, he just couldn't hide the fact that he was blown away by her beauty. He stood motionlessly looking at her mesmerized.

The dress was a long,off shoulder royal blue gown. It hugged her figure perfectly. it has a few stone works around the waist,the sleeves were see through. She applied not very much makeup on her face and she looked just gorgeous.

There was a slit at the front of the gown which brought out Leylah's long,sexy and flawless legs when she walked.

Leylah was rushing,so she don't let the guest arrive at the table before her. she thought it was bad manners and wanted to make a first impression.

She got out of her room when she heard the door bell and walked elegantly down the stairs until she saw who the guest actually was.

She stood transfixed at the stairs and just stared at Zara. She snapped back to her senses when she heard Suraj's voice.

"here, let me" Suraj offered as he gave her his hand,he meant to escort her to the dinner table.

She was touched by his gesture for a moment before her mind went back to the real issue.

'What is she doing here? Is she the friend? What is Suraj trying to do? Did he bring her to come live with us here? Or is he going to tell me that he is going to marry her?' Leylah bombarded her head with so many questions.

She didn't realise they were at the table until when Suraj squeezed her palm a little did she realise and quickly took her seat.

"Hi Leylah, what a lovely house you have here. Suraj told me you did decorate it,you sure are a talent" Zara said pretending she was liking everything that was happening when in actuality she was about to go crazy.

"Oh don't exaggerate, I just changed a few things. The house was beautiful even before I did anything. And I took a course on interior designing while I was in the states so its not much of a talent". Leylah said fidgeting her fingers under the table. She tends to talk much when she was tensed or nervous.

Suraj noticed and he quickly came to her rescue. "Enough now of the chit chat Ladies. The meal will get cold before you both finish complementing each other tonight" Suraj said and they agreed.

They started eating but Leylah was feeling uneasy and disturbed. She didn't know what Suraj was planning but her mind tod her it was something she won't like.

"Zara how is your business going?I heard from Nabeela that you've been quite busy these days. and that's why you couldn't attend our wedding" Suraj said trying to make a light conversation to ease the tension,when he sensed how tensed Leylah was.

"Oh forgive me please. But I've been really busy these days,I barely have time for myself. I feel bad for not attending your wedding". Zara lied,pretending to be sorry.

After they were done eating,Suraj and Zara continued chatting while Leylah just sat there,uncomfortably.

"Now Zara to the reason why I invited you here tonight even when I know you were busy and I appreciate your coming"

"Its no trouble Suraj,anytime".Zara said as she beamed a smile at him.

"Glad. So my wife here has some misconception about you, and I really needed to clear it up" Suraj said looking at Leylah briefly then back to Zara.

Leylah shrieked in her seat when she heard that,her heart almost jumped out of her mouth. 'what is he trying to do?'

"My wife here is convinced that you're are my girlfriend. And you know the funny part of it,she thinks that you're pregnant with my child and that we even plan on getting married". Suraj said laughing lightly.

"Wh....what?" Zara stuttered.

'How did Suraj find out? Did he find out all about my plan? Oh my God he is going to hate me now. What should I do?what should I say now?'

" that was my reaction as well, its such an outrageous accusation?" Suraj said when he saw Zara flustered and shocked reaction.

"That....that's not true Leylah. Suraj and I are....not anything like that. We are just.....friends". Zara stuttered.

"There you have it wifey. Have I cleared your doubts now?" He asked Leylah as he looked at her mockingly.

Leylah just sat there confused. 'did i hear them right?' Zara has just denied everything she had known to be true.

'Why then did Nabeela.....,Did she lie to me? Why did she do it' Leylah just sat there in a daze and accessing her thoughts.

"Uh mm Suraj,Leylah I beg your pardon please. I just got a message from a client,we were supposed to meet earlier today but cancelled and now she suddenly wants to see me now" Zara lied. She needed an escape. She didn't want to stay there anymore. She felt as if it was torture sitting there. she was embarrassed and the atmosphere was suffocating her.

"Okay,did you come...."

"Yes Suraj I came with my car" she interjected quickly.

"Thank you for having me",she stood up and gave Leylah a side hug.

Leylah smiled awkwardly and said " you are most welcome. Have a lovely evening".

"Let me walk you out" Suraj said as he escorted Zara to her car.

When he came back into the house,he met Leylah standing and fidgeting with her fingers. She looked at him with eyes filled with remorse. She opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out.

Suraj just shook his head and started clearing the table.

"Sorry...am sorry Suraj. I didn't know what to believe,I thought Nabeela was telling the truth".

"I didn't know she would lie to me... Like what reason will make her lie to me and paint her brother black?" Leylah asked as she followed Suraj who was taking the plates and glasses to the kitchen.

"Suraj please listen to me,am sorry. I shouldn't have said such hurtful words to you. Forgive me please" Leylah begged again but Suraj wasn't ready to listen to her. He turned and was leaving the kitchen and Leylah strode towards him in large steps.

When he heard Leylah's hurried steps, he abruptly turned to look at her but she bumped into his chest.

She hit her nose on his hard and solid chest.

Enduring the pain in her nose,she stepped backwards and almost fell. But due to Suraj's fast reflexes,he caught her before she could fall.

He held her by the waist and pulled her towards him,she ended up in his embrace.

Her face was on his chest and she inhaled his manly scent. Her breathing got fast and uneven.

Suraj felt her hot breath on his chest,he felt a tingling sensation in his body which made him feel uncomfortable.

He slowly removed his hand from her waist and brought his other hands to move her away from his chest. but when his hands came in contact with her exposed arms, Leylah shivered from his touch and slightly closed her eyes before opening them again slowly.

He felt her shiver and that sent an electrifying sensation to his spine. His lips got dry as he gulped in nervously.

He looked down at her face and saw her plump red lips which were moist and rosy. His throat was dry when he looked down at her moist lips. They were looking so tempting and unknowingly he smacked his lips together to make it moist.

'God my wife is such a temptress',Suraj thought.

He felt the urge to lean in and kiss them but suddenly stopped himself. He looked away from her,before he pushed her a little away from him and walked hurriedly out of the kitchen.