
Leylah maleek

Hauwwahjasminah · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs


Few weeks later....

Leylah was in her office in the hospital with her mother, Mrs Karina regularly comes to check on Leylah since she got pregnant.

Due to her morning sickness,Leylah doesn't like eating well and throws up most of the times. So Mrs Karina or sometimes Mrs Najma come over to take care of her,and ensures that she eats well and does her exercise.

Mrs Karina brought some food she made for Leylah,but Leylah didn't want to eat them. They were mostly Leylah's favourite but she feels naseous just even looking at them.

She wanted to eat out,even though Mrs Karina didn't like the idea but she had to indulge her. If they don't eat out,Leylah will start to throw a tantrum and at the end of the day,she won't eat lunch.

Leylah called Suraj and told him that they will be going out for lunch. Suraj agreed and even decided to join them for lunch.

He was tired of having to look at Zara's crying face and was just looking for an excuse to leave her room. when suddenly his phone rang,he was glad and said on the phone "okay,I'll be right there". Zara didn't argue,she got the message and just let him leave.

she wanted to lie down and rest for a while,when she saw Suraj's stethoscope. He had forgotten to take it with him,when he was going out in a rush.

" I should go give this to him,he must be looking for it now ". Zara said as she jumped down from her bed quickly. Ignoring all the pain she was feeling in her body,she ran out of her room to go give Suraj his stethoscope.

She was just in the hall way to his office when she saw Suraj,Leylah,and Mrs Karina laughing and talking hapilly. They looked like a happy family.

Suraj gave Leylah a peck on the cheek as they got into the elevator and Mrs Karina just smiled at them.

Zara felt her heart clutch,she felt a pang of pain in her heart. "What is this?Where are they going?" She wondered as she wanted to follow them and see where they were going.

She rushed to the elevator and pressed the button continuously. But when it opened they were already gone.

She picked her phone and dialed Suraj's number,he didn't pick on the first ring but on the second ring.

"Hey Suraj, where are you? Did you go somewhere? Come here right now please,I want to see you Suraj please" Zara said as she was agitated.

"Calm down Zara,dont work yourself up",Suraj said trying not to get angry and upset her.

"No I can't Suraj. You know I can't be calm when you are not with me. Please come back to me Suraj,I beg of you"Zara begged as she was starting to loose her mind.

"Goodness Zara please stop it already. Am out with my wife and mother" Suraj snapped and shouted at her .

Mrs Karina and Leylah turned to look at Suraj when they heard him shout, "what's wrong baby", Leylah asked.

" its nothing babe"Suraj held the phone away from his ear and opened the car door for Leylah and watched her get in before he closed it.

Suraj took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down, before he put back the phone on his ear. He spoke again but this time in a calm voice, "You are still very young and beautiful Zara,take pity on your grandmother and just stop causing her pain". Suraj said and hung up the phone. Zara keeps frustrating him everyday, and he wondered if he will be able to keep acting cool like this with her.

" what?!! why he is yelling at me? is because of that witch Leylah right?"

"How dare he hang up on me?" Zara shouted in exasperation. This whole situation with Leylah is making her go mad.

"Zara you are not supposed to be out here. Come I'll escort you to your room" a nurse who was asked to watch over Zara said.

But when she tried to hold Zara's hand,Zara flinch and glared at the nurse. "Why are you all treating me like a child? Just leave me I can walk on my own." She said and the nurse just nodded her head and walked behind Zara slowly to her room.

At the restaurant.....

"I want some French fries with onion sauce. Can I have some pizza too? Mum you need to try this,its heavenly" Leylah said as she pointed to the menu Suraj was holding in his hand.

"You can't eat these and you know it,so stop dreaming" Suraj told her off with a stern yet calm voice.

"why? can't I at least eat what I want once?"She whined.

"Because its unhealthy for you and our baby".

"Really?because you are a doctor you think you know it all? Am also a doctor too,or do you think am a fool? You think I don't know what is good or bad for me and our baby?"

" I know how to manage my diet well. You are just trying to punish me and its unfair ".Leylah said frustratedly as she folded her arms on her chest and pouted. She felt extremely wronged.

" wh....?" Suraj was speechless.

"Come on Leylah stop exaggerating,your husband is right. He is just looking out for you"

"No mum,He just keeps bullying me and don't let me do what I want".

"Come on my love,when did I ever do that? You know I won't ever think of...."

"Everyday,every time,at any chance you get. You let me do everything I want before but since I got pregnant,you've changed. Are you doing all these because am pregnant now?"


"I haven't even added much weight and my skin keeps glowing,I won't get fat and ugly. So you should never even think of looking at other women"

"I can't even look at any other woman my love. Any other woman except you is forbidden for me".

"Oh really? Is that so?"Leylah asked as a smile spread on her face.

"Yes my love" Suraj's lips curled upwards.

" better,now I can rest easy knowing you are stucked with me for life" Leylah beamed a smile and held Suraj's palm as he caressed her cheeks lovingly.

Leylah easily gets paranoid and cries alot,since she got pregnant. But within the last few weeks,Suraj has learnt how to control her tantrums whenever she gets like that.

She easily calms down and that made him love her even more. She was still the same as before,his sweet Leylah just wants to be sweet talked and treated like a big baby .

Mrs Karina felt blessed seeing her children happy,what more could a mother ask for. 'Alhamdulillah Ya Allah' she said inwardly.

"Let's eat already,am hungry and am very sure my pretty little one in there is too" Mrs Karina said getting the couples attention as they were lost in their own world gazing deep into each other's eyes.

They had a healthy lunch and decided to go back to the hospital. Mrs Karina said she forgot her phone so she followed them back to the hospital instead of going back home.

She just used that as an excuse because she actually wants to see the director before she leaves.

She and the director have become close since when Leylah got pregnant. The director helped Leylah reduce her work load in the hospital,since she was pregnant.

He also exempted her from attending to emergency cases because of the stress and the rays since it could be harmful to the baby.

Whenever Mrs Karina comes to the hospital to bring Leylah and Suraj lunch,she stops by his office and they chat for a while. They even went out of the hospital a few times.

The director was a widower. Just like Mrs Karina, he lost his wife a long time ago. He has three children and two of them were abroad studying,while the last born was here in Nigeria but he stays with his grandmother.

Ever since he first met Mrs Karina,he felt a spark between them and he just wants to keep seeing her. He made silly excuses just to ask Leylah for Mrs Karina's phone number and when he finally got it,he calls Mrs Karina day and night telling her he was just informing her about Leylah's activities at the hospital.

Mrs Karina felt the same as he did but at first she was skeptical and hesitant to acknowledge her feelings towards him but later she just let everything flow and they became close.