
The Search

Snowflake and I sat in Honeybee's Diner for lunch while I prepared to tell Snowflake about what happened while I was in the Human Realm.

"So, Overlords. What are we truly? We are the ultimate villains. Our job and goal is to enslave Realms and destroy Realms to keep our destruction levels high and balance between Good and Evil. That's why the Sovereigns, Creators of the Omniverse, haven't destroyed us Overlords and Dark Lords." I explained.

"The Sovereigns, are they connected to the Infinity Council?" Snowflake asked.

"In a sense. The Infinity Council are beings chosen to be Guardians for the Omniverse essentially even though their home is the Human Realm. These Guardians are the ones that put a stop to us in case we grow too powerful and vise versa." I explained.

"But no one has been able to check you for quite some time from what you tell me...other than this Hisumi person." Snowflake said.

I grumbled quietly as I ate a french fry. "Hisumi. That woman is a fearsome woman. Although she no longer is the Hero of Origin, she's still the Guardian of Willpower and the New Era. She is a True Hero and I can't defeat her."

"How many members are there?" Snowflake asked.

"Roughly fourteen, but I haven't fought them all. I made the mistake of challenging the strongest members. In the end, I got my ass handed to me, but it was a close fight. I still have the scar to prove it." I said then rolled up my sleeve, showing my Dark Divine Arm. "This is what I call an Overlord Weapon. This is the Doombringer. I lost my original arm during the fight and Hisumi also lost hers, acquiring the God Hand or as she calls it, The Hand of the Savior. It's really fucking cool, actually I can call her."

"Eh?! You have contact with your past enemies?" Snowflake asked.

"Why not? Stella was an enemy of mine and she whooped my ass with no difficulty. Here let me get her on the line." I said then pulled up an holographic interface.

Hisumi answered and crossed her arms. "The hell do you want?"

"Nice to see you again as well, Guardian." I smiled.

"Goodbye." Hisumi said, about to hang up until I turned the interface to Snowflake. "Eh..? Where are you? Who is that?"

"E-Ehh...Hi, Hisumi.." Snowflake said shyly.

"Hello." Hisumi said then noticed she was back to facing me. "What are you up to? I didn't know villains such as yourself had time to pamper yourself with activities like lunch with friends."

"I'm a changed villain. Can't a woman spoil herself a little? Besides...I am in Valera and if you wish to stop me from destroying the entire Realm, fight me!" I said.

Hisumi looked at me then smirked. "Funny. You do still realize I'm still the strongest Ruler across the Omniverse right? I'll send Orika your way so you can fight her."

"No, I want to fight you. Just to see how far you've come. Where are you right now?" I asked.

Hisumi checked her map. "I'm currently in the Sacred Realm. Just as I suspected, Terminus has incarnations across the Omniverse. I'm helping around the Origin Cluster of Realms before branching out to other universes."

"Damn...I'm all the way in Valera." I said.

"Valera? Two of the Infinity Council should be there. I heard they work for an organization called the Eden Corporation. You should fight them instead." Hisumi said.

"And this is why you are my best friend now." I chuckled softly.

Hisumi rolled her eyes. "I need to get going. Talk to you later."

I closed the interface and stood up. "It looks like we are on the search for an Infinity Council member within your forces. The last corporation we didn't check is the Protection Corporation...Could they be there?"

"Maybe. I wasn't aware of any Infinity Council Members here." Snowflake said.

"Let's check it out." I said.


Snowflake rushed into her commander's office. "Commander!"

"Goodness, Khiarok! What's the matter?" Snowflake's commander asked, looking at Snowflake with shock.

"We have something to ask of you." I said as I walked in the office. The Survey Commander nodded at me, hearing me out. "You know some of my origins. Do you happen to know if any Infinity Council Members work here?"

"I wouldn't have a clue about that. I didn't even know any of the Council was in Valera. They must be here to help deal with our little Corrupted Legends issue." The commander said.

"Corruption like as in corruption how I do?" I asked.

She nodded and sat back in her chair. "A New Dark Lord was born here not too long ago. His name is Choshek. He's one of the incarnations of Terminus from what we were able to gather. From his birth, he's been corrupting our forces and even reviving the dead legends of our history to work for him."

"Do you have a Supreme Being of this Realm?" I asked.

"We do, but...she's kinda..." The commander started.

"She's a young lady. She can't be no older than maybe 19. Her mother passed on her powers to her during her death. She doesn't know how to awaken her powers so she can eliminate Choshek." Snowflake said.

I began to think for a bit. "A young Supreme Being who can't awaken her powers. This just got a little more interesting. If I wanted to...no I can't because it wouldn't be fair."

"You're thinking about killing our Goddess of Valera?" The commander asked.

"Yes and no. If I killed your Supreme Goddess, Choshek would win and my plans to conquer Valera with my own tactics won't work. If I can find these Infinity Council Members, I can help your Goddess awaken then have my epic final battle against her!" I said.

Snowflake looked at me then blinked. Her ears flicked and she held her arms. "So you want to help her so you can fight her in the end. Will you kill her?"

"Depends on how much I like her." I answered. "But it seems we won't get our answer from here."

"You can ask Tohra. She's the daughter of two Infinity Council Members. Maybe she has an answer for you." The commander said.


"Yeah...no. I'm not telling you if they are here or not because I still don't trust you." Tohra said.

"Dude." I said then crossed my arms.

"I'm not your dude, DUDE! For all I know you might try to kill them. I'm pleading the fifth." Tohra said and her tail smacked the ground, causing the floor beneath me and Snowflake to shift, pushing us out her office.

"No way she just used Earth Manipulation to push us out! That's insane to me." I said then kicked down Tohra's door. "Listen here, brat! I have a mission unlike you all."

Tohra looked at me with a straight face. "You're fixing my door."

I snapped my fingers and time began to rewind to before the door broke. I opened the door then walked in. "Listen here, brat!"

"You didn't have to repeat yourself." Tohra said.

I sighed and walked toward Tohra's desk then leaned forward and held her chin. I used my seductive look and touch on her. She gazed into my eyes and her face became a bright red. I whispered to her and her face turned into an even brighter red.

"N-No! I'm not doing that! Never in a million years! Not with YOU of all people!" Tohra yelled.

"Did you just offer your body to her as well?" Snowflake asked, sounding a bit jealous. "You never offer me your body since that moment in the mall!"

"That's because you're already wrapped around my little finger." I chuckled and let Tohra go. "The offer I made is something most would be rejoicing for. I have so many devices we could use plus your undefeated sex magic could do wonders."

"I'm not using my sex magic just to please you! Just get out!" Tohra yelled, becoming even more flustered.

I smirked and shrugged. "Your loss."

Tohra sighed. "Look, Ataraxia and Mona are here. They work with us so we don't get completely wiped out by the Corrupted. If you want to find them, they aren't even in the City of Glence or within the area. They are in another state entirely. They are looking for the lost members of Eden Corporation. You should find them in the Floragrance State. That place is well known for their Plant and Nature Users."

"Well I ain't going there alone with just a Survey Leader. She's unarmed as well and can only use a bow." I said.

"She has Nigh-Omnipotent Senses." Tohra said.

"Wait what?" I asked.

"Yeah. That's why I'm the leader of the Survey Corps. It's just, I can't really make use of it since we barely get any actual work other than investigations." Snowflake said.

"Well today will be your first real mission. Finding Ataraxia and Mona. Man it's been a while since I've seen them." I said.

"I hope they still hate you." Tohra said.

I rolled my eyes. "Let's go. I'm finding them now. I just hit the jackpot because Ataraxia is literally the most beautiful woman in the Infinity Council. To make her mine is a feat I will never live down." I walked out of the office with Snowflake.


"So how do we even get to Floragrance?" I asked.

"Through the Falgami Forest which is perfect for me because maybe I'll get to unravel the reason why so many people are dying in that forest." Snowflake said.

"What is the forest like?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Snowflake asked as she led me to the entrance of Falgami Forest.

"I mean what's the history behind it." I answered.

"Oh! Falgami Forest used to be a kingdom ruled by a King who ruled with an iron fist named Falgami. After a war took place, his entire kingdom was destroyed and nothing remained. Soon a forest grew where his kingdom once was and it was then named Falgami Forest. Taking from History Class during my entrance exams, Falgami had transformed into a beast to combat his enemies but never turned back." Snowflake explained.

"How long ago was this?" I asked.

"Centuries ago. It is unknown if Falgami is alive or dead since nothing in history says he is dead." Snowflake said.

"Then I might have my suspicions, but let's actually head into the forest before coming to conclusions." I said.

Snowflake nodded and we entered the forest together. We looked around for the path that could lead us to Floragrance. Snowflake tried to use her Nigh-Omnipotent Senses to find the right path, but it was like some form of magic blocked her ability to see the correct path. We aimlessly wandered around and soon we were lost.

I looked around and sensed Snowflake was a bit scared. She wrapped her tail around my arm, sticking close to me. I wandered down a path then noticed a dead body pinned against a tree. Snowflake saw the body and her fear increased tenfold.

"The rumors...are true..?" Snowflake spoke softly.

I walked deeper down the path with Snowflake close to me. The increasing number of dead bodies didn't scare me taken I kill people for a living, but Snowflake had trouble composing herself.

We heard a loud crunch then I looked to my right, seeing a large beast with red spikes on its back. It sounded like it was gnawing on bones and flesh. I peeked my head over the tall bushes and took a look at what the noise truly was. Surely enough it was the beast we heard. I took a step back and accidentally stepped on a skeleton hand and the bones cracked.

Everything went silent. Snowflake was at the peak of her fear. The beast roared and powerful dark aura surged across the forest. The beast looked up and looked around then smelled Snowflake's fear. The beast rushed toward us and I picked Snowflake up, bridal style.

Snowflake screamed as she noticed the beast approaching us quickly. I propelled myself away from the beast at invisible speeds. The beast ran after us and roared.

"I don't wanna die! I don't wanna die! I don't wanna die!" Snowflake cried, hanging onto me for dear life.

I dodged the multiple dark energy spikes that emerged from the ground then grunted as I slid underneath a dark energy beam. I barely dodged the second beam then an explosion happened, blowing us away. Snowflake screamed and held onto me even tighter. I landed on the ground then looked at the beast.

I set Snowflake down then tossed off my jacket and my armor appeared on my body. "You're cutting it close, disgusting foul creature. You nearly hurt MY Snowflake!"

The beast roared at me.

I wiped the saliva off my face and was pissed. "Oh now you're really dead, buddy!" I held my Devil Arm out toward the beast.

"Break!" I bellowed then my arm shined and the body of the beast shined as well then the beast exploded.

Snowflake gasped as she got guts and blood all over her. She screamed a bloodcurdling scream. She wailed as she desperately tried to get the guts out of her hair and off her clothes.

I helped her and snapped my fingers. Her body shined and she was cleansed from the blood. "Sorry about that. I didn't mean for his body to explode like that."

Snowflake was about to say something, but three more of the same beasts began to surround us. She grabbed my arm and looked around panicked.

"So this is Falgami Forest. You all will only help me in gaining experience!" I bellowed and took my stance to defend Snowflake from the beasts.