
Chapter 83

Before long, Zack was able to see some dark clouds below him… Zack raised his guards. Even though they seemed like natural clouds, the sheer intensity and number of lightning bolts on them made Zack feel the danger for his life.

As Zack prepared to cross the dark, ominous clouds below, he took measures to protect himself from the unpredictable lightning bolts. He created thick earth walls surrounding him, reinforcing them as he descended. The walls grew to ten meters thick, forming a formidable barrier against the harsh conditions he was about to face.

The sound of lightning crashing all around him was deafening. Zack could feel the immense power of the storm, and soon, he sensed the impact of lightning bolts striking his earth walls. The vibrations from each strike reverberated through the barriers despite their thickness, making Zack acutely aware of the storm's ferocity.