
Chapter 138 Skill books

Once Zack returned to Earth, he saw the environment slowly shifting back to normal… he spent a day looking for the dragons, but most of them had vanished… the fucking dragon king had portals all over the planet to places that he was invading aside from Earth as well. Chasing them would be too much of a pain.

Still, at least Zack had the chance to test his skills on them. The results of that were in his hands, some skills books. He now could make them with ease... another power that could ignore reality.

Dragon's Breath: Unleash a torrent of fire from your mouth, engulfing enemies in a searing inferno. Deals heavy fire damage to all enemies in a cone-shaped area in front of you. Cost 200 MP per second.

Dragon's Claw: Unleash a devastating swipe with your draconic claws, rending foes with unparalleled precision. Inflicts high physical damage to a single target, with a chance to cause bleeding. Cost 200 SP.