
Slow and steady gets inside

"The path is clear until the next block," Norbert reported after blinking his eyes a few times, a sign that he returned from the usage of his ghostly form.

"And after that?" Mathew asked while peeking over the small fence his group was hiding behind.

"Roughly a hundred wanders on the street directly adjacent to the building," Norbert replied without a moment of hesitation. "Some are trying to get inside, some just wander around, others are trying to get around."

"So their number is decreasing I presume?"

"It's not," Norbert shook his head. "For every zombie that finds a way around, another one appears from the other side, stranded from the main horde on the other side of the building. Oh, and most importantly," Norbert swallowed his saliva, "the front of the building is torn open pretty bad."