
Making the deal

Mathew wasn't the scholar type. He paid just enough attention in classes to get by without annoying the teachers. The majority of his actual knowledge came from all the books, memes, and videos he consumed in his free time.

The nature of this knowledge was different from what he brought out from the school, giving him a broad view of a variety of topics without providing him with enough background information to properly understand any of them.

In other words, while he could keep a conversation on nearly every topic and maintain the illusion he knew what he was talking about when it came to details, he only had his common sense to rely upon.

And it was exactly the same with his knowledge about radiation.

Mathew knew about nuclear bombs, atomic power plants, and the various disasters that came from the two of those topics… He knew about the so-called devil's core and how it came to kill a huge number of people that experimented on it to learn more about radiation.