
He fucked my sister!

"All I heard was him saying something about sacrificing his lungs if necessary."

A single sentence out of Norbert's ghost mouth was enough to send Mathew's thoughts into disarray.

At first, all his thoughts ceased as if his very mind refused to acknowledge what he had just heard. This state lasted only for a few seconds, after which all the thoughts that Mathew's mind held back during the moment of shock came crumbling down.

'How is this fucking possible?!' Mathew screamed out while making sure to keep his mouth closed and his voice to himself.

His eyes widened. His hands started to tremble.

"Mat!" Nadia rushed forward, once again grabbing Mathew's arm... Only to slide down the wall with him when Mahtew's knees gave up.

"What's happening?!" Leila freaked out a little when she noticed Mathew's reactions... to nothing.