
Leveling Up to Godhood

[Submission for Writing Contest #80] In a society where humans have evolved to be able to level up. Prometheus, our MC, has grown tired of living in a society that's all about work. "Working to earn money, working to level up. It's bullsh*t. I'm going to become King of the World. I'll get rid of the working class. Allowing everyone to have fun and enjoy life."

Shinja_kun · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

The Chase Begins


Dr. Blythe awes at the flying car. 'What could have caused that to happen,' he thinks as he opens his door, getting out of his car to see the wreckage of the flying car. It had crashed into the last two cars in the fleet behind Dr. Blythe's. 'We're the third car in the fleet out of five. What caused a large enough force to send the car flying from the front to the back.' He put his hand to his chin, thinking back to his vast knowledge of science.

Suddenly a large explosion is heard from the front of the fleet. The second car caught on fire, flames erupted to the moon, flames carried by the screams of soldiers. 'An explosion!' Dr. Blythe thought, 'An explosion could cause something like that, but if that was true, how come we are hearing the explosion so late. The second car isn't damaged enough to look like it just exploded. It looks like it spontaneously caught on fire.'

Dr. Blythe covers his mouth, "Interesting," he began laughing manically, "Could this truly be beyond science? I'll figure out the truth," Dr. Blythe gets back into the car. "Drive! We're going to-" Dr. Blythe turns to the driver seat, the soldier was there, but his skin had been turned into a crisp. Dr. Blythe than looked to the back of the car, to see that Prometheus was missing. Dr. Blythe, lost, stares at his feet, his emotions quickly overwhelming him.

He punches dashboard of the car, "Damn it! I got too caught up! That bastard took off with my prized scientist!" Dr. Blythe punches the car again, after doing so he breathes in and out, recollecting himself. "Come on now. What did the King always say about hunting? Come on Ethan, you got this. The best part of hunting is the chase." Dr. Blythe got out of his car, moving over to the driver side and ripping out the dead soldier from the seat. He then used his own phone to call in reinforcements.

"I believe that it is a rebel," he said to whoever he called on the phone. "I don't care if you even send a noble! Send some soldiers or something! I don't care," he hung up the phone swiftly and entered the car. "Come on Ethan, don't lose your cool. The chase is the most enjoyable part of the hunt," he said smiling.

As Dr. Blythe revs up the engine to look for Prometheus, from a block away a man in a dark hoodie carries Prometheus on his back. He is cautious, checking his surroundings, making sure he wasn't being followed. When he made sure he wasn't he sighed and started running down the block, sticking close to the sidewalk and laying low.

'Fuck,' he thinks, 'That fucking doctor! Just being around him is so scary, he wasn't even using blood-lust. No way was I going to fight him there unprepared. Besides,' he looked at Prometheus, 'I wasn't going to let some innocent boy get dragged into the government.'

Hours would pass until Prometheus would wake up, in the meantime, the strange man with the hoodie brought him to an apartment complex, after entering it, he went into the elevator, pushing a button that brought him to the basement of the apartment complex. Once the elevator got to the basement, he pressed the 8th floor, 7th floor, 3rd floor, the basement, 10th floor, then the top floor. He then dashed out of the elevator, letting it close behind him.

"That should confuse them for a bit, but who knows with those government freaks."

The man continued walking, the basement was filled with basics, a boiler, water filter, cleaning supplies, and more. There was one unusual set of rooms behind a door near the elevator, but the man didn't go there. Instead, he continued walking past the door, past the boiler and other apartment maintenance equipment.

He arrived to a little table where two janitors were playing a game of poker. Startled, they instinctively put their hands to their waist, looking at the direction of where the man entered.

"Oh, it's just you. Did you bring back some pizza," one of the janitors say eyeing the man.

"Of course, with pineapples and sausage," the man responds.

The janitors put their hand away from their waists. Then they continued playing their poker game, allowing the man to walk past them to a small bookshelf behind the table. He pulled the book titled, 'The Odyssey' that caused the wall behind the bookshelf to open, he then walked through the opening as it closed behind him.

"New recruit," one of the janitors say after the man entered through the wall.

"Probably, he did say something about a bunch of stupid kids tried sneaking into the government building."


"Yeah. It shocked me too."

"How can someone be that stupid? They would have to be at least hacker level 8 to go in undetected."

"Damn straight, if that pyromaniac could notice them, they were fucked from the start. Just like you, straight flush!"

"Ah, damn it!"

The losing janitor slams his hand to the table, throwing his cards on it as well. "One more," he says.

Meanwhile, Dr. Blythe drives around Washington D.C. thinking where they could have gone. Frustrated, he stops in the middle of the road, pulling out his phone and dialing a number. "Hey! Tell me how hard it is to find someone, during curfew hours! If everyone is supposed to be in their homes, then arrest any civilian who is out at the moment! I don't care if you have to use traffic cameras, store cameras, or even civilian cameras. Hell, use phone cameras!"

Dr. Blythe pauses. 'Phone cameras. Prometheus is a young man, he most likely has a phone.'

"Hey! I want you to do another job for me," he says to the person on the line. "Find out more information on Prometheus Morgan. I only got information from his stats menu. I need everything on him. His home town, his birthday, height, weight. I even want his mother's favorite food on my desk by the morning!"

He pauses again, listening to whoever was on the phone. "Yes, I was joking about his mother's favorite food, but some information on his family would be fine. I was supposed to be in bed an hour ago, don't make me stay on the line damn it!"

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Who might this man be, what is this about a recruit.

Shinja_kuncreators' thoughts