
You Have No Idea

Atlas knew there was no point in hiding and ordered the Kenkus to attack the fortress below. When the birdmen heard his command, they dashed down the hill before vanishing into the shadows, which made him think, 'These creatures are going to cause chaos.'

Following that, Nulia and Amethyst shifted into their human forms as he laid out the plan. ''Estelle, Artemis, you ladies will attack from the west,'' he said. ''Nulia and Grishna, you'll take the front, while Amethyst will strike from the south.''

The five women agreed before rushing off to play their part in the upcoming attack. Once they were gone, Atlas slung several Void Bombs into the fortress which the enemy weren't ready for.

Explosions rang out, and seconds later, an alarm rang out. During the chaos, the Kenku's attacked, killing the soldiers stationed on the walls. As the creature's blades slashed at the soldier's throats, others dragged them kicking and screaming into the darkness below.