
My Love

The king was beyond interested in his words. They didn't sound like lies, too, since Arthur has given enough details to prove otherwise. However, the king looked upset.

"You always know how to place a price tag on yourself when things fall, and I would have no option but to handle the aftermath."

"I am valuable," Arthur spread his palm upward. "And I have been nothing but kind to this kingdom. My only problem lies with the way nobles carry themselves, and I thought we agree that there is a problem there."

"Are you sure it is only that?" the king tapped on his desk as he looked down on his report. "Maybe it has something to do with what happened to you in Alva. You were humiliated by the nobility of that kingdom, and it seems you are bent on treating them the same."

"Maybe my actions are influenced by my impression of them, but am I in the wrong?" Arthur shrugged, and the king stared at him silently before sighing.