
Level-Up in the Cultivation World

He, who was once fragile and weak, now is holding sun and moon in both his hand. With a Level-up System aiding him, onwards to forge an undying legend of his own. Over coming myriad tribulations, here he stands with a sword in hand. An unknown soul of a distant world ends up travelling to a world of bloodshed and war. A world where heads start rolling for face and dignity. But where did all the start? Who was he before he became what he is now? Join us in this journey to find out about the one, 'He Who Transcends Nirvana'. Hello, dear Readers. I am Formless19, the author of the book - Level-Up in the Cultivation World. I hope you will enjoy reading my book because as the story progresses it will one get more fun. The initial chapters might be boring but give this novel a try, at 20 chapters, I am sure, you won't regret it. Also, check out my other book - The Cultivator's Odyssey. ----- Disclaimer: The image used as the book cover is not mine I fount it on Pinterest and if the creator of the image wants me to remove it, I will. Thank you.

Formless19 · Oriental
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20 Chs

Rapid Progress

In was night time and Di Tianming was lying on down in his dilapidated hut, looking at the moon.

"So I can get points from hunting beasts too, huh, system?", he muttered.

No response.

Di Tianming signed. He had tried numerous time to talk to the system but it never responded, or maybe it couldn't.

The wounds caused by the wolf have started to heal and he estimated that in two or three months they will be completely healed.

This was a perk of Level-7 Mortal Warrior, even deep wounds could be healed given enough time, something nearly impossible for humans on earth to pull off.

The next day, he went back to being a Corpse Carrier again. Thankfully, the three brothers didn't tell anyone about this.

They have even become sworn brothers with Di Tianming after the yesterday's events.

When they heard Di Tianming confirmed their guess of him being a fallen, they were relieved that he wasn't some traitor and a fugitive who would kill whoever saw his disguise.

They even started calling him big brother. Di Tianming had now become even more close to them.

"Big Brother!? Why are you here? Go rest, we will do all the work", 1413 was the first to respond when he saw Di Tianming come to work. 

"Yes, we can handle the things here don't worry", even 1412 persuaded Di Tianming to recuperate.

1411 also nodded in agreement. His expression a bit strange but Di Tianming didn't notice.

He was emotional when he saw the three brothers care for him so much but when he thought about how he saved their lives then this kind of behaviour was normal.

Di Tianming wanting to work was a facade. What he truly wanted was to kill beast and working as a corpse carrier was a safe way. However, under the constant nagging of the three brothers, he gave in and pretended to go home.

In the past year, Di Tianming had already gotten a good understanding of the geography of the periphery of the forest.

Currently, he was going was to towards the dwellings of a rather harmless beasts race - Silver Antelopes.

The Silver Antelopes were a herbivorous species. They had silver fur and horns which made them an extremely beautiful beast, especially under the moonlight.

Their fur was used in clothing and the horns to make ornaments.

However, despite being herbivorous, one cannot underestimate their fighting prowess especially their horns which can even pierce through boulder.

Di Tianming had seen soldiers fight the antelopes and his estimation on their strength was around Level-4 or 5 of the Mortal Realm.

He could easily deal with them even in his current state.

As he was approaching the Silver Antelopes territory, he started seeing a few Silver Antelopes.

He quietly approached them before punching one of them in the abdomen, as that is the weak spot of most beast.

The punch went right through the antelope skin, killing it on the spot. Tianming could feel heat of its inside.

[Ding! +1 Point for killing a Level-4 Mortal Realm Beast.]

He had the urge to vomit but controlled himself and quickly took out his hand before going after other antelopes

*Cough* *Cough*

The Silver Antelopes became alarmed and started to make a cough-like alarming sound, alerting others of the danger.

But how could Di Tianming give them the chance to run away. He went after the closest ones and killed them in a single strike.

[Ding! +1 Point for killing a Level-4 Mortal Realm Beast.]

[Ding! +1 Point for killing a Level-4 Mortal Realm Beast.]

[Ding! +1 Point for killing a Level-5 Mortal Realm Beast.]

Di Tianming smiled when he heard the notifications. At this rate, if he could continue to kill beasts, he would breakthrough to Level-8 Mortal Realm warrior in no time and then Level-9.

Despite being injured, he could easily handle any Level-4 or 5 Mortal Beast that was not a predator.

He saw a young Silver Antelope and killed it in a single strike. However, this time there was no notification.

Di Tianming was confused.

"Hm? What happened? Why did I not get the point?"

He killed some more young Silver Antelopes but didn't get any point.

"Are they too weak to give me any points?", he muttered. In order to confirm his speculation, Di Tianming killed a adult Silver Antelope.

[Ding! +1 Point for killing a Level-4 Mortal Realm Beast.]

He was right!

Di Tianming, then, carefully only killed adult Silver Antelopes leaving the younger ones as their was no benefit in killing them.

After killing to the point he lost the count, Di Tianming carefully collected the horns of the Silver Antelopes that he had killed.

These horns would sell for good money.

After collecting around 20 pairs of horns, Di Tianming retreated from the Silver Antelope's Territory. He didn't want to risk attracting a stronger Silver Antelope by venturing deeper inside the forest.

The next four days, Di Tianming continued to hunt the Silver Antelopes and collect their horns.


[Name: Di Tianming]

[Age: 16]

[Cultivation: Mortal Realm, Level-7 (1/90)(+)]

[Cultivation technique: N/A]

[Martial Arts: N/A]

[Points: 107]


In just mere ten days, he had hunted a hundred Silver Antelopes. This was quite a feat for him. 

It was time to level up. Di Tianming poured the points in his cultivation. 


A sound came from inside his body as a burning sensation spread through out his body.

His entire body turned red and his aura began to rise rapidly. A red hue surrounded him.

Blood Qi! 

Di Tianming instinctively knew the name of the red hue around him. He didn't know why but he just knew.

The blood qi surrounding him rapidly entered his body and his aura further elevated.

It was only after an hour had passed that his aura started to stabilized. After a few minutes his aura calmed down.

The pressure brought along by it also vanished. However, now, his strength had undergone a qualitative change.

Di Tianming clenched his fist tightly and could feel the immense power hidden in them. He had a feeling that if he encountered that Shadow Leaf Wolf again, he could kill it in a single strike. 


[Name: Di Tianming]

[Age: 16]

[Cultivation: Mortal Realm, Level-8 (1/100)(+)]

[Cultivation technique: N/A]

[Martial Arts: N/A]

[Points: 17 ]


Di Tianming couldn't help but sign, had he known that he could earn points by killing beasts, he would have done it long ago. He couldn't help but feel that he had wasted too much time.

It took him a year to go from Level-0 Mortal Realm to Level-7 Mortal Realm. Yet, it only took him ten days to breakthrough to Level-8 Mortal Realm.

After breaking through to Level-8, his wounds healed even faster and he estimated that he would completely recover within a few days.

The reason for this was Blood Qi. This was also the barrier between a Level-7 Mortal Realm warrior and a Level-8 Mortal Realm warrior.

The latter could easily kill the former due to having the ability to manipulate blood qi inside the body.

The only way a Level-7 Mortal Realm warrior could utilize blood qi is in time of life and death. The warrior can temporarily harness blood qi to quickly elevate their strength to fight.

This was what Di Tianming did when fighting the Shadow Leaf Wolf, though unconsciously.

The only reason why he confronted the wolf head-on was that he couldn't out run it, he didn't have more stamina and wolves move in packs. So, if he had dragged that fight then he wouldn't come out alive of that situation.

For the next month, Di Tianming only hunted in the forest while stleathly avoiding the soldier. With his current strength, if he joined the army, then he could easily become a Lieutenant.

[Ding! +2 Point for killing a Level-7 Mortal Realm Beast.]

[Ding! +2 Point for killing a Level-7 Mortal Realm Beast.]

[Ding! +2 Point for killing a Level-8 Mortal Realm Beast.]



The only sad part about it was the fact that Level-4 or Level-5 Mortal Beasts gave him no points otherwise he was pretty happy, plus the points he got had also increased.

Currently, he was sitting inside his hut.



[Name: Di Tianming]

[Age: 16]

[Cultivation: Mortal Realm, Level-8 (1/100)(+)]

[Cultivation technique: N/A]

[Martial Arts: N/A]

[Points: 212 ]


"Time to level up once again", Di Tianming said excitingly. He rapidly added points to the Cultivation section until it was completely full.


Once again, the same phenomenon occurred when he had broken through to Level-8 Mortal Realm, however, this time with more intensity.

His strength once again underwent a qualitative change and elevated it further.


[Name: Di Tianming]

[Age: 16]

[Cultivation: Mortal Realm, Level-9 (1/200)(+)]

[Cultivation technique: N/A]

[Martial Arts: N/A]

[Points: 112 ]


Now that Di Tianming has broken through to Level-9 of the Mortal Realm, he could no longer gain points by killing Level-6 or below Mortal Beasts, or so he thought.

Next day, when he went to hunt in the forest, he realized that he could no longer grind points from Level-7 Mortal Beasts.

"Huh?", he was depressed., however, continued hunting.

During the past month, Di Tianming had come across a lot of Mortal Realm Beast and had gained a good understanding of hand to hand combat.

Yes, that's right, hand to hand combat. Di Tianming didn't use any weapon when hunting beast not because he didn't want to, for he didn't have one.

The weapons he found were all rusty and old. As for stealing one? Well, the ones with low-level soldiers were useless against the higher level monsters and the better quality weapons were with higher ranked military officers.

He didn't want to risk stealing from them and getting killed, not until he had no choice.

Just as he decided to return for the day, he heard something.

Hello, readers. Author here.

I hope you enjoy reading the chapter. Please leave you thoughts about the chapters in the comments.


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