
Level-Up in the Cultivation World

He, who was once fragile and weak, now is holding sun and moon in both his hand. With a Level-up System aiding him, onwards to forge an undying legend of his own. Over coming myriad tribulations, here he stands with a sword in hand. An unknown soul of a distant world ends up travelling to a world of bloodshed and war. A world where heads start rolling for face and dignity. But where did all the start? Who was he before he became what he is now? Join us in this journey to find out about the one, 'He Who Transcends Nirvana'. Hello, dear Readers. I am Formless19, the author of the book - Level-Up in the Cultivation World. I hope you will enjoy reading my book because as the story progresses it will one get more fun. The initial chapters might be boring but give this novel a try, at 20 chapters, I am sure, you won't regret it. Also, check out my other book - The Cultivator's Odyssey. ----- Disclaimer: The image used as the book cover is not mine I fount it on Pinterest and if the creator of the image wants me to remove it, I will. Thank you.

Formless19 · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Cat and Mouse

Deep inside the peripheral region of the wilderness forest near the Xi'An Town, a chaotic scene could be seen. The setting sun gave it a sinister charm.

Six dead bodies were lying on the ground, their blood dying the grasses red. 

Two had their chest slashed open, two had severed limbs, one had his heart pierced and one had a severed head.

Di Tianming was standing amidst these bodies with a blade in his hand, blood dripping from it.

He was staring at the middle-age man, dressed in a grey Hanfu, coldly. 

Zhao Han looked at Di Tianming calmly and raised both his hand.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

Clapping three times, he looked at Di Tianming and smiled as he said, "Impressive! Impressive indeed. I must say you are very strong but ...its not enough."

Zhao Han's aura started to rise slowly as he continued, "Do you know why I let you kill these weaklings? It's because I don't want anyone to know about your secret. It will be mine soon, though. Hehe!"

Seeing Zhao Han's blood qi aura rise continuously, Di Tianming eyes widened, he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Hahaha! Trash will remain trash even if you hand them a golden spoon. Ignorant fool! I have been concealing my blood qi all this time. Hahaha...!"

Zhao Han mocked Di Tianming, he was enjoying Di Tianming's expression of disbelief.

Soon, Zhao Han's aura surpassed Di Tianming's aura and stabilized. He looked at him in the eyes and made his move.

"Vessel Rupturing Palm!"

The blood qi concentrated around his palm as he closed in on Di Tianming, preparing to kill him in one swift move.

"I will die if I am hit by this attack."

Di Tianming, sensing the danger behind this attack hurriedly kicked the tree behind him and jumped, dodging the attack.


Zhao Han's palm attack collided against the tree and blasted it off creating a loud explosion.

"Hahaha! Surrender, trash! I will give a swift and painless death. If you give me your secret and acknowledge me as your master, I might even spare your lowly life", he said disdainfully.

Hearing what Zhao Han said, Di Tianming landing on the ground, snorted, "Hmph! A bastard fish trying to leap the Dragon gate."

He didn't deny the fact that he didn't possess any secret. At this point, it didn't even matter.

"You! Good! Good!"

Seeing, Di Tianming mock him instead of begging for mercy, Zhao Han was truly angered.

He picked up a sword from one of the dead bodies and attacked.

"Flowing Sword Slash!"

Zhao Han quickly appeared in front of Di Tianming and slashed his sword which was covered in blood qi.

Di Tianming, surprised, retreated backward while hurriedly blocking the attack with his blade but it was useless.

Zhao Han's blood qi easily broke the blade in pieces and wounded Di Tianming's chest. Blood started to sip out of it.

Fortunately, the slash wound on Tianming's chest was very light and could be considered a minor injury. However, he had realized that he was not Zhao Han's opponent. 

At least not now.

Di Tianming, using the momentum of his backward retreat, turned his body and started running deep into the forest.

"HAHAHA! So you have finally decide to play cat and mouse huh? Fine, I will accompany you and slowly play you to death!" 

Zhao Han was amused to see Di Tianming run into the deep forest and let out a maniacal laugh.

However, before chasing after Di Tianming, he looked around and quickly spotted a boy, 12-13 years old.

"Should I kill him?"

The thought went away as quickly as it popped up in Zhao Han's mind. He shook his head before saying,

"Young Master Huo, I have to chase after that bastard to catch him so, please forgive me for not escorting you down the mountain. It's getting darker so you should return quickly and reunite with others. I will meet you at the inn."

Young Master Huo, who had been scared shitless after seeing all that bloodshed and was hiding in the bushes quickly nodded.

"Yes! Please return quickly", Young Master Huo said politely. This time there was not an ounce of arrogance or pride in his tone. The scene in front of him had probably shaken him to the core, thus, the change.

He was also only around 12 years old, which was very young. 

Zhao Han, after saying his part, had departed right away. Di Tianming had already run quite some distance so, he had to move faster to chase him.

The reason why he spared Young Master Huo was because of his powerful background and provoking them would do him more harm than good, even if he acquired Di Tianming's secret.

"Little bastard, I have finally caught up to you. Now surrender! Flowing Sword Slash!"

It didn't take long for Zhao Han to catch sight of Di Tianming as he made his move.

An ethereal blood light cleaved through the air and approach Di Tianming's back.

However, before it could land on Di Tianming, he quickly dodged sideways and continued running.



The earth where the attack landed was split open.

"That was close."

Di Tianming increased his speed as he ran deeper into the forest.

Zhao Han, on the other hand, continued to chase him and attack. Wherever they passed by, the earth was cracked and the trees were blown apart.

Di Tianming continued to dodge and run deeper and deeper into the forest as the sky went dimmer and dimmer.

"Hahaha! Little rat, continue to run. Run, run and run! Because when I catch you...hehe!"

Zhao Han, in his amusement, completely forgot about his surrounding.

Unknowingly, the game of cat chasing mouse had continued for the time worth for an incense stick to burn.

The night sky above the forest looked beautiful - the twinkling glitter lights along with a white pearl, shrouded in moonlight, painted a beautiful scenery. 

However, the atmosphere inside the forest said otherwise. Numerous beasts emerged from the dark as they howled in unisons.




Myriad beasts howled, giving the previously eerily quiet forest a sinister vibe. Cold wind blew as the trees made a rustling sound.

Deep inside the forest, two individual could be seen running, red light flashing frequently.

"Little bastard! Your end is near. Haha!", Zhao Han laughed maniacally and swung his sword again and again.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Di Tianming used the trees to block the attacks.

"I wouldn't be able to keep running for long. Think Tianming, think! Their has to be a way. Defeating Zhao Han is but a pipe dream. I need something to distract him. Something? Wait, yes that it! A powerful beast! I need lure him into the area of powerful beast. Its dangerous but worth a shot."

Finally, he came up with a plan as his eyes flashed with determination.

"I swear upon my name, Di Tianming. If I make it out alive from this predicament then, I will kill you, Zhao Han!"

Killing intent flashed in his eyes.

It was at this moment, both of them heard the beast roars and were startled. One of those roars came from close by.

Zhao Han, whose enjoying the moment, snapped out of it and looked at the surrounding.

"Shit! I have wasted too much time. Its time to end it here. Wait...wha- What the f*ck is that bastard doing!?"

"What the f*ck are you doing!? Do you want to die!?"

He was preparing to lauch a full power attack and heavily injure Di Tianming before capturing him but when he saw where Di Tianming was to, he was enraged.

Di Tianming, who heard the roar of the nearby beast, quickly shot in that direction. 

"Stop! Brat, we can discuss this! Just give me your secret and I will let you live, huh, how about that?"

Zhao Han wanted to prevent Di Tianming from going in that direction. He knew why Di Tianming chose to run in the direction of the beast.

The forest in the night was dangerous.

Hearing Zhao Han, Di Tianming snorted and then ignored him, "Hmph. As if I will believe you."


Zhao Han was once again enrage by Di Tianming's action. He chased after him with all his might.

"Excellent! Now all I need to do is have him attack me in front of the beast which will alert it and hopefully it will attack Zhao Han. That is my only escape."

Di Tianming thought as he continued moving forward.

Rapidly closing the distance between him and Di Tianming, Zhao Han was preparing to attack an all out attack.

However, suddenly, his blood turned cold and he froze on the spot.

In front of him, just a dozens of meter away, was sleeping a black-stripped azure tiger.

"Evil-eyes Azure Tiger!! A Spirit beast? Even its cub has a cultivation equal to Peak stage Blood Warrior and this one is an adult. F-F*ck! I-if it wakes up, I am done for."

Zhao Han looked at Di Tianming, who was continuously running towards the beast, his eyes turned red.

He regretted not capturing Di Tianming earlier. He regretted going easy on him. Thinking about how the opportunity present in front of him was slipping away right before his eyes, drove him crazy.

"HAH!! Flowing Sword Slash! Vertical Slash!"

Zhao Han swung his sword with all his strength. The blood light on the sword intensified to an unprecedented degree.



Di Tianming, who was at this point was completely exhausted, couldn't react in time was hit by the attack blasting him off, losing consciousness.

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