
Dark Omen

"Before all of this started, what were you doing? If you don't mind me asking," Charlotte curiously questioned. 

The question from the pale-haired woman caught him off guard as he adjusted how he saw in the seat. 

"What I was doing? Well…" Finn hesitantly recalled. 

"I'm not going to judge. I bet it was a whole lot better than what I was doing," Charlotte assured with a smile. 

Even told that, he grumbled a bit before answering, tracing his finger along the hardwood table, "I was mostly occupied with being a college dropout. All that just to work a nine-to-five at "Burger Mart"—not my idea of success." 

It was something he didn't particularly like speaking about, though in the state the world was in now, it hardly mattered. 

"I've always wondered what college was like. Honestly, I even wondered what it was like to work," Charlotte imagined, leaning her elbows on the table as she swayed.