
Day 2

Day 2

I forgive you. I forgave you. I think? No, I know! I do not know how to comprehend the bottomless hole within me crawling with ants, slugs, bugs about to make me puke every living and breathing second I am far away from you.

My darling I cannot explain how deeply each day cuts into my sheer and tender heart. Do I not know how to stop this sharp knife from stabbing me in the most precious part of my body and let the air flow within me and liberate me from this caging yet endearing spiral of what I call love.

Oh, how I miss you, my savior. Cant, you listen to my prayer from the window at night while the moon glistening and see my tears thickening? I pray you to notice my figure and realize what you are missing before leaving? I hope the coming days will shine its beam of wisdom upon me and make me realize that with the passing days I miss you profoundly more. Because you, my darling, is an entity I cannot understand the capacity of a limitless love with.

xoxo your savior