
Letters 1

KamciaPv88 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs


Hi Sarah,

It Has been a Long Time since we've been in touch.

Sorry I didn't write earlier but things happened so quickly I didn't find any time to reach out to my oldest (and best) friend.

I managed to get hired at Happiness' Farm. It's really challenging job but I have fun.

Every day we get up very early, around 5AM. I think you would not be able to do that, I remember you always liked to sleep till noon ;)

Last week, our boss asked us to double up on our effort. He will be buying new life-stock (20 sheeps) and old barn will not be enough for the whole pack.

We just finished the foundation and have a day-off. That's why I thought it would be nice to send you a note and ask how is Life in The Big City?

Have you heard anything about our old Group? What's up with Lisa and Ramos? It may sound sappy but I miss you guys very much. My new friends here at the farm do not believe in all the mischiefs we have done when I tell them stories about you all.

It would be really nice to hear from you any time soon.

Have Fun and Smile
