
Letters 1

KamciaPv88 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs


Dear Hanna,

At first how are you doing at the new place?

As you know - I am always busy. A lot of work to do and not enough time to do it.

Sorry I miss your party but that time I had night shifts and I was not able to attend.

Last week I talked with aunt Greta and she understood.

I don't know if you heard but I moved in to my parents again. They are getting older and need someone to do chores around the house. My father and I had some issues but somehow we sorted things out.

It's little bit better.

I am happy that your asthma is getting better.

As far as I remember you always had hand for domestic animals so I'm not surprised that you are spoiling the cat.

I hope you are happy there. Write a line how the day look like.

We miss you and Gabriel here, especially aunt Greta,

Much love
