


"You are funny but short-tempered," they said. Here they refer to people who are busy judging me. I, who have mood swings from time to time felt someone should know me and help me with my emotions.

After completing the college entrance test, I was waiting for my results. Things seemed very hard to me. As soon as the results were out, I joined the college. Regardless, I was never able to go to college due to corona.

So I spent my whole first year at the house in a room with me resting on my bed and books beside me. I was flustered. Despite the situation, I made several friends through my online classes. None of my classmates in online classes share the same personality as mine. Still, I made them my companions

cause I was then thinking

' someone is better than no one '.

I would like to analyze them when I see them face to face.

I felt like my life is a circus and was just existing as I could do nothing about it. Here comes the twist that I would never expect and it was a friend I treated with utmost affection who just left me saying without a word.

Let's continue it again, in my chapter on my best friends.

These are my pent up emotions

in my heart.