

He couldn't remember which sound he heard first.... Was it the oncoming truck blaring a horn at him?, Or was it the shouts and screams of the security guards from the game store chasing after him ?.

And for what reason?. All because he had stolen the disc for the combat undead game. These men had been chasing after him for the past fifteen minutes.

It wasn't his fault he was a gamer,.... Neither was it his fault that he was stealing this game. He just didn't have money to pay for it.

And although he had watched it on tv a million times, he hadn't believed escaping a guard chase would be this hard.....

" Oh God make it stop ", those were the last words he uttered before he turned to the next corner of the street.


He had no time at all to react as the truck crashed into him speedily.

He didn't know why but even with his last breath, he could hear the guards halt and turn back in their tracks, one of them whispering, " let's get out of here, the blighters already gone ".

Someone else must've started calling for help but that was all he could remember as his environments turned pitch black.


He opened his eyes again. A sharp pain shot across his head. But he couldn't care less , right now...

" Yep I'm alive..... I somehow survived being hit by a truck, where's my combat undead disc... I shall go home and play all day long ".

He tried to move but realized he couldn't.

' Have I been badly paralyzed that I can do nothing but stare ? Move body! move ', he told himself.

" You dumb fool. Where do you plan on going from here? Or can't you see you are dead ?", a strange voice shouted at him.

For the first time, he took a detailed observation of his surroundings in a bid to find the owner of the voice.

He was in a vast room surrounded by thick darkness. No matter how he tried, his eyes couldn't make out anything. It was like an empty void.

" Is this the afterlife ?,... I'm I in hell ?, was that the reaper ?", He asked himself.

" Hahaha ", the same voice echoed with laughter , " Afterlife? Hell ?, No you bloody moron, you are in the chamber of the god of thieves".

And then a golden light suddenly illuminated the void not enough to consume the entire space, but at least enough for him to see.

The light came closer and closer and brighter until it was right in front of him.

" You know, I can see that you are trying to show off and all but I'd have appreciated if the lights were brought in from the start.... what are they? Florescents ?", He asked.

God of thieves was furious.

"How dare you refer to me as florescent lights, you stupid human, I'll show you who I truly am ", the golden lights slowly began to dispel so that his real appearance was shown.

" Pffffft ", he stifled a laugh, " when you said ' I'll show you who I truly am ' , I was expecting a real god.... dude you look like the monkey's friend from journey to the west".

" How dare you... and you think you look any better, you..... ", God of thieves refrained from completing his statement and heaved a sigh , " you human, what name is it that partains to you?".

" Errrrr..... Anji....", He answered, " but you could've just said what is your name in simple engl...".

" SHUT UP ", god of thieves barked. He had simply had enough.

He was already having second thoughts about summoning this dunce but he needed him.

" Now listen to me ", he continued ," I've bought your hapless soul here for one reason and let's get it over with.... I want to transmigrate you to a parallel world".

Anji already knew this was going to happen. After all his years of watching anime and Isekai manga, he had an inkling of what was likely to happen when you got summoned by a god.

Still, he eyed the god suspiciously , " why? ".

" It's a long story but you must hear it since you are to become my representative ", the god cleared his throat , " In the world I am sending you to , there are two denominations of gods. The first are the main gods who everyone worship and adore and look up to for blessings. Their heroes and representatives are always reverred.

But the second, the forgotten gods are the ones who have been forgotten over the ages either because humans feel there is no reason to worship them anymore or because they think what the god stand for isn't right. I happen to fall into this second fraction ", he bowed his head , " Lost, forgotten and unreverred. The main gods can summon heroes into the world anytime they please but as for the forgotten gods, the universe only allows us to summon once every century to see if we can make a change".

" I still don't see how all these concern me ", Anji acted unconcerned.

' Universe, why have you brought me someone so dumb ', the god thought in anguish , " I want you to be my Hero, my representative, Anji, I want you to redeem my name.... I want all men to remember the god of thieves ".

" Hmmmmmm ", Anji stared thoughtfully at the god for a while before replying, " what's in it for me? ".

The god stared back at him blankly, "is representing a god not enough ".

" What ? Man, you lost me there... representing a forgotten god? Common, there's got to be something more for me ".

God of thieves shook his head ," fine, I'd give you a fraction of my powers ".

Anji would've smiled right there if he could. 'The powers of a god', now that was something worth hearing.

" What if I say no?".

The god was fed up.

" Then I'll let your soul fade away into the eternal abyss forever, where you'll be tormented... after all, it took me a lot to summon you here ", the god shrugged.

Anji acted as though he was in thoughts even though his mind was made up.

Who wouldn't seize an opportunity to be transmigrated to a parallel world with the fraction of a god's powers. It was simply an unrefusable adventure.

But he couldn't just let the god see it.

He made sure his face remained expressionless.

" You've got yourself a deal ", he said ," when do I get going".

God of thieves breathed out sharply. After all these centuries, he finally had a chance....

Hope this dummy was the right choice?...

A small portal opened. At the same time, Anji had second thoughts.

" Hey, how do I even know you are legit.....you haven't even...", But that was all he could say before the portal swallowed him.