
Let Me Stay Overnight!

The arrival of Emperor Bimantara's proposal made Princess Dixita realize that she was merely a speck of dust in the empire. Princess Dixita has set her life's goal since she was a young girl: to succeed her father, King Daneswara, on the royal throne. However, brilliance and resilience alone were not enough for Princess Dixita to achieve her aspirations. The Princess, renowned for her intelligence and beauty, was compelled to submit to the ruler. She must be willing to marry Prince Lodra - the Crown Prince of the Empire - or she and her family would end up on the gallows, branded as traitors to the empire. Princess Dixita tried to accept this bitter reality to demonstrate her loyalty, but it still wasn't sufficient. Princess Dixita discovered that Prince Lodra - her husband - utterly loathed her. *What caused Prince Lodra to hate Princess Dixita? *Can Princess Dixita change Prince Lodra's judgment of her?

G_Yulaila · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


Seven years later…

"How do you find this diamond, My Lady?" Meghana, the auction party manager, asked.

"I'm sure this will be our showstopper for this event." Princess Dixita smiled modestly.

"Your judgment never disappoints, Princess. Your eyes are very sharp when it comes to valuable items," Meghana smiled with delight as she looked at the diamond in her hand. "This is the Magdolia Diamond once owned by the late Queen Fatha of the Kingdom of Toga. The diamond was a birthday gift from her late husband, King Nawa. Princess Nola, the third child of King Nawa and Queen Fatha, donated this diamond to be auctioned today. She requested that the proceeds from the auction be donated to the Kingdom of Paja, which is currently facing a muntaber epidemic."

"Oh my, how noble-hearted Princess Nola is," Princess Dixita was touched by the kindness of the Princess from Toga. "Remind me to bring a gift for Princess Nola," she said to Laras.

"Very well, my Lady," Laras bowed obediently.

Suddenly, a male servant approached her. He handed her a piece of Kaliofia flower petal. "Someone is waiting for you on the balcony, Your Highness," the servant said.

Princess Dixita smiled with joy and hurriedly made her way to the balcony of the grand hotel. A sweet smile and open arms welcomed the arrival of the princess. Overwhelmed with happiness, Princess Dixita ran and threw herself into his embrace. "I missed you so much," she whispered.

"I missed you very much too," Prince Chesta tightened his embrace.

"How was your journey? Was it enjoyable?" Princess Dixita asked without releasing the hug.

Prince Chesta then ended their hug. "It was very enjoyable. I met many new people and discovered new books. Would you like to accompany me in reading?"

"It seems like you enjoyed your journey so much that you didn't even have time to think of me, who missed you dearly," Princess Dixita teased.

Prince Chesta laughed in response. "How could that be? I never went a day without thinking of you. You are the only reason I returned to the kingdom. You are my home, my beautiful Princess Dixita."

"I don't believe you," Princess Dixita chuckled.

"I don't care whether you believe it or not. What's certain is that I miss you so much now," Prince Chesta said as he kissed Princess Dixita's lips. They locked lips for quite a while. "I love you, Dixita," Prince Chesta said amidst their kiss.

Princess Dixita realized that she was almost losing control. Immediately, the princess put an end to the erotic scene before it went any further. As a respected noble princess, Dixita was obligated to preserve her chastity. She was forbidden from engaging in sexual relationships before marriage, as safeguarding her honor was akin to safeguarding the honor of the kingdom. "Stop," Princess Dixita pushed Pangeran Chesta's chest, breaking their kiss.

Both of them were breathing heavily. The fog of desire enveloped their bodies. Prince Chesta and Princess Dixita both yearned for something more.

"It always ends like this," Prince Chesta felt disappointed as he couldn't satisfy his desire. Yet, he couldn't blame Princess Dixita either.

Princess Dixita smiled faintly and planted a kiss on the prince's cheek. "Be patient a little longer."

Receiving a reassuring gaze from Princess Dixita, Prince Chesta pulled her close until their bodies were pressed against each other. "Just for tonight. Allow me to do more. After all, someday I will be the one marrying you."

Princess Dixita looked into Prince Chesta's brown eyes and smiled. "I can't. Preserving my purity is the same as upholding the honor of my kingdom. I hope you can understand."


"Tell them that the heirloom now belongs to the kingdom and is currently in the national museum. Also, convey that we will not sell or give the artifact to anyone, as it is now an absolute possession of the state," Princess Dixita replied firmly.

"Very well, Your Highness." Laras nodded obediently.

A year ago, a fisherman discovered a golden double-edged sword inside a sunken ship in the waters of the Kingdom of Gawote. The sword, adorned with a gleaming red diamond hilt, was identified as the sacred artifact of the Zuan Empire. However, now the extraordinary sword has changed ownership and officially become a valuable heritage of the Kingdom of Gawote.

"I'm sure they won't give up, Princess," Laras said while taking notes. "They will definitely search for you at the upcoming seven kingdoms meeting."

"I know. But I won't falter. The sword is now ours, and they must not take it away," Princess Dixita winked at Laras playfully.

Laras shook his head, smiling at the attitude of his employer and longtime friend. Laras and Princess Dixita grew up together and have been close since childhood. Rahardian, Laras' father, was a valiant and loyal knight to King Daneswara, Princess Dixita's father.

While they were engrossed in conversation, suddenly Putri Dixita received a message that her father was waiting for her in his office. Her smile widened as she swung her steps, knowing that her father could now walk, whereas before he could only sit or lie in bed. Apparently, King Daneswara's health was improving, allowing him to get out of bed.

"Father!" Putri Dixita burst into the room but quickly wiped her impolite gesture and straightened her graceful posture before bowing. "Your Majesty, did you summon me?" she asked formally.

King Daneswara smiled faintly. "Yes. Come closer."

Putri Dixita took a seat near her father.

King Daneswara then presented a letter from the palace. "You have received a proposal from the Crown Prince, my daughter."

Before Putri Dixita could finish reading it all, she was taken aback. "Wh-what?"

"The Emperor proposed you to the Crown Prince," King Daneswara said with a happy smile, looking at the face of his beloved daughter.

Putri Dixita shook her head, her eyes widened in surprise. "N-no. When... did you suggest this marriage to the Emperor?"

King Daneswara shook his head. "No, my daughter. His Majesty the Emperor himself desires you. You deserve all of this. You are intelligent, hardworking, and caring for the people. It's a blessing from God for our kingdom and our family."

"What do you mean, Father? I don't understand. And... why me? Why not Princess Ersha?" asked Princess Dixita, puzzled, considering her older sister had not married either.

"Father doesn't know either. The Emperor just wants you."

Tears welled up in Princess Dixita's eyes. She slumped into her chair. In that moment, Princess Dixita felt torn. She didn't want to become the Empress; her aspirations were to take her father's position in the future. However, refusing the Emperor's proposal was impossible. Princess Dixita and her family would be branded as traitors and end up on the gallows. "Father knows how much I love this land? I want to protect our homeland with my own hands. I want to continue serving."

Princess Dixita is known for her extravagant lifestyle and carefree demeanor. She always travels abroad and hosts lavish feasts with the nobility at her residence. However, no one knows that it's just a façade. In reality, Princess Dixita highly values social responsibility. Therefore, she pays great attention to the state of her kingdom. Princess Dixita wants to ensure that all her people live well and prosper. To achieve her aspirations, she must maintain good relations with the nobility within the kingdom and diplomatic relations with other countries.

King Daneswara truly knows his daughter. He knows well the hard work and high dedication that Princess Dixita has given to their kingdom. However, this is a different matter; refusing could endanger them. King Daneswara holds his daughter's hands. "I know how much you love our kingdom. Look into my eyes, my dear."

Princess Dixita, who is crying, lowers her head and then looks up, gazing into her father's eyes, which are as serene as a garden in heaven. "If you accept the Emperor's proposal, it means you are maintaining a good relationship between Gawote and the empire. That will be your greatest service to our kingdom." King Daneswara looks at his daughter with affection.

Princess Dixita embraces her father. King Daneswara pats the back of his youngest daughter. "Forgive me, Father." He strokes and kisses her head.