
Let Me Stay Overnight!

The arrival of Emperor Bimantara's proposal made Princess Dixita realize that she was merely a speck of dust in the empire. Princess Dixita has set her life's goal since she was a young girl: to succeed her father, King Daneswara, on the royal throne. However, brilliance and resilience alone were not enough for Princess Dixita to achieve her aspirations. The Princess, renowned for her intelligence and beauty, was compelled to submit to the ruler. She must be willing to marry Prince Lodra - the Crown Prince of the Empire - or she and her family would end up on the gallows, branded as traitors to the empire. Princess Dixita tried to accept this bitter reality to demonstrate her loyalty, but it still wasn't sufficient. Princess Dixita discovered that Prince Lodra - her husband - utterly loathed her. *What caused Prince Lodra to hate Princess Dixita? *Can Princess Dixita change Prince Lodra's judgment of her?

G_Yulaila · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


Princess Dixita often holds parties, attends grand events, and travels the world. However, she does all of that to maintain good relations between Gawote and neighboring countries. Princess Dixita rarely gets to be at the palace. In total, she has to attend two thousand five hundred events each year. Princess Dixita has to meet eight thousand guests, one hundred and fifty thousand invitations, and two thousand award ceremonies.

Princess Dixita barely has time to enjoy her life because it is filled with packed and piled work schedules. Meanwhile, Princess Ersha's activities only amount to five percent of what her younger sister is tasked with. Princess Ersha is assigned to inspect the state facilities provided for the people. She also directly engages with the people in need and requiring assistance, which is why Princess Ersha is well-known for her generosity. She has no hesitation in mingling with the common folk.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying? Has your strength wavered, causing you to cry today?" Princess Ersha sat beside Princess Dixita.

"Don't pretend not to know. I'm sure you've heard it, sis. I'm really in a mess now." Princess Dixita wiped the wetness on her face anxiously.

For the past three days, the servants of the Royal Palace of Gawote have been working more than usual. This is because the Crown Prince and his entourage will arrive tomorrow morning. There are many things to prepare by the palace staff, from party decorations, dishes, to rooms for the Crown Prince and some of his soldiers. This sudden arrival has made the palace administrators quite busy.

"Dixita, our late mother once said, 'The Emperor is the parent of this nation, which means he is the parent of all its people. The Emperor's orders are equivalent to our parents' commands. Betraying the Emperor means hurting our parents' hearts. Loyalty to the Emperor is not a choice but a priority. So, you must obey him as you would obey our own parents,'" Princess Ersha warned.

"Even if the Emperor wants to destroy our lives?" Princess Dixita became more frustrated hearing her sister's words.

"Be careful with your words, Dixita. In our world, even walls have eyes and ears." Princess Ersha reprimanded Dixita, who now looked distraught. "How can I make you happy again? Should I talk to father and say that I want to take your place?"

Princess Dixita gazed at her sister's serene face. "No, sis. It's impossible."

"Nothing is impossible until we try. How about this? Besides, Emperor Bimantara hasn't seen your face yet." Princess Ersha stroked her younger sister's long, wavy mane. She knew well of Dixita's ambition for the throne. "I'm willing to do anything to ensure your happiness. So that I can fulfill my promise to our late mother, the promise to always protect you."

Princess Dixita tightly embraced her sister. "Thank you, Sister."

"You're welcome, my dear sister." Princess Ersha lovingly kissed Princess Dixita's forehead.

Later that night, Princess Ersha met with their father, trying to convey her opinion to help Princess Dixita. However, her advice was immediately rejected by King Daneswara. He, who was loyal to the monarchy, couldn't deceive him. If Princess Dixita was the one Emperor Bimantara desired, then that was what the emperor would obtain. Deceiving or lying to the Emperor would be betraying him. King Daneswara couldn't engage in such dishonorable acts.

"Can't you just once disobey the Emperor for the happiness of your own child, Father? Just this once," Princess Ersha couldn't bear to see her only sister in distress.

"Don't ask something you already know the answer to, my daughter. A thousand times you ask it, and a thousand times you'll get the same answer. I will not betray Emperor Bimantara," King Daneswara replied firmly.

Princess Ersha slumped dejectedly. She was disappointed with her father's decision. Her father was truly a loyal and obedient servant of Emperor Bimantara. It was very difficult to negotiate with him, especially when it came to any plan to betray Emperor Bimantara. Raja Daneswara would uphold his loyalty to the ruler until the bitter end.

"I'm sorry, Father, my Princess. Please believe me, Dixita will be fine." Raja Daneswara patted his eldest daughter's shoulder sympathetically.

Princess Ersha embraced her father's figure. "But Dixita is not happy, Father."

King Daneswara remained silent, not replying to Princess Ersha's words. He knew how his youngest daughter felt, but he couldn't do anything about it because it was the Emperor who desired her. If this were a proposal from an ordinary nobleman, perhaps King Daneswara could refuse it by stating that his daughter was still too young to start a household. However, this was Emperor Bimantara who asked for her hand. King Daneswara couldn't refuse. "Let's consider this as a test for our family. We must support each other to get through this difficult time."

"But, Father, life in the Emperor's Palace is extremely challenging. I'm worried that Dixita won't be able to cope." The conditions in the Emperor's Palace are no different from a battlefield. Fierce competition and backstabbing are prevalent, with everyone wearing disguises. Enemies appear as friends, and no one can be trusted except oneself.

"You don't need to worry about that, my dear. I believe Dixita will be able to endure. She has intelligence and courage. Dixita is not easily defeated."

"But, Father..."

"I understand your worries, my daughter. Please don't be overly concerned. This is the destiny that God has set for Dixita." King Daneswara pats the head of his eldest daughter. "Instead of worrying, let's prepare ourselves. The Crown Prince will arrive tomorrow morning. He will stay here for a week."

"Forgive my worries, Father." Putri Ersha's eyes sparkled, her gaze trembled with welling tears. She knew everything would still happen despite her pleading, even to the extent of kissing her father's feet. There was nothing she could do to help her beloved younger sister.

"Welcome, Crown Prince," Raja Daneswara said with a genuine smile.

"Thank you for the welcome, Uncle." Prince Lodra returned a smile to Raja Daneswara as a gesture of courtesy. Finally, he arrived in the Kingdom of Gawote after a ten-day journey. Now, Prince Lodra felt quite tired.

The Crown Prince has arrived in the Kingdom of Gawote. The people thronged the streets all the way to the main gate of the palace, prostrating themselves in enthusiasm since the early hours to welcome the heir to the monarchy. The Crown Prince is dearly loved by his people, for his exploits as a courageous imperial knight who fearlessly vanquishes the wrathful monsters. The tale of the Crown Prince beheading the King of Lembusmawa Creatures – a being with the head of a lion, wings of an eagle, trunk of an elephant, and scales of a fish – filled the people with pride and a sense of protection. It is said that the Crown Prince rarely stays inside the palace, as he is busy hunting down evil monsters that disturb the peace of his people.