
Let It Happen

My life has been hell since I was a child. My stepparents gave me a man who never loved me even though he longed for his company. He abandoned me for his mistress who was the legitimate daughter of the family that raised me. They both sent me to prison where I was tortured to death. Luckily I escaped but I was betrayed again on more than one occasion. My destiny was death. Without love, without trust, only the cold snow around me condemned me. My only wish was to be able to live far from everyone, alone and without risk of being killed. When I woke up, I was in the body of the Marquis's daughter, who would have a worse future than mine. I can only run away and avoid being killed.

Kanguritox · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Touring the Crystal Clouds

Long ago in Crystal Clouds, a land located on another dimensional and existential plane.

Ellen ran in a hurry to the possible person responsible for the loop to ask for an explanation. She had made an appointment in advance to speak with the creator god of the multiverses and worlds, but when she did not receive an answer, she sneaked into the office without permission despite the fact that there was a "Do not disturb" sign on the door.

The room was an immense 5-storey room, full of models placed on the floor and on various tables with different levels. Ellen tried to walk downtown to find the specific person, but the roads were blocked with worlds and their miniature cities. When she managed to cross carefully over the models so as not to break them, she found a man with long black hair tied up with a blue ribbon who was on his back, finishing building a city. Ellen greets him hoping the person will react.

-Good morning Lord Meraki. Sorry for the intrusion, I made an appointment with you due to an emergency but received no response. I really need an explanation.- Ellen was nervous and kept looking at the man's back

-Yes ... just put the food down and walk away- Meraki waved his hand to dismiss the person and showed no signs of paying attention to anything other than their models

Ellen knowing this behavior, she took one of the cities and began to shake it a little, even though that act could cost her life. Meraki raised his head noticing the change and turned violently towards Ellen.

-Stop that if you don't want to die, you damn bird!- A vein was popping in her forehead due to Ellen's inconsiderate action.

"Damn stupid, you just caused an earthquake followed by a volcanic eruption off the shores of Veriel, what the fuck is wrong with you!" Meraki quickly began to order as much as he could while praying a mantra to calm down as his aura melted emitted in a macabre way.

-I'm sorry about this, but I really need his help, it's about my world. Time is restarting and I ...-

-And? Nothing happens, the backup was probably activated. I ask you to get out and ... Nooo! Stay away from Hyperborea you will end up breaking it !!! -

-Oops! -

-Get out of my work area! NOW!- An irate Meraki yelled loudly at Ellen, who was dragged outside by a cobweb that enveloped her to end up in front of the closed door on her face.

Ellen was thoughtful in front of the door, when someone took her by the shoulder of her. She was a drow (dark elf) woman, with white hair cropped on one side of her head and braided on the other side. The woman shook her head disapproving of the fact.

-Never bother Brother Mera when he is working. He will kill you or hopefully rip off a limb. He already has enough with the requests of those "gods" for someone to enter without permission to disturb. - The woman scratched the back of her neck while she made a face.

-Lady Noxeema, I'm sorry but there is a problem in my world. The kids are in trouble and that ...- Ellen leans in for help

-To have said it before, if they are the stars go with Zion or Cyd. No wait, now I remember that Cyd is judging souls, I better take you to Zion-

They came to another room, this time filled with mannequins and dolls of various sizes scattered on the floor, table, and hanging from the ceilings. A red-haired man with dreadlocks and a beard stood on a cutting board looking with a watchmaker's loupe over his left eye at the doll he was designing. He interrupts his work just to see who entered.

-But what the hell are they doing here? Especially your Gamayun. You are supposed to be taking care of the stars-

-I brought her, Meraki almost eliminated her and with that said, I leave. Hey Zion! Don't forget that today is the twins' birthday. Ringo will kill you if you go missing again-

-I heard my wife the first time, come find me later.- Zion says goodbye to Nox and looks at Ellen

-Let me guess, you moved a piece that you shouldn't have and it almost killed you but you survived and the reason for it was ...- Zion waves his hand as if urging Ellen to respond

-Good morning Lord Zion ... yes, what happened was that there was a problem in my world. Time is constantly resetting and children suffer for it. I want to know what is happening, it is not supposed to be like that, they never informed me of any change to ...-

-Ok, I know what happened. Backup was activated. They must have detected a devourer of worlds, and they encapsulated that universe and that is why, every time a couple of stars die, the world reacts in unison so that they can do their job. What's the problem? - Zion sounds ironic

-Hey?! How are there Devourers? You mean the charix? If so, please stop the loop-

-That's what you call him? Well, now I see that Cyd forgot to inform you and because of this absurd trifle you skipped your duties. You were uselessly scared. Meraki is not an idiot, he put a lock to lock anomalies in certain worlds and the stars would be dragged there to annihilate them.- Zion searches a drawer, takes out a transparent tablet and manipulates it carefully.

After a few minutes, he puts down the tablet and turns to Ellen.

-Gamayun, you can go home. It's fixed now, it looks like it restarted again for the 198th time, but this time I can see that the stars will wake up soon, it means that now they will be able to exterminate the plague once and for all. Are you happy already? -

-Will they wake up soon ?! I must go back ... no, I must search for Ethereal and Aerial first, they died before the restart- fear paralyzes her

-Take this permission, look for your sister in Midgard, to recover them and do your duty before my sister Cyd sends them to the afterlife. We commissioned those four and you let them die countless times. As my father would have said; very embarrassing of you Gamayun, very embarrassing- Zion is not in the mood to deal with something that has already been solved and indicates to Ellen the exit

Ellen leans in and thanks then she turns to leave. Zion calls her back to give her one last warning.

-Don't go back into Mera's room, he's more immersed in work because of those damn things. Or is it fun for you to go and ruin worlds that cost to manufacture and then die in vain? -

-I'll keep it in mind from now on. I'm sorry for the inconvenience- Ellen is sorry and walks away in fear

Zion sighs thinking that it was a bad idea to designate Ellen as guardian of the stars.

-I wish father or my uncle were here. Now I will have to ask my sister-in-law to reassure my brother thanks to that stupid woman - nostalgia and frustration make his head crash against the table over and over again.

Ellen hurried to Midgard to retrieve Ethereal and Aerial's souls before the goddess of death took it upon herself to judge them.

Her duty is to finish errands as soon as possible so she can stop worrying and take her grandchildren home.

N / A:

* Gamayun is a prophetic bird of Russian-Slavic folklore that spreads divine messages and knows the origin of the world and the gods. She is accompanied by two other birds named Sirin and Alkonost, the latter being her best known sister. They have the whole body of a bird and only the head is of a woman.

* As I said in the first chapter, there will be moments where the character crossover will be decisive for the plot. For example, for those who follow the Motivations for Destruction novel, these characters will be very familiar, as they are the main characters in said novel and soon it will be the turn of The Fairy Godmother Killed Prince Charming to cross with Let it happen.