
Let It Happen

My life has been hell since I was a child. My stepparents gave me a man who never loved me even though he longed for his company. He abandoned me for his mistress who was the legitimate daughter of the family that raised me. They both sent me to prison where I was tortured to death. Luckily I escaped but I was betrayed again on more than one occasion. My destiny was death. Without love, without trust, only the cold snow around me condemned me. My only wish was to be able to live far from everyone, alone and without risk of being killed. When I woke up, I was in the body of the Marquis's daughter, who would have a worse future than mine. I can only run away and avoid being killed.

Kanguritox · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Time to settle the score

The weeks passed and in the kingdom of Bellafiore, King Oscar was about to hit the paladin who was standing in the middle of his office.

The news he received about the supposed saint who resided in the palace was becoming more and more twisted. Luciana aside from resting due to her "illness", she spent it bossy around the royal servants, ordering expensive objects, including makeup, jewelry and dresses as if it were her home. She sent invitations to tea parties for the daughters of the noblest and most prestigious houses in the kingdom.

Interestingly, when she held her parties, she would arrive in a wheelchair, better dressed than any court lady. The invited ladies were amazed and looked with envy at Luciana, who was pampered by royalty and had the love of Xavier, who whenever she could arrive loaded with gift to make her happy.

Even Prince Henry had fallen victim to her. Taking advantage of her stay in the palace, her encounters were more followed and Henry ended up treating her more than a friend.

Luciana's personality was that of someone persistent and annoying, inviting Henry to various meetings and tea parties but when he left, she would attack whoever dared to interrupt them. Her servants and other staff called her petty and miserable. The mere thought of having to tend to her became unbearable.

Such impudence reached the ears of Henry's fiancee, Duke Archivald Norton's daughter, Circe Norton, and her brother Dion. They did not tolerate that two committed people were acting as if their fiancées did not exist.

They wanted to end the rumors of breakup but the invitations never knocked on their door and they could not face Luciana. To top it all, Henry seemed to avoid engaging in conversations with Circe as he was always busy.

A couple of days ago, they arrived at the castle after exchanging letters with the king, who agreed to their visit. They went to the garden after hearing that the prince was in the middle of a snack with the saint and seeing them caramelized, Circe unleashed her anger.

She took Luciana by her hair, slapped her, called her a cheap vixen. People came up to gossip and started laughing. Luciana burst into tears and Henry furiously criticized Circe. At the moment that she would demonstrate Henry's infidelity, Circe was going to receive a blow to her face but her brother received it in her place which caused him a terrible dizziness.

He lost his balance and when he was going to hold on to Henry, he pushed him into the pond. The prince knew that Dion couldn't swim and with that in mind he smirked at his fiancée. With this act, he sought to get rid of her and her entire family at all costs.

The escort jumped into the water to save the master and when he managed to rescue him he did not react. Circe wept over Dion's body, while he was rushed to the palace and from there she would leave for the duchy. The king and the second prince kept watching the garden from the queen's chambers. They were witnesses to all the vile act prepared by Luciana and this only provoked more anger in those present.

-He is ruining himself, father. It's like I told you, you no longer listen to any reason. That woman seems to be stupid but she is up to something-

-Let us pray that Sir Dion recovers even the duke will not forgive Henry for this. It is possible that it takes away her support and that is where you should keep more distance from that useless son that I gave birth to- the queen expressed from the armchair.

-She thinks this show will last long enough to tie him up. What a vile and trusting woman. It only remains to wait for the news about the wandering saint and once he obtains the whereabouts of him ... that vixen that we let in, will wish were dead-

The king patted his son on the shoulder and retired to his office. The young prince Balthazar only looked out the window at whom he once considered his brother and now he has become unrecognizable.


In the Norton duchy, maids and doctors ran desperately.

The young lady panicked when she learned that her brother fell into a coma after the incident with the Crown Prince.

They sent a message to the duke, who hastily came to see the status of his son. Broke it his heart to see him in bed without reacting to his call. The angry duke prepared to go to the palace and demand for Henry, when he was told that he received a visit from someone who introduced himself as the prince.

Archivald believed that the bastard man who left his son in such a state had come to apologize but he did not. As he entered the room, Balthazar was waiting for him. The greetings were given and the talk began, somewhat beneficial for both men.

Three days passed and Dion woke up. He was surprised and scared. He had no idea where he was until he saw the maids crying for him. He believed that he was still dreaming, he played their game and asked what day and year it was. The answer was not long in coming.

-It is the 22nd day of the Nix calendar, it is the year 1715 of the age of Pisces, young master-

-You said 1715 ... there is still time .... ha .. hahaha-

Dion started laughing like crazy and got out of bed. The terrified maids called out to the duke. Archivald arrived and found his son preparing to leave. He had packed a small bag and was carrying a rifle.

His father approached to stop him and make him see reason but what he received in response left him paralyzed.

-Even if you feel hurt for your sister, it does not imply that you are going to look for him to get even. That bastard is not worth it-

-I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Get out of my way, you damn traitor, unless you want to become a sieve-

Such harsh and rude words had never been uttered by Dion. His father was shocked. His kind son was changed into a grotesque and violent being.

-Where are you going? You can't go out, you're still convalescing- his fear that something would happen to him made him react

-I'm going to find Mabel, I'm going to take her out of this dump before they kill us. Rot in the fucking hell and leave us alone. Let go of me, do not tempt me because I am a very skilled shooter-

Archivald hesitated and remembered something.

-Lady Lennox ... you mean Maybelline Lennox ... she's not there...-

-What do you mean that she is not there? Did they send her to the academy to take her away again or did that bastard Seth hurt her again? Answer or I'll shoot you old man- Dion threatened his father who was on his knees begging

-Young master ... Lady Lennox passed away seven years ago ... ahhh- the maid knelt in terror when she saw the rifle pointed at her.

-What?! NOT! You lie!!! May said she was always going to wait for me ... even now ... they tried to kill her again and it didn't work out huh?!. You, you are lying ...- the anger overflowed along with the tears in Dion

-What did they do to him? Answer or I swear that you will not see the dawn of a new day- the cold barrel of the rifle went to the head of the duke

-A cannibal creature ate her. Like all citizens and my trusted employees. Son, please put down the gun- Archivald crying with his eyes closed begged Dion to stop

Dion lowered the rifle and looked at all the employees and his father crying on his knees. He bent down and grabbed his father's chin and whispered something into her ear. What he heard made him realize that something was seriously wrong.

-My wife is still alive, and do you know why I knows it? Because I'm still here. Scuti for sure...she's waiting for me somewhere and I'm going to go find her-

Archivald was staring at his son, whose hair and eyes began to change color as he kept a creepy smile on his face.