
Let It Happen

My life has been hell since I was a child. My stepparents gave me a man who never loved me even though he longed for his company. He abandoned me for his mistress who was the legitimate daughter of the family that raised me. They both sent me to prison where I was tortured to death. Luckily I escaped but I was betrayed again on more than one occasion. My destiny was death. Without love, without trust, only the cold snow around me condemned me. My only wish was to be able to live far from everyone, alone and without risk of being killed. When I woke up, I was in the body of the Marquis's daughter, who would have a worse future than mine. I can only run away and avoid being killed.

Kanguritox · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs


The breaking of the engagement was given privately to the entire chamber of nobles and with it, the new engagement with the second prince became official, giving him the title of crown prince.

Prince Henry, the prime minister and supporters of his faction were not notified. The king and his colleagues fell silent awaiting news of the wandering saint.

By now, it was well known that Luciana and her family had committed lèse-majesté and the crime of sedition. The investigation yielded loose ends in the alibi for the alleged illness and made them realize that part of the temple was bribed with extortion at the same time that the count and his allies were diverting funds for the manufacture of weapons on the border. .

The papist, angered by the discovery, quietly stepped away them from office and sent Earl Williams' accomplices away to set him adrift when the scandal broke. The temple controls ceased for Luciana, who was freed from the mana measurement and healing. It was just a matter of waiting and setting the stage for the downfall of the Williams family.

Circe was in the gardens having tea with Balthazar. Their relationship progressed well, the visits were accompanied by gifts and long conversations about how to deal with Henry once he found out.

The option that was taken was to quietly advance the wedding before the end of the year, thus avoiding problems or attacks against Circe and her family. But what bothered the couple the most was not the succession issue itself, but rather Circe's brother, Dionisius.

Dion spent his time playing target shooting from the rooftops and every now and then he would shoot at her sister's sector, to show her how skillful he was to make fun of her and her new fiancé. His behavior, more than his erratic, was that of a madman with a thirst for blood.

She had heard that her brother woke up and started threatening everyone with a rifle. When she ran, she did so believing it must have been a misunderstanding, but what she saw paralyzed her with fear. Dion held his father hostage and began to shoot anyone who dared to get in his way. The appearance of her brother was not the one she knew; His cherry hair was replaced by jet black and his blue eyes were blood red.

Archivald only did what Dion told him and forbade them to approach until leaving the mansion. He didn't want anyone to get hurt because of the madness that his son gave off with every step he took. Coming out, the knights tried to corner him thinking that he was someone trying to hurt their lord.

Dion laughed madly and threw his father along with his rifle to the ground. He then formed an Urumi (sword-whip) with his aura and counterattacked the guards. The entire mansion was terrified at the sight. They knew that his young master was born weak and ill. He was never able to wield a gun properly and lacked talent, so his father preferred to have him do office work.

Today they were witnessing a threat so fierce that it would even shake the country. As he finished taking down the guards, more knights showed up and threatened to shoot him if he didn't stop. The macabre laugh emitted by the young man put them on alert and they realized that he was now carrying a sniper rifle and began to aim at them.

Circe tearfully asked him to stop, ran and got in the middle of the battlefield. The guards fired and the duke almost had a fit when he saw that his daughter would be the one to drop dead.

-Ha! Hi Circy, how are you? I didn't see you before. Did you miss me?-

The atmosphere froze at the words of Dion, who was suddenly smiling friendly at his sister. Circe turned and saw a blue shield protecting her, she turned again to yell at her brother.

-Enough! Stop Please!!! Dion please! -

-Not. They almost killed you again. I'm going to give them an example-

Dion knelt to position himself, took aim and closing his eyes shot several times for fun. The bullets hit each guard and they fell collapsed to the ground.

-Quiet, I didn't kill them ... I just put them to sleep hahahaha-

A slap made him stop his teasing. Circe started crying until she passed out from shock. Archivald was still panicking and a voice pulled him out of his reverie.

-Your old traitor, be grateful that he did not kill them. Being the duke you are useful but dead, you are of no use to me. You're going to help me with something, until then you're going to obey me or everyone here will pay for it- Dion licked his lips and ran his thumb over his neck, pretending that he would cut their throats otherwise.

Archivald went to the palace and requested an urgent audience with the king and the papist. I claim to have someone who knew the whereabouts of the wandering saint and thereby allowed him to pass.

No one recognized Dion, who was handling a small Beretta like a toy and was sitting on the throne with his feet on the armrest. Nobody wanted to be his enemy and they let him do what he wanted, because the aura that he gave off gave the feeling of being in the face of death itself. The closed-door meeting brought him up to speed on what happened and what would happen next.

The evidence that was he presented them, was many and could even be supported only by going to the scene. Oscar looked incredulously at the young man sitting on the throne who pointed at him from time to time. The fact that he had not realized that three countries were about to declare war on him made him furious. They were all arming armies to take down Bellafiore so they could get hold of the star once they found it.

Dion gave them time to catch up in exchange for leaving the matter of the saint and the star behind. It was useless to continue with that subject, since he would be the one who would be in charge from now on and when the war broke out. No one questioned the matter after seeing the display of weapons handled by the young man who called himself Rigel.

With all that in his head, Oscar looked at his son Balthazar who had to decide coldly and without remorse that he should execute Henry sooner or later for being part of the enemy.

Lèse-majesté is an offense against the dignity of a reigning sovereign or against a state. It is considered a crime against the crown as an act of treason, and in the past it was worthy of execution, today you can only pay a millionaire fine, have your title / properties taken away or go to prison depending on the monarchical country you visit.

Sedition is a collective and violent uprising against authority, public order or military discipline, without reaching the severity of the rebellion, which is distinguished by having the intention of overthrowing the powers of the State. In countries with military regimes, the crime can be condemned as treason and mutiny against the governmental order.

Rigel is a blue supergiant that is the brightest star in the constellation Orion (the Hunter). Due to its measured size and brightness, it is expected to end in a supernova one day. He also has two known companions, Rigel B and Rigel C.