
Let It Happen

My life has been hell since I was a child. My stepparents gave me a man who never loved me even though he longed for his company. He abandoned me for his mistress who was the legitimate daughter of the family that raised me. They both sent me to prison where I was tortured to death. Luckily I escaped but I was betrayed again on more than one occasion. My destiny was death. Without love, without trust, only the cold snow around me condemned me. My only wish was to be able to live far from everyone, alone and without risk of being killed. When I woke up, I was in the body of the Marquis's daughter, who would have a worse future than mine. I can only run away and avoid being killed.

Kanguritox · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Sirius & Scuti

The girls had risen at dawn to prepare for their journey. They continued on their way; or rather, with the path that the crows had indicated. They walked up the hill and at each break, they received food and the odd gadget that would be useful to them.

The flock of crows fluttered around, giving the impression of protecting them and watching the girls' every action. After much walking, they came to the foot of a mountain whose surroundings were covered with vegetation, poisonous and thorny vines. They gave up, finding no way to continue on their way, but the crows again pointed to a space among the vines.

They both looked at each other and noticed that the space was too small for either of them to fit and when they least expected it, the plants began to move. Like an image taken from a story, the vegetation began to form a kind of entrance to the mountain, the branches together with the vines intertwined to finish creating a triangular door with turned frames and the figure of a tree of life in tip. Upon entering, they held hands fearing what was inside the mountain.

Once inside, the door returned to normal, closed and a rock wall was created to seal the entrance. They were surprised when fireflies and luminous blue butterflies appeared as ghosts in front of them to illuminate and guide the way. The gallery that stretched out was very long and they didn't see an end. It was decorated with white tiles with vergina stars, pergolas from which clusters of grapes hung and other unknown species of fruits that invited them to eat.

At the end of the road, they came across an immense sleeping city downhill, also covered with thick vegetation, with canals, fountains and cascades of water that flowed incessantly giving the impression that life had been there a long time ago.

The animals grazed free, the birds flew and sang quietly. They went down and were stunned, so much beauty and tranquility was unheard of and had been denied them before, so they decided to explore the place thoroughly.

The stained glass windows of the houses and buildings were quadri-lobed with colored stained glass, the doors had runic engravings and the windows were shaped like a trefoil cross. The square was full of sheep grazing and drinking from the fountains, they ran to scare them just to play and there they realized that in this silent city there was a mansion that seemed to house an inhabitant. They quietly went to investigate and saw that the lights and the fireplace were on inside. They were surprised not to see or hear anyone, suddenly they were taken in a fit from the window and ended up being hugged by a dark-haired woman who did not stop kissing them.

-Already arrived!! What a thrill! you do not know how long I am waiting for you both !! You were able to wake up the stars without help !! - The woman did not let go of them for any reason and she only limited herself to hugging them tighter and tighter



-Ah! I forgot that you cannot speak, but neglect it is just a side effect of having returned. Wait, I'll give you a gift- the woman seemed happy, she put the girls down and started rummaging in the pocket of her coat -Take, it's medicine made for you by her mother-

Both girls did not know how to react to such action and watched the woman cautiously, who she knelt to be at the height of the little ones.

-I know what you are thinking, but I am not an enemy like that filth with which you were related, I am the grandmother of both. I'm sorry it took me so long, I said I'd be back soon but it couldn't. Thanks for waiting-

They felt that it was not the first time they had seen the woman and this caused them nostalgia mixed with sadness. Tears began to flow and the woman offered them her hands to enter the house and they accompanied her inside.

Inside the house, they found out what had actually happened. It had been repeating the same cycle over and over for almost 200 years due to a dimensional loop. In the second repetition they ran into her grandmother, who furiously decided to go find the solution and the answers. To prevent someone from noticing her presences and life becoming tedious with each repetition, she had them rotate position on each return and held the memory of both until she returned. They promised to wait for her, until then they would abandon any memory of her names and kinship.

-Grandma, then they were the ones who condemned and controlled us ... sons of bitches- the girl started to cry

-Scuti, calm down, we're home. Grandma, why did they kill mom? They did not know that we were us, if it had been like that we would already be dead long before we were born. Unless they found out with a saint-

-Siri, they only knew they were going to be twins this time. That is why they dedicated themselves to liquidating the mothers and separating all the babies. By eliminating the mother factor; they saved themselves having to deal with the spirit king and ended up with the only guidance the stars would have in this world. The stars were born to be together, keeping them apart for so long would only make them useless and ignorant.- Ellen was destroyed as she remembered the situation.

-Also, they prosecuted and cursed all those babies in their adulthood, not to mention that they hunted like rabbits in the forest those who escaped. Now it is clear what happened in the prison, I was the prey until the end- Siri had a dark look while she kept her head down

-We can't go back there anymore, granny. Those people still want to kill us even though we saved them. My sister was in my place this time and she saw that they were still the same savages as before cleaning. They should die to pay for what they did- anger and tears welled up in Scuti and Siri began to hug her to calm her down.

-I'm not going to return them. I told the marquis some truths mixed with many lies, it will be impossible for him to approach you even if he finds the answer to the question why. While I will make him suffer psychologically until I am fed up. But, there is still hope- Ellen walked over to a trunk and took out an iridescent blue egg to place on the table where they drank their tea.

-The spirit of her mother can still return. The wait was worth every damn second wasted. Just watch, I had to go to Midgard, request an audience with her petty aunt, and only then could I retrieve the celestial egg. Ethereal will come back to life when you see fit and thus be able to resume your training-

-Grandma .... thank you !! -

-Thank you thank you very much!!-

The girls got up and ran to hug Ellen, they couldn't stop thanking and crying.


At the marquisate, the guards, the captain, and Leticia had been summoned by the marquis to be brought up to date on the matter of the girls. After a week, Leticia was tidying up the room so that she could shed the heaviness in her heart. It hurt her to have found out that her friend and colleague Andrea had brought a couple of girls into the world and that no one had noticed, for worse, she could not do anything about it because she was attending to the affairs of the deceased marquise. It was more than clear that someone planned to eliminate the trace of said birth and what better way than to murder her mother to prevent her from opening her mouth.

She looked sadly at the objects that once belonged to her young lady and that she could have shared with her sister had she known the truth. Suddenly there is a knock on the door and she steps out of her distraction. Seth had come to see how the preparation of the room was going on. He had faith that one day his sisters would return home, so he had the bedroom set up for two young ladies on the third floor, since he did not know if they would return in their teens or much later.

Leticia greets him and he nods. He goes to the window and looks at the lonely garden with a melancholy sigh.