
Let It Happen

My life has been hell since I was a child. My stepparents gave me a man who never loved me even though he longed for his company. He abandoned me for his mistress who was the legitimate daughter of the family that raised me. They both sent me to prison where I was tortured to death. Luckily I escaped but I was betrayed again on more than one occasion. My destiny was death. Without love, without trust, only the cold snow around me condemned me. My only wish was to be able to live far from everyone, alone and without risk of being killed. When I woke up, I was in the body of the Marquis's daughter, who would have a worse future than mine. I can only run away and avoid being killed.

Kanguritox · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Phony Saint

[I knew that she would try to damage my reputation in some way, but her courage has no limits when trying to cajole Rigel, you leave me no choice, I will have to teach you a lesson so that you learn not to touch what belongs to me]

-No ... no ... it can't be ... I thought she was ...- Luciana didn't come out of her surprise

[So that's what she was looking for, what a pity for you lying bitch, it didn't turn out the way you wanted. Just look at you, everyone is looking at you hahaha!]

Siri who was wearing a veil, laughed at the embarrassment that her enemy was passing. Scuti by her side, showed no emotion at Luciana's shameless act, on the contrary, she enjoyed seeing her ruin herself every time she opened her mouth.

She stood up and the guests immediately knew it was a bad sign. Seeing her sublime beauty caused the ladies and knights to sigh of astonishment, they did not believe that such a beautiful and celestial-looking being was hidden under the empress's veil.

Xavier was speechless when he saw Scuti and felt that she was the woman he had been waiting for all his life, the result of Luciana's stupidity caused him to fall in love at first sight with the empress.

-Her majesty... I am so sorry ..- wanting to avoid further problems, Luciana chose to beg forgiveness, taking the veil from the ground to return it to the empress

Scuti neither soza nor lazy walked two steps and was placed in front of a kneeling Luciana, who when she felt that they were staring at her, looked up at the empress and outlined a faint smile.

* Slap *

The sound of a loud slap echoed across the courtyard.

-Miserable and daring woman, I should have you whipped for your impudence or better ... execute you.- Scuti's eyes shone with an eerie light that prevented the guests from moving

Everyone was left speechless, such audacity earned her the hatred of foreigners and they feared losing their new investor. Luciana remained with her eyes downcast and holding her sore cheek, she did not understand at what moment all her effort turned against her.

She began to develop deeper thoughts mixed with hatred and envy towards the empress. She turned quickly to ask Xavier for assistance when she noticed that he didn't stop admiring Scuti without even caring that she was demoted and the rage flared out stronger.

Xavier had wishes floating in his head that he wasn't the one next to the empress. He envied the emperor and began to approach her hypnotically but at that moment, Luciana grabbed his pants and was able to leave the bewitching encounter.

- Xavier!- She plaintively urged her fiancé to help her.

He placed his gaze between Luciana and the empress, after doubting for a few seconds, he lifted her from the ground to react to her rescue.

-Her majesty, I beg your pardon for my fiancée. I know it offended her but I hope she understands that hurting the saint will provoke the wrath of the temple-

-Heh! Is that so? - Scuti pressed the situation

-Pffft hahaha, a saint ?! What a ridiculous excuse not to receive punishment for offending my empress. Unless you're asking to go to the dungeon instead? But I don't understand why to defend her-

Rigel was in the chair with his legs crossed to look imposing to Xavier

-Your majesty, I think that defending my fiancée is not a reason to mock, besides insulting the saint of Bellafiore, could make enemies in the kingdom- Xavier openly professed his discomfort towards the emperor

Rigel stood in front of Luciana who was shown helpless in Xavier's arms and when Scuti approached, he pressed hard on the hand of her fiancée giving her an unpleasant feeling of jealousy.

-They say you are a saint so there will be no problems in proving it, or yes? -Rigel very sure kissed Scuti's hand and with a dagger made a cut in her palm.

Blood gushed out and with her hand in front he insisted that his wife be healed. Luciana was hard in the embrace of Xavier, who angrily rebuked the emperor.

-Lady Williams is convalescing, her power cannot be manifested in her current condition. Harming the empress will not make her heal! -

-Pure lies. A true saint even on the brink of death could heal a trifle like this. You're just admitting that this bland and sassy woman is just that, a phony and nothing more-

Scuti made herself heard by everyone present at the party, so much so that the maids and other employees and guards in the distance echoed it. Rigel placed the veil back over his wife and wrapping her hand, he couldn't stop laughing.

-Queen Erix, I have a very curious and interesting anecdote that happened to us a month ago when I went hunting with my daughter- Rigel seemed to divert the conversation to another topic that had nothing to do with it.

-The princess ended up falling off her horse but when I sent for a doctor, an older man who was wandering and fainting from hunger agreed to cure the princess in exchange for food-

Luciana was petrified, her instincts clearly told her to run away but Xavier's embrace prevented her from even moving.

-In fact he cured the princess and to pay him for her help I took him to the palace. Bite after bite, the man was telling us about his identity and his travels. He introduced himself as a saint who traveled the continents healing people-

His vicious smile became more visible when he looked at Luciana.

-I wanted to give him titles and lands to remain in the empire but he refused, alluding to the fact that a saint should never accept wealth as payment, only food and shelter to continue on his way, monetary donations should go directly to the temple-

The guests looked directly at the uninvited couple and wondered to what extent Luciana intended to continue with the performance.

-That's why it seemed funny to me that this woman is considered a saint. My conclusion is that you and your people have been scammed.

-It's funny how it is so easy for someone so unscrupulous to take advantage of someone else's identity so that incredulous people adore her, right Lady Williams? - Scuti inclined her head and covering her smile behind the veil with the hands, she sneered her

-If something like this happens in our empire, the execution of the person who dared to deceive the crown is contemplated. I suggest punishment be similar to disgrace- Olivia kept drinking while she voiced her opinion

-Not! They are wrong, I am the saint! Yes, I am ...- Her nerves played against her and she ended up kneeling on the floor laughing in a grotesque way

-Your majesty, believe me, I am the saint, I am only somewhat weak. Please ..- Luciana clung to the emperor's leg and with her gaze she sought his deference

-Tsk, disgusting- Scuti was hugged by Rigel when he kicked Luciana to get her off, without Xavier flinching to help her

The guests did not know what to think. The embarrassment was overwhelming and the queen stood up to order the guards to take and lock Luciana in her room, with exit restrictions and if Xavier tried to go against that order, he would be sent to prison.

Erix had to apologize and retired before the table to inform the king of the unexpected and dramatic descent along with Rigel.

The comments of the guests shifted to Luciana's controversial behavior and the abandonment of her fiancé, who was clearly focused on the empress. The couple knew neither dignity nor shame and the meeting became part of the germ that would cause the Williams' downfall.

They tried to appease the empress's anger by throwing tares and filth against Luciana and her family. The audacity of having stolen from Circe's fiancé was one of the many mistakes she made to achieve contempt and discredit from the most wealthy and important houses of the kingdom.

[Everything is going perfectly and this ensures that gossip will spread with brutal speed when morning breaks] Scuti followed the meeting listening carefully to the complaints

[I highly doubt that after this she can show her face without being singled out as a vulgar phony] Siri accompanied her sister in her revenge.