
Let It Happen

My life has been hell since I was a child. My stepparents gave me a man who never loved me even though he longed for his company. He abandoned me for his mistress who was the legitimate daughter of the family that raised me. They both sent me to prison where I was tortured to death. Luckily I escaped but I was betrayed again on more than one occasion. My destiny was death. Without love, without trust, only the cold snow around me condemned me. My only wish was to be able to live far from everyone, alone and without risk of being killed. When I woke up, I was in the body of the Marquis's daughter, who would have a worse future than mine. I can only run away and avoid being killed.

Kanguritox · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Guardian Star

Mabel was taken to her room, where Leticia had taken care of her. The doctor who had hidden in the shelter arrived to inspect her. The marquis ordered the survivors to immediately begin reconstruction and the knights who were witnesses; he summoned them to his office. Although all in the end were unharmed by the rainbow light, more than one did not want to offend their lord but upon witnessing and receiving such a miracle from Mabel they decided to swear allegiance to the girl and remain silent in order to give her security and the Lennox family.

There were only seven knights left standing, plus the captain, who still did not understand how it was that no one realized that there were monsters infiltrated among them for years. They posed as ordinary and trusted people across the board. Quentin lost in the process either by treason or by death the butler, the head maid and housekeeper, his accountant, many servants and knights.

The light killed all those who attacked and those who kept hidden by keeping appearances in disguise. Even his children lost their servants. Mabel had lost Begonia and Seth her nanny who turned out to be infiltrators. The so-called miracle made everyone in the country aware of their mistake, which would lead the king and parliament to make the decision to use detectors to find rats, something that had not been done for more than 600 years. It had been banned for being considered racist by limiting the entry of people of different species and clans to trade.

Perhaps out of fear that it would happen again, they put to work rebuilding everything to recover part of what was already lost. Another slaughter had to be avoided, and the next issue to be resolved was finding the source of the light and those responsible for ordering the monsters to infiltrate the country.

Quentin was sure they were looking for his daughter and so it was, the next day he received a notice from the palace. There was an express order to present themselves to all the nobles and expose their losses plus the information they were able to collect during the attacks so that it could be analyzed and be able to reformulate the rescue plans in case of emergency. It was obvious that the meeting was a facade to find those responsible and the origin of the light.

Her daughter had slept for a whole day and she only woke up when her hair returned to its golden color. She was the same as before she was in bed, she did not speak but that was the least of it. She was more cautious with everyone who entered her room; she constantly watched over them and even refused to eat perhaps fearing for her life or believing that they were poisoning them again. Leticia tried to show her that she was safe but, her stubbornness was quite high. Seth brought her cookies, candy and the odd toy to get her out of her distrust of everyone without achieving anything.

The marquis went to see her but the girl was unfriendly and she ignored him. He concluded that leaving her alone assimilating the current situation would be the best and he stopped visiting her. He left for the palace for the meeting.


In the closed-door meeting, the he learned something unheard of about the light and the origin of monsters. The pope of the temple was presented with two priests carrying two golden scrolls and expanding them on the table showed the history of the origin of the world and the division of territories. In the middle of the chronological archive dated more than 1000 years ago, the holy oracle of that time had predicted in a prophecy about the final destiny of the last guardian star and its repercussion on the world. The extinction of the star would be equivalent to the arrival of darkness; the Interworld door would open wide, giving free passage to devouring creatures from other worlds.

The death of each one of the sister stars left the door ajar more and more, letting the occasional spawn escape from time to time. Aileron being a descendant of the first lineage coming from the other side of the door, they saw as his main mission, to kill all the stars in the world to free their comrades on the other side. It seemed that they had succeeded, but the youngest, brightest and most powerful star had been lost a long time ago.

He estimated the rebirth of the last star at the hand of a higher spirit in the next few centuries but could not say when exactly. It was known that the guardian spirits would not want to lend themselves to be a companion of the star, since being so powerful it would appease them until they suffocate them, which would make the spirit not want to leave the spiritual world and ignore its contractor. This would be one of the ways to find it but it would involve calling all citizens with spirits to a general census to prove it.

The other way would be to find the only one who could find the star. He would be the saint, but none had been appointed to date as no one had awakened one's power yet.

The chamber of nobles was in total chaos, some opted for the census, others to go to the registers, and there were those who urgently requested the search for the saint to find the star. The only unanimous decision they made was that once they found the star they would take it for themselves and then lock it in the palace preventing it from escaping. The vote for the closure was endorsed by the king. The vicious looks increased and the marquis was shocked by the final decision. Mabel was being the subject of political discord and they planned to put a restraint collar on her for the exclusive use of royalty rather than the country.

Quentin put on a poker face as he plotted in his head how to avoid getting his daughter caught in a fight that was turning into an all-out war while looking askance at what was supposed to be his future father-in-law, Duke Fisher who relished the idea of ​​finding the star to make you who knows what.


This is the last straw, they won't even let me sleep. Since I woke up these people have not stopped entering to bother. If it is not the doctor, it is the guards who render a ridiculous salute of homage every time they enter. Thank God the stupid marquis stopped coming on the third day if he hadn't already thrown a plate or two at his neurotic face just seeing him.

Argg ... What the fuck happened while she was asleep? I don't remember anything except that this woman was pointing a shotgun at my head, then a damn charix wanted to eat me and since then the headache has not stopped. I want to get out of here but the guards are doubled, the window is sealed and unless this woman opens it, the window will remain closed. To add to the annoyance, the talkative asshole Seth comes in every day with crap. You can tell that they hate me to the point that they don't let me rest, they want me to die of exhaustion.

"Miss, let me put another pillow on you." Does he want juice or water to accompany dinner? -


-Ok I'll bring you juice-

I signal to her and it seems that she already understands, at least there is progress. It seems that her servitude is due to the fact that she was reprimanded by her superiors, since when is there so much respect here? Maybe the killing corrected her? Or was it a purge programmed by that lunatic like that time? Or maybe it's something else ... I can't trust a woman who wanted to kill me. Let's pretend ignorance and continue, sooner or later they will be distracted and I can escape.