
Let It Happen

My life has been hell since I was a child. My stepparents gave me a man who never loved me even though he longed for his company. He abandoned me for his mistress who was the legitimate daughter of the family that raised me. They both sent me to prison where I was tortured to death. Luckily I escaped but I was betrayed again on more than one occasion. My destiny was death. Without love, without trust, only the cold snow around me condemned me. My only wish was to be able to live far from everyone, alone and without risk of being killed. When I woke up, I was in the body of the Marquis's daughter, who would have a worse future than mine. I can only run away and avoid being killed.

Kanguritox · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Grudges and favors

In the capital of the kingdom of Bellafiore, a celebration was taking place. The city dressed in festivity due to the appearance of the saint. The prime minister's daughter, Luciana Williams, a young blonde, green-eyed and quite voluptuous woman, was brought to the temple and demonstrated the ability to be considered a saint. Now, she was shown before the public waving gently from a float prepared especially for the occasion.

She was escorted by royal guards and her fiancé, Xavier Fisher, who held her hand as a sign of devotion to her beloved. The people cheered and thanked the king and the royal family for the effort to find her. The saint was supposed to reach the poorest towns and bless them for a prosperous harvest, heal the sick, heal wounds and undo curses, but none of this was being carried out, on the contrary, the saint did not leave the capital and remained in the interiors of the royal palace.

Those who were a little more realistic, did not understand the reason for the celebration and only limited themselves to watching the parade of floats in disgust on behalf of a saint who was not doing the work she was supposed to do.

On the roof of the cathedral, two birds, a white owl and a peregrine falcon watch the parade intently looking for someone in the crowd. When they spotted them, they took flight and flew away. A hooded child looked at the parade with strangeness from afar and wondered what had like saint, the woman on the float. He suddenly notices that in an alley a fight was taking place.

A child who was bleeding ran out with a bag in his arms. The hooded child followed him into an old building that served as a community hospital. To entered inside and there were several sick and hungry people. The wounded boy was distributing food that he had just stolen and when he noticed the presence of the hooded child who was clasping the hands as if he were praying, the temperature of the room began to drop. Everyone felt that they were freezing, but the next instant the temperature returned to normal.

-I told you not to do anything unnecessary. Let's go back, you're done here

A boy who was also hooded came out of nowhere and took the child with him. Nobody understood what had happened, but when they got lost behind the door, they realized that the wounds they had disappeared and they no longer felt any pain. A boy ran out to look for the hooded people and found no one. He stood in the middle of the street turning his head in search of his whereabouts. To his surprise a quetzal flew past his face. The feathers fell on the child who, being fascinated by the bird, did not notice a gray tabby cat running past him.

He was a little scared, then he thought that the animal scared the bird and went back into the building. He looked at the bird flying in the distance and reminded him of the color of the hood the boy was wearing. He regret that was slow to react. While an uproar was generated inside, people cried thanking the miracle and attributed it to the visit of the saint. That day in the slums, a miracle had occurred but no one thought to point out Luciana Williams as the architect of that miracle. The saint arrived, healed the people and just as he arrived, he disappeared without a trace.

The idea of ​​implanting doubt on the population came from the hand of Scuti, who still held a deep grudge against Luciana. Since the prime minister's daughter, more than a saint, was a snake locked in a box ready to jump into the face of whoever dared to open it.

Her revenge was slow but will came.

Scuti, on more than fifty occasions, was tortured by Luciana, who came to the prison smiling and then brought up her entire plan. On how she convinced the temple that she was the saint to receive attention and vilify Xavier's fiancée.On other occasions he presented himself with the plan of how he managed to make Seth fall in love so that he could drag her to the hell of death and many other terrible things against her.

Luciana deeply hated the Lennox's daughter, Maybelline. Either for her beauty, envies the wealth or for having obtained something that according to Luciana belonged to her; like for example Xavier's love or her brother Seth. She became the victim to the point that Maybelline was left a jealous and deranged woman.

In the last round, Luciana made it to the prison. As always she talk about her plan and how manage to persuade the pope to break the contract to transfer Maybelline's spirit to her, how she would one day become queen, conquering the crown prince, assassinating Xavier in the process and more crazy things.

Tired of looking at her unfortunate rival who had been left speechless, she took a red-hot iron rod to thrust it into Maybelline's eyes, leaving her blind. Not satisfied with it, she broke his leg with the iron rod and mocked May's fate.

Scuti whose resentment remained, she swore she would make bastard Luciana pay for all, for every single time she made her look stupid and tortured her. First of all, she had to take away what little credibility she had and then give her where it hurt the most: beauty, family, friends and wealth.

Once the Luciana affair was finished, she would go on to attack Xavier. For him, she had prepared her cruelest revenge for having always mistrusted her. Siri accompanied her in her pain because she experienced the same torture and suffering on several occasions, and although she was going for a bigger and treacherous fish, she would not stop helping Scuti in the revenge so awaited by both.


Gossip spread like gunpowder and soon reached the ears of neighboring countries. The fact that the saint was visiting the poorest towns and places of the entire region of the mountain range and surroundings was already common knowledge. The saint Luciana was not well regarded by foreigners, who chose to look for the wandering saint for them own benefit.

The rumor that the saint was traveling accompanied by several guards was going viral. The king ordered to call Luciana the meeting of nobles and demanded that she indicate the exact location of the star. She excused herself, because she abused her power, when it was being distributed to the most vulnerable. The court was between believing or bursting; the saint was telling them that it was impossible for her to find the star if her health declined, therefore she requested to rest.

The charade couldn't last long so she asked her maid to help her create the perfect setting to keep looking sick. King Oscar, doubtful and pissed off, ordered Luciana to be watched to rule out any anomaly. If the saint was a fake, sooner or later she would unmask her and let the prime minister know who is the more letal.


While all this was happening, a young man ran at a frantic pace in the direction of the demonic forest. His haste was due to his father falling ill from some type of unknown poison delivered by an enemy of his family in the many gifts he received and now he could not wake up. No doctor could find the cause or the antidote and looking for a miracle, he remembered that there was only one person in this world who could help him: Madame Ellen Trudy.

As he entered the depths of the forest, he fell to the ground sweating and began to scream in search of the witch.

When he looked up at the trees, they were full of owls staring at him. He spotted on the branch of a leafy tree a girl with a hood made of feathers, which could easily be mistaken for the vegetation and owls around her. The girl was calm drinking a cup of tea that came from who knows where and she was examining him with her eyes, a cold look that gave the impression of glowing in the dark.

Her face was not visible, but her blue eyes within the darkness of the hood showed wariness and killing instinct.

-What brings you here? Did you come looking for your death? -

Seth was on his knees crying at the unexpected encounter.

-Please, father is sick. I beg you, help father ... please sister, save father-