
Let him/me Cook!!!

6Shikikan9 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Second Plate

The next morning came quickly. The birds are chirping noisily as the ray of sun envelopes the neighborhood.

The day of the restaurant opening has finally come. To be honest, I'm quite nervous. Although I'm confident in my cooking skills. Managing a restaurant by myself is a different matter altogether.

'Should I hire someone to help me?'

At least, that was my original thought.

But now…

Not anymore… after yesterday's fiasco, I couldn't do it anymore.


[Isekai Restaurant System]

I have a system that makes my restaurant connect to different worlds. Imagine my surprise when I was about to sleep and a floating screen lit up in front of me. I thought I was hallucinating because of my nervousness or excitement to open my restaurant.

Anyway, I can't risk others knowing this or any of the abilities that the system gave me and the restaurant itself. Probably an otherworldly employee? 'Hmmm, I'll think about it later.'

But I do have a question though. What will I do with the normal customers in this world? Does the system magically make them not see the weird stuff happening here?

Though, I can just put a close sign on the door. But, I wouldn't be able to explain to Grandma why no customers are coming in.

I mentally asked the system. Which it answered quickly.

[The host doesn't need to fret over this. The system would cast an illusion on those 'special' customers to make them look normal in the eyes of your other customers]

'What if they are harmful to others by just existing?' I asked again. It's not bad to be sure, I don't want to know that someone suddenly burnt because of a fire demon or something sitting near them.'

[Don't worry about that either host. Everyone inside the building is in a state of invincibility. No harm would be able to affect anyone as long as they are inside the building.]

"I see."

The answer of the system at least put my heart at ease.



After completing my morning routine. I headed out to go to the restaurant and took a shower on the built-in shower on the second floor. Now adorned with my chef uniform, I lazily sat on one of the seats near the window as I waited for a customer to come in.

Not even a five minute has passed. The restaurant door opened, and I looked up to see who appeared to be a Japanese salaryman. Behind him was a different place that shouldn't be there.

'A customer from a different world already?' I smiled wryly. 'Well, at least it's a normal salaryman. As I don't think I can handle a dragon or demon as a first customer.'

He looked so haggard and tired. As if someone lightly pushed him now, he would likely fall easily.

I couldn't help but look at him with pity as I greeted him in Japanese.

"Welcome. What would you like to eat, Sir?"

"Uh, hello" He meekly greeted me, before continuing. "Can I look at the menu?"

Hmm? I don't look scary, do I? It's probably because of my muscular large frame, which intimidates him a little bit.

"Ah, we don't have a menu here sir," I answered. He gave me a confused look, raising his hand like he was about to ask something. But before he could, I continued. "I take any order, sir. So please ask for any dish you want to order."


He asked genuinely curious if I meant what I said. I can't blame him. After all, he is looking at someone who said to order 'anything' or any dish. Literally.

"Yes. Any dish, sir." I nodded to affirm what I said.

"I see." Although there was still a hint of skepticism in his eyes. But he at least did not say anything about it or voice it.

He then closed his eyes, to think for a moment before opening his eyes again and said. "Then, can you make me Shan noodles? I always want to try it."

"Okay, anything you want for a drink?" I replied cordially.

"An Iced tea will do. It's quite hot today."

"I'll serve the iced tea first. So you can drink while you wait."

He nodded.

"Please just give me a moment."


After serving the customer Iced tea. I entered the kitchen and took out the necessary ingredients.

"Oh, and System, please activate the time dilation."

[As you wish, Host.]

Preparing Shan noodles is quite easy. However, I would need to create the rice noodles from the start as I don't have any made right now.

"Well, I have all the time to make it anyway." I smirked. With the help of the system, I wouldn't need to stress myself over it and make a mistake in the process.

Well, let's start with the rice noodles. As I don't have any at the moment.

I will need 1 1⁄4 cups rice flour, 2 tablespoons tapioca starch/or cornstarch,1/2 teaspoon salt, 1 1⁄4 cups water, 1 teaspoon vegetable oil (I added a little bit more for other uses later.)

I then started by adding the rice flour, tapioca starch, salt, and water to a mixing bowl one by one.

I then mix it until it all dissolves and everything comes together well. Then I added one teaspoon of oil before mixing for a bit again, after that, I strain the liquid through a fine-mesh strainer into another bowl.

I then cover the liquid and let it rest for at least thirty minutes.

While the mixture was resting, I took a wok and filled it with water, and started heating it up using a weak fire to bring the water to a boil.

'While waiting for thirty minutes… I guess I'll do the rest first… hmmm, garlic oil, chilli oil, pickle, then chicken and tomato curry. That's about it.'

[2 tbsp Chilli flakes, and ½ cup Oil]

Start with heating ½ cup of oil in medium high heat in a pan. Then ready two tablespoons of chilli flakes in the bowl. Once that's done, pour the oil into the bowl where the chilli flakes and mix, then it's done.

[10-12 cloves Garlic, ½ cup Oil, and 1 tbsp Sesame seed]

Next is garlic oil, similarly with the chilli oil. Start by heating up oil in the pan on medium heat… add 10-12 chopped garlic and stir till the garlic turns slightly brown, then add the sesame seeds and stir again for a few seconds. After that just put it in a small bowl and set aside.

[1 Carrot, 2-3 Green Chilli, ½ tsp Salt,1 tsp Sugar, 1 tbsp Vinegar, and 1 tbsp Water]

For the pickle…. Start with julienning the carrot (basically, cutting it thinly) and chop the green chilli into thin pieces. Then put it in a bowl, combine salt, sugar, vinegar, and water. And then mix thoroughly and keep aside.

[300 g Chicken, 2 Vine Tomato, 2 Shallots, 3-4 Garlic cloves, 1 tsp Paprika/Chilli powder, 1 tsp Paprika/Chilli powder, 2 tsp Light soy sauce, 1 tsp Dark soy sauce, 1 tsp Salt, ¼ tsp Chinese five spices, ½ cup Water]

For the chicken and tomato curry, cut the chicken into small pieces and finely chop the tomato, garlic, and shallots.

After that, heat the oil and put the finely cut garlic and shallots in a pan, saute for a few minutes till the color is slightly brown then add chilli powder or paprika, followed by the chicken pieces.

Stir it for one to two minutes before adding the chopped tomatoes, let it cook for a few minutes till the tomatoes are soft enough. I then added salt, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, and Chinese five spices. After that I put a ½ cup of water before mixing it and, I then closed the lid for about one to two minutes. ( Add more water as needed if the sauce is too thick.)

And with that, the chicken tomato is ready. Set it aside for the moment.

As the thirty minutes was up, I started brushing a light coating of oil on the bottom of the flat-bottom pan which perfectly fits the wok.

I then put the pan on top of the boiling water, and added 1/4 cup of the rice liquid to the pan. I tilted it a little so the rice liquid covered the bottom of the pan.

Now, cover with the pot/wok lid and cook on high heat for at least five minutes. And after five minutes, remove the lid, take out the first pan, and set aside.

And repeat on cycle if you have multiple pans (which I have.). If not, just do it one by one. Do it until you have enough middle sheets.

Now to be able to lift the noodle sheet out and place it onto a cutting board. Start by brushing the cutting board with a thin layer of oil to prevent sticking and then, use a rubber spatula to loosen all sides of the sheet of noodles, and slowly lift it up and off the pan.

Lay it flat on your cutting board.

I cut the noodle sheets into ⅓ inch wide pieces, (but feel free to cut them in whatever sizes and shapes you like). I then toss the noodles, loosening each layer to separate them.

With that everything was ready.

[200 g Dry rice Noodles, 2-3 Spring Onions, 3-4 tbsp Sweet Soy sauce, Crushed Roasted Peanuts to garnish]

Boil the fuck out of the rice noodle for about ten to fifteen minutes. It's rice noodles, not rocket science.

For serving add one portion of noodles into the bowl, add about two tablespoons of chicken tomato curry, one tablespoon of garlic oil, and one tablespoon chilli oil, and garnish it with peanuts, pickles, spring onions, and one tablespoon of sweet soy sauce. (add some salt if needed.)


[??? PoV]

Working on a holiday to meet a certain much delayed project deadline was big ass annoying, even for me who was quite a patient guy.

The so called smartphone and PC browser game from a major company who dispatched an outsourced subcontractor programmer to complete it. Even black companies don't normally commission one person for two projects.

However, the junior programmer disappeared on the verge of release, leaving lots of bugs and specification changes! 'How irritating the circumstance I am currently in'

Over time after over time starting to get into his body.

Sighing, the man lazily stretches his body and goes out of the building for a short lunch break…

Mindlessly walking towards his old time place to take lunch from time to time.

'Hmmm? Wait, it looks different from the old place I always eat? But the neighborhood building was the same… Did they remodel the restaurant?' He wondered as he read the restaurant plaques. 'Huh? Hell's Kitchen? I guess the old man who owned this place before sold it?'

"Ugh, I don't have much time… I guess I'll go in?" Not having much more choice, the man walked in tiredly.

After waiting for about less than ten minutes, the chef walked out of the kitchen, bringing out a tray of food.

"Here's your Shan noodles, please enjoy." The chef smiled and quickly removed the cover of the food. After that, a burst of spice blew up, emitting a delicious aroma. Making his stomach growl in hunger. Realizing that he blushed and apologized for his behavior.

"Ah, Sorry about that."

"Don't worry about it." The chef smiled, waving his hand. "I'm quite proud that just the aroma of the food I cooked made you more hungry. A growling stomach is one of the best compliments you can give me… sir?" He slightly inquired.

"Is that so? Haha" The programmer smiled wryly. "Oh, my name is Suzuki Ichirou, please call me Ichirou."

"Hmm, Nice to meet you Ichirou-san." The chef smiled. "I'm Sora Cruz, please call me Sora."

"Nice to meet you too."

"Please, I won't disturb you any longer." The chef, no, Sora politely said. He then walked towards one table and simply waited there for the next customer.

Suzuki Ichirou meanwhile gave his Shan noodles the attention it deserves.

'Why do I feel like it was shining?' He thought weirdly. Food doesn't shine, do they?

Shaking his weird thoughts. Ichirou took his first bite using red chopsticks.

"Hmmmm~~~~" he moaned in the most embarrassing way for the first time of his life.

But he didn't care. His brain was only thinking about taking another one.

He is eating like a man who has taken his first food after a month of pasting.

'It's like fireworks… beautiful fireworks on New year's eve. Exploding with flavorful taste that is out of this world. Ahhhh~~!'

Memories of his childhood days flash before Ichirou's mind. He couldn't help but let out. "TAMAYA~~~~!"


[Sora PoV]


I laughed inwardly as my first customer lost his imagination as he ate. 'I guess, even an otherworlder people can't help but let out embarrassing sounds with the food in this world.'

Shaking my head. My phone suddenly buzzed, looking at it. It was a message from the mess*nger.

Looking at the name of the sender. A small smile appeared on my face. It was Rindou, my lovely and cute junior.

[Rin-chan]: Sennnnpaiiiii!!!

[Sora] Heh!? What happened?

[Rin-chan]: I lost to Tsukasa!!

[Sora]: Oh, that was it? I already know that. Tsukasa was a great chef after all. :GrinEmoji: :KekwLaugh:

[Rin-chan]: Ehhhhh? I thought I was your favorite junior? Why does it sound like you prefer Tsukasa? :AngryCatemoji: :Knife:

[Sora]: I mean.. Am I wrong?

[Rin-chan]: But still!!! You should comfort my wounded heart!!

[Sora]: Heh?? Knowing you. You probably don't even care about your loss.

[Rin-chan]: :CatPouting:

[Sora]: Hmmm, then should I send you some of my semi nude pictures? :SusWhispher:

[Rin-chan]: Ohhh!! Senpai muscular body!!!! Send it, send it. :Pepepray: :weirdlaugh:

[Sora sent an attachment]

[Rin-chan]: Let's see.

[Rin-chan]: Senpai you liar!!!

"Please come back again!" I loudly said as I gave my goodbye to my fifteenth customer. Aside from Ichirou, I think there were no otherworlder customers. At least I thought so.

Stretching my body lightly, I let out a small groan of satisfaction. "Phew~"

'One more hour.'


One week has passed and nothing special happened. 'I guess owning an Isekai restaurant isn't that special. There's not even a little weird stuff that happens. The otherworlder customers were all normal like Ichirou too. Most of them were either a programmer or a neet that left their room for fresh air.'

As I day dream, the door was pushed open and a group of people suddenly rushed in. Behind them was a group of walking corpses.

"What the fuck?!?!?"