
Chapter 3

I didn't care whether anyone was watching as I wandered aimlessly around the streets of Lagos with tears streaming down my eyes. My life was in risk.

A few minutes after I left Jane's house, I received a text message with a picture of Jane's dead body and the warning, "If you keep hiding from us, all your friends will die." I yelled in fear and terror. I had to flee far away to a place where no one knew who I was. Although I had no idea where I was going, I was aware that I was somewhere on the outskirts of Lagos.

I hadn't eaten in almost three days, so my body was weak, and my throat felt as parched as a desert. I was also thirsty and hungry. Fortunately, I spotted a young woman carrying water. I yelled at her in the typical Nigerian tone, "Pure water!" I gave her my money after purchasing two water satchels.

After downing the two satchets, I exhaled a sigh of relief and started moving more quickly in quest of a place to lay my head as night fell and the earth was being swallowed by darkness.

I became aware that I was in a calmer, more rural environment. The residences around were few and far between, and I encountered no one outside. I suddenly smelled food, which made my stomach growl in reaction.Initially, I wanted to keep walking after noticing the aroma coming from a nearby hut, but my stomach began to growl and I decided against it.

I thought to myself, "wouldn't be horrible if I stopped by and asked for a quick supper."

The hut had a small wooden door and wooden windows. It appeared to be very old, and I assumed an elderly person lived there.

I knocked and said, "Hello." Anyone inside?" I received no reply.

After about five minutes of waiting, I made the decision to open the door and inside. The only thing in the room was a wooden table, and there was a lamp on the side of the window. On the other side of the window, I saw another door. I stepped up to the door and peered inside; it was a tiny kitchen. My stomach growled once more, but this time it was louder. I looked down and saw a pot neatly arranged on a table. I opened it to find a meal of yam porridge.

I yelled again, "Anyone home?" I still haven't heard back.

I said, going for a plate and spoon to take out a few yams, "Well, if you can hear me, just know that I'm not stealing or anything, I just want a few bites and that's all."

I went back to the other room, sat at the wooden table, and started eating.The dish was incredibly good; the cook must have been a chef, I concluded. I ate voraciously, without pausing for breath. I was almost finished eating when an elderly woman entered. I abruptly rose from the table in disbelief.

I said, "Look, I'm not taking your food or anything; I was just so hungry and I didn't have anywhere else to go."

"Child, please sit. Here, you are welcome ". She smiled and motioned for me to seat.

It really startled me. I feared that she might accuse me of stealing or kick me out of her home.

She called to me again while I was still standing, "Sit." While she continued to smile at me, I slowly reclined. When I finished eating, she went into the kitchen and came out a little while later with the mats.

She neatly laid out the mats on the ground and covered them with lovely covers as I watched. She remained silent as she dozed off on the mat without saying another word.

After a while of watching, I yawned and decided it was time for me to go to bed as well.

A loud scream roused me from my sound sleep. I blinked open my eyes and looked around the room. As soon as I focused on the woman next to me, I screamed.

Seeing blood running to my side, I hastily stood up. She was lying in a pool of blood with a bowed neck.

Why was that happening?

"Was someone killing everyone I came in contact with?"

"Why don't they kill me too?"

I couldn't stop thinking about these things as tears streamed from my eyes.

The lamp suddenly went out, and the space felt quite cold. I sensed that it was about to rain when the windows began to loudly open and close.

"Mary". I questioned whether or not I had just heard my name. As my name was mentioned once more, I trembled. This was it; I had to leave right away. It was too dark for me to find my way to the entrance.

When the light in the room suddenly became low, I decided to look at the bright light since it was so intense that I had to shield my eyes to prevent becoming blind.

She was wearing all-white clothing and had a dejected expression when I first noticed her. a spirit. I yelled. Fortunately, I discovered the door and fled while running in terror.

<Hello guys, thank you all for reading my first book here, I am super grateful 💕