
Let's Meet Again

Have you ever wondered when will you meet the one for you? Maybe you already met "The One" but missed each other? when was it? When did I fall for you? Maybe when you held my hands with your warm hands that gives my heart a warmth feeling or maybe when you asked me if I'm okay holding everything or maybe I already felt it when I saw you at that time? I don't know when or where but what I know for sure is that now I know how I feel towards you I won't let you go again! never! so..... Stay with me!

minakim · Celebridades
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


It was midnight past two, no people are roaming around, no honking sound of vehicles, then it started to rain, the sound of the pitter-patter of the raindrops can only be heard. The night seemed shrouded by a mist because of the rain.

"she called me" Hyungwon finally broke the silence with his indifferent voice as if discussing the weather for today.

Kihyun froze for a second then he lifted his head and stared at the man in front of him.

He opened his mouth to speak, but then decided to shut it, he doesn't know what to say right now. His brain seems to stop working right now.

Hyungwon, seeing his friend's face looking troubled and making some stupid face not knowing what to do. A chuckle escaped from him.

Hearing a chuckle, Kihyun lifted his face and glared at his friend. His eyes saying "how dare you to laugh at me!!"

*cough* *cough* "I'm sorry about that, you just looked stupid just now worrying about something"


"Thinking about it again pfft--- hahahahha" he burst into laughter after thinking about his friends' face

"Ha.ha.ha.ha funny right??" Kihyun glared at him

Seeing his friends' fiery eyes, he stopped himself from laughing.


"Anyway, thank you for worrying, there's no need to be so cautious around that topic, its already in the past"

"Since you said so…" Kihyun looked intently at his friend, seeing him showing no reaction at all, he continued

"How is it?"


"I mean, are you okay?" cautiously asked by Kihyun

*sigh "didn't I told you, no need to be cautious, just ask me what you want to ask" he smiled, he's thankful to his friend being worried about him.

"I mean it. Are you okay?" looked at him with a firm stance

"…." He fell on silence again

*sigh "you told me to ask whatever I want… never mind" he surrendered "I know it's still not easy to talk about her." he thought.

"well if you're asking how I am, I am perfectly fine"

"I know it would be like this" feeling devastated for the fact that he hoped that this friend of his would at least talk about his troubles, I guess it is useless

"pfft--- hahahaahahah"

"you're hilarious right now, how could you make that kind of face?? Pfftt hhhahah"

This guy!! How can he still laugh??

"come on, I'm just lifting the mood! Don't be too serious! You'll get older if you keep frowning" teasing his friend.

After the laughter, the room finally became tranquil, the intense and stifling feeling was gone.

"Should I be honest?" asked Hyungwon, glanced at his friend

"well, do you think I can't see through your lie?" Kihyun lifted his eyebrow

"honestly…. I…" rubbed the back of his head feeling troubled how to express his self

"How should I say it, I mean, I don't know, it's just that I don't know how to feel"

"do you know the feeling of being empty, like it didn't hurt even a slightest and it didn't feel good either… it's just…. empty," explained by him feeling confused to himself