
Let’s Manage the Tower (Tou no Kanri wo Shite Miyou)

Kosuke is killed by a truck, his soul is lost in a garden with two beautiful girls. The owner of the place will let him choose whether he will be reborn or summoned to another world, and he maintains the summons. In this new world, the main two girls who were created by the owner of the garden to help him find the mystery behind the world - a Dungeon tower. Will he be able to become the owner of this tower and manage it? It does not belong to me I'm just sharing it here. this is the original light novel

tutul_hasan · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
46 Chs

Volume 13  Chapter (7-10)

Chapter 7, The Current State of the Tower

1) Capture the other remaining Towers.

2) Increase the number of existing summoned beasts to expand their habitat.

3) Summon more Monsters.

4) Place Treasure Chests for Adventurers who have begun to conquer the 50th to 60th floor of the Dungeon Area.

5) Other (Development of divine tools, monitoring of already occupied Towers, etc.)

Kousuke pondered over the tasks he could currently envision.

Although there are only two left for the first task, it will probably take a few days to complete.

As for the second and third tasks, there are plenty of empty floors, so they can be worked on at any time.

As for the fourth task, it would be difficult to find the right ratio, since adventurers would stay solely in the dungeon if the floors were positioned badly.

Furthermore, the 70th floor is difficult for adventurers to conquer because of the higher ranking monsters that appear after the 60th floor.

If it were so easy to defeat the high-ranked monsters, it would be strange that the surrounding six Towers had not been conquered yet, let alone the Tower of Amamiya.

That's how tough it is to defeat a high-ranked monster.

Even if Kouhi and Mitsuki are exceptions, Nana and Wanli are more than a threat to the adventurers.

In the meantime, there's no reason to rush. The Towers that have already been captured are entrusted to the other members, so Kousuke basically has no intention of meddling in them.

Kousuke doesn't want to be an overbearing boss.

That's why he chose to start gathering information for the fourth task.

He had asked Gisele, the Chief of the Defrayer Clan, to gather information from the adventurers who were in charge of the attack.

To meet with Gisele, Kousuke and Mitsuki headed to the 79th floor.

Despite the sudden visit, Gisele greeted Kousuke with a smile.

In Comparison to their previous life as fugitives, life in this Tower had certainly enriched the Defrayer clan.

Not only in the material sense, but also in the sense that they can train peacefully.

There is no denying that the tough life on the run has made the clan stronger, but that can be made up for by defeating the various monsters that appear in the area.

In addition, the summoning of monsters for training can be freely used, so there is no better environment than this.

In this sense, Kousuke has become the savior of the Defrayer clan.

He doesn't want to be treated that way, though, so he doesn't do anything excessive.

Until now, with Peach around, Kousuke has not had to come directly to the village, but that will probably change in the near future.

Peach will be busy maintaining the northeast Tower.

The information from the Defrayer clan is very important for the management of the Tower.

The Defrayers are experts in espionage, but so far they haven't been able to play an active role.

Rather, as long as they are related to the management of the Tower, they are unlikely to play an integral role.

But that doesn't mean Gisele is going to neglect those skills.

"Hmm. I see. That's very helpful."

Kousuke said as he glanced at the report that Gisele had given him.

The report described the state of the adventurers who were operating in the Tower.

Before reaching the 50th floor, which is the dungeon floor, adventurers ranging from low-level to mid-level are active.

They seemed to be making a living mainly from gathering herbs and materials from monsters.

In fact, as the age-old saying goes, 'use everything you can'. So, all the materials you can get from monsters should be put to good use.

There are cases where the value of the material is reduced due to overhunting, but there is no chance that the demand will go away.

That's how integrated monster materials are into their daily lives.

In this sense, the problems start from the 50th floor where the dungeon floor starts.

Currently, the floors from the 50th floor to the 60th floor are being conquered by high-level adventurers.

The floors of the dungeon from the 50th level onward are filled with undead monsters, mainly skeletons.

The materials from these monsters are not that great.

You can make a lot more money by hunting on the 45th floor than by defeating undead monsters.

However, the reason why high-level adventurers still attack the dungeon is because of the existence of treasure chests.

There is already a lot of information circulating among adventurers about treasure chests.

For example, the location of a treasure chest never changes, and the contents of the chests are always restored after they have been left unattended for a certain amount of time.

In addition, it seems that the quality of the contents of a treasure chest increases depending on how long it has been left unattended.

Kousuke was unaware of this fact.

The Tower's control menu only allowed for the placement and removal of treasure chests.

It didn't say what changes would be made to the contents.

In addition, it is also possible to place specific items inside the placed treasure chests.

Kousuke was planning to use that feature to tweak the contents of the treasure chests, but after reading this report, he doesn't think it was really needed.

[I suppose we'll just have to wait and see, at least for the time being.]

As more and more parties attack the dungeon, there will probably be conflicts over treasure chests, but that's their problem.

Kousuke believed that the assortment of loot would soon have an unspoken rule among adventurers.

The Tower would never dare to regulate it.

Incidentally, the Safe Zone has been widely noticed and is being utilized effectively by the adventurers.

At first, there seemed to be some hesitation, but now, however, they are pleased and it has become a very popular spot.

After reading these reports, Kousuke decided that for the time being, there was no need to do anything about it.

He also assumed that there would be no parties going beyond the 60th floor of the dungeon, which beyond included the 70th and 72nd floors.

Kousuke had no plans to place a Safe Zone beyond the 70th floor.

As a general rule, adventurers would only be allowed to operate up to the 72nd level.

If any party were to reach the 60th floor, the transfer gate leading to the 70th floor would be closed or rendered inoperable, skipping the floor.

Kousuke also had no intention of inviting adventurers to the level where the wolves were and have them killed.

⊰ ✼ ⊱

In the report that Gisele handed me, there was a statement that caught my attention.

It said that the monsters in the Central Continent may have started their active phase.

"What is this about monsters entering a period of activity?"

Giselle nodded in response to Kousuke's question.

"We haven't confirmed it yet, but it seems that the roads connecting the cities of the continent are being attacked more and more by monsters."

"Are you sure about this?"

"Well, this has happened many times in history. In addition, there will be a transfer gate there now."

Even so, it's not necessarily connected to all the cities.

It wouldn't be a good omen, no matter how you look at it, if the roads to and from the city are blocked.

"Hmmm… I don't want to lose commerce if the roads are blocked…"

"Kousuke-sama. I understand your concern, but Crown can't do much about it.Or are you going to mobilize all the adventurers to do something about it?"

Mitsuki intervened.

"I won't go that far, but don't you think it's possible that the increase in monsters on the roads is due to the adventurers coming to the Tower?"

"I think it's possible, but that's for each town's government to consider."

"If the Crown does anything unnecessary at this stage, it will be interfered with in many ways."

After all, it is a matter of politics.

For now, Crown does not belong to any organization, except for the Tower Administration.

If Crown moves without a request, it will reveal many opportunities to be taken advantage of.

This is why Schmidt and Gazeran are not currently acting.

"…Well, Politics is a pain after all." Kousuke muttered





Chapter 8, Countermeasures

We suddenly decided to change the layout of the rooms on the control floor.

Thanks to the efforts of Silvia and Peach, Kousuke has begun to be recognized as a living god by the church.

Since Kousuke was no longer able to casually visit the 5th floor, they decided to invite people from outside to talk to him on the control floor.

Mitsuki was the one who proposed this idea.

After meeting Gisele the other day, Mitsuki had suggested that changes needed to be made.

Kouhi agreed, and with Kosuke's approval, they began to modify the layout.

It wasn't that big of a change.

In the room where the transfer gate to the control floor was placed, there was only one door, and at the end of it, a reception room was built.

Beyond the reception room, the same rooms as before have been placed.

In addition, the room with the three Crystals and control panel was placed at the far end of the floor.

It's unlikely that the control floor will be attacked, but Kousuke decided to put it at the far edge of the floor just in case.

The room with the Crystals and the control panel was actually inaccessible because the door itself was opened by reading the magic, holy power, and divine power patterns of the user.

In addition, unlike the time when Kousuke and his team took over the Tower, anyone else couldn't come to the control floor even if they used the transfer gate on the 100th floor.

Therefore, even if someone wanted to attack this Tower seriously, they would be unable to reach the control floor.

[ From what I've heard from adventurers, they think it's impossible to penetrate the high-level floors, so I'll consider this to be a be a baseless concern for now. ]

There was actually a good reason why the control floor was rebuilt in such a hurry.

Crown and the Administrative Division had contacted him through Wahid, saying that they wanted to talk to Kousuke.

The fact that Wahid, who rarely comes to the control floor, came directly to see Kousuke, made those currently there think that something serious has occurred, so they hastily rebuilt the control floor.

For that reason, the room right next to the transfer gate was turned into a reception room as well as a conference room, which was quite spacious.

Not to mention, the table in the middle of the room was circular.

If it was a rectangular table, the people who would be facing Kousuke would become uncomfortable.

[It was unlikely that a massive group of people would come to the meeting, but we wanted to be prepared for anything.]

In the conference room that had been prepared specifically for this occasion, the main members of Crown and the main members of the Administrative Division were now in attendance.

Needless to say, Kousuke's face scrunched up when he saw the members who had come to the meeting.

It was obvious that they had come to see the control floor rather than to attend the meeting.

Incidentally, they now have a full roster of Administrative Personnel.

"Let's get started, shall we?"

When Kousuke said this, the attendees, who had been looking around curiously, hardened their expressions.

There could only be one reason for this gathering.

And that was.

"Is it true that Kousuke, the Administrator of Amamiya's Tower, has become a living god?"

When Kosuke heard this, he turned to Silvia.

Silvia stared at him for a moment with an 'ah' expression that then turned into an embarrassed face.

"I'm sorry, everyone. I told the Church in Mixen, but I forgot to tell you all directly."

When Silvia said this, the attendees instantly understood what had happened.

"The Church on the 5th floor is the Main Church of Kosuke-sama. I am Kousuke's Priestess." Silvia said.

When Silvia was acting as a priestess, she referred to Kousuke as 'Kousuke-sama'.

Of course, this was for the sake of appearance.

"But as for the Church on the 5th floor, you can just leave it as it is, right?"

At Silvia's words, the attendees all looked at each other.

Alec responded on behalf of the group.

"We're not going to have any Priests or Priestesses?"

"What's the point of having them?"

Alec was unable to respond to that question.

The reason why the Church was managed by Priests and Priestesses in the first place was because they were training to achieve the goal of being able to hear the voice of God.

However, in the case of Kousuke, who was always present in the world, there was no specific reason for such an existence.

All he needed to do was appear in person and speak.

But Kousuke has no intention of going through such a hassle.

As for the Churches, Kouske will keep the Church on the 5th floor, where the Three Great Gods have descended, but he has no plans to allow any of the other Churches to be established.

[Even I, don't want to break something that has been built without permission, but I'm sure they'll behave as though they're free to do as they please.]

When Kouske explained the circumstances, one of the attendees asked him. "So, you're saying that you're in direct conflict with the Church?"

Both Kousuke and Silvia chuckled at this.

"Why are you being so extreme? The Church can't be destroyed even if we wanted it to be."

[You can remove the people who are in control of the Church, but you can't destroy the Church itself.]

In other words, Kousuke has no intention of doing that at all.

Afterall, If they were to take away the faith in God that exists, it would actually do more harm than good.

Above all, Kousuke has actually met the Gods, and he has no intention of betraying them.

When he mentioned this to the attendees, they all nodded their heads in agreement.

"So you're saying that you don't intend to interfere with other Churches?"

"Yes, that's right. Each Church has its own God, and I don't need to interfere with them. If you're talking about the Churches on the 5th floor, well, that's another story."

In other words, it was an affirmation that he would not hesitate to interfere with the Churches on the 5th floor.

Naturally, no one in the group couldn't read the underlying message in those words.

"What are you going to do about donations?"

Silvia answered this question.

"If you put Priestesses and Priests in the middle, it will inevitably become a breeding ground for corruption. That's why we've decided to stop placing people in between."

[In short, I'm just going to install something similar to a money box at a Japanese Shrine, which is in fact, the first of its kind in this world. ]

It was customary to directly hand over donations and money to the Priest or Priestess.

This may have confused some of the attendees, but to Kousuke, who had grown up with Japanese Shrines, it was just a normal system.

[When Silvia heard this, she looked surprised and impressed, but I digress. ]

The other attendees also groaned as they listened to the explanation in detail as they had never seen this method used before and did not know how it would affect them.

"Well, there are a lot of new developments and a lot can happen, but we'll deal with them as they come."

At the end of the meeting, Alec asked.

"I'm not sure if I should pass on what you said here today as the words of the living god, Kousuke."

"Well, if you do, I'd be happy if you could convey it in a somewhat polished manner."

The atmosphere among the attendees relaxed when Kousuke answered in a joking manner.

No matter how you look at it, Kousuke's attitude was far from that of a so-called 'God', but in a world where God himself was so accessible, such a God might be more tolerable.

However, Kousuke felt that he couldn't just take it for granted.

⊰ ✼ ⊱

"I'm sorry, Kousuke!"

After the attendees left, Silvia suddenly bowed to him.

When they were not in public, she would call him 'Kouske' instead of 'Kouske-sama'.

"I'm not sure what you mean. I didn't ask you to tell the members of The Tower, that was my blunder too."


"This time, it didn't become a serious matter, so it's okay."

Silvia was depressed, so Kousuke put his hand on her head with a smile.

"What is it? Kousuke?"

"You've been helping me out a lot, so don't worry too much about it."

For some reason, Silvia averted her gaze from Kousuke, who was smiling at her.

"Oh… yes… I understand."

Sylvia looked down for some reason, but Colette, who was watching her, told Silvia with a slightly dissatisfied look on her face.

"Ah. Yes, Yes. I thought we were supposed to avoid flirting in the presence of others?"

"No, I'm not flirting with him…"

Sylvia defended herself, but it was clear that everyone, with the exception of Kousuke and Sylvia, didn't think so.

"… ahh."

Finally, Kousuke remembered the conversation he had just had and realized how it had been interpreted by those around him.





Chapter 9, The Last Tower of the Continent

Now that his speech as a living god was to be announced, Kousuke decided to leave the Amamiya Tower for a while.

He had been pondering on what to do about the other two remaining Towers, but for now, he had decided to use them as a reason to leave.

[If we could quickly conquer the remaining Towers, we wouldn't have to worry about them.]

It was easier to conquer the remaining Towers than managing them, since their potential and future uses were uncertain.

However, the more Towers Kousuke conquers, the more work he would have to do to manage them.

The remaining two Towers, the northwest and southwest Towers, are, in Kousuke's guess, the same size as the northeast and southeast Towers.

For the time being, they had decided to attack the northwest Tower first, and the outcome was just as they had expected.

Each floor consists of many grassy plains.

In addition, there were many flying monsters.

"I wonder if this is meant to be a Wind themed Tower…"

That was Kousuke's feeling, and Kouhi and Mitsuki, who were listening to his words, also nodded in agreement.

It became easier to predict what the remaining Southwest Tower would be themed after, but since they were currently attacking the Northwest Tower, they decided to stop thinking about the other Tower.

The capture of the Northwest Tower went smoothly, and the size of the floors turned out to be the same as the Northeast and Southeast Towers, as expected.

The only thing that was left to be considered was the number of floors, but they couldn't be sure of that until they had conquered it.

After the 25th floor, they saw a few high-level monsters popping up, so they had some idea of what to expect.

No matter how good Kouhi and Mitsuki were, they could not let their guard down when high-level monsters started to appear.

They steeled themselves and proceeded to the next floor.

As it turned out, their expectations that the Northwest Tower would be the same size as the Northeast and Southeast Towers was correct.

The floors were the same size, and the 30th floor was the highest floor of the Tower.

After quickly concluding the capture, they went to the control floor to complete the registration process as usual.

As expected, this was the 6th time they had done this, so they were already used to it.

It seemed like it was a waste of time to wait around for the control panel to finish its registration process, but there was nothing they could do about it.

They had no choice but to wait quietly.

After finishing the work at the management level, Kousuke briefly checked the summoning menu.

As expected, there was no equipment that could produce Divine Power.

After confirming this, they returned to Amamiya's Tower.

Kousuke wanted to see what would happen if he took the Divine Stone that he had placed in Amamiya's Tower to a different Tower.

[Peach and Silvia may have already tried this, but since I had just thought of it, I should try it out.]

The outcome was disappointing.

Although it was listed in the Tower as a 'Divine Stone', its ability was displayed as 'Not Opened' and it could not be used as an item to produce Divine Power.

"… Not so easy, is it?"

"If it's 'Not Opened', does that mean there are requirements for it to be opened?"

Mitsuki replied to Kousuke's murmur.

"I wonder. We can't be sure until we verify it."

Kousuke reported the findings when they returned to Amamiya's Tower.

[As expected, the other members of the team had already tried the same thing.]

[In addition, I heard that Shrein tried to replace the stone with a new one, but the result was the same.]

[If the World Tree and Vermilionia Castle are functional, but the other locations are not, then there must be a reason… I just can't figure it out…]

[It might be the Level of the Tower or some other special condition.]

"I guess we'll have to wait and see."

Everyone nodded at Schrein's comment.

Now that they have the Stones in all the Towers they've conquered, they were hoping that if they manage to level up the other Towers, and have more of its abilities released, they would be able to uncover the conditions.

However, Kousuke thought that it would not be that easy.

In the first place, it was only after Amamiya's Tower met some special conditions, that items which produced divine power appeared in the menu.

While not going as far as to say it was a unique item, it wouldn't be surprising if there were some items that were exclusive to Amamiya's Tower.

"It might be interesting to try out some of the other Tower's installations with you."

"That's true, but I'm not entirely sure we should be doing a lot of that."

"What do you mean?"

"If the reason why each Tower has its own identity is because of these installations…"

"You mean that by taking something from another Tower, it loses its individuality?"

Continuing Kosuke's thinking, Shrein said.

"Yes. You can't say that there's no point in considering such things when you're exchanging floors."

"No~ On the contrary, the fact that it's been properly recognized by the Tower means that it's within the range of the Tower's personality, wouldn't you say?"

A few of us paused to consider Peach's point.

"…Well, okay. I don't think it's a very good idea to think about it too much. I'll leave it up to each of you to decide what to do with your respective Towers."

As Collette said, they could bring in a variety of items and try them out, or they could stick to the individuality of the Tower and manage with what they could access from the menu.

Kousuke didn't want to go out of his way to decide on that policy.

Since he had already exchanged floors in Amamiya's Tower, he was going to try various things on the exchanged floors.

But before that, he decided to conquer the last remaining Southwest Tower.

"Oh, I'm going too."

"There's only one Tower left. We'd better get this over with."

Everyone nodded at Kousuke's words.

Once they had conquered the Southwest Tower, they would have captured all the Towers in the Central Continent.

Since Kousuke had no desire to go all the way to another continent to capture the remaining Towers, this would be the end of his Tower capturing efforts.

He didn't intend to intentionally leave behind a solitary Tower that could be attacked, so he decided to quickly set out to attack it.

⊰ ✼ ⊱

As for the Southwestern Tower, it seemed to possess the properties of Fire, there was a volcano and a topography of exposed lava.

Amamiya's Tower did not have such a place, so it was a new experience for Kousuke.

Naturally, many of the monsters that appeared were either resistant to fire or skilled in handling fire.

It was thanks to the presence of Kouhi and Mitsuki that Kousuke could afford to take a thorough look.

He was very grateful for their help, but his observations did not lead him far from his expectations.

The scale of the Tower was the same as that of the Northeast, Southeast, and Northwest Towers, with the 30th floor being the top.

It was also the same size as those 3 Towers.

With the help of Kouhi and Mitsuki, they easily captured the Southwestern Tower, and went through the same process as usual on the control floor.

It was the same old process, with the same old hassle of waiting for it to finish.

However, Kousuke felt deeply moved when he realized that this would be his last time.

"…I never thought this would happen when I conquered Amamiya Tower…"

Kousuke mumbled casually as they waited, but Mitsuki overheard him and chuckled.

"There were only three of us at the time. I thought we were simply trying to get a base."

"That's what I thought too… How did it come to this…? In all honesty, it's probably my fault."

Kousuke rambled to himself and became somewhat depressed.

At that time, he could have never imagined that he would become a God, not even a tiny bit.

He knew that he was going out of his depth, so there he couldn't really complain about any of it.

While they were killing time by talking about how they got here, the registration process for the Southwest Tower was finished.

As always, Kousuke was expecting to hear a finishing message, but then he heard a follow-up message from the control panel.

" We have confirmed that you have captured all the Towers on the continent. You are now registered as the Champion of the Continent. "





Chapter 10, Champion of the Continent

Kousuke thought to himself, [Wait a minute…] but was unable to stop the automatic process as it was already underway.

He didn't know exactly what had happened, just that an announcement was made, but it was definitely another cause for concern.

The process itself was over quickly, and the registration at the Southwest Tower was complete.

He immediately checked the control panel to check what happened, but couldn't find out much.

The only thing that seemed to have changed was that the Southwest Tower now belonged to Amamiya Tower.

It seems that a constant amount of Divine Power was being sent to Amamiya Tower.

Incidentally, the amount could be a percentage of the Divine Power earned, so that it would not leave the Southwest Tower with negative Divine Power.

In the first place, Kousuke planned on sending Divine Power from Amamiya Tower to manage it, but if he could earn Divine Power from the Southwest Tower independently, they wouldn't have to go through all that trouble.

Currently, the South Tower has a surplus of Divine Power and was in the process of sending Divine Power to Amamiya Tower daily, but that seemed no longer necessary.

Kousuke checked to see if there were any other changes, but he couldn't find anything, so he decided to head back to Amamiya Tower.

"Oh. Kousuke, you're back."

When Kousuke returned to the control level of Amamiya Tower, he was greeted by Shrein.

"Hmm? What's wrong?"

"No, I was in the North Tower and received a message that the Southwest Tower had been conquered, so I just thought I'd wait here."

In all of the 6 Towers we've conquered so far, the conquered message came to Amamiya Tower.

It seems to be a routine functionality of the Tower that when one of the Towers has been conquered, a message would automatically be sent to all the Towers.

"Oh? So, does that mean the North Tower is now under your control, Shrein?"

"Under control? Under my control?"

Just as Kousuke was about to explain to the head-tilting Shrein, an intruder arrived.

"Kousuke, the South Tower is now under control of this Tower, what does that mean?"

It was Colette.

With that, Peach, Silvia and Floria also returned.

When she heard Colette's words, Shrein nodded her head again.

Kousuke thought about explaining it to her, but before he could, the others started explaining it to her, so he was able to confirm that the situation was the same as in the Southwest Tower.

In addition, the Title 'Champion of the Continent' didn't seem to be in the messages either. It was only mentioned that the Southwest Tower had been conquered.

However, whether this was due to the fact that the Tower was under Amamiya's control, or whether the message was the same for all Towers, could not be confirmed.

Kousuke hoped that it was the latter, but there was no way for him to confirm this.

When he had finished explaining to Shrein, all eyes were now on Kousuke.

"No, I don't really understand it either. The Southwest Tower looked the same, so I came here to check it out."

"I see. Well, I'll go check the North Tower to see if it's in the same condition… I'll be right back."

Shrein said, and headed towards the transfer gate.

The other members decided to go to the control room of Amamiya Tower to see if there were any changes there.

Shrein returned soon after.

She knew exactly what she needed to check from what she had heard from the other members, so she quickly finished up and came back.

"The North Tower was in the same state as the other Towers. What about this one?"

While Shrein was at the north Tower, Kousuke finished his checks at Amamiya Tower.

"I've figured out a few things, so I'm just going to summarize them for you."

Starting with Kousuke's words, a number of changes were confirmed.

First, the ability to collect Divine Power from the other 6 Towers to Amamiya Tower.

This was the same as what Kousuke had confirmed in the Southwest Tower, but there was something additional that was learned.

The collection of divine power was done from the Divine Power earned that day in each Tower.

A percentage can be set in Amamiya Tower.

The percentage could be anywhere from 10% at the lowest to 90% at the highest.

The next point was about the control of the Towers.

Even if someone other than Kousuke could conquer the 6 surrounding Towers, the conqueror would have no control over the Towers.

On the other hand, if Amamiya Tower is captured, the person who captures Amamiya Tower can control the other 6 Towers.

In short, once Amamiya Tower is conquered, the other 6 Towers would automatically be obtained.

"…I see. I don't think there's anyone who can conquer this Tower at the moment, so there's no need to worry too much about it."

It was Shrein who said this, and the others nodded in agreement.

In addition, the usage of the transfer gate can be checked from the control panel, so it is almost impossible to capture this Tower by surprise.

It might be possible if they could get directly to the control layer using teleportation magic.

There was no one here who knew of such technology, though.

There was one more thing about the transfer gates.

It was now possible to travel to any of the gates in the other Towers from the gates on the control floor of Amamiya Tower.

This was even more convenient than the original transfer gates in Amamiya Tower, which could be freely accessed.

The last one was regarding the control floor of each Tower, which could be combined with the control floor of Amamiya Tower.

"Does that mean we don't have to go all that way to the transfer gate?"

"Maybe. I'm going to try it immediately, okay?"

When Kousuke confirmed, they all simultaneously nodded.

They decided to try combining the control floor of the Shrein's North Tower.

The process was simple, just select the Tower you want to move the control floor of and choose where to attach it to.

Naturally, it would require Divine Power, but it did not cost much.

We decided to install the control room of the North Tower next to the control room of Amamiya Tower.

The process itself was completed silently.

At the same time, a door was added to the control room of Amamiya Tower that had never been there before.

As the representative, Shrein opened the door and found that the control room of the North Tower had been successfully attached to it.

The reason why she knew it was the control floor of the North Tower was because she confirmed it from the control panel.

The room next to the control room of Amamiya Tower was the control room of the North Tower, with a transfer gate installed at the back of the room.

"I'm going to have to figure out a better layout for this…"

Kyousuke murmured. The remaining 5 Towers have their own control floors, so it would be troublesome to place them in a nice and orderly manner.

So, he decided to have the people who would actually use the control layer decide.

"Ah, I forgot, Floria will be in charge of the Southwest Tower."


Floria was taken aback by the sudden declaration.

"Eh…! Are you sure?"

"On the contrary, is there any reason why you shouldn't?"

Kousuke thought that it would be better to leave Floria with something to do now.

It was for this reason that he had bothered to conquer the first 2 Towers with her in order to build a friendship with her.

Since he was getting used to the other members, he thought it would be okay to leave one of the Towers to them.

"No, no, no…?"

Florias head was spinning, but Silvia patted her on the shoulder.

"Give up. If Kousuke said so, then it has already been decided."

Everyone except Kousuke nodded at Silvia's words.

"That would be rude. I'm not going to make you do it if you don't want to."

"It's not that I don't want to…"

"If you don't mind. Good. Then I'll leave you in charge of the Southwest Tower."


Although she felt that Kousuke had somehow pushed her into it, in the end Floria agreed with him.

She was aware that she hadn't been doing anything on the control floor to begin with, so she was rather relieved to be given the job.

She still felt that she was in a different class from the others, so it was hard for her to come forward.

Thanks to Kousuke's suggestion, it was just right for Floria.

It's not that Kosuke was blind to the fact that Floria had such a desire.

It was simply that the number of Towers he had to manage had increased, and Floria was the only person he could entrust with the job.

[I had already decided to entrust the task to Floria when I originally decided to conquer the surrounding Towers.]

The problem was who to entrust the Northwest Tower to, but he already had a plan for that.

For now, they had just decided on the managers of the 5 Towers, and how they were going to manage the Towers in the future.





Volume 13 Side Story 1, Announcement Board

The executive branch of the Tower was located in a building in the center of the city.

The town's government was housed in the building, and it was responsible for the administration of the city, which was still expanding in size.

Nevertheless, the number of adventurers as well as residents who have settled in the city was increasing, and the current scale of growth was too much for the administration to handle.

They have been recruiting several times, but they still couldn't keep up with the work that needs to be done.

At one of the government offices, a girl dressed in a shrine maiden's outfit was paying a visit.

"Sigh… It's you again, Lirica-san"

"I told you I'd come back as often as I could until I was accepted, didn't I?"

The woman sitting at the reception desk let out a sigh at the words of Lirica, the girl in a miko outfit.

"No matter how many times you come, I can only give you the same answer. I have no intention of accepting a religious figure to manage the temple,"


Lirica let out a yell of anger at the words of Fool, the receptionist.

Fool let out a sigh at the sight of her.

"I'm sure I've answered this many times before, but… it's because the owner of that temple doesn't want it to happen."

"Isn't that strange! Temples should be managed by the clergy. And moreover, that temple is a God-given property. It's not right to leave it as it is now!"

The location where Lirica was currently at, was not a separate window, but a corner of a long counter.

Naturally, other residents and adventurers who had come for other purposes were also in the same place. In such a place, making noise like Lirica was doing would naturally attract attention, but no one tried to stop Lirica. It is a matter of course in this world that temples were managed by those in the ranks of the clergy.

This was not the case in this tower, however. But that doesn't mean that it should definitely be left for the church to manage. For ordinary people, all they needed was a place to pray, and it didn't matter who was in charge of it. The residents of the town just thought that it was a strange thing to do.

However, when it comes to those in the clergy that supposedly serve the gods, the story changes. That's exactly what Lirica was doing now. As expected, there were few people who complained directly, but it was clear that many of them were dissatisfied. Knowing this, there was no one to stop Lirica.

"…As I have said many times before, just because it is a sacred object does not mean that only those in the religious order are in charge of it. In addition, since you can enter the prayer room itself, I have always said that you are free to do whatever you want with it and so on."

"I am asking you to let me manage more than just the prayer room!"

Currently, the temples on the fifth floor are only accessible to those who have been approved, except for the prayer room, which has been open to the public.

Lirica and the other members of the clergy were unhappy about this.

After all, this was a divine gift that had been summoned by the three great gods and had also been granted their blessings.

As a member of the religious order, it was only natural that she would want to manage it.

Incidentally, it was not that Lirica wanted to manage it herself.

It's just that she couldn't stand the fact that the temple, which was a sacred object, was simply being cleaned without being managed.

She felt that she needed to be in a position to manage it.

"That temple is private property. Are you suggesting that we should take it away by force?"

"Kuh…that, that is not what I'm trying to imply here!"

Fool had a good argument.

However, in general, it was impossible for a person to own a temple. That temple was the exception among exceptions. That's why the current way of managing the temple was still in effect.

Fool was about to press Lirica further when a colleague handed her a piece of paper and her expression changed. The man who handed the paper to Lirica also had a slight change of expression.

"?…Is something wrong?"

Lirica tilted her head when she saw Fool's expression.

It was noticeable that Fool's temperament had suddenly changed. When asked why the sudden change, Fool took a deep breath and bowed once to Lirica.

"…I apologize for the inconvenience. I will tell you now that I was given permission. In another hour, you will be informed about it by this Executive, by order of the Temple and Crown…"

At first Lirica was surprised at what Fool had said, and then she turned pale. After listening to the whole story, Lirica walked out of the government building with sluggish steps.


When Lirica returned, one of her party members noticed that something was wrong with her.

"Oh? Lirica, what's the matter?"

"…Eh? Ah…Umm"

The members of the surrounding party members looked at Lirica quizzically at the unusual behavior of the energetic girl. Lirica was an adventurer who usually works in a party to gather materials in the Tower.

All the party members were female. This was the policy of Sally, the party leader. In addition, she is also a member of Crown.

"Oi, oi, what's going on? Didn't you go to the executive branch?"

Sally herself had a bold personality, so she normally acted in a straightforward manner. It was because of this that she was able to be a party leader.

"Umm… that is, well… we need to go check Crown's notice board…"

Lirica then went into her room after saying that.

The members looked at each other and decided to head to Crown for now.

There were two types of bulletin boards for Crown. One was the well-known bulletin board where requests were posted. The other was a bulletin board for notifications to those who belong to Crown. The content of the notifications ranged from trivial things to information about the dangers of different floors, so it was a great place to gather information. Of course, old-fashioned word of mouth was also important.

There was a crowd of people in front of the notice board. From the buzz, they could tell that it was quite important. There was a Crown employee in front of the bulletin board, asking people who had finished reading to kindly leave.

They thought that this was because if people were standing around talking, it would attract too many people. When Sally managed to get to a position where she could see the contents on the bulletin board, she couldn't help but check the contents again.

She couldn't believe it, but at the same time, she understood why Lirica had looked like that.The notice informed that Kosuke, the ruler of Amamiya's Tower, had been recognized by the Gods as a present living god.

"…What does this mean? Is this Tower controlled directly by a God…"

Sally mumbled to herself, but the surrounding members had the same expression on their faces.

Other than that, it said that the temple in the Tower was the property of the living god, Kosuke himself, and that the living god did not require the care of the clergy.

Lirica's claim was completely rejected by God himself.

"…in the first place, what is a living god?"

Unfortunately, no member of the group was able to answer Sally's question.

Unless you're a professional priestess or priest, there's not much known about the current Gods.

At best, they only know that they were one of the Gods.

Lirica, who seemed to be the only one among the party who knew much about them, was currently holed up in her room at the inn.

Originally, they were going to leave her alone for a while, but the situation made it impossible for them to do so.

It's not like she was going to suffer any immediate damage, but even so, the key to surviving as an adventurer was to know what you need to know as soon as possible.

Sally let out a sigh as she wondered how she could get Lirica out of her hiding place.