
Leisure travels with companions

Just a young boy who seemingly was given an opportunity by his....phone? ..... first world - Jujutsu kaisen second world - (that's for you to find out)

Ryomensukuna · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

chapter 2 Seriously


He was surprised, it says here that he can go to any world and there were options from which world you would want to go to from A-Z, and since there is are many worlds it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that there are infinite worlds since he's scrolling nonstop whilst still being in the first letter.

But thank god there was a search icon otherwise he might miss the worlds he wanted to go to, for now he isn't eager to go the other worlds he has all the time in the world.

But what also surprised him was that the phone seemed to be ...upgraded? It looked a bit futuristic nothing crazy and it's crazy durable.

He was pressing it harder and harder increasing his strength little by little but it did not even budge.

He smiled, he now has an industructible phone but he wishes he had an inventory or something to store it so as to not lose it. The phone suddenly disappears and immediately appears.

He smiled ear to ear, so he can store the phone in a different place or dimension. He tried it with other furnitures but that didn't work ' So I can only store the phone, no biggie as long as I don't lose it '.

He stores the phone inside its dimension and lies in bed with his arms behind his head and he sorts his thoughts out. He thinks about his plans from now on, should he continue going to school, should he start a YouTube channel or be a streamer or both.

He didn't even think about why he was the person who received these powers, it wouldn't answer anything so he just moved on forward. All that he is thinking about is how to make quick cash.

He can do something reckless and post it on YouTube and get views. That's all it takes to become YouTube famous these days and since he is immortal and strong he can do those parkour moves and crazy back flips without being hurt. That's the plan for now since he doesn't have ideas at the moment.

And what better time to do it than now since everyone is inside the house, he got outside, went to the shed, took a ladder, came back with it, placed it infront of his small flat and made it face slightly towards the flat, he then took a bucket he saw lying around and filled it with water and placed it on top of the ladder.

He took his phone out of the dimension and switched it on, went to camera and he has to say, the quality of the view he sees on the camera is top notch, it's the best he has ever seen.

But enough about admiring the quality it's time for business, he looks directly at the camera, presses record and says, " For the people watching I'm gonna do a slightly difficult trick ", and then he points at the ladder that has a bucket filled with water ,"I'm going to run towards the ladder, jump on in and do a backflip and land on the roof of that small flat without spilling a single drop of water. "

Even he didn't believe himself about the last part but he didn't care as long as he does it even if water spills many people would be amazed and a small amount of people will just say he's lying about the spilled water.

" And without further ado, be amazed ", he said that as he ran and jumped on the ladder, he landed on one of the footholds and pushed himself backwards, brought his knees on his chest winked at the camera and flipped then he landed fluidly with a superhero pose with one knee down, one fist down while also looking down, then he raises his head slowly for the drama effect and gives a small smile and he did all that without spilling a single drop of water.

He went down the small flat by doing a backflip again then took the phone and stopped recording. As he was about to go to his flat and do some edits, he heard a door open thanks to his super hearing, he looks over and sees a small boy coming out of the big house.

The boy comes closer to him and says," oh ?Yujin, you're already outside, Sister Rose says it's time for breakfast ", after relaying the message the boy was about to leave but then he looks over and sees a ladder with a bucket filled with water.

He raises an eyebrow and asks, " What were you even doing to have a ladder and a bucket filled with water..... in the morning nonetheless? "

Yujin just smiles and says," I was making a video, was just about to edit it before you came."

"Oh I see, but why??"

"Felt like doing it, come on let's go, I'm hungry". After saying that he drags the boy and they both head towards the old mansion.

As they enter the inside the old mansion he sees kids sitting in the dining table arguing about something maybe some Tom & jerry.'they sure are lively' he mused and went directly to the kitchen and sees an old woman holding a big pot.

He hurries over and takes the big pot from the old lady's hand, " You know you can't push yourself, you could've just waited a bit longer for me to arrive." Yujin says.

" Don't worry dear it's just a small pot I can manage it." Sister Rose smiles slightly as she replies. Yujin looks at the pot then back at her and just sighs, " sigh, Let me dish up then. "

'Seems like today she made porridge ', he thinks as he walks over to the table in the kitchen and pours the porridge in the small bowls that were already arranged for the kids and two big bowls for him and sister rose.

After finishing pouring the porridge he brings the bowls to the dining table and serves them to the kids. They temporarily stopped arguing and began eating.

He brings two big bowls for him and sister rose and also both of them began to eat. Even though he's immortal he doesn't think he could easily get used to not eating consciously.


After being done eating, he bids farewell and goes to his flat and starts editing his video. The quality of the video is already top notch, so he just edited, played some dope music in the background, some Mozart and made the video go in slow motion in some parts, zoomed in some parts and there, done.

Then he made a Tik Tok account and posted the video there. Reason why he posted it on Tik Tok instead of YouTube is that most people use Tik Tok and you can get famous faster on Tik Tok than on YouTube. And once he gains a following on Tik Tok he can instruct them to subscribe on his YouTube channel, and just like that two sources of income.

So he'll have to make many videos and from what he had observed, cooking videos are trending and people like them so he'll have to learn how to cook, you can make short videos on tik Tok and you can make longer videos on YouTube to show a longer process on how to cook, good thing you can find ingredients on Google but that will have to wait as he doesn't have money for ingredients but that will change soon.

It's still morning so he decided to to bathe in the sunlight, "Sigh, how nice it is to grow stronger and it's Sunday, it's a free day but I will have to go to school tomorrow " he says as he languidly lays down infront of his flat.

Adult Kryptonians grow stronger quickly when exposed to the yellow sun. Just like when general Zod exposed himself to the sun, he was almost as strong as Superman but because Superman bathed in the sunlight ever since he was child he was stronger than Zod, but Zod almost beat Superman with just combat experience.

So combat experience is what he really needs right now, but for now he has to have total control of his strength before he tries fighting people.

As he mulled over his thoughts he suddenly thinks, ' since I'm enjoying the sunlight why not study while I'm at it '. Since he has faster processing speed he can just read all of his textbooks and not study again. Don't be mistaken he might not be the person with the highest marks in his grade but he definitely is in the top 20 because he doesn't study that hard

But now, he can breeze through all the tests without even thinking that much. So he went inside his flat and came back outside caring 9 textbooks.

And he started studying, there were already many things he understood so it wasn't that hard and coupled with the fact that his processing is that of a computer that has an excellent WiFi connection with the same amount of comprehensive speed this was a breeze. He finished all the books within 30 minutes and he even started from the beginning of each book.

Since he's done with this year curriculum he's back at being bored he started watching cooking videos and he started studying them, he watched as many he could and memorized all of them from short tik Tok videos to long YouTube videos explaining how they cook, from preparations to cooking and how much time you need to cook the dishes, the ingredients, the measurements of the ingredients, he memorized all of those videos he watched

Of course he didn't watch every single video in existence about cooking but he watched many. It took too many hours to watch them but he decided to stop

He started getting in deep thought as he thought, 'Since I can learn from videos obviously I can also learn fighting from videos ' he mused.

He started watching body control exercises, from basic to very advanced, then after that he watched basic combat videos nothing too advanced yet.

He decided to stop for today, he has learnt many things and he still needs to put them in practice.

He decided to start with the body control exercises and he did all of them. He thought it would take a lot longer, like weeks instead of a few hours since he has the Kryptonian physiology but it seems like he incorporated the exercises faster than he initially though. It would have taken months or years for a person to do these exercises fluidly.

But he's not complaining, he went inside his flat carrying his textbooks, he seems to have forgotten eating lunch but it's already late, he was so engrossed in watching those videos and doing those exercises that he wasn't aware how much time has passed.

And now he is craving for food so he decides to go to the old mansion and test his cooking skills, as he entered he is greeted by the sight of the brats again but this time they are watching Looney toons.

He shrugs his shoulders and heads to the kitchen and sees Sister Rose preparing some vegetables and chicken

" Yujin dear why didn't you come and eat lunch with us, it's already evening " Sister Rose asks as she was curious if he was busy.

" I was studying to prepare for the exams, guess I was so engrossed that I didn't even notice the passage of time ", Yujin replies smiling faintly.

"Oh, look at you being very serious about studying even though you already bring in good results, but don't push yourself too hard ", she smiled proudly, she easily believed him as he always brings good results on his report cards.

Yujin asks, " What are you preparing ". She replies by saying, " I'm gonna make some chicken stew ".

Yujin ponders for a moment and then he requests, " Can I cook dinner, it's been a long time since I last cooked ".

" I didn't even think you would have any energy left since you've been gone for the whole time, are you sure you're not tired?", she asked worriedly.

" Don't worry I'm not tired I rested for a bit after I was done studying so I'm fine. ", he sets her worries aside and directly instructs her, " You can join them and watch TV, I'll whip up something good ".

" Ok ", she replies and heads back to the living room

Yujin rubs his hands together and says, " lets make something good."

He already knows what he is going to make.

And what he will make is...