
Leisure travels with companions

Just a young boy who seemingly was given an opportunity by his....phone? ..... first world - Jujutsu kaisen second world - (that's for you to find out)

Ryomensukuna · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

chapter 1 Strange

A young boy, no older than 16 is looking at his phone trying to find something to read, anything that interests him.

Suddenly his phone went blank, only a black screen staring back at him. He was sure that the battery was only halfway from finishing so he is confused, he was also sure that there was no way the phone malfunctioned since it's not that old.

He hits the screen lightly to try and power it back on but nothing works, he sighs,gets up and walks out of the room. He heads to the kitchen goes to the fridge and picks a drink he likes.

After taking the drink, he heads back to his room and notices that his phone has powered back on.'I should buy another phone' he thought as he sat down on his bed placing the drink on the small table next to his bed. He grabs his phone and now he's met with a blank white screen' Yep should buy another phone'.

Suddenly words start to appear on the screen which read as follows [ take 2 items

with you] and he was stunned for a while until there was a count down starting from 30 seconds.

In that moment he knew something great was gonna happen as he had read so many fanfics to waste his time thinking if it was fake or not. He sees a search icon and he immediately searches the fountain of youth, water that can grant a person immortality and seemingly fast regenerative powers.

A big golden wine cup containing sparkling water appears and is floating towards the small table beside his bed and lands on top of it. His eyes widened as he did not believe what just happened, he thought that he was just trying his luck and didn't get his hopes up but it seems like was extremely lucky.

He did not have the time to be excited as he saw that he had 12 seconds remaining and quickly ramaged in his brain which other item would give him powers. He was cursing in his mind as he didn't watch many shows or mangas that have items that can grant power, a noob in anime as he only knows the devil fruits which have the sea as a weakness, a Chakra fruit which made Kaguya mad strong and the hogyoku which made aizen transcend or whatever

7 seconds remaining and he quickly wrote the name of an item that he had recently heard about. A stone which can grant great power of a powerful man, and that my friend is platinum kryptonite

This stone can permanently turn a person into a Kryptonian by just touching it and gives you the powers of a Kryptonian. When he heard about this item he didn't believe it and went to search it up on Google, he found out that it was real and superman was planning on giving it to batman but the guy chose to give it to Gotham girl since she was dying or something.

And there's seemingly another Kryptonite called gold Kryptonite which can permanently erase the powers of a Kryptonian but he doesn't care about it as there is no type of kryptonite here in the world. He is happy about that as he will be invincible except for the red Sun which can also weaken Kryptonians, but you just have to be crazy strong to ignore its effects.

Now back on the platinum stone, it also appeared out of thin air floating then it landed on the small table right next to the fountain of youth

The excitement that he kept in check was released as he made weird noises like a certain streamer but who can blame him, immortality and supermans powers were right in front of him and thank god that he lived alone in a small flat right next to a big house

The big house is an orphanage but so is the small flat that he lives in, he requested to live in this small flat since sometimes he likes being alone and he cleaned it up and made it his man cave.

His parents died and he did not have other relatives, not that he is aware of but he likes the orphanage as a kind lady took him in and he likes the kids here although they are little trouble makers, that's why he lived in this flat to get away from those brats since he is the oldest remaining orphan

He is going to repay her back once he leaves the orphanage and that's a promise. He never troubled her, he went to school behaved well, got good grades, did not drink, maybe a few sips, did not smoke, maybe a few puffs but the point he never troubled her he wanted a good paying job to take care of her since she's already old but now with these items it would be very easy

In a world that is mostly filled with entertainers if you're unique and funny you can make it being a streamer,YouTuber, actor, singer etc. You can get a huge amount of money by doing these things and he plans to to by consuming these items.

He looks at the items and smiles he takes the big golden wine cup and drinks the sparkling sweet nectar, he feels rejuvenated and the feeling keeps getting stronger and stronger until he finishes the cup. "Wow" is what came out of his mouth he feels a lot stronger like a lot stronger and is filled with endless stamina. He feels like if he wanted he would stay all night and not eat.

He turns and looks at the platinum stone and immediately touched it, he felt amazing he got a lot stronger like he could lift an adult blue whale.

He was already strong when he drank the fountain of youth and already knew right then he was the strongest individual in the world but now he is way stronger and he will continuously get stronger by bathing in the sunlight. He was just a normal individual his power didn't rise exponentially like it did for

Ban when fought that demon in that big forest because Ban was already stronger than any normal person and like Gotham girl who had strong metahuman powers

But he's not complaining, he's already the strongest in the world and can take down governments and their military power since he's immortal and has godly strength compared to a person but he's not planning to do that, to much work taking over the world

His strength, speed, dexterity, agility,durability, senses and processing speed have taken a huge leap in terms of power and he pretty much enjoys that


Morning came and he tested out his powers during the night

He worked all night trying to get his strength under control and made sure to go outside in the woods to go on a test drive

He managed to control his strength albeit barely but it's better than last night, he wasted 2 minutes on opening and closing the door as to not destroy it since he saw in movies how people who just received powers destroy their furniture because of carelessness

He did some exercises and core training, balancing and all that and he has some decent control over his power.

He saw the sun rising and felt his strength rising little by little and smiled, he headed back to the orphanage and no one was outside he went to his small flat and entered it

He casually looked around and went to his bed, he wasn't tired in the least and just plopped on it he then remembered his phone, the phone that gave him powers, scratch that, the thing that possessed his phone and gave him powers

He was curious, he picked it and saw another message


first novel

please be gentle

Ryomensukunacreators' thoughts