
Effort To Stop

When the morning came, Gusion was the first one to get up. While the rest of the group we're still snuggling, he went out to get some water. By the time he got back, the rest were already up and ready. Encircling the campfire, they discussed their plans in order to bring down the light. Gusion heard their discussion about entering the purity after they have achieved all Seven Deadly Sins or even at least have committed one but in great measures.

They can't let the Seven Holy Virtues (Chasity = Lust, Abstinence = Gluttony, Liberality = Greed, Diligence = Sloth, Patience = Wrath, Kindness = Envy and Humility = Pride) To completely remain. They just need enough of it to keep them from becoming totally corrupted and absent-minded. Hilda asked Gord what makes him so sure that the plan will work.

"These crystals have an effect radius, correct? Well, it turns out that the influence radius isn't actually the reason why everyone becomes purified. As it turns out, the crystal is actually sucking every last drop of taint in - not just in humans or living creatures... but in inanimate objects as well." Gord said.

After a sharp sigh, he continued. "Before all of this, I felt something in the air... something between my connection with magic that envelops these lands... It feels like one of the Ki's vein flow was pinched near here. And when I finally got here... these crystals started taking shape out of these bright lights."

"So you felt that there was something disturbing the flow of energy and magic?" Gusion asked, much to everyone's surprise.

"Well, this only means one thing..." Hilda paused. "This purity isn't natural."

"Well no duh. What else could it have been?" Alice said.

"But who would do such a thing? Who would use the purity as some sort of weapon? And why?" Gusion asked.

"That is not our main concern. Get yourselves ready, were entering the purity." Gord said.

While preparing, Alice went near Alucard. Alucard was too busy to notice that she was right by his side. Alice got Alucard's attention and asked: "So... what sins have you committed?"

Alucard paused, faced Alice, and said: "Why do you care?"

"Well..." Alice paused before stroking his chest right down to his abdomen with her finger "The magician said that in order to somehow weaken the Titanic crystals we have to do some... dirty acts..."

Alucard grabbed Alice's hand and said "Shameless temptress. Don't forget that the magician also said if we've done either one of the sins but in great measurements, we'll be qualified."

"Awww... but don't you want to get a little more sinful?" Alice said before placing Alucard's hand at the top of her chest, just low enough for Alucard to feel her beating heart.

Alucard recoils with hesitation and said "Even if you're the last woman in the entire world or the world depends on the both of us to be together... I'll decline with a smirk on my face. So go count your blessings while you're alive. You'll never know when you'll be gone for good."

Because of this, Alice became a lot meaner towards the others except for Alucard. In her mind, she thought that no matter what happens Alucard will be hers. And when that day comes, she'll make sure that the other hunters will be down on their knees, with a legendary hunter as their new King.

With haste, the group went to the town where Gord arrived previously. "If we manage to break this crystal we might be able to get access to one of the pinched Ki flows. With it, I can send a message across the land about how to beat this purity. And once I'm done we'll regroup with the others in order to take down the remaining crystals." Gord said while drawing the Ki flows on the ground using a magic beam emitting from his fingertip.

"Remember!" Alucard said before lifting his Greatsword and resting it at his shoulder. "Get to the crystal as fast as possible! Take note that once we're in, there won't be enough time for us to retreat! So we have to pour all our strength into that crystal!" Alucard turned at the group and said "Two of the other crystal's Influence overlaps on this one! So expect to be purified in minutes, ok?!"

"Hilda, you have to stay behind. If the rest of us don't make it, you have to tell everyone who you'll meet what to do. You'll be our last line of hope." Gusion said.

Even though it's against Hilda's conscience, she agreed. And after that, the four of them delved deep into the purity with speed.

Not even halfway there, Gusion nearly collapsed. Gord picked Gusion up along the way while he rides his hoverboard. Alice then took flight and teased Alucard if he wants her to lift him up. Alucard gave out a grunt as he ran faster. Guison realized that the purity is starting to change its appearance faster than normal. He then dropped down off of Gord's board and took hold of Alucard's arm and shouted: "Hang on!!"

When Alucard complied, Gusion dashed through the plains along with Alucard, closing their gap between them and the crystal. Gord then fell out of his board. He tumbled across the ground a couple of times before coming to a halt. Alucard tried to stop and get Gord but Gord said to continue on. "I'm not gonna leave you!"

"Damn it, there's no time! Head on to the crystal NOW! I'll catch up!"

"Damn it Alucard! let's get a move on!"

Gusion tugged Alucard by his shoulder. He already knew what he needs to do. No matter what happens, they have to break the crystal. They can't risk their chances because they're just looking out for each other. This time, they have to look out for themselves.

With his fist clenched tightly on the Greatsword's handle, he continues pursuing the crystal. Once they're near it, Alice was the first one to strike at one of the crystal's sides. Gusion then arrived, puncturing the crystal on all sides deeply. Alice then filled these holes with blood. From there, she forced the blood to expand, chipping a large portion of the crystal with bits flying through the air.

Alucard lunged right at the crystal with a devastating force. As he struck the crystal to chips, he remembered his hatred. His hatred for demons and what they have done to him. He remembered all the demons that he has slain and how much he hates each and every one of them. And the fact that he needs a demon's help to fulfill a task such as this amplified his hatred even more. His wrath was fully unleashed onto the crystal. All that anger that built up inside him for years was finally released.

Tears started to run down Alucard's filthy cheek. With each swing he does, he remembered parts of his long lost broken childhood.

Because of Alice's sinful nature and Alucard's Great measures of Wrath, the crystal softened a little. "It's working! The crystal's becoming much more brittle! It can't take too much evil!" Gusion shouted.

With half of her body covered in white, gold, and silver, Alice's attack became much more vigorous. Alucard's attacks became harder and harder too when he heard the good news. Then out of nowhere, a giant beam of energy struck the crystal right in the middle. Alucard glanced behind him to see Gord, nearly half white and gold, pouring all his might trying to bore another hole right through the crystal.

When Gusion saw the beam, he realized that the hole that Gord previously did has now recovered. Does this mean that the crystals are able to fully heal when undisturbed?

The crystal's surface became very hot. You can even see the crystal turning a bright red in a distance. Alucard and Gusion slowly backed away while Alice kept attacking the crystal in mid-air in a distance.

The beam was able to get through the crystal but not fully. A black line of fog and smoke escaped the crystal's hole. Gord and Alice stopped when they realized that the crystal is now throbbing.

It made a cracking noise. like a glass slowly shattering. After a while, the crystal violently exploded. The influence then withdrew back to its source before causing another explosion. Giant shards rained down to the ground. The team desperately dodged for their lives while the influence's withdrawal kicks in. Alice glided back on to the earth while the rest laid on the ground unconscious.

Gusion woke up with Hilda shaking him violently, repeatedly calling out his name. Still confused about what happened, Gusion tried to remember. Hilda then woke up the other two.

Alucard gasps as he suddenly wakes up. With a headache, he massages his throbbing head. "Did we do it?" Alucard asked.

"No... look!" Gusion said pointing at a sum of thick black fog where the crystal once was. "Was that... Inside the crystal?" Alucard asked.

"W-wait... where's Alice?!" Hilda exclaimed.

The group quickly got up to their feet. They then desperately called out to Alice through clouds of dust. When the dust settled, Gord spotted Alice standing up... staring straight right at them... unsure of what to do.

She was standing far in one of the overlapping influences. She watched the rest of the group with horror in her eyes while they rushed in to save her. But before they were able to step in the purity, the titanic dark fog unraveled two wings out of nowhere. Then it slowly stood up revealing a demonic-like figure covered in black fog and smoke that's as dark as night. This oily and shadowy titan then took flight.

The group turned their attention to the massive monarch-like being, except for Alucard.

"Hang on Alice! I'm coming to get you!" Said Alucard as he runs through the purity.

She can feel it... she can feel the purity sinking in her mind... she can't even remember who Alucard is. Her world seems like it's in a stand-still. But just before she became completely purified, she saw Alucard's arm reaching out to her. With tears running down her eyes, she reached out her arm at Alucard too. But she wasn't actually trying to get a hold of him, she was actually trying to save him.

At the base of her feet, a wave of blood rushed right at Alucard, pushing him way back to the edge of the influence.

"No! Don't do this! Let me save you! Alice!" he pleaded, yet Alice just kept on going. She remembered the good times she had. She then remembered a field with flowers that stretch across the meadow... She remembered sitting down, enjoying the gentle strokes of the sun's warm light across her cheek... the smell of freshness in the air...

The wave of blood suddenly subsides when Alucard was a meter away from the purity's edge. And before he can run straight back at Alice, Gusion flashed right at Alucard and quickly ported him out of the purity.

As Alucard struggles to break free, Gusion took hold of Alucard's arm tightly. Before he passed out from the withdrawal, he saw Alice, now purified, staring right back at him. She was giving him a smile... a gentle, warm smile.

She was supposed to be in a complete stand-still since she's purely evil. But turns out that since she saved Alucard, she gained a little sanity, preventing her from becoming completely absent-minded.

With the purity being drawn back, dizziness struck him hard. Before shutting his eyes, a tear came running down on his dirty, dirty cheek.